Two Crazy Hearts (Completed)

By AngelTweet

302K 13.2K 6.5K

This story is about years of nurtured longing from childhood for their crush bloomed into eternal, undying lo... More

Chapter - 1: EUREKA, he knows how to smile!
Chapter - 2: Moody! More than a Pregnant woman
Chapter - 4: Will he dance with me?
Chapter - 5: My Rapunzel
Chapter - 6: It's Yes from my side
Chapter - 7: THEIR Story
Chapter - 8: I am her fiancée
Chapter - 9: They are engaged!
Chapter - 10: You are my Rapunzel
Chapter - 11: He is Mine
Chapter - 12: I will miss you!
Chapter - 13: I am all yours!
Chapter - 14: This is my abode
Chapter - 15: Kiss of Love
Chapter - 16: I will play with you
Epilogue - Go and find your Rapunzel
Thank you my Readers

Chapter - 3 : Typical Sanskar!

11.2K 678 243
By AngelTweet

"Badi Bhabhi, Sanskar Dada has arrived" Ramesh came and stood at entrance of kitchen to informed about arrival of the elder son of the house.

Annapurna and Sujara looked at each other with bright smile, this was the moment they were waiting from last 8 years.

Swara was helping all ladies in kitchen of Maheshwari. She was arranging salad plate. She gasped heavily at the news and skipped her heartbeat when she heard from Ramesh that Sanskar has arrived in Maheshwari House.

Annapurna and Sujara left hurriedly from kitchen to welcome him followed by Reva.

"Sujata bring arati thal" Annapurana said with teary eyes, her loving nephew is going to step inside home after 8 years.

Each member of family was having satisfactory and delightful expressions on their faces. Even though they used to visit him in US every year, his arrival to home was something they waited from last two years. They were expecting his arrival after his MBA which was two years back but Sanskar wanted to strengthen Karma Business House roots in US market which he did successfully over last 8 years. He joined Karma's US based counterpart when he moved to US as trainee when he was doing his Engineering. After finishing his MBA, he was selected as youngest director on Karma Management body and 2 months back he was unanimously selected as new CEO for Karma during AGM through Shareholders and Investors voting.

Swara drank couple of glasses of water, her wait was over. She was going to face him after long wait. She took deep breath closing her eyes to control her overexcitement. She was feeling nervous and thrilled. Her heart was beating in her ribcage with fasted speed. She felt trembling of her hands, her palm became icy cold. She wanted to run outside and take one glance of him but at the same time she wanted to go away to avoid him.

"Swara didi, Badi Bhabhi is calling you." Chanda said entering kitchen.

Chanda's voice broke Swara's trance and she nodded in daze with fake smile.

'Will he even remember me?' thinking this Swara crossed her fingers, took a step towards drawing room with thumping heart to see her first love after long wait.

Swara's POV

"What congratulations DP Bhai? Where is our pride?" I heard Papa shouting with extreme happiness on the call. We were sitting on the dinner table and Mumma was serving me and Papa.

'Pride that means Sanskar, what did he achieve now?' I rolled my eyes trying to run my brain in all directions. My all concentration went on the phone conversation.

"Bhai can you please give phone to Sanskar?" Papa asked over phone and continued looking at Mumma "Reva, Sanskar earned scholarship for Harvard University for his Engineering." Proud feeling was oozing out from Papa's voice and eyes. Sanskar was his always favourite.

Whereas Mumma, closed eyes with bright smile keeping her right-hand fingers on middle of her collarbone to pray for her lovely son.

I was thrilled with the revelation, I had tears in my eyes with proud feel. But then next moment it felt my heartbeat stopped thinking if he earned scholarship that means he will soon go away from me and I felt stream of tears on my cheeks. I cannot bear him away from my eyesight. I wiped them making sure my parents are not noticing it.

"Congratulations my son. We all are so so proud of you." Papa wished over phone and continued looking as Muma, who was signaling him with her hands to pass phone receiver, "Sanskar talk to Reva, she wants to wish you"

"Sanskar my son, hearty congratulations. May Kanhaji keep his blessings on  you every time" Mumma wished him when Papa passed phone receiver to her.

"Ok give it to Sujata" Mumma said after couple of seconds.

"Of course, we will be there. It calls for big celebrations Sujata. He really made all of us proud." I heard Mumma saying it on the call.

Next evening, we all went to Maheshwari house, which was glowing with all charms. The party was arranged in the garden area as usual. All relatives of Maheshwari family, friends and business associates were invited to celebrate the success of their son.

I saw Sanskar entering party area, he was dressed in full formal attire, looking stunning in Armani navy blue colour dress shirt and black suit paired with black pants. He was looking true charmer with perfectly set hairs, formal TebBaker black shoes and Burberry watch.

'Why this guy always looks so handsome that I cannot keep my eyes away from him' I thought sipping orange juice from my glass as usual Laksh and Uttara were beside me. But my gaze was moving every now and then to towards him. He was walking and taking wishes from invitees and replying them with one word 'Thanks' with tight smile.

I saw Sanskar with Neil, they were standing together when Dev Uncle and Nandini Aunty joined them to wish Sanskar. They were wishing him where as Sanskar was passing small smile to them.

'Even I have not wished him from the time I came, even though he does not count me in him friend list, for me his success is something I will cherish my entire life.' Thinking this I started taking steps towards them.

"Hello Dev Uncle, Hello Nandini Aunty" I wished Dev uncle and Nandini Aunty grabbing their attention towards me who were busy talking with Sanskar along with Neil.

"Hi Swara, how are you beta?" Nandini aunty asked me with smile.

"I am fine aunty" I replied with smile. Neil also nodded with smile in acknowledgment.

"Congratulations Sanskar" I gathered courage to wish him after turning my gaze towards him with soft smile. I was feeling nervous even to look in his dark brown eyes, they hold power to make my all senses numb. His Channel perfume filled in my lungs which caused my heart to race with its maximum speed, my cheeks were enriched by cherry red, just because he was standing next to me.

"Thanks" he said with simple nod.  His usual cold voice fluttered my heart.

"Swara you are looking beautiful" Nandini aunty complimented me caressing my cheeks. I was wearing baby pink colour ankle length evening gown with diamond pendant set with matching earrings, bracelet and rose gold Coach watch. I had first time applied light make up on my face highlighting my eyes with liner and mascara, one stroke of pink blush and nude colour lip stick keeping my hairs to fall on my back.

"Of course, Nandini, she is becoming a big girl" Dev uncle joined my complimenting session admiring my beauty.

I blushed and was super happy thinking the guy who, I want to complement me is at least hearing about some nice words about my beauty. I lowered my face to hide my cherry red face with amused smile.

"Come on uncle, our Shona is the most beautiful girl on this planet" I jerked when I heard Laksh's voice and I felt his hand on my shoulder. I looked back to search for Sanskar but he was nowhere.

I gave fake smile to Laksh but I just wanted to run away from this party and hide myself in my room and let these stupid tears come out from my eyes.

I stood there blankly without saying a word for few minutes nodding and giving fake smile to show my participation in their conversation with all of them and after some time Neil excused himself from us to join his best friend who was surrounded by different invitees.

For remaining hours of the party Sanskar as usual was with his gang especially with Neil, standing in one corner. They were chatting but he was silent as usual.

Neil is his bestest friend like, they both are like each other's shadow. They share very strong friendship. But what amazed me is always that what magic Kavita did that she became so close to Sanskar. She is everywhere when it comes to Sanskar ofcourse after Neil.  I have hardly seen him talking to any other girl or even his any of cousins or relatives .... forget cousins and relatives...he is reserved with his family members as well. Uttara his own real sister. She is closer to Laksh than Sanskar.

'Yes, Sanskar is rude, arrogant, egoistic, moody, cold and self-centered person this is my final verdict. But still he holds the power to bring smile on my face without even doing anything' I shook my head to divert my mind and tried hard to concentrate on discussions with Uttara and Shreya.

But ever my heart listened to my mind? No, a big NO.

Were Neha and Krishya right about them? Are they really a couple like girlfriend boyfriend? My whole class was gossiping about them after prom night when Sanskar took Kavita. Being school charmer and best student Sanskar was always on the top of gossips of every class. They all were trying to confirm this news from me since everybody knew how close family relations we share.

Next two weeks went with in blink, I was getting all updates from my Mumma and Papa about the arrangements being done for Sanskar for his travel his stay. And each night I used to cry not understanding why I am crying. I just don't want him to go away from my eyesight. I wanted to run to him hold his hand and tell him not to go. But I was helpless. I wanted to stop that person who never recognised my presence around him.

I still remember the day when he went to US, I did not want to go to bid him final bye, but it was my last chance to see him, not sure when I will be able to see him again thinking this I stepped inside Maheshwari House, we had dinner together and after that it was time for him to leave.

Sanskar took blessings from god from house temple as instructed by his Dadi. Anu aunty gave him curd and sugar then he took blessings from all family members, everyone gave him hug.

DP Uncle and Ram Uncle was telling him to take care and be in touch. Papa just gave him bear hug patting on his back.

Anu aunty and Sujata aunty along with my Mumma had become too much emotional. They were trying their best to control their tears same as me.

We all, means me, Laksh, Uttara, Neil, Rohan, Kavita we had bought one greeting card for him where we put all our wishes for his bright future.

He finally came where we all were standing Neil gave him hug. They both had tears in their eyes. After all they both were best friends from the day, they were in their birth suits.

"Bye. Take Care" Sanskar said with moist eyes.

"You too bro. And all the best." Neil said tapping his back. Neil also had tears in his eyes.

Sanskar nodded his head with tight smile.

It was first blow to my mindset, I always considered Sanskar as damn arrogant, tough and cold, stone hearted but today looking at him I felt he has emotional side as well. There is much more which I need to know about him. My eyes filled with tears looking at his teary eyes, I cannot see him like this, I don't want to see him like this. I would prefer arrogant Sanskar over this emotional Sanskar.

"Bye Kavi, Bye Rohan. Take care guys." Sanskar said turning towards his other two friends.

"I will miss you Sanskar. It's gonna be boring without you." Kavita cried and hugged him. He tapped her back.

"Me too. All the best for future." Sanskar's words pinched my heart.

'Is he really gonaa miss her?'

Rohan also hugged him wishing him all the best.

"Lucky, don't forget what I told you" Sanskar said ruffling Laksh's hairs.

"Of course, Bhai, I will take care of everything." Laksh said giving brotherly hug to his elder brother with moist eyes.

"Bye Sanskar" I said controlling my tears and gulping hard.

"hmm bye" Sanskar said nodding his head and then moved towards main door.

He crossed the threshold and I could feel stream of tears on my cheeks. I was looking at his retiring figure, I felt my heart was going away. Today I have lost my own breath, my smile, my everything and nothing is going to be the same hence forth. That moment I realised what I feel for him, it's not an attraction or any kind of infatuation it's a feeling of love, I felt for him over these last 7 years. My first and last childhood love Sanskar.

In these 8 years, everybody visited him, even Mumma and Papa three times when Papa was on Business trips. Papa was forcing me to join them, he also said we will go to Turks and Caicos Islands for our holidays which is my dream vacation place after his meetings with US associates, but I just didn't want to face him because I know Papa will surely go to meet him.

All members from Maheshwari family visited him, but I never joined them. Everybody all the time used to force me to join them, but I always used to make some lame excuses.

Papa and Ram Uncle also suggested me to do MBA from Harvard, they were asking me why I am not applying for TOGAF or GMAT? They were advising me that Sanskar is in US so he can help me, and both families will be worry free in his presence. But how could I explain this to Papa that I am trying to run away from him.

Kavita, Neil regularly used to visit him to be precise every year during their vacations.

I wanted to move on from him, took him out from my system and I tried hard very hard, but still I am not over of him. I always imagined how we both would look together. What we must be doing if he would have been here?  And if we would have been together then what we would have been doing? How I would have confessed my love for him? And list goes on and on and on......

He is still there in each memory, each thought, each moment, each heartbeat, each breath.

He was, he is, and he will be always the reason behind my smile as well as my pain and tears.

My unrequited love, my Sanskar.

End of Swara's POV

Swara came out of Kitchen wiping her tears, today also he will be standing there on the same threshold to cross and come inside home. Her heart was thumping inside her ribcage, she gulped and came to stand behind her mother hiding herself.

Annapurna was performing arti, she had tears in her eye but bright smile was adoring her lips "Come Sanskar."

"Love you Badi Ma" Sanskar bended to take her blessings.

"Bless you, may Kanhaji give you all happiness of the word" Annapurna caressed his hairs.

Sanskar straighten to turn and bend to take blessings from Sujata. She stopped him and hugged him, crying bitterly.

"I missed you" Sujata barely could say keeping her head on his chest.

"Bhai" Laksh took both Sujata and Sanskar in bear hug.

Swara peeped from back of Reva, and that moment Laksh broke his hug with his Bhai. And Swara forgot that she needs to take a breath to keep her body functioning, the world around her stopped for her, and she felt dizzy looking at the Greek god standing in front of her.

He was standing in front of her smiling brightly at his brother. His dark brown eyes which have turned glassy, silky thick jet-black hairs falling on his forehead, sharp nose which has become slight red, pink lips spread in heart-warming smile, broad shoulders. He looked like true Greek god in black t-shirt and dark grey jacket paired with dark blue jeans, latest apple watch on hand and black sneakers.

Swara had seen him over these years through pictures shared by Laksh and Uttara or several Insta and FB post by Kavita or Neil whenever they visit him in US. But those pictures were nothing in front of the charm and aura he is surrounded with.

Swara felt her all blood rushed in her cheeks, and they must have become red as tomatoes. Her heartbeat was running a marathon and her throat became dry as she has not drunk water from several years. Swara lowered her gaze not understanding how to control her feelings, suddenly she started feeling weak in her knees.

Sanskar was greeting everyone from his family.

"We are extremely proud of you my son" Anurag said hugging him with grin.

"Thank you, Anurag Uncle," Sanskar said with small smile.

"Sanskar, my son. We missed you a lot." Reva wished caressing his hairs, with moist eyes.

"Hi Reva Aunty" Sanskar replied bending in front of her to take her blessings.

But Reva stopped him and hugged him, patting his back.

"Hi Sanskar" Swara said in low voice with smile gathering all her strength in her vocal cords.

Her voice captured his attention, he looked at her and wished with simple "Hi" followed with nod and small smile.

Swara was thrilled when he gave her small smile, this was the first time when he smiled looking at her even though it was small, it was enough to flutter her heart.

"Sanskar, Go and get freshen up. We are waiting for you for dinner" Ram said tapping Sanskar's back.

"Sure, dad give me 30 minutes I will be back. I badly need a shower" Sanskar said shrugging his shoulders.

"Go and come fast, all your favourite dishes are there for dinner, including your favourite prawns curry." Sujata said gaining all attention from Swara. She remembered how she learned to cook his favourite Prawns curry from her mother. And today she made it for him after coming from her college. Swara felt sweat on her palms. 'Will he like it?'

Sanskar went upstairs followed by Laksh and Ramesh with his bags. Swara looked at his back who were climbing stairs, digging his head in his phone typing something. Nothing was changed, as usual he casually recognised her presence, he was still the same reserved, self-centered and moody Sanskar.

"Sanskar did you like the curry?" Sujata asked wiggling her eyebrows.

"Yes, Mom it's delicious." Sanskar said with smile and continued looking at Reva "Thanks Reva aunty."

Entire Maheshwari family and Mehra family were sitting on the dining table and relishing variety of dishes.

"Sanskar, today it's not me but Swara cooked it" Reva said with smile passing biryani bowl to Sujata.

"Ohh, thanks" Sanskar said with narrowed eyes looking at Swara.

Swara gave him quick nod and small smile and then she lowered her gaze to concentrate on food plate.

Swara could hear the conversation going on the dining table, DP and Ram were informing Sanskar about next day's party to which he was just nodding his head. Annapurna, Sujata and Reva were discussing about party's preparation. Laksh and Uttara were asking numerous questions to Sanskar to which he was either giving answers in mono syllable or just nodding his head. 'Typical Sanskar' Swara chuckled thinking this.


Precap –

Who all are coming for party, anybody new?

What will Kavita ask Sanskar to do?

First blow to Sanskar, any guess?

Thanks a lot for loving and appreciating this journey of Swasan. Hope you all will like this part, please let me know your views and feedback with votes and comments. I am looking forwards for your feedback.


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