
By fanficswithtoko

13.1K 430 207

Tokomaru That's all :) More

Sweet feeling
Akward silence


2.8K 52 33
By fanficswithtoko

Komaru's POV

Hello! I'm Komaru naegi. Your average everyday kid. But I'm in a school with other kids that have brains like Einstein! Hopes peak is a school for the talented and above average people. How did I get into this school? No clue! They picked me and my brother and we still no clue how we got picked. We just got picked, enough of introductions!


I sit down on a bench and hum. I like to sit here and wait for a special someone. She gets out of class a little later then I do. I don't mind the wait though. She normally rants about how they're teaching her stuff she already knows. I find her stories really interesting. I mean she is a writer of course her stories are going to be cool, but I don't know why. I just like when she rants about stuff and states what she thinks. Though she isn't right most of the time, I'm interested in whatever she has to say. I sigh and get up. I head to a water fountain near by. I drink some water from it and make my way back to the bench. I see her sitting on the bench calmly, book in hand. I sat next to her, "Hey Toko!" I said say excitingly. She looks up from her book. "Hi..." she says quietly. "Awww come on! What's got you in the blue?" I ask, though it isn't rare to see her like this. I ask so she can rant. Her rants interest me for some reason. "Well...I don't know...I just have a lot on my mind right now..." she sighs sadly, is she upset about something? "Well whatever it is, don't be afraid to tell me!" I exclaim. I hope nothing to bad is going through her head right now. Knowing the type of person she is, she could be thinking something vivid. Or she might be thinking about having to mange a bunch of different stuff. From what I know she might be worried about school, writing, other things in general. We talk for a little while and I ignore what she said. If I can't help her then why would I bring it up? I hear the bell ring. Toko and I both head our separate ways and head home.


I flop on my bed and lay there quietly for a little while. I was a little tired. I can barely catch up with school. I mean it's not like I do anything else or that I'm so bad I need summer school. I just don't know how I survive everyday. Maybe it's because I only talk very little people. Beats me to be honest. I sit up and change into my pajamas. I'm tired now, and I'm not sure why. I lay down and wait. I wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, and wait. Nothing. How come I can't sleep? I sit back up and look around my room again. Hmm...I lay back down and stare at the ceiling. I start thinking back on what Toko said earlier.

"Well...I don't know...I just have a lot on my mind right now..."

Those words are echoed into my brain. Is she ok? I told her if she was worried about anything she could tell me. Is there something she isn't telling me? Even if there is, it might be super personal. I can't ask her because she might freak out. No matter how close we are, some things are just to personal. I wanna talk to her, but it's late and I don't think she's up...


Komaru: hey Toko

What on earth am I doing? I bet she'll be upset. I shouldn't have texted her this late. I don't really-

Toko: yes?

Komaru: what's up?

She...responded? I mean I shouldn't be surprised, but I am. I wait for her to respond. Why do I feel nervous?

Toko: nothing much, I'm just writing this next chapter then going to bed. How about you?

Komaru: I can't sleep :(

Toko: figures, so you decided to text me?

Komaru: if you don't wanna talk that's ok

Toko: no it's not that I'm just a little curious

Komaru: well yeah, I didn't actually think you'd be up

Toko: well of course, this book won't write itself

Toko: but you should get some sleep

Komaru: what? Why?

Toko: because I have a reason to stay up and you don't

Toko: plus you might fall asleep in class

Komaru: you kinda sound like a teacher or my parents

Toko: I can't tell if I should be offended or not

Komaru: don't be!

Komaru: but I guess you're right

Komaru: goodnight then :)

Toko: good night

I put my phone on my nightstand and put the charger in it. I lay down and look around. I can't sleep. What should I do when I can't sleep? I toss and turn, but nothing seems comfortable. I sigh. If only I wasn't worried...I closed my eyes and wait. Nope. I lay there and try to relax. My thoughts all disappear and I'm left with nothing. I lay still, toss and turn, and look at the ceiling. It's not helping. I pick up a water bottle on my nightstand and drink it. Hmmm...I put the water back down and lay down again. Why can't I sleep? I stare off into space for what felt like 30 minutes. I soon fall asleep.

I'm sorry that the first chapter is really bad. I will try to finish this one (story wise), but it'll take a while. With my other fanfictions not being done and all. I kinda ran out of ideas this chapter so forgive me.

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