Dadzawa {Reader Insert}

By Beyond_Thots

232K 2.5K 2.3K

Not an Aizawa X reader! This is the story of how {Y/n}'s life changed when she got into U.A high. [Mild Swear... More



4.4K 148 118
By Beyond_Thots


You're so fed up of the no Good Home invader.
It's been two and half weeks of him living in the apartment. So far he's made dinner twice, played Baseball with you Both Saturdays and got you to help out Coaching the kids on Wednesdays and Friday afternoons. You think you're okay with looking after kids, but those brats are tiring.

The guy's also trying to 'reform' the apartment. He's changing it completely. You no longer have a coat pile, you have a Coat Rack.
He's fucking crazy.

Also, you get it, those things might not Sound bad, some people might even wish for their dads to do activities like that with them. But Toru isn't your dad. He's a Home Invader. He's rude, he's cocky, he's misogynistic. He always has a can of beer or a bat in is hands.
Recently you've found yourself in the same position. Though you're breaking the can of beer with the bat.

Your mum wanted you out the house again, she asked you to go get some food, you asked for some money to do that and she, in her own discrete way, said that she couldn't do that. That you'd have to ask Toru for some money again. You could predict his answer before you even asked 'there's an end to my wallet' yeah, there's an end to your patience too. You swallowed your pride and did so anyway. He didn't nearly give you enough money to buy food for the week, when you pointed that out he said something along the lines of "a Sneaky kid like you should be able to get food another way"
So you think he's noticed that you take his beer. Does he think that you drink it? That's probably the last thing you'll do.

But that doesn't matter. Because right now you're standing in the shop, looking at all the food you need to get. Okay, just take it, this isn't a first. It's not even that big of a deal. You've got the money for the majority of things, now it's just a few small things that you have to take, like mints. Toru Likes to chew on mints while playing Baseball, you've learnt to hate the smell. You can't chew gum without thinking of Baseball and kids on a sugar high.

So what, Mints, Bandages, your mum keeps getting cut on things. It's nothing big since she's always moving about furniture and she's now trying to cook. Still, you never Knew that she was this clumsy.

You take the mints and bandages, you hide them between products and take all the other small things that you can't afford. As you walk to the check out you see a certain old ass hero.
You make no effort to talk to him, you want to be in and out of here as fast as you can. But it is awkward when he's at the self checkout next to you, he's probably watching you, it's possible that he saw you hide some extra nicknacks inside other products which you are paying for.

Still, you pay for what you can, you take the receipt, even though it only shows about three fourths of all the items you have, and you head to the exit.
"Are you gunna pay for the rest of that stuff,  kid?" Ah, shit.
You briefly stop and question whether it's best to ignore him, run or act cool.
It's a bit too late to act cool.

"Ah, wassup Boss." You say and turn to face him. Good ol' EraserHead, still on duty even when he's not. "So, I'm kinda gunna have-ta—"
He sighs which easily cuts you off. "Give it here," you hold up the bag and the receipt, he takes out the few things you didn't pay for and now you seriously question whether this guy likes you as a human being or not.

Because back with the Guy, the angry one, well EraserHead seemed annoyed at you then, but that night when you were taking your anger out on canned beer, he seemed to be nice to you.
So, how's he feeling now?

You watch as he takes out some bottled water, the mints, the bandages, small things, and he scans them on his checkout.
"I'm guessing 'the home invader' is a cheap skate and you're not just taking this stuff for the fun of it." You watch as he takes out his card and pays for all of it.
You stop, you feel a little confused at first but then he hands the bag to you. He's bought it all for you.
"Thanks," you say as you take the bag, why do you always feel guilty after stuff like this?

You're told to wait outside, he's probably going to tell you off, again. But he doesn't want to do it inside the shop since you'll probably get Extra told off if the workers find out.
Man, if the old guy wasn't there then you would have been fine.

He buys his stuff, which was mainly these nutrient pouches? They're cheap, your mum tried to encourage you to eat those things when you were younger since they're nitrous and affordable but they're gross.

Once he exits the shop you're dragged along too.
"Cigarettes, jelly pouches and Beer?" You say as he passes you his bag to carry. "Are you okay?"
"There's also a pack of pens." He says, That doesn't answer you're question.

It's sunny today, also Super hot. You're just past half way through summer and you've narrowly avoided being pre-expelled from UA. However, that might be changing right now.
"You know that you're lucky to even be on the hero course, so why do you keep risking your placement?" Mr Aizawa asks as you begin walking home. You wonder if he lives near you, no way. You would know, plus you doubt he'd live in the shitty place. No matter how homeless he looks you can't imagine him living near you.

"It's not like I have a choice. I've got to do what I can to help my mum." You say and silently question how jelly pouches can be so heavy.
Aizawa keeps looking ahead, sometimes slightly turning his head to see you. "So when you were risking your life, breaking cans and stealing from a shop, you were helping your mother?" He says.
"Well, yeah to the last one. The others I did out of anger." You state. "Actually no, I stopped that Criminal Guy because Someone was being slow." For a moment you question why you opened your big mouth, then Mr Aizawa nearly laughs and you're relieved.

You see your apartment building up ahead, the walk usually feels longer than this but you've managed to get back really quickly.
You need to ask Aizawa something.
"Sir?" You say to get his attention, "do you think I'll be treated differently in class? Like, do you think the other students will see me differently?"

Aizawa doesn't answer straight away, he takes time to put it into consideration. He never gets this involved with students. The only time he sees them out of school hours is when they're breaking the rules or training.
However, you do seem to be a special case and Aizawa Does think it's because of the 'Second-chance program' he hates the name of it. But Mic thought it was cool and no one could think of anything better.

To be honest, if any other student got caught trying to fight a villain without a hero license and stealing from shops then Aizawa would expel them. He'd say that they were dragging UA's name down and not demonstrating any proper Hero Potential.
But Nedzu told him to be more resilient this year, he said that he should be patient with the 'Second-chance' student because, to be honest, the child was most likely never given a first chance either.

Now that Aizawa has actually met you, he can see what Nedzu meant.
"Yes," he answers and he can see that you didn't want to hear it. "But that's only if you give them a reason to treat you differently. Some may be cautious of you at first, but that will go away. If any students are persistant in thinking you're just a villain, then I'll let them know otherwise."

You stop walking as you get to a building, it's tall and boxy, it's stairs are on the outside, they barely look safe to walk up. You hand Aizawa his bag of Jelly pouches and beer back.
"I threw the Cigarettes in a puddle." You say and stand on the first step. "They're bad for you, plus the brand you bought are extra icky."
You're glad that he doesn't ask how you know that.

"Thanks for paying for the stuff," you add and feel like a child. But manners Aren't childish, you wish you could tell that to the Home Invader.

"I'll see you around."

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