Our Sacred Space (Ariana/You)

By Camrenansnorminah

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"Wait!" I exclaim. She turns back around with a smirk "change your mind?" I stay silent for a second before I... More



1.6K 70 6
By Camrenansnorminah

A/n: not many a/n will be placed throughout this story,follow me on Twitter or check my wattpad profile for updates on my stories, I want to keep this story as real and professional as possible

For those of you asking, updates for (it's in the way she moves (Ariana/you)' book will remain the same on Wednesday's, for this book, updates will be every Saturday or every other Saturday

Thank u for the love on this and my other stories

Have a great day❤️

I wince as the pounding music reaches my ears once more. I look around the messy outdoors to Troyes home and even better, I spot Victoria in the corner.

I rush up to her.

"Ari! Where were you? You scared me" she says sighing in relief.

"I didn't feel good so I went to get some fresh air" I semi-lie.

She looks at me with worried eyes "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you, do you want to go dance?"

I shake my head "i honestly just want to leave, I saw Pete and the whole party is just making me sick"

"Of course, lets go through the back gate to the front of the house where my car is at" she says, grabbing my hand.

I nod as I walk alongside her to her vehicle. We enter her car and buckle up before she starts her engine and begins driving me to my place.

When we arrive, I thank her for the good part of the night, leaving out my favorite part when I met Pete's cousin.

I walk back up the driveway of my home and watch as Victoria drives off.

I unlock my door and open it. Shutting and locking it behind me as I take off my heels and hold them in my hand as I jog upstairs to my room.

I change into my sleep wear and wash my face before snuggling under my covers.

My mind reels to the thoughts of the stranger I met tonight and as if on cue, my phone vibrates.

I squint my eyes at my bright screen in my dark room and open up an unknown message.

Unknown: y/n

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

Me: ?

Unknown: my name, it's y/n

Me: do I know you?

Unknown: no, but u still trusted me enough to be lead into a tree house

I smile as I now know who the unknown number is. And even better, I know her name and it's beautiful.

Me: I'm surprised I wasn't murdered

Y/n: I wasn't planning on it

Me: your a strange one y/n

Y/n: your only just noticing this about me now?

Me: haha, I'm Just messing with u, I'm actually very curious to know more about u

Y/n: me too Grande, thanks for accompanying me in my tree house

Me: thank u for allowing me inside, I actually owe u a lot

Y/n: why's that?

Me: I felt way better being away from the party, it's very relaxing in ur humble home

Y/n: glad I could help but it's the least I could've done, I'm really sorry about Pete

Me: don't apologize, it's not ur fault

Y/n: I guess not but I still didn't like seeing u so upset earlier

Me: well I felt a lot better after the tree house :)

Y/n: me too, have u left the party?

Me: yeah I'm home

Y/n: alright, I'm probably going to head to bed

Me: kk I will too

Y/n: get some rest,have a goodnight Ariana

Me: goodnight y/n

I turn off my phone and place it underneath my pillow. Y/n is a mystery that I think I want to solve.


I wake up Sunday morning, a lot more elated than I was yesterday. Of course I'm still very upset but, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

As I finish my routine and bounce down my stairs, I notice my mom gathering her items.

"Ariana! Good morning, I didn't expect you to sleep in especially since your coming along with me today" my mom says.

I tilt my head in confusion then it hits me, last week I told my mom that I'd help her at the boutique today. My mom owns a clothing store for people who need dresses or fancy clothing for special occasions and because she's short staffed, she's been working extra shifts.

Last week she looked exhausted and I felt horrible seeing her so tired. I told her that I'd help her out today with whatever she needed and it seems like she hasn't forgotten.

I don't mind though, it'll be fun and I'm happy to help my mom.

"Crap I'm sorry I totally forgot mom, let me get changed and I'll meet you down here in a bit" I exclaim, jogging up the stairs.

"Don't take too long darling" I hear her call from down stairs.

I quickly begin to get ready, changing into a pink crop top and some skinny jeans with my white vans and my hair in its traditional ponytail before I add a light beat of makeup.

Placing perfume on hurriedly and rushing down the stairs, I bump into Frankie.

"Hey ari! How was the party last night?" He asks.

"It was great, I'll talk to you about it later I have to go" I say before moving my way past him and slipping out the door into my moms Lexus.

"Ready?" She asks.

I take a deep breath and nod "yep"

"Okay good, we're going to head over to a small cafe by my boutique first so I can grab a coffee" she explains, placing the car in reverse.

"M'kay" I grin, turning up the radio and looking out the window.

We pull up to a small coffee shop named 'Dream Bean Cafe'.

"I need to make a few calls, do you mind getting our drinks for us while I wait in the car?" My mom asks.

I shake my head "I don't mind mommy, what do you want?"

"A skinny vanilla latte with a blueberry muffin please, and thank you" my mom answers, placing her phone to her ear.

I nod and exit the car, walking up to the cafe and opening the door to the delicious smelling coffee shop.

"Welcome to Dream Bean Cafe, we'll be with you in a second" a man with a nicely trimmed beard says as I make my way to the counter.

He smiles and goes to the back where I'm pretty sure the kitchen is located, it's out of customer vision but not out of ear length.

I pull out my phone and text back my brother who continues to ask about last nights party as I hear the man in the kitchen say "yo Hollywood, I took care of the last one, there's a customer waiting for you now"

"Alright I got it" I hear a feminine voice exclaim, it sounds familiar.

I scroll out of my phone and place it in my back pocket as a woman with a black apron and hair in a bun with a visor covering her face, comes from the back as she looks at the ground before raising her head with a smile.

"Welcome to Dream bean cafe how can I help you toda- Ariana?" She jumps in surprise.

That's why she sounded so familiar, last night her voice was a lot more husky and now she sounds cheery.

"Y/n? I cant believe you work here!" I grin, she looks adorable in her work uniform.

She stays staring at me with a smile before she clears her throat and shrugs "a girls got to make a living right?"

I nod "I guess so, how long have you worked here for?"

She thinks for a second "about a year and a half I believe"

"Wow, your a junior so that means you've been working here since your sophomore year? Is that a legal working age?" I ask.

She chuckles "I'm a senior, not a junior, I've been working here since I was sixteen"

I blush in embarrassment "oh I'm sorry, you just look like a junior, so your seventeen then?"

"Bingo" she smiles.

"Oh, me too...my birthday is next year in the summer"

"Mine is in two months so, next semester" she grins.

I bite my lip as I scan her beautiful face.

She stays looking at me with a beam on her face until a new costumer enters, making the bell on the door chime.

She clears her throat before rubbing the back of her neck "Uhm so, what can I get you?"

I shake my head of my daydreaming "can I have a skinny vanilla latte, two blueberry muffins, and whatever you choose for me"

She writes down my order on her notepad that she got out of her apron. "What?" She asks.

I shrug "I've never been here before, surprise me, one order of your favorite thing to drink here"

"What if you don't like it?" She questions.

"I doubt that I won't,stop worrying so much and just please the customer in front of you" I tease.

She quirks an eyebrow with a smirk "is that so?"

I giggle "yes now chop chop with my coffee"

"Okay then grande, so it's going to be a skinny vanilla latte, two blueberry muffins and a y/n special, got it" she chuckles.

I nod "how much do I owe you?"

She grins softly "it's on the house for today"

My stomach twists in knots at her generosity "oh, uhm..are you sure?"

"Definitely, I'll get working on your coffee, it'll be out in a sec" with that she jogs to the back and the man who I had seen when I first got here, comes out to take the order of the customer behind me.

When y/n returns with my order, she hands me a note along with a paper cup that had a plastic cover, I assume it's the surprise drink. "Read the note when your going to start drinking what I made you"

I nod "I will, I have to go now but it was nice seeing you again, I'll text you later?"

She smiles "course, nice seeing you too and have a good one shorty"

I grab my items with a cup holder that y/n provided and walk out of the cafe, taking one last look behind me before I exit, only to see y/n staring back at me with a grin.

I bite my lip and turn away flustered before racing to my moms car.

When I enter, I hand my mother her coffee and muffin.

"Thank you dear, what took so long? Their usually really quick in there" she asks

I feel my nerves kick in, if my mom knows I was talking to someone, she'd ask who and how we met...and I don't think she'd be too pleased to hear that I snuck out to a party last night "oh, there was a long line" I lie.

She nods and begins to drive.

I take a bite of my muffin and stare at my special drink and the note in my hand.

I side glance at my mom to make sure she doesn't peep at what I'm about to read.

It seems like she's pretty distracted by the road, so I decide to go for it. I open up the note.

" sorry if you absolutely hate caramel,but I live for it, this is one of my favorite drinks because it's not on the menu, I was messing around in the coffee bar one day and I made this delicious ass latte with pumpkin flavoring,crushed almonds, milk, loads of caramel,whipped cream, and a few other secret ingredients that I shall not share in order for this to remain a true 'y/n special', I hope you enjoy :)

P.S: I didn't know if you drank regular milk so I used an alternative, soy milk, I hope it'll taste the same"

I giggle at her dorkiness and feel my heart warm at her sincerity of not knowing if I liked regular milk, which I don't, since I'm a hardcore vegan.

I eye the warm drink in suspicion before risking my tastebuds and taking a sip.

When the mellow liquid reaches my tastebuds, I have no regrets. It is so incredibly delicious that I feel like moaning in delight with every sip.

The balance of sweetness and tanginess is perfect. I smile at the note y/n gave me and place it in my pocket as I proceed to enjoy the rest of my beverage.

My mom pulls up to the boutique and hops out of the car.

As she opens the door, I follow her inside and to the back room.

She raises her brow and smirks at me. I frown "what?"

She chuckles "I saw that note you pulled out in the car ari"

I blush "oh,that? Psh that was just a-a napkin"

"Did you forget that you're my daughter? I know when your lying, and most importantly I know when someone makes you happy, I saw you smiling while you were reading that note,what was it?" She points out.

I sight in defeat "I saw a friend at the coffee shop,they work there"

My mother's eyebrows raise "oh so that's what took you so long, I see,which friend was it?"

I shrug "their someone I met at the party last nigh-" my eyes widen as I almost finish that sentence. But I know she heard it...I'm in trouble.

Knowing I'll regret it later, I turn to face my mom who's laughing at me.

My head tilts in confusion "you heard that...right?"

My mom nods.

"And Your not mad?"

She shakes her head "not at all sweetie, I know you went to a party last night, it was my idea to ask Victoria to take you somewhere, I thought you needed to get out a bit to get your mind off of the heartbreak"

I grin "Awh I appreciate that so much mom, I actually really need to thank you"

She smiles back "of course ari, and whys that?"

"I met a friend there"

"The same friend you saw at the coffee shop?" She asks.

I nod "yeah,they helped me cheer up a bit"

"Awh that's so sweet honey what's their name?"

"Y/n" I reply.

"Y/n? That girl is so precious! I like her!" My mom beams.

"Wait what? You know her?" I gasp.

She nods and takes a sip of her coffee before continuing "course I do, I'm a local at the dream bean cafe, she's always working when I stop by, one time when I dropped my coffee she gave me another free one and a free blueberry muffin to go along with it, she told me 'it happens to the best of us' and ever since then, I've always tipped her double and had conversations with her about her life and school! Did you know she goes to your school?"

I bite my lip to keep myself from smiling too hard at the fact that my mom knows y/n and has nothing but good to say about her "yeah I know"

"Well I don't really know much ,tell me about her while I start working on a few dresses"

"Oh uhm,we just met last night so I don't know a lot about her either,but there's something about her that makes me want to get to know her,she seems so composed like she's got it all figured out and her energy is just so incredible, I know she's Pete's cousin and all bu-"

"She's Pete's cousin?!" My mom gasps in disbelief.

"Yeah but she's nothing like him, I have a good feeling about her mom"

My mom shrugs "Okay then,I trust your intuition,and she sounds like a sweet girl " The woman I admire begins to get to work as she finishes talking with me.

I nod and sigh "she does"

I help my mom out around the boutique a little bit before lunch time finally rolls around.

"Do you want to postmate some food while I finish this dress up really quickly?"

I smile "sure mommy" I pick up my phone and notice that y/n had texted me a few minutes ago. I order my mom and I some salads before replying.

Y/n: I hope you liked it :)

Me: I did, thank u

Y/n: thank god you replied I thought I you got sick because of the drink

Me: haha no I'm just helping my mom at her job so I haven't been able to check my phone,and besides that drink was fucking bomb

Y/n: glad you think so shorty

Me: I never took u for a softie by the way

Y/n: what do you mean?

Me: ur note

Y/n: oh pshh nah I'm a badass u misinterpreted it

Me: did I now?

Y/n: yep,sorry to break it to you Grande

Me: as much as I enjoy u bullying me, aren't u supposed to be at work "badass" ?

Y/n: on sundays I get out early so I'm not a work anymore

Me: oh,what r u up to then?

Y/n: I'm driving over to my friends house actually

Me: don't drive and text loser

Y/n: smh and I'm the bully

Me: shut up and text me later

Y/n: yes ma'am 🤚

I giggle out loud at her sarcasm. Shes honestly great.

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