Feral Eclipse(EDITING)

By enslavedreader

12.1K 601 628

"I could not stray my gaze away from her, splaying her across my lap once I had taken my toll onto the berth... More

Chapter 1. Veraβœ”οΈ
π‚π‘πšπ©π­πžr 𝟐
π‚π‘πšπ©π­πžπ« πŸ‘. Mine
05. Alexander, Bane
07. Virtue
08. Calloused
11. Swine
13. Etheral
13.2 - Tick
14. Elysian
15' and 16:
18: Orate
19. Storyteller
20. Holy
21. Nocturnal
22. Twilight
23. A God
24. Relief
27. Wolfsbane
28. Delightful Ends
30. Young Hero
31. The Grey
34. A Catalyst
36. Crying Wolf
39. Consummation


397 16 15
By enslavedreader

A simple truth?
We'll never have today again.



Before Beta Hector could snap back into reality, he'd been tossing everything off of his night stand, crashing it to the floor.

Shards of glass from picture frames shattered on impact once connecting to the ground beneath him. The Beta doesn't plan on stopping, he doesn't stop until he hears a soft voice.

Hector ignores the touch the first time, until finally he feels a soft palm pressing against his shoulder blade coaxing him at the sensation, the feeling spiraled with a new found adrenaline.

Electricity raced all over his skin, lulling him at the mere contact of a presence. It made Hector turn slightly enough to see her pleading for him to stop his assault but he refrained. The beta timidly was reaching a breaking point, that left splinters in his comfort place.

Where the second in command laid his head, he could no longer find peace. The beta was facing tangible devotion as he succumbed tantalizing challenges, but right now he stared ecstasy into the face.

"Hector. Baby please stop this madness." Mavis whines pressing her body against his. She grabbed his hand palming it with her stomach. Hoping he'd gain some sense. Some hope.

"Please." The smaller girl pleaded louder, rubbing her hand across her mate's cheek.

Hector was scaring the poor girl who was shaking like a leaf during a cool autumn breeze. Mavis has never seen him act this way, in such little time she has known him, but she knew his quarrel with the alpha could be so frustrating.

"I have doubts which worry me." Hector slams his fist into the headboard of the bed, "I don't think the prince knows what he's doing."

Mavis knew of the animosity her mate was having with Alpha Alexander, how he dwells on it when night falls wishing he had the power the lycan had. Any real reassurance Mavis could project onto the beta was futile. As nights have surpassed them, the beta pair grew restless.

"I can't get through to him Mavis. Everyday we're getting closer to the malediction and he doesn't even give a shit!" Mavis gets a good grip on Hector before pulling him back towards the bed.

"Hey! Listen to me, we can do this. I promise you. We'll survive." With glowering eyes, the brunette's response is confident, although she questioned herself within.

"It's like the prince does not understand. He won't prepare our pack, he doesn't tell them to expect blood shed in a matter of weeks. I think Prince Bane wants it this way." Hector looked around the room, shaking as he spoke through sweaty words.

Mavis steals the vulnerable moment to pull him onto the bed, where he'd laid but rarely slept most nights. All he did was train like crazy. Work himself to the edge, until all he could remember was pain. She feared for her mate's health. Hector was unraveling at her feet, and she was fumbling with the pieces.

A tear slid from Mavis's eye as she felt Hector shake in her arms quietly.

"Does the Alpha, know what the King wants?" Hector chuckles darkly staring into nothing.

"Of course he knows what the king wants. What the king craves, is what every powerful male in power fancies. Do you know what they all desire?" The beta spewed absolute sarcasm.

the sound of Mavis slapping her hand across her mouth, echoed within the space they shared.

"Every male on the planet with a status, desires the next fated Queen of the wolves. There's only one that appears to me who just so happens to be mated to my alpha." Hector face palms himself, slicing his hands across his eyebrows after gripping the bridge of his nose.

A migrant was springing the beta's nerves, and he found them to be frequent lately.

"It's Vera." He confirms only what Mavis is thinking in between sobs.

"And for that girl, Alexander will not by any means bargain. She's his. He won't allow no one to have her, especially if his intentions is to be king..." Hector sits beside his mate, feeling defeated. His heart broke for his mate who cared dearly for Vera Lee.

Mavis's hands turn into fist at the bland hatred she felt for the royal family. Hector told her everything from start to finish, she wondered deeply how the hell had Vera ended up in all this.
Why had her obsession with the Prince turn so deadly.

Hector crawls over his mate, beginning to straddle her with kisses trailing across her lips. His warm hands made camp on top of her heated chest, fondling her breasts. Once the beta's lips left her jawline, he makes sloppy kisses upon her neck where it began to burn from his tongue.

At one point in time, Mavis thought she had hated the sexy beta at first, especially after he had taken her virtue during the cold marrow of the night. Nature had rustled something feening for him that night, which Mavis gladly accepted.

Caught up in the heat, Hector without another second spared, latches his mouth onto the bite mark on top of her shoulder. The beta marked all of the skin around it. Growling possessively, did he thrust on top of her clothing, in between Mavis's legs.

The beta tosses the shirt she wore to the side, abruptly with the maroon bra following behind it. He comes up for air to admire the sight. Hector couldn't resist from licking his lips, greedily.

He takes a moment to fully look at her, as if now seeing the beautiful girl's naked buds for the first time. He takes one into his hand gently squeezing it, while managing to take his mate by surprise.

Mavis's eyes begin to blaze with something unfathomable, when Hector's wet tongue overlaps throughout the valley of her ample bust. Flush bubbling heat, began to taint them both.

"You can trust me, just don't make a sound." Hector begins his passage further down Mavis's stomach before stopping at his destination between her thighs.

He licks his lips admiringly. In this moment Mavis could see his wolf peeking out from within Hector's flesh.

After pushing apart her folds, Hector stares like he'd been starving his whole life; into his mate's tunnel, his manhood grew harder into wood. He imagined himself buried inside of his mate.

Mavis sighs, panting before feeling a wet sensation pushing through her entrance. "Okay."



Abruptly waking up from her slumber, Vera raises up in a cold sweat. Fisting the bed sheets beneath her palms, raising so fast she could've sworn she'd given herself whiplash.

Her forehead was soaked as if someone had thrown freezing cold water on her face, during the heat of the night. Vera's legs were intertwined with linen and blankets.

The beaut squinted her eye. Not only had slumber once caressed her being, but awoken her senses to how late it was. Time had a sneaky way of leaving her flustered and sheepish.

Vera's heart beat stops only for a millisecond before sudden heat washed itself between her thighs. Not until sleepiness had escaped the slumber chamber, did Vera notice irises filled with wine. Such piercing eyes with a feverish intensity.

In an instant, it's her mate whose standing over her with an unbutton red shirt that secured chest hairs, above bicep and tan muscles.  Vera has a lingering gaze on the male, eyeing him everywhere until his voice broke her soft inspection.

Here stood a man that was a walking masterpiece, a luminary mirror.. broken in all the most perfect places. He was an overzealous reflection, of the raven haired girl who stared back at him. This raven haired girl he grew fond of, had the most milkiest of skin— flushed out pink.

The alpha didn't know what to say, but his anger was felt and so overbearing, that it made the girl melt before falling flat against the bed sheets.

Effortlessly, Alexander seized the blankets from covering her body to reveal her violent shakes and bare chest,  wherefore naked in enthused glory.

Vera wanted to ask her mate, why had he been so calloused and prejudiced towards her before. The female suspected that, behind his brutish assault, he at least cared for her well being. Vera tried to speak, but her words became muffled along with s blank mind, once Alexander had his hand cupping between her legs.

He poked around her moistening silky lips that grew more soaked. The alpha further teased at her clit where he began to enter his index finger. Vera wheezed before clamping her own hand over her mouth out of astonishment, she couldn't believe this punishment she were receiving, and why it ached her to a rather fleece climax.

"I smelled it," Bane spat out. "Your arousal, your desire for him. That mere boy, that beta." He seethed even more, while utter disgust overcame the features on his face. He felt more repulsed that his mate could be attracted to someone other than himself.

How had she allowed herself in a close proximity with another, it riled Alexander's bones, and tightened his mortal nature beneath his skin.

As if her attraction to another, made his stomach over turn with absolute bile, in which he sucked back in to gather himself.

In this moment —Alexander didn't want anything more than to wring Vera's neck. For that boy, Alexander could easily give him a swift yet painful death... resurrect him, only to end him again so that he'd died twice.

Alexander had climbed onto the bed where he entrapped his mate with his long muscular legs, one hand cupping her sex while the other was wrapped firmly around her throat. His hand was rubbing against her folds, daring to enter her expanse, so wet, so soft she was.

So eager to be taken care of, how much of a bad girl she was only made Alexander stiffen once he adjusted his weight above the little female.

Although the alpha had never indulged in sexual pleasures before, it made him sick to his stomach to think about doing it with his mate. You see, human females were unreliable creatures. They were unfaithful, lacked frequency, and that's all they ever desired from men of status, like Alexander was.

The prince couldn't be with someone like that.

"Alexander we were only sparing." Vera tried exhaling but with each deep inhale taken, hot fumes pooled from her mate's body.

"All you can give me is an excuse," His eyes probed into her soul as his finger began to dig her out.

Vera's hands tied around his wrist in an attempt to push him away, but he was far too strong and alerted. With his head falling in between the crevices of her neck, in a whisper, "That's all you are,Vera. An excuse. You can't help but to disobey me. To disrespect me in front of everyone."

"No." The raven haired female whimpers.

Vera lightly imbedded her head in the crook of his neck which made him even angrier at her gentleness, "No, I'd never disobey you." She began to murmur sweet nothings into his ear and he'd be a fool not to give in.

Liar, The Prince thought.

Her words meant nothing to him and he hated her in that moment. Alexander hated how her black hair laid around her neck, reminding him of the midnight sky. He hated how her necklace adorned her skin that would glow even in darkness.

So desperately after all, the Alpha hates how fitting her body was, as he molded into it and rocked his hips against her core as if without justice, was made to be shaped inside of his very animation.

Her lips skimmed his ear and he fought back a vibration of pleasure and instead he barked lowly and bared his indentures. Filling his heart with so much cogency, Vera felt to be defeated.

"I can't do this." Alexander snarled, words seeming to move through Vera easily and she paled at the face.

He stood up rather quickly and snatched his fingers from fondling his mate's insides and slowly, with Vera's piercing black eyes, gawked at his fingers.

Vera looks around, once a faint memory flashed across her eyes. Remembering how he first found her here, underneath his bed. How obsessed she were over him, just to end up being mated with him entirely.

"I don't think I could ever learn to be with you,"

"I must separate myself away you, but you aren't to leave. Ever." The lycan leaves with his retreating foot steps clamping hard against every step he laid his foot on.

And there Vera was, alone again, legs spread apart, feeling bare for anyone to stumble across and see, but Vera was lost for words with a scrambled mind.

It was a battle between heart and mind, before logic could stake her heart into it's interval —she strides into the battlefield betraying them both. Vera begins to stomp her way into his study area. It was predictable for the alpha to have gone there.

Vera finds herself standing outside the door. Her heart thumped just hearing voices coming from behind it but she stayed rooted into the cold tiles underneath her feet. Her toenails digging into the floor boards, while her breathing became stalled and lagged.

The three way battle between logic, the heart, and mind went by orchestrated in pain.. Logic had successfully won carrying — not only her heart in its hands, but also her mind on a platter, surrounded by veggies and other delicious goods.

The irony of love being the ingredient.

Vera turns to leave but before she could take a step, she is flying into the opposite door across from Alexander's office. The door to his office was now wide open.

The threshold between the door was now occupied by a figure she couldn't make out, between cloudy vision.

A rippling roar rips out, fused with a raw and nasty howl as she's pulled into unfamiliar arms. Where was her mate? And why was this strange man in his study?

She hears another growl being rounded in the chest of the man who held her. The aroma of wet wood and steamed heavy metal enters her nose. The smell of foreign territory. A rogue tinted with something else that made Vera... suddenly greedy.

"Mine." The stranger growls, into the trembling Vera's ear.

Suddenly Vera was pushed and being pulled, before she fell gracelessly to the floor for a second time.

"I'm only going to say this one time, you will never lay a hand on her again." Vera sighs,recognizing the voice to have belonged to a particular wine color, eyed man. Her bloody and lucid mate.

"Mine, brother! Can't you see, she belongs to my beast as well."The guy Alexander had discarded across the room, shouted with almost a plead in his voice.

Vera crawls into the corner until her back collided with cement. She brings her knees up until they hit her chest, where she sought stability and to gain some form of tranquility.

Alexander throws the first punch that connected sharply with the stranger's face. If it wasn't for his scent she wouldn't have been able to tell the difference between the two, prolonging brothers—who resembled enemies.

Alexander naturally reeked of blood and death, and he wore it like a perfume.

With gore sliding down his busted lips and eye swelling by the moment, The stranger punches Alexander square flat on the jaw making him stagger back.

"Adonis we're here on certain matters to negotiate." Vera hears her mate yell this statement, but the unfamiliar sends a flying hit once again to her mate's face.

The man, Adonis, chuckles darkly eyeing the weak girl who looked frightened out of her skin. He smelled of an alpha stench, but he also reeked of something else.

"It doesn't matter. On the contrary, brother I have a mate to stirs my attention now." Adonis spat sharply again. "You see where my conflict is."

Adonis reels his fist back, lurching it flatly into his kin's chest, catching Alexander momentarily off guard.

"Look at you. You know you are not stronger than me. Surrender her to my forces or reap the repercussions." He plants another blow to Alexander's head, who takes it easily before he could recollect on his feet.

"Never. I'll rip your bones from your body and grind them into sand," Alexander promises, reaching behind his pants leg to shone something that steals the light. He reveals a clock, which arouses pure horror, in Adonis's irises. The clock just so happens to become blurrier, in Vera's perspective.

Vera lays flat on the floor, hazed and confused.

"Either you leave here alone alive or not. The choice is yours." Alexander promises.

Any moment now Ver would collapse but she held on to see the stranger leave. She didn't want him to go. She recognizes Adonis in more ways than one, but her mind focuses on Alexander and Alexander only.

"Fine. But this won't be the last time you see of me, Brother. I hope you know that." The strange man is naked and bare. Adonis sheds the remains of his clothing, before shifting into his midnight black wolf. Then he was gone just like the lightning that shook the manor.

Vera doesn't bother to speak nor look up at her mate, he stares wordlessly at her. She didn't know what was going on. Confusion was too simple to compare to what she was feeling in this moment.

Alexander picks the female up in his arms, carrying her up the stairs. They don't exchange any words until the alpha finally decides to break the silence.

"You shouldn't have left the room." He says.


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