Not Another Girl (Hellsing x...

By mslcats

65.3K 3.2K 1.2K

First, Alucard brought home Seras. Now Alucard is bringing home strays again. Will Integra be able to handle... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97

Chapter 46

546 26 35
By mslcats

George and Ink sat on the opposite bank and watched to see what would happen. They watched as the wolf Integra tried to entice Alucard to mate with her. Alucard just sat there and enjoyed the attention his master gave him. After chasing her for so long, he found it very enjoyable that she was now chasing him. She nuzzled him, she bit his ear, and then she lay down beside him; edging so close to him. Alucard grinned wickedly. After all, he was to obey his master's orders. He sat up, nuzzled her, licked her cheek, and then he transformed back into a man. He picked up Integra and cradled her in his arms.

"Remember my dear master, the choice was always yours." he chuckled.

Alucard brought Integra home, but he didn't take her upstairs to her room. He brought her downstairs to his room in the basement. As the sun came up and she became human again, he gently laid her in his coffin, and then he lay down beside her. Alucard looked upon her sleeping form and lusted after her perfectly sculpted body. She had been so close to him, wanting him, and enticing him. He could no longer contain his desire for her; he just wished that she had chosen to be turned first. For after tonight, he would lose her forever. But not before, she would feel exactly how much he loved her.

She cuddled him as she lay blissfully dreaming. Alucard smiled at her as she opened her eyes, and then he kissed her. Integra sighed with contentment and kissed him back. Alucard could feel Integra's desire and he knew what she wanted. With the sly grin of an expert liar plastered on his face, Alucard pulled her gently against his chest, his comforting chest already promising more than he could offer with his body. Alucard wasn't one to make his countess wait long, and Alucard wasn't willing to break what a feeble spell he seemed to have casted on her. He quickly tore out of his clothes, snapping several buttons to the floor in a primal urge. He moved no faster than a human would, and returned to her arms just seconds after he'd released her.

Alucard basked in the beauty of her pale flesh before he dove into pleasuring her. He caressed her body with passionate hands, stoking the fire that began to consume Integra, and built it into a frenzy. His lips pressed against hers with a fierce passion, bruising her with their kiss, and enslaving her tongue. But the blonde beneath him was having none of that, taking control and biting down roughly on his cool tongue. The two of them met in the middle, uniting bodily and lustfully forcing themselves on each other, pushing in every manner that Integra, or even Alucard, knew. Their hands tantalized each others' bodies, searching for the cleverly hidden weaknesses they refused to admit. They seemed to rove of their own accord, pressing their partner's defenses, seeking to drive them into a heated, satisfied, defeat. Alucard's swift hands darted about, claiming her with well placed touches; a gentle palm tantalizing her nerves, tender fingers stroking just where she was most vulnerable, anything to send that thrill through her skin, through her flesh.

Alucard's hands went from soft caresses to forceful clutches and tugs; but not enough that he knew would leave bruises. Then, as she growled again in pain and pleasure. His lips curved, wolfishly grinning with lust as his countess took command once again, exploring Alucard's body with the intensity of a starving child looking for more food. Alucard took his cue and began pushing into her harder and faster. Hegrabbed her waist and held her tightly as he shoved himself in and slowly dragged himself out of hersoaking wet folds. Both stimulating her and making her suffer. She moaned and gasped with ecstasy as her breasts bounced upand down, in time with his thrusts. Alucard grinned with great pride, as hereveled in that fact, that It was he that burnedwithin her and set her body on fire. He had known from the minute that he set eyes on her, that she would be the type to be domineering. No longer was she quiet and stolid, she was wild, passionate, and powerful. Gladly accepted by Integra, Alucard made love to her, as a man deeply in love with his lady.


George smiled as she watched her father disappear with her mother in his arms. She knew that Alucard would take her straight home. George and Ink were walking back home, When they soon ran into Walter.

"Did you find her?" Walter asked, with near panic. He hadn't found any trace of her as he had searched the west side.

"She's with master." assured George, wondering why Walter was so worried. "Don't worry Uncle Walter, Master protects Sir."

"Oh, good," sighed Walter, with great relief. "Where are they?"

"Master took Sir home."

"Then we should head home as well, the sun will be up soon, and you still have school."

"Aw. I don't wanna."


When Integra woke up, she was in her room. She looked around. The clock said 10:33 a.m. How did she get here? The last thing she remembered was being in her office. All of a sudden, a body moved beside her. It rolled over and she looked down in apprehension, as she saw a man lying beside her.

"What the hell?!"

She jumped out of bed and donned her robe. Who the hell was this and why was he in her bed? Then she remembered. It was Jonathan Kant and she was married now. Integra groaned as she walked to the bathroom, disrobed, and took a bath.

"How are we feeling today, master?" came the voice within her head.

"Despite the fact that I'm now married and there is a strange man in my bed, I'm just fine." retorted Integra, sarcastically. "What happened last night?"

Alucard materialized and stood near the sink. "You went out for a walk."

"I went for a walk?"

"Yes. It was a beautiful night last night." he grinned, all fangs.

"Why can't I remember last night?" she asked, as she gently washed her arms.

"Because you're married now and there is a strange man in your bed." he laughed.

Even if Integra couldn't remember last night, her body remember being with someone. He could see that as she bathed. Usually, she just washed, but today she caressed. Alucard smiled. So she hadn't completely forgotten him. She could still feel him and he savored the memory of her. Integra shook her head clear of the memory.


"Yes, master."

"Get out. I've got to get dressed."

"As you wish, master."

Integra got out and dried off. She tied on her robe, exited the bathroom, and ran into Jon.

"Good morning, Integra."


"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"No, it's just's going to take me a while to get use to sharing this room."

"That reminds me, where did you go last night?"

"Out for a walk."

"I know you were nervous about our wedding night, but I promised not to force you, remember. You should trust me to keep my word. I was worried about you. I asked Walter where you had gone, but he said you often go out at night and that it was nothing to worry about. He said that it would be better, if I just waited until you returned."

"I..." Integra felt she should apologize, even though she didn't really feel she had a reason to. But she could see the concern in his eyes. He really did care for her. Integra stepped aside and let Jon into the bathroom. "Next time I go for a moonlight walk, I'll be sure to tell you first Ok."

"Ok." he said, giving her a quick peck on the cheek.

She watched him close the door, and then groaned as she wiped away the kiss. "I'm a married woman now. So get used to it, caused he's going to be here every day ... in my room ... and in my bed."

Integra went to her closet and noticed that all her things were on the left side and all his things were on the right. She sighed again and then got dressed. After which, she went straight to her office. She had just finished opening the mail, where there was a knock on her door.

"Come in."

"It's just me." announced Jon, as he walked into her office.

"What do you want Jon?"

"Why don't you call me dear or honey?" he asked, as he sat on the edge of her desk.

Integra just raised an eyebrow at him. "You're kidding, right."

"No, it might make the transition for you easier. Since you're called the ice queen, I've decided to call you Lady Winter."

"Jon, get out of my office before I shoot you."

"Don't you mean OUR office, milady?"

"Speaking of which, it's time to begin your training. Walter," spoke Integra, as Walter set up two cups of tea, instead of just the normal one cup. "Take Jon downstairs and introduce him to Captain Bernadette. Make sure he is properly trained."

"Yes, sir." acknowledged Walter, as he motioned for Sir Kent to follow him. "Right this way, Sir Kant."

"Till later then, my lovely snow queen." bowed Jon, as he left her office.

Walter looked at Integra, and Integra just rolled her eyes.

"Was my father really like this?" She questioned him.

"Oh no, sir. He was much much worse." smirked Walter. Then he left to introduce Sir. Kent to Pip

"Bloody hell." swore Integra, as she rubbed the bridge of her nose. "And this mission is only half over. They still expect me to produce a child...with him."

Integra sighed as she thought about it. He would have to touch her, and caress her, and... Integra's thoughts slipped into the woods. A woods, dark and deep, with the sound of a river running nearby. The sensuous feeling of nuzzling something soft and furry under her chin. The smell of oak trees, and earth, and death, and...Alucard? A coffin, an embrace, and an all fulfilling feeling of satisfaction. Integra opened her eyes. What had she done last night? And with whom?


"Yes, master." he responded, as he stood before her.

Integra noticed that he was wearing only his pants and white dress shirt. He looked completely normal, except for those bright red eyes of his. He was also half asleep. She wondered if he would answer her questions.

"What happened last night?"

"You went for a walk." He droned an answer.


"And you slept with your new husband." he said, crossing his arms.


"And what master?" he asked, slyly, as new life came to his eyes.

"I remember more."

"Really? Like what?" he smiled, all fangs, as he leaned forward to face her.

"I don't know." she said, pushing him out of her face. "Just something more than what you're telling me."

"What do you wish me to tell you?" he asked her seriously.

"The truth, Alucard." She demanded.

"Do you really want to know?" he asked, stepping back.


"Even if it was something that you shouldn't have done." he taunted her, with a gleam in his eye.

"Especially if it was something that I shouldn't have done." said Integra, standing up to meet his gaze.

"I don't think so. I think, it would be better if you left it a forgotten dream." he said, turning to sit on the edge of her desk.

"Alucard, you WILL tell me what happened last night." demanded Integra, as she put a hand on his shoulder and forced him to face her.

"You gave your virginity to me. Of your own free will. And I deeply enjoyed taking it from you." leered Alucard, as he stared straight into her eyes. "I would gladly do so again, if you ask me to."

Integra fell back into her chair. Twenty-four hours, she couldn't even be faithful to Jon for twenty four hours.

"He doesn't know, does he?" she asked him, her chest tighten up.


"I have to tell him." She said, pondering the consequences.

"Why? I could be your mistress. Most men have a wife and a mistress. This could be fun." laughed Alucard, thinking of the possibilities.

"That's not funny Alucard! I gave my word to Jon before God that there would be no others; and that includes you! How could you do this to me?!"

"Because you asked me to." He told her seriously. "And I am bound to obey." He grinned.

"Alucard, I don't think the seals work like that."

"These seals, my dear master, keep me from killing you. They also allow me to know where you are at all times, should you need my help. They keep my powers in check and under control; and keep me from using them to the fullest. I need your permission and approval before the last seal can be removed; allowing me full access to all my powers. However, in matters of obedience, I am to obey any command that you give me."

"Then how come you've never soaked your head or jumped in a lake?" she quipped with a wicked grin.

Alucard smiled at her. "Because you didn't mean it."

"Trust me Alucard, at the time; I'm sure I meant it." She glared at him.

"Well, last night you really meant it, with all your heart. But you are right. The fault lies not entirely with you. Having you so near to me, and wanting me as you did, I took your order and obeyed it to the fullest of my own desires. Though I wish you would have chosen to be turned first. Now you can never be mine."

"I am not or ever. I am married to Jon and I have to tell him." Integra declared, determinedly.

"Do what you think is best, my master. But I will treasure last night for all eternity."

Alucard bowed low before his master and then he disappeared. Integra called Jon to her office and waited for him to arrive. She worried whether or not he would forgive her. But she had to tell him. After all, it was the right thing to do. Wasn't it? Husbands and wives should have no secrets and their marriage should be based on trust. Damn it, why was she so afraid to tell him? After all, she could barely remember doing it. But, she had sworn to forsake all others; that included her fantasies.

"Bloody hell, I'm a warmonger and an adulterer. Maxwell would be laughing is ass off at me now." Integra sighed deeply.

Integra thought hard about it as she waited for Jon. She couldn't remember anything from last night. It was like last night had been done by somebody else. All she could remember of last night was that it made her feel so very good. All consuming, all fulfilling, and so very satisfied. Feeling of being loved, completely safe, and the strong hands of her lover caressing her; such memories were strong enough to be real and set her heart beating. However, the sensations of these memories, were also like a forgotten dream in the morning light. It was both real and...unreal. Alive and Undead.

"If I'm going to be stuck like this, with these wolf-like powers, I'm going to have to learn to control myself." reasoned Integra. A sudden knock on her door brought her out of her contemplations. "Come in."

"Hello, frosty. You wanted to see me." smiled Jon, walking into her office in a jovial mood.

"Frosty?" questioned a stunned Integra. No one had ever dared to call her that before. Integra raised an eyebrow at him, but then got serious. "Jon be serious, there's something I must tell you."

"And what is that?" he asked, again taking seat on the edge of her desk.

"Sit down." She commanded.

Jon moved from off her desk and sat in the chair she indicated. A worried look crossed his face. "Integra, what's wrong?"

"I...Last night..." she tried to begin.

"What about last night?" he asked, as he watched her pace.

Integra stopped, took a deep breath, and said. "I slept with Alucard last night." There she had said it. Now she stood waiting. Would Jon yell at her? Would he divorce her? Integra was actually nervous. Nervous like a child waiting to receive their punishment.

However, Jon didn't say anything. He just looked at her, like he was waiting for more. When he said nothing, Integra continued.

"I don't even remember doing it. But I have these memories, memories that are too vivid to ignore. I was with Alucard last night. Jon, I'm sorry." she confessed.

Jon stop and made his way over to her. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. Then he whispered in her ear. "I know."

Integra's eyes grew wide. "Wait what? How? How did you know?"

"You talk in your sleep." He told her. Integra tried to break away from him, but he held her tight. "You're very affectionate when you're not conscious; and cold as ice when you are conscious. This morning you kept nuzzling me and caressing me, but calling his name. I know you love him. And from what Her Majesty has told me, I'd say you have been for a very long time. Quite frankly, I'm surprised you even conceded to marry me."

"Jon, I have a duty..." said Integra, still trying to pull away from him. She didn't like not being able to see his face.

"To the crown. I know." sighed Jon, still not letting her go.

"No, to you. I am your wife now. No matter what I may have wanted in the past, no matter what I may still want now. I am yours. I'm sorry that I failed you."

"Forget it. Consider it gone out of your system now." He tried to comfort her.

"But Jon..." she insisted.

"No buts, you told me. You apologized, and I forgive you." He said, and he released her from his embrace. He turned her around to face him."You made a mistake. However, I still love you; and always will, now and forever." Jon looked her in the eyes, smiled, and kissed her forehead. "But you know, you owe me one; so can I have Seras tonight?"

Integra pulled away from him and punched him in the stomach. Jon doubled over as Integra knocked the wind out of him. Then she walked away.

"I was just kidding." he said, as he grabbed her wrist. "But as long as we are confessing our sins. Let me tell you a secret."

"A secret?" wondered Integra, looking back at him.

"I had a crush on my Math teacher. She was beautiful and had the greenest eyes that I've ever seen. She made me stay after class one day and then..."

"and then?"

"She made love to me." Jon confessed.

"She what?!" Integra exclaimed. "A teacher?"

"Yeah, I was in heaven. Me getting a teacher...and she was a hottie. I was the man and I walked ten feet tall." Jon smiled proudly.

"How old were you?"

"I was sixteen and cocky as hell."

"You're still cocky." Scoffed Integra, with a small grin.

"Ha, anyway every Saturday for two months, I would go to her house. I would cut her grass or wash her car, and sleep with her. But that ended when somebody ratted us out. She got fired, of course. My mother was furious that a teacher would abuse her students so; but my father was proud of me. He tried to hide it by punishing me, but you just couldn't get that grin off his face. She's the reason I joined the military. I mean my father wanted me to cause it's the family business; but after sleeping with her, I wanted to. I felt like I had balls of brass and could do anything in the world. So as soon as I graduated, I joined up and never looked back. So you see, I understand how all consuming a crush can be. And that even though we know it to be wrong, that we'll still do it anyway."

"You weren't married then." Integra shoulders dropped in shame. "I am."

"So say your prayers and ask God for forgiveness, if it'll make you feel better. But I will not cast the first stone." Chuckled Jon.

He pulled her to him, looked into her blue eyes, and stroked her golden hair. Integra looked at the floor. She just couldn't look him in the eye. He lifted her head and kissed her.

Alucard watched them from the shadows. He chuckled as he did. This little human was interesting. Other men would have used this excuse to divorce Integra and take the organization from her; but not him. Alucard laughed more as he thought about what an interesting threesome they could be for his master.

However, as he lay in his coffin waiting for sleep to takehim, the reality of it hit him. Her maidenhood was gone now, and if she wereever killed in battle, she would become a ghoul. The thought of having to blowher brains out no longer entertained him; but haunted him and deprived him ofsleep.

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