By hrtjnk

28K 1.6K 855

"Will I be able to reach you on the other side of this grudges?" From elementary until middle school, Jungko... More

Hiding From You
I Remember You
The Protective Person
The Other Side of You
She Did It
Beautiful Eyesight
Accidental Lip Touch
Rain Drops & Tear Drops
Shared Pictures
Revealing the Truth
Let's End It
The True Rain Kiss
Did You Miss Me?
You Still Like Me
Give Him Chances
Next To Me
Fireflies Love
Still In To You
Please Save Her
I Want to See You
Knew All Along

Between Us

1.4K 61 41
By hrtjnk

"what with that face?" Junmyeon asked while budging into Jungkook's room. he has never had a guy come into his room before so for Junmyeon to step in while scanning the room full of disappointment makes him confused. "what are you doing here?" he asked again before Junmyeon actually paid attention to him when he notices the closet empty.

"tsk tsk tsk, you're going to make someone sad with this suitcase full of clothes you know?" he asked while jumping onto the edge of his bed to sit. Jungkook turned away, wishing he wouldn't have said that to him, "who would be sad other than you? plus its none of your business anyways."

"really?" Junmyeon raised his brows at his side profile that contradict his words. one thing that Junmyeon hates about Jungkook was that he always paint black color paint on top of his feelings. he couldn't help but felt annoyed over the way Jungkook was acting right now. "you do know that once you step out of this house and into that airplane - everything that she has been waiting for this past six years will go to waste right?" he asked.

"and so?" Jungkook jerked his head towards him with a fist of wanting to shut him up but couldn't.

Junmyeon smirked, eyes full of fury, "if the end was going to end like this then why did you bring her hope back up? huh? why did you make her confirm her feelings for you!" he faced the lowered eye of the man that Jennie love.

Jungkook sighed before taking another deeper one, just to contain his overflowing confusion that he doesn't even know himself, "this will be the last thing that I'll do." he backed up himself from the problem.

in a blink of an eye, Junmyeon grabbed his uniform collar and lifted him up against the wall, "shut up. how many more times will 'last' end to you? for her, it already ended when you took the blame for not purposely injuring her." he spat on the face of the panting guy that was up against the thin white wall.

Jungkook fought his angry grasp off, leaving his shirt collar in its holding form, "I mean it this time!" he announced to integrate Junmyeon's doubt, "by the way, I don't want anyone here to tell me what to do, I've already figured it out myself so please leave before my nerves get even more annoyed." he pointed towards his door before letting his arm down to his side again.

Junmyeon smirked and nodded for understanding his purpose of pushing people away, "I'll go if that's what you want but tomorrow is Jennie's birthday." he set his grayish eyes on Jungkook to see any reaction but none was given, "I hope you come to see her before you go. It's the last thing I asked of you as a friend." Junmyeon clarifies before walking out the door and slamming it behind him.

'as a friend' the phrase dig into his mind and made him lose it, Jungkook doesn't think of him as a friend but hearing him say it to him makes the world seem a bit less cruel. he sighed and went back down to packing his clothes. his hand stresses among many levels of not being able to fold properly, "damn you!" he spat and pushes his untidy suitcases away.


another morning sun has raised up again and the birds were starting to chirp outside her window. she got off of her king-size bed just to push her window open and invite in all the wind that was as excited for her very special day.

Jennie brushes her hair away from her face and went to sit back down on the corner of her pink pastel bedsheets, smiling, thinking of telling Jungkook about the situation that she just have solved. Nothing will come in between them anymore. she definitely knew today was going to be magical.

"taa-daaa! happy birthday Jen-Jennie" Junmyeon surprised her from the doorway as he swing the bedroom door open and held onto a cake that was full of red strawberries on the top, her favorite. "you scared me!" Jennie chuckles before approaching him at the door. he signaled her to take the cake and she did without hesitations.

"what's.. this?" she questioned, noticing a shirt and a birthday letter on his hand that was placed under the cake that she have took. "see it for yourself." he flashes a huge smile that made her skip to place the cake on her vanity area and walked back to take the gift from him.

"woah," her mouth hangs open with a custom-made t-shirt that had some of her selfies on it with a saying that she loves, "unicorns are real." her smile beamed so wide that it showed her whole gummy smile. he looked over at her in fond for being the best girl he have ever met. "don't read the card yet" he embarrassingly yelped at her but she rip it open to tease him anyways.

the letter reads: 'Dear Jennie, you have grown from the smallest seed to the biggest sunflower. Just like it, you are always facing towards the warmth and sunshine. I know that you have forgotten most of our childhood memories but I have not forgotten a single one. as kids, we shared the same blanket and lived under the same rooftop for almost a year. we have the biggest fight over milk and compete to be the elder's favorite. happy things like this just make me adore our friendship even more but it made me realize how grown we both are. I have decided that I and my parents will move out of here in the next coming week. I have found a place for us to live but it's not far so don't hesitate to come over for anything. you made me learn a lot about things that I have never thought about so for this year's birthday wishes, I wish you the best of following your dearest heart. last but not least, I wish you a happy birthday! best, Kim Junmyeon.'

by the end of the letter, she had already teared up while hugging onto the shirt that quickly became her favorite. the thought about Junmyeon moving out was really sad and disappointing to hear. but it was all for the best and she knows it. "ya.. you didn-" she notice the room empty.

fixing her strand of hair behind her ear, she only notice the kitchen of her mother's and his mother's chit-chatting on the delicious taste of food and the television that was on for his father to watch. it was a comfortable atmosphere that she wished could last longer but knowing Junmyeon's words, she could only enjoy this until next week.

she stood up to her closet and hung the shirt up while placing the letter onto her pile of letters that she used to get from elementary's friends. only then does she start to realize how Jungkook didn't even give her any letters. but she has tons of letters that she wrote to him, however it was kept inside the diary that she hid for the longest.

sitting onto the bed after a low hunch of grabbing her diary from under her bed, she flipped it open and notice the dust particles that flew out to surround the sunlight that came from her window. she read the date of each letter in silence.

"Junmyeon, does she like Jungkook?" Mrs.Kim asked him while pulling him out to the patio for a talk. Junmyeon flashes a small smile, "can't you see it? you're her mother." he responded. she sighed in unease and concern, "yesterday night after Jennie have told me to forget about everything, I went to meet Chanhee. she said that Jungkook has decided to go England to continue his studies. I was wondering if Jennie knew about this because the last plane is going to depart in an hour."

Junmyeon eyes widen in the belief that Jungkook has stuck to his words of leaving without seeing Jennie for the last time, "what? I need to tell Jennie-" he paused by surprised when Jennie stood at the doorway of the patio, hearing everything that they have just discussed about. "he's really going abroad?" Jennie dropped the birthday decor and wanted to clarify what she had just eavesdropped on.

"yes, it's true. yesterday I went to see him but he has his things all packed up, his closet was empty." Junmyeon stated clearly for her as her heart sank to the bottom of her bunny slippers. she step onto her birthday decor and approached Junmyeon, "please take me to the airport- I have to see him before he leaves, please" she begged out of tears while he turned behind him for a word.

Hyejoo furrowed his brows and nodded, "take her there and make sure she doesn't do anything bad.. will you Junmyeon?" she touches his wide shoulder and he quickly came to acknowledge the permission, "I'll take you there" he patted Jennie's head before she ran inside to get dressed.


"mom? are you alright?" Jungkook grabbed onto her suitcase and take it off her so she could walk faster since the arrival of the plane has been open for passengers to claim their seats. she kept looking back towards the front door where many people either cry in sadness or happiness. some were here to visit while some are here to be separated. Chanhee didn't want to leave in silence like Jungkook, she wanted to tell Jennie about it but somehow she felt guilty if she have called Jennie to come to send them off.

she followed Jungkook to the line where they check their identity. with trouble, Jungkook noticed that his mother was acting quite weird and quiet, "mom, you don't have to go with me if you are not feeling well? I'll be fine oversea." he placed the suitcase still on the side while he looks under his cap just to assure her. "no, it's not that I don't want to go, it's just- why didn't we wait for Jennie to come? maybe she wanted to see us." she insisted.

Jungkook's eyes wander around the area of no presence of Jennie, "it's fine- we can tell her when we get to England." his mother nodded, maybe this was the best way for them and for her son. with that nod, he scooted into the identity checking and handed in his passport. "please take off your cap sir," the woman said and Jungkook followed, revealing his undercut to show.

he gave the woman a smile as she folded the passport and hand it back to him as a pass. he scooted to the side and waited for his mother while holding his cap still.

"Jungkook!" Jennie shouted once from the outside of the packed line. her pent-up voice was heard from everyone who was in that line especially Jungkook and his mother, Chanhee. in just a sudden blink, his eyes went right onto hers through the crowd. "Jennie .." he mumbles before seeing her wave at him in desperate sadness. standing behind her was a panting Junmyeon, whom face turned at ease for seeing him still there.

"please go in, the line is long and we have limited time." the woman politely said to both Jungkook and Chanhee as they have no choice but to forget that Jennie was there and go in. as he pulled on his mother's suitcase and take a foot into the hallway to the plane, he felt a sudden gash of guilt upon him. his heart saddened by the screaming of his name.

"Jungkook! Wait! Jungkook!" the small and short Jennie jumped up and down, whining for him to listen to what she had to say. Chanhee frowned in wretchedness while holding onto the arm of Jungkook as he take one step into the hall. no words being spoken but his tears trail down one another while listening to the cracks of her voice calling him out.

a silence grew in as they got further into the hall and almost reached the setup path into the plane. "Jungkook!" Jennie called from the end of the hall that she manage to get in. his heart beat faster the moment he turned and feel a tight grip around his waist. a girl cried into his chest while burying her face into his thin t-shirt.

Chanhee smiled in tears as she grab onto the suitcase and headed into the plane first, leaving the pair alone. Jennie unwrap her arms grabbed his heavy hanging hand. "take this- I'm not here to stop you from doing what's best for us but I'm here to give you this." she placed the dairy of earlier into his hand and he took a hold of it before glancing back over to her shinning face that was full of wet surface of tears.

he took his thumb and swift the corner of her eyes dry while caressing her cheeks in gentle, "I'm sorry for what happened between us." he whispered onto her as another droplet of bead dripped from the end corner of her dazzling eyes. "what happened between me and you was just an act of fighting for love. you still loved me when you had to struggle to see the woman who took away the hero of your life while I still loved you when you try hurting my mother. this is just a definition of holding onto what we love, you didn't do anything wrong." she said while holding onto his shirt.

he brushes her hair back and placed his forehead onto her, "I promise to become a better man and come back with better ways to love you." the words and promises made her smile that instance, "If I can wait six years on my crushing feelings than no matter how many years I have to wait- I will wait for your return." she responded.

Jungkook brought a big grin onto his face and glared at her small beautiful face that he surely will miss, "I'm sorry for always making you wait but this time- wait for me to come back Jennie" he stated and placed a kiss on to the middle of her forehead. "I'll wait-" he interrupted her by planting a kiss on top of her running lips that tasted like strawberry. he smiled through his kisses and she felt her heart bloom into beautiful butterflies that will never die.

he pulled away from her while giving her a quick peck on the cheek and made her flinch in terms of putting his cap onto her head. when she opened her eyes, she saw him running into the plane of him being the last passenger to board. she moved a couple of steps following him until the door closes and he shot up a big grin that makes her eyes into hearts. alongside that, he held the dairy up high for her to see that he'll keep it safe.

Jennie smiled and walked back down the hallway and met with Junmyeon who was flirting with a bunch of foreign girls. "let's go, Junmyeon!" Jennie stated with her new cap that he notice before anything else. he snatched off the cap and puts it onto him, skipping next to her in playfulness. she chuckles without looking back hence her heart became even more in the love with the distances between them.

Jungkook walked down the aisle and sat right next to his mother, who smiled so effortlessly at him. he returned one in prior to her hand holding onto his, "Hyejoo came to see me last night and talked out about the past situations. she apologizes for what she has done and forgives you for your actions. will you be able to forgive her?"

he focused back onto the small book that was in his hand and saw the name 'Jennie's diary' written on it. a fond smile grew onto his full lips as he held back the hand of his fragile mother's, "nothing will come between me and Jennie anymore." his confession brought a smile to her face as well as his. it was rare to see him speaking without covering anything.


Jungkook smiled and giggles, in the middle of the night, on the plane that soared at a high pace, reading through the childish diary that contain furious and romantic notes about him. the sloppy handwriting of the small Jennie makes his heart whimper in butterflies. on every turning page, he could spot his name over and over, multiple times, millions of times. how can one girl be so crazy over him? how can she stay so in love with him through the up and down? the silent ride finished as the sky set in the color of blues with a ray of orange. he has finished the diary and closed it shut. putting it onto his embraces, he warms it up with the hope of seeing her again. he could already see her with her hair a bit longer and her adultery fashion that compliments her beautiful grown figure while waiting for him on the day of his come back.

' The End '

a/n: thankyou so much jnkreaders for all the love and support especially Somi for giving me so much motivation. I wouldn't be able to finish it without her. I am so so thankful for every vote and comment that I've received. It really helps me to write better 💫 stay safe and I love you all! | tinaa🦋

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