The Merciless

By RuthAMyers

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The mess of Love attracts until it consumes them all. Raylene Walker had too many people left to protect, too... More

Author's Note
Chapter 2: Hope
Chapter 3: Transfixed
Chapter 4: Honey and Amber
Chapter 5: Rewritten Stars
Chapter 6: The challenge
Chapter 7: Thoughts
Chapter 8: The Unexpected
Chapter 9: The Caught Lie
Chapter 10: Languages
Chapter 11: Heart Does Go On
Chapter 12: Revealed Secrets
Chapter 13: No Trash Talks
Chapter 14: Pests
Chapter 15: Mother's Game
Chapter 16: Fighters
Chapter 17: Panic
Chapter 18: Lia
Chapter 19: Roommates
Chapter 20: Lies and Bruises
Chapter 22: Bad Dreams
Chapter 23: Prank Wars
Chapter 24: United Voices
Chapter 25: Safe
Chapter 26: Elegant Secrets
Chapter 27: Alive
Chapter 28: Timid Moments Of Happiness
Chapter 29: Traps Or Faith
Chapter 30: Unexpected Horrors
Chapter 31: Adorable Assurance
Chapter 32: Light in Darkness
Chapter 33: Unwanted Promises
Chapter 34: Gone
Chapter 35: The Traitor
Chapter 36: The Stupid
Chapter 37: Unforeseen
Chapter 38: Why?
Chapter 39: Fear
Chapter 40: Blink
Chapter 41: Revelation
Chapter 42: Trust
Chapter 43: Done
Chapter 44: Hell
Chapter 45: War
Author's Note

Chapter 21: Presence

106 8 2
By RuthAMyers

Her heart was thundering. It was beating at a pace faster than light, so fast that she could feel it drum all across her body. She was mentally shaking, her whole attention on the body beside her. The way he had come so close, and she had let him, had left her breathless and doubting her self control. Physically, her eyes were trained ahead, on the bag which flew to and fro. Her hands punching the bag with excessive force to drown her thoughts as Music blasted in her ears. Everything and everyone was in another world. Everyone apart from him. Even though the pain was pulsing in her arms passing through her bones and she couldn't hear anything else apart from the music in her ears, she could feel his presence.

He was there, he hadn't drowned away like everything else. He was real, alive standing right beside her. She could picture him, as he took the life out of the poor bag. His face was scrunched up only to form a guarded expression. His arm muscles were flexing, causing the veins hidden deep to show themselves. Right now, all Ray knew was that she was having continuous thoughts about him and his beautiful deep amber eyes, and she was unable to drown them no matter what. It was getting infuriating.

Suddenly feeling a surge of annoyance burst inside her, Ray let out an annoyed sound and punched, hard. The bag literally flew back and came back down with extreme force. Ray grit her teeth and held the bag, as it came rushing down towards her. A wave of pain shot up her arm, causing her to hiss under her breath. As she gripped the bag edges, she sighed and rested her forehead on its rough surface and closed her eyes. Her forehead was still tickling from the kiss Angel had given her. She opened her mouth slightly and let out a breath as the picture from that scene came back crashing in her mind.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and she jerked back in surprise. She turned and saw Angel's face. It was etched with hidden concern. She raised her eyes to his and shook her head. He raised his eyebrows and his lips formed a thin line. She smirked at him half-heartedly and moved back, not being able to remove her eyes from his.

"Hey Lovebirds!" Someone yelled. She groaned under her breath and turned around, only to be met by an amused Joshua. She rolled her eyes and flipped him off. He frowned at her and she grinned in triumph. His frown deepened, and he pointed towards Ray's next trainee. She smirked and nodded, causing his face to scrunch up into an expression of irritation. Chuckling softly, She turned halfway and showed her smirk to Angel who was glancing between her and Joshua with guarded eyes. She reached out and ruffled his already messed up hair causing him to growl under his breath.

She laughed wholeheartedly and took a step away from him. She wiggled her fingers at him and said, "Bye niño bonito."

Angel's eyes widened in surprise and he let out a chuckle, muttering a "Dios." under his breath. She smirked at his astonished expression and took another step back, "I can learn Spanish too. See you tomorrow." She said, walking away. As she walked away she heard him scoff and say, "I'm still coming with you tonight."

She groaned and stomped her foot. Her pains came to no avail. Ignoring his knowing chuckles, she walked toward her next trainee, keeping her eyes trained ahead. They got to work immediately. For the next 3 hours, Ray lost herself in vigorous exercise, with constant running, defence and attack positions and casual matches which left both, her and her trainee, panting. Often she stood and he lay on the ground, groaning.

After hearing the constant grunts and growls of two different trainees, Ray ignored everyone and decided to call it a day. Jumping out of the ring, Ray undid the velcro, on her hands as she walked inside Joshua's office, and made herself at home. He wasn't there, but she couldn't care less. She took a seat on his chair and leaned back. Without any hesitation, she placed her feet on his clean desk and rolled her neck. Her head was pounding. She let her neck hang back and reached back to open up her hair, causing them to fall back on the chair and her bangs to fall sideways over her forehead. She let out a relieved sigh as she opened and closed her aching fists.

Soon, the doors of the confined room were opened and Ray saw Joshua stalk in, a sulk evident on his tired face. He rolled his eyes at her and took a seat across her and put his head on the desk beside her feet. She yawned and removed her feet from his desk and leaned forward, keeping her elbows on the cold desk.

"What's up?" She asked, as he lifted his head and looked at her. He simply shrugged and said, sarcasm lacing his tone,

"Oh, nothing." he started, "Tonight, more than 100 people have decided to bless us with their presence, and more than 10 fights are going to occur. Which in turn means that more amounts of bets would be placed. Which would lead to more fights amongst the crowds causing more mess to clean up in the morning." The more he thought about it, the more his face scrunched up in irritation and annoyance.

She chuckled and stretched, raising her arms in the air and letting out a satisfied sound, she said, "Be optimistic Josh. It'll be fine. And I'm coming tonight, I'll try and break up the small fights in the crowd. Then you wouldn't have any more mess to clean up."

He just shook his head and rubbed his hands across his face. She cringed at his weird expression. Reaching forward, she pulled his arms away from his face, "Stop doing that! You're going to get more wrinkles. I don't want my boss to look that old." She said, seriously.

He looked her dead in the eye and made a face of disapproval, "Haha. Very funny." He said keeping his facial expressions bored.

She frowned and put her head on the desk, leaving his arms. She felt his hands on her head, as he patted her hair, teasingly. Rolling her eyes, Ray moved away from his hands, the rolling chair screeching underneath her. Josh soon lay his head beside her, on the wooden desk and closed his eyes. Ray groaned in irritation as she heard a loud irregular snore erupt from him. Quietly banging her forehead on the hard desk, she pushed back and got up. Checking the time on her wristwatch, she started walking blindly towards the door. She stopped herself before hitting herself. A sudden thought hit her, Damn, she forgot all about Ira.

Feeling guilty, she opened the door and heard another snore erupt from Joshua. Smirking, she stepped out quietly and pulled the door, hard. It slammed against the walls and a loud sound to echo across the rooms. As she turned, a loud, yet muffled scream filled the air,


Smiling at another one of her accomplishments, she skipped towards the lockers. She mentally congratulated herself and grinned at her weird self. She could be very childish. Sometimes.

As she reached the heated arena of the locker room, a series of thoughts started in her mind. It was already 3:00 PM, and she hadn't had lunch yet. Although she had prepared lunch for Ira. That means Ira's fine until dinner. She still had to ask her questions. Uh! She absolutely loathed interrogations. Ira also needed new clothes. Maybe she should take Michelle with her, and Ashley or Myra. Huh. Naomi wouldn't like shopping. OH! All the girls should go and Naomi and her could go on a book spree. Yes! Satisfied with her plans, she opened the locker and removed her keys and phone, humming silently under her breath.

It was cold outside, so she took out the beanie which was hidden deep inside her bag. She removed the inner cloth which was wrapped around her arms, hesitating at first because Angel had put them on. Frowning at her miserable thoughts, she shoved the cloth inside her bag and slammed the locker shut. She rubbed her temples and shook herself out of her pathetic thoughts.

Sighing in peace she untied the knot of her T-shirt and let it fall over her heated stomach. She ran a hand through her hair and walked out. The bike keys rotating in her finger, Ray walked towards the exit, already dissolved in her thoughts. As soon as she walked out, a cool breeze brushed her face and she shivered in content. Smiling lightly she walked towards her bike and pulled her beanie over her head. She put on her leather jacket and shivered again. She rubbed her arms slightly she started walking again. Just as she was about to reach her bike, she sensed a cool feeling hit her nose. She stopped in her tracks and looked up and opened her mouth as another wave of coolness washed over her face.

It was snowing, she thought, a sense of bliss filling her chest. The cold was bearable as small snowflakes fell on her. Smiling, she looked back down and stopped in her tracks, again. Besides her bike, leaning on his own motorcycle was Angel. He was wearing his thin hoodie and small snowflakes lay in his dark hair, their white color shining against his chocolate hair. His gaze was on her. She noticed that his hair was still messed up, flying in every direction. But that didn't make him look any less beautiful, she couldn't help but think. His gaze broke as a strand of hair pierced his amber eyes and he cursed loudly, already rubbing his eyes. She let out a laugh, and he glared at her through his half-open eyes.

Soon he lost his glare and went back to rubbing his eyes. As Ray got closer to him she noticed him shivering ever so lightly. His nose was bright red, along with the tip of his ears and the slight red had spread across his pale cheeks. As Angel's gaze cleared, he saw Ray looking at him with concerned eyes. She came forward and frowned upon his shivering self. Sighing, she looked him in the eye and asked, "What are you doing here?"

He slanted a look in her direction, "I'm coming with you." he said.

She blinked, "What?" she asked, completely forgotten, "Where?"

"Right now, to your house or wherever you're going, and then to the fight tonight." He said.

She frowned, "Don't you have other things to do?" she said as shrugged and shivered again.

"Fine, let me put it this way. Angel, go mind your own business and stop interfering in mine." She said.

To her surprise, he grinned and said, "You are my business."

She closed her eyes and refrained from smiling. But ended up doing it anyway. She shook her head and opened her eyes, "Fine." she said.

"Didn't ask you." He purred.

She glared at him and he responded with a half-hearted smirk. He was freezing, Ray noticed again. She took a step closer to him and removed her beanie. Pulling him down by the fabric of his hoodie, she placed the beanie on his head, to prevent him from getting cold. The beanie covered more than half of his head, only small strands fell on his forehead.

Her gaze on his, she didn't, couldn't let go of his jacket as his amber eyes melted into hers. His gaze went through her honey eyes and she couldn't help but stare back. After a long moment, Ray finally broke out of the trance and let him go. He stepped back and averted her gaze. She turned and walked toward her bike, but not before Angel reached forwards and pulled her slightly by her wrist. As she turned, she heard him whisper, "Gracias Amor." And he left her arm and stalked towards his bike.

Shaking yet again, she walked towards her bike. As they both climbed on the bike, two deep rumbles filled the air. Angel made a deep rumbling sound with his bike, portraying a silent challenge. Smirking, Ray reciprocated. Her bike roared again as she accelerated.

And they set off. Cool air passed by her face as she cut through the snow which fell from up above. Soon, Angel was beside her on his own bike, smirking.

Both of them were looking ahead, but both were aware of each other's presence amongst the other drowned sounds and things. This was her definition of freedom. And with Angel beside her, somehow that fantasy just got better. But Ray knew better than to live in her unrealistic fantasies.

Before any of them knew, they reached Ray's house. Ray parked her bike within her fence and willed Angel to do the same. He followed without any second thoughts. Both their bikes lost their lives as Angel and Ray got off. Ray removed her keys and went ahead, unlocked the door and walked into the heated rooms. Angel followed, sighing in the content against the heat which radiated across the halls.

Ray dropped her keys on the side counter and ventured forward. She cupped her hand around her mouth and called out, "IRA!"

Ray soon heard a muffled reply from across the rooms. "HERE!" Ray nodded to herself and looked at Angel and motioned for him to follow her. Angel followed her as she stalked into her living room. Soon, she started speaking as she opened the door to her living room, "Ira, I brought someone. Hope you don't-" and she stopped speaking.

Frowning, Angel moved past her and stepped into the room filled with her friends. Ray's hands went on her hips and she said, "How did you all get in?"

Angel was ignored without any hesitation, as Alex replied gleefully, "Ira let us in."

Ira scoffed and looked ahead at the TV. Ray glared at Alex, "I locked the door this morning. She couldn't open the door. So I'm asking you one more time, Alex Smith, how did you get in?"

Alex looked down and shrugged. Ray sighed and said, "I gave you all keys in case of emergencies, only." Angel laughed inside, and leaned against the wall, getting entertained from the live show. Ashley pouted and said, "We were lonely. And we missed Ira." She put her arm on Ira's shoulder and pulled her closer. Ray just shook her head and her hair swayed lightly against her neck. Without realising, Angel took in her powerful stance. She was strong. Stronger than she showed and he couldn't help but respect her for that. Girls like her were difficult to find. A small smile took its place on his face as he looked at her face.

"Hey! Pretty boy!"

Angel's gaze snapped away from Ray and he fixed his eyes on a very amused Myra Homes. She cocked her head to one side and bit her lip. Angel raised his eyebrows and looked back at Ray, who was busy glaring at Myra. Her tongue was poking her cheeks from inside as if she was refraining from saying something. Myra grinned slightly and said, "What are you doing here?"

Everyone seemed interesting in the answer as the girls looked at him expectantly and the guys glared. Ray's eyes snapped to his and she gave him a pleading look. Please don't tell them.

Angel wasn't going to tell them anyway. Whatever she did was her business, and whatever they did was theirs. Angel shrugged, "Accompanying Ray." He said in a bored tone. From the corner of his eyes, he saw Ray sighing. He relaxed.

Alex's glare at him intensified and Angel grinned. This was getting interesting. He thought with excitement. But before the fun started he felt a hand tug at his sleeves. He looked down and saw Ray shaking her head at him. His grin widened and he looked back at Alex, and all the other boys, who were drilling holes in his head. A chuckle erupted from his mouth. Ray slapped him on his chest as he was about to laugh. That caused him to let out a series of chuckles. He saw her smiling ruefully too.

He shook his head and looked at Alex in the eye, "Look, I'm not the bad guy here. I'm not going to hurt her. In fact, it's the complete opposite in our" Angel thought and said sceptically "friendship." Ray bit the insides of her cheeks and turned around, "I'm going to make coffee." She announced and walked into the kitchen. Angel shook his and looked back at Alex, whose eyes had softened by a millimetre. Angel smirked and put his hands in his pockets and followed Ray.

He entered the kitchen, where Ray was standing. Her back faced him as she boiled some milk for the hot coffee. She felt his presence behind her and she turned. She looked at him and then turned her eyes upon her watch. Sighing she said, "6:00 PM." Under her breath. Angel walked towards her and carefully reached forwards. His hands touched her creased forehead and he pulled her furrowed eyebrows apart.

Her head snapped up and he lost himself in her eyes. A question formed in her eyes, but Angel answered before she could ask him, "Tension doesn't look good on you." he said. She raised her eyebrows and smiled softly, "Oh ya?"

Angel nodded, a smirk of his own gaining its place on his face. She rolled her lips under her teeth and ran her tongue over them, unaware of Angel's thundering heart. "What looks good on me?" She asked teasingly.

Angel leaned back against the counter and pretended to think, "Let's see. You look cute when you're angry. You look good when you're happy. And You look dangerous when you're in killing mode." Angel said, causing her to roll her eyes. Angel took in a breath and whispered,

"And you look more beautiful when you're with me."

Ray lost her balance. Her arms slipped from the platform and she almost rolled her eyes at the timing. Cursing, she was about to fall when an arm grabbed her waist, lightly. Ray sucked in a breath and couldn't help but think how cliché this situation was. She didn't do clichés.

She gained control over herself and let Angel hold onto her. Smirking softly, she caught the front of his hoodie and pulled him closer to her. Even with her heart pacing at the speed of light because of Angel's hot breaths fanning her face, Ray kept her cool. She was yet to return his kiss. So slowly, she pulled him closer and turned her face so she could whisper in his ear, "I look good, no matter what I do." She said.

She pulled back slightly and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. She saw his eyes widening and she again tried to calm her heart. She pulled away from him. Stepping back, she smiled and locked her gaze on the milk. She didn't dare look back. Her gaze remained on the hot gas. But her breath faltered again as she felt an arm snake its way across her waist. She got pulled back and slammed into his hard chest. She gritted her teeth, as he whispered in her ear, "You're a crazy storm you know. But you're my storm."

And he stepped back. Ray willed her heart to calm down and to stop her irregular breaths. She stole a glance at him and to her surprise, saw him doing the same. He was running his hands through his hair with his eyes closed. She grinned slightly and turned her gaze back on the stove. They spent the next 10 minutes in absolute silence. Moving around each other comfortably, both of them filled all the mugs and together carried the brim filled coffees to Ray's friends.

Angel settled down beside Ray, not wanting to get out of her comfortable aura. Hours went by, and before any of them knew it was 10:30 PM. No dinner, no takeouts. All of them lay, already tired from the eventful day. Everyone was asleep. Angel's hand was wrapped around Ray's shoulder and her head lay in the crook of his neck. Alex lay in Naomi's lap as Naomi leaned against the sleeping figure of Ashley. Myra's back was against Elias's chest as both of them got comfortable in each other's company. James lay on the couch, his arms and his legs thrown apart. Ira was leaning against Ray's other side, snoring quietly. Noah lay in Ray's lap, and she could feel her legs go numb.

Her peace was disturbed as her phone buzzed in her pocket. She yawned and removed her phone, ignoring the feeling of surprise as she lay against Angel's silent figure. It was time. 10:45 PM. She had 15 minutes to get ready. She looked at Angel and sighed. He looked so at peace, so Ray let him be. Carefully she removed Noah from her lap and placed his head on a pillow. She moved Ira's head from her shoulder and placed it down on the floor carefully. Ira curled up and slept soundly. Letting out a breath Ray carefully squirmed and got out of Angel's comforting arms.

She got up, careful not to make any sound around her. Stepping out of the tangled mess, Ray walked towards her room. Without any hesitation, she opened her cupboard and removed her clothes. She put on her dark black jeans and topped them with a black hoodie. She pulled the sleeves so they covered half of her hands. She looked in the mirror and tied her hair, letting a couple of bangs fall sideways on her head. She completed her black look with plain black shoes and put on her watch.

Turning around she grabbed her half hand gloves and put them on. She took her bag and took a couple of bandages and some ointment, just in case. Placing her phone inside her bag, along with her house keys, she swung her bag on her shoulder and walked out of her room. She locked the doors and walked downstairs, careful to make no sound. She went into the kitchen and took a bottle of water and placed it into her bag. She grabbed her house and bike keys and went to open her door when an arm caught hold of her wrist. She reacted quickly. Twisting her arms, she twisted the arms of her capturer and slammed him against the wall.

"Great." She heard Angel whisper sarcastically.

She bit her tongue and released him. He shook his hands and turned towards her and shot her a glare. She smiled sheepishly and turned to get out of the house. He caught hold of her wrist and said, "Not so fast." She rolled her eyes. She heard him chuckle as she pulled her arm out of his grasp.

He pointed to himself and said, "I."

Ray didn't bother to hear the remainder of his sentence. She turned and stalked out of the door. She heard him stutter behind her and she just shook her head. Dumbass.

He immediately followed her and kept quiet as she locked the door quietly. She placed a finger on her lips and willed him to keep quiet when he opened his mouth. He pouted and placed his finger on his lips. Smiling, she motioned him to follow her. Both of them walked towards their bikes and didn't start them. Instead, to avoid waking the others up, both of them walked with their bikes outside. Soon they reached the end of the neighbourhood and got on their bikes and ignited the fire beneath.

Both, side by side rode to the fighting arena. Lights were glowing inside and a few chants were heard as they reached. Both of them parked their bikes and placed their keys safely in Ray's bag. Ray was about to walk in when Angel called out to her, "Ray!" he said as they walked beside one another.

She raised her eyebrows, "Yeah?" she asked.

"Give me your phone." He said. She scrunched up her eyebrows in confusion "Why?" She asked.

He sighed, "Just give it." he repeated.

Ray shrugged and placed her beloved phone in his hand, acting as if it were no big deal. Angel looked up at her and asked, "What's your password?" She looked away.

"Just tell me, I won't hack into it." He said, a smile evident in his tone.

She sighed and reached forward and took her phone from his grasp, and put in the password. Ray rolled her eyes as she heard Angel chuckle behind her. She turned swiftly and saw him standing behind her.

"What?" She asked as she looked back at her screen.

He smirked at her and shook his head, "Nothing." he said as he grabbed her phone and turned away.

She shook her head, hiding her smile, "Just do what you want to do." Curious, her eyes automatically looked at what he was doing. He had opened the Contacts and was dialling a number. He saved the number as, 'Your Angel'.

She grinned slightly and shook her head again. He looked at her with a gleam in his eyes and removed his own phone. He took her phone number into his contact list. Ray stole his phone and named her contact 'Your Storm'. And laughed.

"Just in case we lose sight of each other." He said in a serious tone.

She nodded her head and hooked her arm through his and pulled him inside the heated room. As soon as they entered, Ray heard people chanting,

King! King! King! King! King!′

She sighed and unhooked her arm from Angel's. She had to get to Logan. She looked at Angel's guarded face and motioned for him to follow her. He clasped her hand with his and let himself get pulled through the crowd by Ray. They soon reached Joshua's office, a.k.a, the changing and preparing room. Ray stepped in and pulled Angel after her. As soon as she stepped inside, Ray was pulled away from Angel into a hug. Angel let her go and leaned against the wall, his gaze averted.

"Thank god!" He heard Logan say. He gritted his teeth as he took in their proximity. Not letting his anger get the better of him, Angel closed his eyes and stopped his train of thoughts. He heard Ray something to him but ignored it. Angel could take Logan down if he wanted to but again, Ray wouldn't like that.

Angel heard some shuffling and soon, Ray was back in his arms. His eyes snapped open as she took his hand in hers and squeezed. When he looked at her, he saw her smirking slightly. Shaking his head, Angel couldn't help but grin. And all of a sudden, the chants changed.

"Lo-gan! Lo-gan! Lo-gan! Lo-gan! Lo-gan!"

It was time.

Logan took a deep breath and Ray clapped him on the shoulder. And he walked out, followed by Ray and Angel. As Logan went forward, Ray changed courses. She turned and walked straight into the crowd. They stood in the front and Ray started shouting. The first round was going to start. The referee stood in between. He looked at both of them and yelled, "READY!"

Both Logan and King nodded. While Logan was muscular yet lean, King was double his size. He looked as if he were ready to crush Logan in one go, while Logan looked strategic. The gears in his mind were shifting as he contemplated what his first move would be.

And the whistle was blown. The match began.

Logan was thrown off balance as King landed an unnerving punch in Logan's face. He was immediately up, and King walked in his direction. He swung both his arms and tried to punch him again. Logan moved out of the way. The first round went like this, King landing his hits on Logan, while Logan either ran or defended. Angel looked at Ray and to his surprise, saw her smirking.

The second round began, and Logan attacked. He used his speed to dodge and attacked with his whole strength. King, was overconfident and hence made more mistakes. More spots were left open, and Logan took advantage. That's what Ray had taught him. Angel grinned at her strategic mind. She was shouting at the top of her voice. Logan won the round.

The third round began. Both of them bloodied, both of the tired, fought. Sloppy and weak, both of them landed weak punches. Ray was pissed now. She called out to the referee and ordered him to take a break, already jumping in the ring. He agreed reluctantly and walked away. Logan went on his side and Ray climbed up the ring angrily. Angel saw her stalk up to him and she slapped him across his forehead. She knelt and was shouting at him. He was nodding as he took in her words. The referee blew the whistle. Logan looked up with a new fire. Ray clapped him on the shoulder again and said something to him. She turned and jumped down and stomped towards Angel.

Angel's eyes were wide with astonishment and the match resumed with Ray fuming. Logan started using new tactics. His punches were hard, and the matches turned more bloody. In the end, Logan managed to grasp King's head in his hands and slammed it against his knee. King lost control and fell. Everyone got quiet.

The referee yelled, "10!"



And he continued the countdown until,




And shouts filled the air. Ray jumped in happiness besides Angel and pumped her hands in the air. Angel caught her as she lost her balance again. But she was laughing and tipped back. Angel smiled and steadied her. She looked at him and wiggled her eyebrows, her anger already evaporated and at that moment he couldn't help that tug at his heart. Angel took her hand in his and pulled her towards Joshua's office, where Logan was lounging.

As they stepped in Ray hi-fived Logan but kept her distance. He was stinking. Angel congratulated him and stepped back. He heard Ray say, "We gonna head out. Good job. See you Tuesday."

She waved him in goodbye and pulled Angel through the crowd, their hands entwined. As soon as both of them were out of the doors they heaved a deep breath and grinned at each other. It was then Angel took a step in her direction and raised his hand to do tuck that one strand of hair behind her ear. But their peace was disturbed as they heard a couple of whistles emerge from the opposite end. Their gaze snapped to a couple of guys who stood in the dark corner. Angel pulled Ray towards him and started walking in the opposite direction, his eyes narrowed and his fingers tightly bound against her wrist.

But as they took a step in the opposite directions, two guys stood revealed themselves, and they were surrounded. Angel's hand-etched towards his gun only to find out that he hadn't brought it with him. With a curse ready on his tongue, he pulled Ray closer to him and saw that all of them wore masks, covering half of their face. They stepped closer. Angel was about to show them hell when Ray stepped out of his arms, her face deadly. All of them stopped in their tracks and saw her crack her knuckles. He stood, scoffing under his breath, as he saw her pull the sleeves of her hoodie up. She turned her head slightly and looked at Angel, "You take care of the other two, I'll handle these weaklings." she said with a light smirk on her face.

Angel smirked and he turned, knowing that he could trust her to take care of herself. The guys growled simultaneously and stepped closer. And they attacked.

Ray didn't even have to take a step forward as the two guys in front of her pounced like lions on their prey. Her eyes narrowed and she moved out the way, immediately going ahead as they hit the ground. She twisted her body and got one of them in the gut, groaning in disgust as he coughed right in front of her. Her attention on the other guy, she rounded upon him and immediately launched her blows, dodging his useless tries.  Both of them got up again and snarled. She scoffed and saw something gleaming in their hands. A knife. Damn it.

"THEY HAVE A KNIFE!" She yelled as she saw Angel fighting on the other end.

While she disarmed the first guy, the second one tried to cut her neck. She ducked and ended up with a scratch on her cheekbone. Pissed as hell, her fists connected with one's face and he went down, unconscious. Her fingers darted in her back pocket and she swiftly removed her Karambit knife, hooked it only her thumb and grabbed the other guy by the hem of his shirt. Ray leaned forward and pressed it to his neck, her eyes lethal,

"Who sent you?" she asked him as her feet swept him off his balance and he fell. Her knife dug deeper into his neck as she leaned down and whispered again, "Who sent you?"

The man below her looked at her with wide eyes, "The Lions." he whispered and as the fear took a toll over his mind, his eyes rolled back into his head and he fainted. Ray groaned and let go of him, tucking her knife back into her pocket. She tore their masks off and clicked their pictures. She'd have to check them out later, she thought as she took their knives and placed them in her back pocket.

She then got up and turned, ignoring the blood which trickled down her cheek. Angel was kneeling as he held one of the guy's necks. Ray walked towards him and placed a hand on his shoulder. He ignored her as the guy was saying something. Ray caught his last words, "The Lions send their regards." and Angel let him go. Ray took their pictures too and took their knives and placed them amongst the other two.

Angel shook miserably and got up, shaking with anger. His eyes were deadly and he looked as if he was about to kill someone. Ray took a step in front of him and placed her hands on his cheeks, pulling him down. He cast his steel eyes in her direction and glared. Not at her, but at the blood which was racing down her cheek.

She looked him in the eye and willed him to do the same. He looked at her with a defeated look in his eyes. Reaching out he wiped the blood off her cheek. She gulped and said, "Let's go home."

He nodded blindly and walked ahead. Sighing she forced herself to refrain from asking questions. They got on their bikes quietly and rode back home. Silent as a cat both of them entered at 3:00 AM. Both of them exhausted and drained, walked into Ray's room. She looked at him and gave him a small smile, "Clean up in here. I'll go to Ira's room." He nodded and stepped into the washroom.

Defeated, Ray washed up quietly and managed to not think about anything. She was wiping her hair when she stepped into her room. Her steps faltered for a second as she saw his bare back gleaming against the night light. He was placing the extra pillows on the floor beside her bed. She said nothing and willed herself to step out of her stupid thoughts. He noticed her presence and immediately turned. His eyes softened and he took a step away from her, taking the shirt in his hand and pulling it over his head.

Ray sighed and opened her mouth to speak but Angel was already closing the distance between them. His warm hands wrapped around her figure as she felt him place his cheek against her hair. She stood, her hands slowly moving ahead and wrapping around him as he breathed,

"I'm glad you're safe." He said. Ray smiled as he pulled back. She had no words but she didn't need to say anything because he was already moving away from her. She sighed and got into her bed, burying herself in the warm pillows. Angel slept on the floor with his hands under his head. She leaned down and looked into his darkened and pained eyes. She reached forward and closed his eyes with her fingers and she saw the tension leave his shoulders.

"Sleep," she said quietly and turned off the lights. Both of them quietly reached towards each other, wanting to be together. Angel's hand clasped Ray's carefully and both of them slept soundly.

Until the nightmares penetrated their minds.


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