Al Potter and the Chamber of...

By 1017rachel

112 11 8

Albus Potter's first year at Hogwarts doesn't go as planned... He as his best friend find themselves in a be... More

1. - The Lonely Tower
2. - In the Chamber
3 - The Weasley girl
4 - Back to the Chamber
5 - White Christmas
6 - Malfoy Manor and all the family burden
7 - 100 useful methods for faking death
8 - On our own
9 - Muggleborns
10 - Down once more

11 - Haunted by the past

13 1 4
By 1017rachel

- Well done, Malfoy – Goyle smiled. Albus felt that Scorpius was shaking besides him. He took his hand. – I'm really proud, you found a way to find all the mudbloods in this damned school and bring them down here. I have no idea how you finished them off, but it looks like a good job. You really want daddy to live, don't you? But a simple Avada Kedavra would have done, if you only wanted to kill these mubloods just because I told you that I will kill your father if you don't. I know you are fascinated by the Dark Arts. Admit it, son, you enjoyed killing them.

- Go to hell – Cyrill whispered with disgust in his voice. – I did it because I wanted to save my family. Now I'm done. Let me go.

Scorpius couldn't stand on his own feet anymore, Albus had to hold him, but he didn't say a word. Goyle stared at Cryill for a while, then nodded.

- Okay, you did what you promised me to do. You can leave. But if you tell anyone about this, your whole family is dead.

- He is lying – the woman said suddenly.

- What?! – asked Goyle and Cyrill at the same time. Goyle seemed confused, while Cyrill was clearly scared.

- You are lying – the woman smiled at Cyrill with a smile almost as cold as Voldemort's used to be. – We both know these children are not dead. You may have not inherited your fathers talent, or you just don't know how to use occlumency, but I can see every thought of yours. I can read your scared little mind as an open book. Gregory, he pretends to have killed these mudbloods in order to save his father. I don't know the spell, he learnt it from a book, and he is scared to death that he didn't succeed and they may be really dead. But he wanted them to look like dead, while they are unharmed, am I right, Malfoy?

Cyrill didn't answer.

- Finite incantatem – the woman raised his wand and the vision disappeared. The children were lying on the floor, unconscious but completely unharmed.

- So you wanted to trick me, didn't you? – Goyle asked. Albus would have started to laugh if he wouldn't have been shocked. It seemed unbelievable that someone could be that stupid. It was obvious that Cyrill wanted to trick him. – You wanted to save daddy without having to kill? A good boy always plays by the rules, Malfoy. Your father caused the death of my best friend. You have to kill all these mudbloods to compensate me. Now, here, in front of me, do it! If you don't, your family is dead.

Suddenly they all heard noises from the direction of the tunnel and a second later Neville Longbottom, Harry and Ginny Potter and Draco and Astoria Malfoy rushed into the hall. Al pushed Scorpius to the wall in order not to be in their way.

- Stop it, Goyle. It wasn't my fault. – Draco said calmly.

- Expelliarmus! – Mrs. Goyle screamed and Draco's wand landed in her hand. She pointed at Cyrill with her own one. – If someone even tries to disarm me or my husband I kill the kid.

Noone moved. Albus and Scorpius were holding each other's hands under the cloak and they almost could hear the adults thinking. Al knew that not even his parents would risk Cryill's life with not doing what the woman said, and he was certain that the Malfoys never would.

- This is not what you said last time – hissed Goyle, pointing at Draco with his wand and turned back to Cyrill. – Kill the kids, now! If I count to 3 and you still haven't killed anyone, I will kill your father. Do it! One... two...

Cyrill didn't move, he only swallowed his tears without giving any sound at all.

- Do you want me to kill your father, Malfoy?! – Goyle shouted. – Would you let me kill him instead of these children?! Would you rather watch me kill him than to kill these kids who mean nothing to you?!

Cyrill looked into Goyle's eyes. It was very likely that he couldn't really see anything through his tears. His face was almost unrecogniseable because of the pain he felt inside. Then he opened his mouth and whispered a word, which could barely be heard.

- Yes.

Goyle's eyes seemed twice as big as usually, it was clear he was surprised, but he didn't hesitate for a minute.

- Avada Ke... - he shouted, still ponting at Draco. Many things happened at the same time. Astoria pushed her husband to the wall in order to avoid that the green light they all expected to come out of Goyle's wand meets him. Probably it would have hit her instead, if it would have came out of the wand, but Scorpius jumped forward so he wasn't covered anymore and pointed at Goyle with his wand.

- Vingardium Leviosa! – he shouted, because he couldn't really use any other spell. For his greatest surprise, Goyle started to raise. Harry used the seconds of surprise and stupefied Mrs. Goyle, while Neville stupefied her husband, who was still flying. Harry waved with his wand which made him fall down. The two wizards kept their wands pointing at the Goyles who both were unconscious. Astoria ran to his younger son and hugged him.

- Where is Albus? – Ginny asked immediately. Al wondered how she knew he was there, but he took off the cloak. Ginny started to cry and ran to him. Draco took a step towards Cyrill.

- Dad, I'm... I'm... - Cyrill cried but he couldn't look into his father's eyes and say he was sorry.

- Don't be – Draco hugged him. – I'm proud of you. I could never be this selfless. You had the strenght to make the right decision. It's always worth to sacrifice one to save more lives, even if you love that one person. I've never been this proud in my life. Thank you for listening to me when I was talking to you about my past, now I know it wasn't in vain. I have done things I am ashamed of, but in this moment I am not only proud of you, but of myself. I raised a good man. I managed to do it, I raised someone better than me. It's something to be proud of, even if you couldn't have done this with my genes. I knew that you were Flitwick's, anyway...

- Dad... - Cyrill tried to laugh but it sounded more like sobbing so he decided on sutting up instead. Astoria and Scorpius stepped to them and hugged them, too.

- How did you know we were here? – Albus asked his mother.

- A boy found your letter in their room and told Neville immediately that you two went down to the Chamber. So he called us and the Malfoys and we came here as fast as we could. Just in time, I guess.

- It's not like it would be a great loss if Malfoy died – Harry rolled his eyes.

- Careful with your words, Potter – Draco hissed. – Which Malfoy are you talking about?!

- I'm talking about you, idiot – Potter sighed. – I wouldn't say something like a kid is not a great loss.

- Okay then – Draco nodded, he seemed to be satisfied that Potter wanted to see him dead and not his sons. – But you have to admit you have feelings for me. You saved my life twice. You're a liar, Potter, you would feel like your life lost it's reason if I died. But I'm sorry, I'm taken.

- It was Will – Astoria turned to Scorpius and Albus. – He was smart enough to tell itt o Professor Longbottom immediately, you should thank him. I'm not sure everyone would be alive if he wouldn't be this smart.

- I know, Slytherin pride, mum, Slytherin pride... - Scorpius smiled. Cyrill still didn't let go of Draco. He looked and felt like he was 5 and not 15 years old.

- Let's go back and send these to Azkaban. – Ginny sighed. – You have to admit, Malfoy, that you made a mistake when you asked not to send Goyle there 18 years ago.

- I admit – Draco grimaced. – I hope you're happy. But I won't make that mistake again. Cyrill, let's go, okay?

The boy looked up and nodded slowly. He still held his father while they were walking through the tunnel. Astoria hugged Scorpius' shoulder while walking.

- Scorp, you were so brave – she said.

- Plus, you saved my life – Draco grinned. – I'm extremely proud of myself, my wife and Flitwick, we made the most wonderful boys on earth. We had to do it twice and we managed to do it twice. I hope Potter sees that neither of you has none of my faults... maybe I should thank Flitwick.

- Let's leave Flitwick alone for a while – Astoria smiled gently. – Let it be just you and me for today. I don't want to share my sons with anyone else.

- How much I hate this place... - Harry rolled his eyes while leading Albus before himself.

- Thank you so much – Ginny pretended to be hurt. – I thought it was romantically involved with us, at least a bit...

- Dad are we... are we really okay? – Cyrill asked quietly. – I don't think I'm okay with myself...

- You should be – Draco put his hand on the shoulder of his son. – I told you, you made the right decision. And I know someone who is gonna be just as proud of you as I am.

- You mean...?

- Yes. – he smiled. – Just wait until my father hears about this. 

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