By thefantagonist

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By thefantagonist

➺ for the revolutionary stxrshiptroopers!

✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿ ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

i'll be the last one standing...


letjktla gylcb'zx

 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝒏𝒂𝒎𝒆 

torianna emersyn marharaj


torianna ➺ conqueror

emersyn ➺ strength

marharaj ➺ great king

when choosing her 'stage name' aka, the pitiful, way too many vowels ridden human name, she made sure to choose one with hidden meanings conveying her power, strength and natural dominance, this is one of the galaxy's greatest warriors so of course, her name had to be absolutely superior than whatever else any of the other aliens may come up with. 


none. for one, the skantarian language has no patience for useless shortened forms of names. and two, it's a bad idea to attempt to give her human name any nicknames at all as she most definitely won't be too fond of them in general. letjtkla has no patience for these nickname thing, something that seems to be a purely human pastime and something about her vibes, from that cold stare to slightly uplifted tilt of the chin indicates to others, if you know what's good for you, you won't try and give her any nicknames either. 

𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒆 𝒂𝒈𝒆 

six hundred and eighty eight. among her species of skantar, she is neither old nor young, just sort of out there in the average percentile. averagely aged or not, letjtkla is appropriately revered, feared and respected for her merits and position as arguably, the galaxy's finest warriors. 

𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒈𝒆

to the mortal eye, her exact age is hard to discern, one of those faces with an ageless cold beauty, much like the now melting glaciers that populate the two poles of the earth. but she is somewhere in her late twenties, appearing to be around twenty six in human years?




homosexual. sex has never really been an important factor in letjktla's life, as she's always been a little more occupied with managing the extensive military actions of skantar and trying to take over the galaxy, apart of her doesn't mind the act finding it, at least, physically pleasurable. make no mistake, she is not the one to have 'lovers' too cool, too busy for your romantic bullshit. but if she did, well it's practically a given letjktla has to have full control. coming from an ultra feministic society and raised and taught, in what her mind is the rightful truth, females being superior in every way to a male, she understandably, doesn't find herself attracted to them whatsoever.

two hands in the air yeah...


the sadist


among the skantarian species, she is the epitome of good health and peak physical shape, scales healthy and clean, well muscled, sharpened fangs and claws and teeth, et cetera. by human standards, her true form is the face of fear, the stuff of nightmares. though really, she fails to see the appeal in humans at all, as they're all so squishy, vulnerable and kind of ugly as they're mostly hairless and altogether, scaleless. kind of boring and worthy of no note. though she suppose there are plenty of food supplies that don't look like much and end up being delicious. still, letjktla has done her research, making sure her i-cam form is relatively, attractive by human forms. when her i-cam is turned on, she appears to be a regal, elegant woman, despite standing at an average height of five feet four, there is something clearly commanding in her stick straight posture and the almost militaristic way of moving she has, slightly stiff yet hinting at hidden grace. her most notable 'human' traits are probably the darkened sculpted arch of her eyebrows, and the slightly aristocratic shaping to her features. 


amy jackson


make no mistake. there is nothing particularly 'humane' or redeemable about letjktla whatsoever, seemingly having 'no humanity.' but then again, she is the farthest thing from human so why let those silly ideas of morality define her? ruthlessly efficient and single minded when it comes to accomplishing a task, you can expect nothing but the best effort from former general letjcktla gylcb'zx and thus accordingly, she expects the best from those that work with or more likely, under or for her. letjktla has many flaws and while i wish i could say she's trying to work on them, nah, no she has learned to accept them, love them and move past that, self love what else can i say? however one of these flaws is definitely not slacking, back when she was general, she would always give a hundred and infinity percent into her battle campaigns and plans, even putting the same meticulous attention into space battles though she rather loathes them as a whole. there is nothing worth being proud of in her mind, sitting in metal vehicle and doing your fighting in there, where's the honor and more importantly, where is the exercise in that? however, she may dislike them, she would always try her best at them because letjktla is not the one to half ass anything. though her career path is slightly different now, she tries just as hard. 

a creature of habit, due to being a general, even now, letjktla maintains her habit of being naturally commanding. and by that i mean, bossy. around her bandmates she can be the absolute worse, the type to loudly demand they work harder and angrily wring her hands through the air every time she sees the the anothos frat boys with no musical talent and skill have managed to top them, yet again at the charts. letjktla is the type to blame others externally, even if she recognizes, that part of it may be her own fault, to say the least, she is extremely proud. coming from the warrior like, most importantly, matriarchal society that is skantar, these things such as reputation and honor do matter incredibly so to her, mostly due to her upbringing and also because, maybe, secretly, though she'd never admit it, she's the tiniest touch insecure internally. but only a touch. outwardly at least and for the most part internally, she gives zero fucks for the opinions of others... save for that of the media because that's kind of important to the whole victory plan thing. outside of that, no she really doesn't give a crap if you like her or not. letjktla is aware that she's hard to get along with, surly, headstrong and straight up a bitch. she knows that her drummer loki loathes her. whatever. letjktla isn't here for your affection or your adoration, she's never been about it all. she has always been a hundred percent, violently, herself. 

that self is an extremely hard worker, with short patience, high expectations and an extremely higher temper. in general, it's not a good idea to piss letjktla off, nor to deliberately try to annoy her, because she bites back. cold as the darkest reaches of outer space, she will mercilessly throw out the cruelest barbed one liners, skillful with reducing one's ego to shreds with a few well placed words. this is a skill she's only honed since being stuck in i-cam and having to be 'undercover' it doesn't seem like a good idea to go around challenging others to duels and kicking their asses every time she's pissed off now does it? although she is a bit of a hot head, underestimating her mental capabilities could prove to be a deadly mistake. calculating and analytical, she is freed from emotional sentiment and weakness, one of the things that made her such an effective general for skantar. possessing a competitive drive to succeed in all that she does, even when younger, especially when younger, this spirit of her making her stand out even among her fellow skantarians, where competitive natures are common, hers was a drive that was extra prominent.

 letjktla's intelligence is sharp as a knife and though she's not patient enough to intricate manipulations, her strategies are usually on point. while she finds herself losing her patience with others often, when it comes to strategies and plans, she is much the master at playing the waiting game. she is trying her best to channel this attitude now, telling herself, one day, they will top those charts. did i mention she was a general? oh yeah. being the head of the skantarian army was always a great source of pride and joy for her, so yeah as one can imagine she's a little buttsore that skantar got completely vaporized. patriotic to the max, letjktla is as loyal as they come to her race and is surprisingly selfless, willing to put their interests above her own. though she doesn't have too many friends due to you know, the tendency to be rude and generally overwhelming to deal with, to the friends she does have, you'll find letjktla extremely loyal to them. last but certainly not least, this extra terrestrial is one with a true warrior's spirit. brave. hard working. she can undergo arduous work without breaking a sweat or complaining, courageous, there isn't anything in the world that truly scares her. letjktla was raised to fear nothing, and though she doesn't like the idea of losing or death or failure, those things certainly do not scare her at all. 

i'm a champion...


confident ➺ letjktla gylcb'zx is the queen of self love and stanning yourself, honestly couldn't be more confident if she tried. while letjktla isn't arrogant as one might assume, admitting and recognizing that she is a flawed being, as all are creatures because perfect is an illusion built by whiners, she has decided more or less, that well, she's never going to change. her nature is one that is resistant to changing. so, best to just accept yourself and all your flaws because others opinions mean nothing in the long run.

brave ➺ the once general of skantar is a warrior, so naturally, she is extremely resistant to fear. impossible to intimidate with nerves of iron and balls of steel, letjktla is intrinsically aware that this jukebox competition thing may well turn ugly at times. and, she is ready for it. bring it on. having pretty much nothing to lose, her courage knows no bounds.

strategic ➺ a given no? letjktla wasn't made a general for nothing and her planning skills are superior. just saying. though she may have a temper, she has a good head on her shoulders and an agile brain, while of course, she's no robot unlike the kasa'avids themselves, letjktla still has a good memory and strong brain. plus hers is all natural so when it comes down to it, she considers that competition won. 

independent ➺ letjktla is used to being able to rely on herself first and foremost, although she does see the importance in team work, no matter how she may appear. no matter what, this skantarian isn't the one to be clingy or constantly relying on others to go places in the world, she's her own go getter and rather, the person others will turn to for guidance.

leader ➺ there is a reason letjktla chose to become the band's lead singer and guitarist. as ex general, she's accustomed to leading and although she can be a hard leader, she is ultimately, good at what she does. leading is something she knows how to do and do well. could probably rule a planet as chaotic as earth without batting an eyelash. 


temper ➺ not exactly a unique trait for skantarians to possess mind you, but letjktla has a temper to her that is both fiery and short, meaning one, it doesn't take much to piss her off and two, when she goes off, she goes hard. definitely not a winning combination, the female has high standards for herself and equally high expectations on others, failure to meet these is a good way to incite her wrath.

brutal ➺ there is something amoral to almost everything letjktla does, there is always a goal, an endgame in mind and she's not particularly concerned about the right or wrongs of the necessary steps to take it there. one may even call her a bit cruel, sadistic even,  letjktla has no problems in creative torture and drawn out execution as both are fairly effective in their purposes. 

cold ➺ emotions? what's that? a warrior trained for battle, she is used to discarding emotions so not to say that she cannot feel, more so, her feelings are rather... detached. letjktla may be under the guise of a simple mortal skin using the i-cam but the cold apathy she has is very inhuman in general. 

bossy ➺ what did you expect? letjktla is used to being in positions of power and therefore, having the ability to command those beneath her. she will order you around like no one's basis and even should you try and protest, or tell her to stop doing it, the best you'll get from letjktla is an agreement oh i'll try and do that less, only for her to turn right around and do it again. most aren't even this lucky, she'll just roll and eye and continue demanding you do something till you give in from the strength of her superior will. 

superiority ➺ letjktla most definitely has a superiority complex for sure. again, being a former general for arguably one of the strongest armies, built of the best warriors, that's a lot of power to have. she is used to being in power and she likes it best at the top. bowing to others wishes and orders is not something that comes easily to her, if the end goal wasn't so tempting she probably would have broken a ton of rules by now, the i-cams always rule of the competition being particularly irking. 

you'll be looking up at me when it's over...


once upon a time, there was a planet called skantar. a fierce, 'primal' society built upon matriarchal society, this was home to arguably, the galaxy's finest warriors. raised from birth for being at home on battlefields, along with careful cultivation to feed and fuel a hunger for glory, power and more, letjktla was no exception to this upbringing and if anything, has always done her best to embody the classic skantarian spirit. an orphan, letjktla's father and mother weren't married, being the result of an unplanned pregnancy by warrior kvyalq gylcby'zx. kvyalq gylcby'zx was not expecting to have a child nor did she have any interest in it, but ah you know how these pregnancies work. also, skantarian taverns. enough said there. either way, having no partner of a sort and having no intention of putting her life on hold for the sake of bringing up yet another skantarian brat, she gave up her kid to the resident city orphanage and resumed going on battle campaigns. which, coincidentally, she died on one of these campaigns. how tragic. so, letjktla was brought up by the orphanage, which was run by three overworked skantarian woman and one male inferior. yeah, suffice to say, letjktla wasn't really raised by a happy household, if anything she was either overlooked constantly due to being one body among many or scolded, just because the orphanage keepers liked scolding everyone a lot. 

anyways, among the other skantarian children she was never exactly popular, later on when she was old enough to join training and go to school. whereas all the other kids would always be bragging and comparing about the awesome feats and deets of the family matrons, stuff like that, letjktla had no mother to be proud of, not even knowing her name. as a result, she was subject to a little more than your typical amount of childhood bullying. letjktla though, for the most part just let it bounce off her, not taking any criticism to heart. one day she vowed to become someone important, her name recognized and revered across the whole galaxy, not just skantarians but everyone would know it, she would have the fame, glory and success, enough to surpass everything the others were always so fond of bragging about. and so she did. upon reaching full maturity, year two hundred fifteen because she was ahead of schedule and the type to do things early,, letjktla signed up for the military with no hesitation, because on skantaria there was no great honor than that of a warrior. becoming a foot soldier, she served for around another two hundred years.

it was around year four hundred and twenty she gradually, but surely began to climb through the ranks. by her four hundred and fiftieth birthday, letjktla was promoted to general of the skantarians and well, the rest is history. under her watchful gaze and careful strategies, skantar grew. but of course, there just had to be other empires, other planets attempting to do the same. the great war came along and still, skantar kept finding, letjktla at the head of the charge. and then, seven years ago. skantar was destroyed and letjktla was devastated. everything worth fighting for, was her planet. skantar. but they're more than just a cosmic ball of rock. they're a people. letjktla came to earth after the war ended where she's blended in among humans since. formed a band with two other skantarians because they all needed to do something different for a change. became quite good at it, gained a following. then, this competition comes around a chance to take back what skantar lost and so she couldn't not enter now could she? here letjktla is now. fired up and ready for whatever this battle of the bands will bring. it is still a battle after all, her forte. 

as for her human persona? well torianna emersyn marharaj couldn't be more ordinary if she tried. raised by ye classic loving family, by a mom and dad very much in love, no siblings, ah the perfect family life that being adopted, letjktla never got to have. well, so when crafting her backstory, she made sure to give her alter ego little miss tori the family life part of her deep down has always yearned for. not that she'd ever show of course. your typical british kid from south shields, she moved to the big city of london to attend university. started a band with friends from college and had a lot of garage jam sessions. there was a drunk party, tori got real wild and destroyed a guitar at the end of an intense guitar system. this was livestreamed on instagram and rebel galaxy blew up overnight. before you knew it, recording deals came in, looking to make a profit and they became the top band in the uk and most of europe, though cracking the states has always been hard thanks to those trashy pop brands americans favor so much, aka stupid anothos at work again. then, the music competition and rebel galaxy was all too willing to oblige their worshipful stans by joining. there really isn't that much that can be said here. 


letjktla finds parts of the competition annoying and in general, she isn't very jazzed about the fact that there are rules and guidelines to follow, the fact that she must willingly give authority figures power over some of her actions and choices. however, the competitive side to her rather likes the challenge of it all, after skantar was destroyed, there's nothing to lose here. the only way she can go is up! the opportunity to subjugate a planet in the name of her sweet sweet skantar? sweet. she would love to do that. not to mention the honor and glory one gets in winning? cherry on top. letjktla was admittedly a little disappointed that the rumors weren't true and there wouldn't be an elaborate gladiatorial fight to the death for the finale but you win some lose some i guess. she is also sort of suspicious of liem in general and feels as though it is some elaborate trap set by anothos, but again, with skantar being destroyed, she kinda already has hit rock bottom. how much worse can it get?

the skantarian finds herself actually quite enjoying music itself! there's something thrilling about rock and roll, and it is a delightful excuse to generally act all feral and channel her rage into a 'socially acceptable' act because apparently violence, is never the answer on earth, what a backwards planet. so, going really hard at guitar and into her vocals is the next best thing. also, since they've gained a pretty successful status, chart toppers or not, she's rich enough to afford smashing her instruments every now and then. the egotistical side of letjktla loves the feeling of having fans, there's something intensely gratifying and also, amusing, how human youth seem to have no pastime or life of their own and instead resort to obsessing over 'celebrities,' and while this isn't something she understands, there is a different sort of power at having people who will scream in ecstasy at anything you do. different, she kinda likes it. of course it can also be incredibly annoying, but mostly a good thing. most likely, if she took over earth she would let the vast majority of loyal fans stay alive and or have the best job, don't say she isn't ever grateful!

earthlings. oh earthlings. she hates most almost as much as she hates anothos which is a lot, considering they obliterated her home planet. now letjktla doesn't despise all humans, she just doesn't have the highest opinions, along with holding a special loathing for the males of that species. they are absolutely foul little pigs but at least pigs tend to be delicious so at least they're not completely useless. would make great aperitifs. the amount of time she's had male earthlings seemingly 'oogle' her or even worse, try to 'flirt' with her is absolutely appalling as well as a few internet comments she's made the mistake of viewing, because hey, letjktla is nothing if not thorough. good online presence is essential! earth's society and it's sexism against the better, and superior species, females is completely baffling to her and it anger her to no end to see. coming from a matriarchal society, earth's bias against the female population and those that don't conform to the binary was a definite shock when she first came to earth and it's a testament to her patience that she managed not to seriously injure someone within the first few months of living on the strange blue, green and brown planet. humans in general she finds are altogether about as threatening as a baby ferret, less so, squishy and extremely vulnerable she has no idea how they manage to get by. no armor and natural weaponry? then again, they are all extremely short lived so it makes sense given how flabby and weak they are. some can be amusing though, she recognizes this. and of course, though it perplexes her, part of her does enjoy having a fanbase so letjktla is likely to give them a softer fate than the typical skantarian designation, as a new exotic food supply. 



"you're either with me. or against me. the choice is yours."

 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒈 

the champion ➺ carrie underwood + ludacris


➺ letjktla, like most skantarians can hold alcohol like nobody's business. however, she will only indulge herself these days if in a super foul mood, finding drinking a frivolous, useless pastime even though it doesn't have the hugest effect on her nervous system. earthen alcohol is nothing to skantarians and she really misses the taverns of skantar, whose drinks had the normal effect alcohol has on earthlings. never a huge drinker, even for skantar drinks but there was a certain joy every once in a while, an experience she will never be able to get back. 

i live for the battle, i'm a soldier...

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