Meant To Be

By gulfsblueblankie

20.4K 984 142

"Sometimes the dreams that come true are the dreams you never even knew you had." ― Alice Sebold, The Lovely... More

Yuan Fen (缘分)
The Best Match
A Long Night
The Soft Breeze
First Month
Little Drops
Beautifully Broken
The Surprise
Mew's Nong

The "Daughter"

1.3K 72 9
By gulfsblueblankie

"Sometimes two people have to fall apart

to realize how much they need to fall back together."


"What's happening--" The doctor seemed surprised as the door opened really loudly like someone was in a rush and he got even more surprised after seeing Mew.He looked at Non, obviously panicked since he thought Mew wasn't supposed to be there but he wasn't brave enough to say something against their boss' son.He took a step away after seeing the way Non shook his head.

"Gulf?" Mew's voice came out weird, like he wasn't screaming his name while they were trying different rooms to find Gulf.Seeing him laying there with closed eyes made Mew feel different.

"He is--not conscious." The doctor said, pointing at the serum which was attached to the boy and started to explain what they were doing to him, but Mew didn't actually care about all of those.

"But--" He tried to stop him but Mew pulled the needle out of Gulf's arm and throw it down.

"When is he gonna wake up?" He asked after taking all the papers from the dumbfounded doctor and taking a look at them.

"---Probably in an hour." He answered, having no idea what was happening.

"Are you sure about it?" 

Suddenly the voice they heard made the two doctors look at the door, but Mew didn't even flinch, he kept reading the files to see what they were doing to Gulf.

"You can't try any games after I get you a mate."

Mew hit the papers on the doctor's chest after getting done, getting up and throwing a stare at his father.

"You know that I won't kill him, why are you doing this?" He asked, seeming actually surprised at the fact that Mew was going this far for the boy.Cause he knew his son, Mew always hated this system and the way it was working, he was the one who tried to convince him to get a mate for years and he did it so damn late, enough to piss off the old man.So he knew Mew would accept anything other than having a mate if he had a chance, right now his father wasn't forcing him to have another one but he was doing it willingly, just for that young boy.

"I think you lost that feeling long time ago, dad." Mew said without looking at him, Non was watching the way he slid his arms under the unconscious boy and carried him in bridal style easily, which hurt Non a bit since he knew Gulf already lost a lot of weight.Seeing the way Mew's eyes changed for a second, Non knew Mew felt it while lifting the boy.

"I don't enjoy watching people getting hurt." He added, looking at his father while holding the boy in his arms.

"It's for--"

"--all of us, science, humanity, yeah, I know." He didn't let his father talk as he passed by the doctors and stood by the door. "You all are losing your senses." He said, looking at Non and turning at his father again. "--acting like robots, hurting people and---not even caring if they are in pain, all alone or feeling hurt---Would you like them to treat me the same if it was me?" He turned at Non again. "Would you like it if he was someone you loved?" He asked, pointing at the boy who was laying between his arms like a dead body. "No?" He raised his eyebrows when nobody answered.

"You are being too emotional, this is--"

"No, dad." Mew didn't let him again. "You are being too cruel." He said before walking away with Gulf, not wanting to spend another minute since he felt like he was getting furious as he kept looking at those people's faces, including his father.They were all acting like it was something normal, but it wasn't.

It was wrong, completely wrong and there was no excuse which could make Mew accept it.

He was still feeling angry after driving the car for a long while.He was mad, he was so mad and nothing was able to make him feel calmer.Even punching those guys didn't work, nothing worked, he couldn't believe some people were able to look at Gulf's face, who was just a fucking kid in his eyes since the boy spent the most important parts of his life in that Area and he was already traumatized by everything they couldn't even see in their dreams, they could look at him being so hurt and sad like that, and they could keep hurting him.

It pissed Mew off.

He didn't want to face with the fact that people could be that cruel.It was okay cause it wasn't their son, brother, anyone they loved.It was okay cause it was some kid nobody cared.

That was wrong and Mew wanted to punch everyone who thought it was right, punch them again and again until their thick skulls would get it right.

Gulf was still asleep when he stopped the car beside the lake.He turned his face to younger and leaned his cheek on his seat, staring at Gulf with his calm eyes.

He knew the boy deserved so much more, he already saw how good Gulf was in his heart.He was someone Mew wanted to be. he didn't hesitate to punch someone in the face when he saw them treating the others bad, he didn't flinch to scream at their face.Gulf didn't care about what was going to happen to him, he couldn't stay quiet in front of heartless people like them and it was the most precious thing in the kind of world they lived in now.Cause everybody was turning into those people, they were not thinking about the chance of themselves being a fertile, any of them could turn out to be a fertile and it was enough to make people treat them with kindness.But the lucky ones were acting like they were the chosen ones so they were using the power they had to make others life harder.They should've treat fertile ones better than themselves, not kicking them into a dirty place like Area C but giving them somewhere even better than Area X.This way all of those kids would grow up with a strong mindset, not trying to not get raped or beaten up, Gulf wouldn't suffer this much if that place was actually somewhere designed to help fertile ones.No, it was designed to make them understand they didn't matter, when they mattered the most.

Mew sighed deeply, he was lost in his thoughts again while knowing he had no power to change anything.

He couldn't sleep for a lot of nights since his mind kept wandering around, thinking about Gulf and any way he could fix this up; again and again.

So it felt good to be side by side with the boy again.Gulf wasn't awake but it was enough for Mew, it was really quiet and the sounds of the waves were also soothing.It didn't take long for him to get pulled into sleep.

It was already bright outside when Gulf opened his eyes.He couldn't keep them open for long since a strong and sharp pain hit him right in his groin.He quickly closed his eyes, hissing and grimacing as he waited for the pain to get better.Soon he noticed he wasn't laying down, he was actually sitting and took few seconds for him to see Mew.

He quickly turned his head around, realizing they were in his car and somewhere away from the place he was held in.

"But..--how?" He mumbled, looking down and seeing he still had the hospital dress on him. "Did he--?---Am I dreaming?" He kept mumbling to himself, not knowing what to believe since the medicines they gave to him fucked his mind up a lot, so he was confused.

"P'Mew." He called him softly, reaching out and poking the guy's shoulder.

"Oh---you are awake." Mew quickly opened his arms, running his hand inside his hair and getting himself together.

"Did you---This is a dream, right?" He asked, but more like he was talking to himself since he just sighed after the question and leaned his back, closing his eyes. "This is the lake in my town---I'm fucking dreaming." He turned at Mew again. "I was happy for a second." His lips got into a pouty shape and Mew puckered his lips, forcing himself to not smile.

"Happy? I thought you said you wouldn't miss me." He played along, leaning his back on the seat and looking outside.

"Well---you could just come and take me!" Gulf suddenly said in a loud and whiny voice, Mew got surprised for a second since Gulf never acted like that but he quickly fixed his face, realizing the boy was acting like that cause he still thought it wasn't real.

"You said we were a duo and look at me---They kept poking things inside me everyday." He sighed tiredly. "Of course I miss you." He looked at Mew without flinching, probably because he thought it was a dream. "I even miss your stupid vegetable cans." He pouted so hard before ruffling his hair angrily and Mew's eyebrows got into a shape as the same every time he saw an adorable thing, the corner of his lips lifted up slowly since younger was being really cute at the moment. 

"I wanted to take you to your mother but since you seem really sick and tired, I thought---stopping by would make you feel better." Mew said, causing Gulf to tilt his head and look at him with his big and confused eyes.

"It's not a dream." He smiled, reaching out and flicking the boy's forehead softly. "I got you back."

"---Are you serious?" Gulf's eyes wandered around again, trying to be sure that it wasn't a dream.

"Do you want me to slap you?" Mew asked and leaned closer without getting an answer, pinching the boy's cheek. "See? You still have no cheeks." 

Gulf looked at him while rubbing his cheek.

"I have cheeks." He furrowed his eyebrows.

"How did you get me out of there? When do we have to go back?" 

"We are not going back." Mew said, pulling back and grabbing a bottle of water from the backseat, opening it before handing it to the boy. "I made a deal with dad, so it will be fine."

"A deal?" Gulf seemed surprised.

"We will talk about that later, all you need to know is we are back to normal and they won't take you again." He said with a firm voice and then pointed at the bottle. "Drink some." He said and Gulf obeyed, already feeling thirsty.

"You really missed me, huh?" Mew teased after a while and Gulf put the bottle down, remembering the things he said.

"Shut up." He mumbled before getting out of the car and Mew quickly followed.

"But you were saying--" His grin quickly disappeared when he saw the way Gulf took a step out but grimaced quickly as his hand found his stomach. "--Are you hurt?" He rushed to younger's side. "Should we let them check before we go back to home? Maybe--"

Gulf chuckled softly, causing his pain to get a little sharper.He actually missed Mew panicking over him like this.

"It's okay Phi---I wanna have some fresh air." He said, grabbing Mew's arm and older accepted it quickly, helping Gulf to take few steps until they were leaning against the car and facing the lake.

"They didn't take you out." Mew stated, realizing it just now.He felt the anger growing up inside him again and sighed deeply, trying to control himself as he rubbed his face.

Gulf didn't say anything, the weather was nice since it was early in the morning.It was kind of chilly and Gulf missed to feel the wind against his face like that.

He nudged Mew's shoulder.

"Did you miss me?" He asked with a smile, which kicked Mew's all anger out all of sudden and made the older chuckle.

"Why I should miss a brat like you?" He teased back and Gulf puckered his lips.

"I thought you liked me a little."

"Well, you were wrong." Mew said with a smile. "I like Fon, I missed her--- not you." He pointed at his stomach.

"I don't think she missed you." Gulf said as he put a hand over his belly and Mew opened his mouth like he was deeply hurt.

"What do you mean? I'm sure she likes me." Mew nudged his arm back but Gulf quickly returned the nudge.

"No, she doesn't."

"Hey!" He touched younger with his elbow this time and Gulf let out a chuckle, biting his lip in the end since laughing made him feel extra pain.

"Your stomach is still not showing." Mew said, his eyes fixed on the boy's hospital dress, where Gulf's palm was resting on.

"You would like to tease me about having a round belly, right?" Gulf said and Mew chuckled at that.

"Come on." He nudged the boy's shoulder again, they were leaning against to the car side by side and it felt really nice. "They say you can feel her movements during next months, imagine feeling a kick." 

"I would like her to stay still, she is giving me enough pain."

"Come on!" Mew nudged his arm again. "Imagine her responding when you do this--" Mew poked his stomach through the hospital gown and Gulf smiled, pushing his hand away.

"Why do I feel like you are more excited than me and---Phi!" He chuckled when Mew kept trying to poke his stomach.

"It's not even showing---" Mew pouted. "It should get bigger so we can play."

"Play?" Gulf looked at him. "You are unbelievable." 

"Why? Don't you like it?" Mew grinned. "How about--" He started to poke his belly again.

"Stop it already---Phiiii--" Gulf kept trying to push his arm and soon they were both laughing again.They were not even back at home but it already felt like home.


Non tried to ignore Mew's hard stare as he checked on Gulf's wounds.Mew was already angry and seeing the wounds on his stomach after taking him home didn't help at all.He spent the all night with thinking how hurt Gulf was supposed to be and still smiling, telling him that he missed him like that.

Mew was a peaceful guy, he never had murderous thoughts, till now.

"Why does he have so many wounds?" He asked after the doctor's treatment was done. "I thought you said you were going to help." He stared at Non while handing Gulf his t-shirt.Usually the boy pulled it up during their visits to the doctor but this time Mew made a fuss about him taking it off since he must've more wounds, and he wasn't wrong.

"I tried my best." 

"I'm sure." Mew raised his eyebrows. "I read some files, were you guys trying to understand she was diseased?"

Non nodded while putting his staff back into his bag.

"I saw some tests about Gulf, not the baby." Mew looked at him curiously and Non nodded again.

"We were trying to see if his body would be able to handle with this."

"What does that mean?" Mew furrowed his eyebrows. "You said he was all good a month ago, why would you test that?"

"It's complicated, we've never seen a girl growing up in any fertile's body, so they wanted to make sure."

"And?" Gulf looked at the doctor.

"You are not perfect vessel." He said honestly. "But you are good." He added.

"Of course he is not perfect vessel, if you keep creating holes on him and lock him into a room without any information----I'm afraid he can't be the perfect vessel." Mew grumbled angrily, earning a sigh from the doctor.

"I know that you are still mad at me, but I had no other choice." He looked at Mew. "They were gonna try to end the pregnancy if I wasn't there."

"What?" They both looked at the doctor with shock.

"They made a lot of tests because of that, to see if the baby was good news.If there was a possibility for her being the bad news, something worse than we already have, they were going to end the pregnancy."

"But--you can't be sure unless she is born, right?" Mew asked, his eyes still seeming so surprised at this new information.

"Yes---but he is the only person who has the ability to have a female baby inside him, and even if there is a small chance of her being diseased or useless, they wanted to end pregnancy since they don't want to spend months with waiting for her birth time."

"Wait---wait." Mew stood up, chuckling angrily and shaking his head. "Are you telling me that--you guys were thinking about ending his pregnancy to get him impregnated again?"

The doctor nodded, watching Mew walking towards the other side of the room and rubbing his face for few minutes before coming back.Gulf remained silent, Non tried to see how he was feeling through his face but he kept a straight face.

"He told me--" Mew seemed angry again, pointing at the door as his voice got louder than before. "--he told me that he wouldn't hurt my daughter!"

Gulf looked at him quietly, seeing how furious he got in few seconds.He tilted his head and watched the way Mew was throwing a tantrum, he was acting like the baby was his.It caused Gulf to imagine how Mew would act if the baby was actually his.

Non had to calm Mew down with saying he wouldn't allow that, he tried to explain it to Mew before but the guy was already too much angrier than Non thought he would be and if he would tell him the real reason why they wanted to have tests on Gulf, Mew would definitely lost it.So Non chose to keep an eye on Gulf, quietly effecting others ideas and trying to convince them letting Gulf keep the baby was the best decision.

"I wouldn't let them do that." Non said before leaving the house. "I know you don't trust me, but I wouldn't let them." He repeated and somehow Gulf knew he was sincere.Other guys in there wouldn't think twice before ending his pregnancy, but Non would definitely snitch on them and let Mew stop them before doing it.

After that talk Mew realized if he wouldn't go there at that night and make a deal with his father, it could be too late.

"He thinks that it's my child---He thinks that it's my unborn daughter and he was still going to--"

"I would also believe it." Gulf suddenly said.Non left a while ago but Mew was still shaken because of the things he heard.He knew they were hurting Gulf and probably testing for some stuff he wouldn't like to know, but he never thought they would go that far.They were not even thinking about ending the pregnancy because she could be diseased, they just wanted to end it if she wasn't useful cause this way Gulf could have another baby faster.It was making Mew fell sick.

"What?" Mew turned at him, he was walking around the house, trying to stop himself from going out and finding his father. 

"I would also believe that you are the father." Gulf chuckled. "Sit down for a while, Phi." He said calmly, like he wasn't there while Non told them the real purpose of this all.

"Come on." Gulf patted beside him on the couch and Mew seemed confused as he obeyed, coming closer and sitting beside younger.

"They didn't do it." Gulf said as he grabbed Mew's arm, squeezing it as it was on older's leg. "It's like the tenth time you saved someone from ending it, including me." He chuckled again but Mew furrowed his eyebrows, closing his eyes and shaking his head no.

"It's not like that--"

"It is like that." Gulf didn't let him, he smiled since he knew Mew wasn't like the way he talked about himself.It was actually so adorable since it was Gulf himself who was talking shit about himself, but Mew couldn't even stand that.

"You are fuming for days and it's all good, I'm okay." He patted on older's hand after crossing his legs on the couch and moving closer to him. "You need to stop being so angry, it's weird." He smiled. "I never thought you could get that much angry.You seemed like someone who wouldn't punch back after getting punched---well," he grinned. "--you didn't punch me back when I punched you."

Mew finally smiled, still seemed tensed when he shook his head.

"I told you, I'm not like that with everyone." He said while placing his hand on Gulf's, which caused younger to look at their hands.

"I was feeling like I forgot something---thank you for reminding me." He suddenly said with a smile, squeezing Gulf's hand before standing up. "You said you missed the cans so--"

"Phi!" Gulf whined, throwing himself on the couch as the guy walked towards the kitchen.

"It's not that bad!" Mew said, coming back with a can and spoon.

"It is! Did you ever try it?" Gulf glared at him. 

"No cause I keep them all for my precious mate." Mew teased and Gulf just rolled his eyes while taking the can and spoon from him.He was about to grumble when they heard the door.Gulf got startled and Mew was quick to notice it.Younger was used to stand up for himself and don't feel scared easily, but he knew the days he spent in that place was enough to make him don't want to go there again.

"It's fine---don't worry." Mew said with a calm tone and smiled at him before opening the door.

"Aren't you going to invite us inside?" His father said when Mew just stared at him for a while, still thinking about his dad was about to kill his unborn child without hesitating.

He didn't say anything, just opened the door and let him walk in with the boy beside him.

"Okay, let's keep it simple---oh, how are you?" He stopped after seeing Gulf. "--I didn't notice that you lost that much weight, you should take good care of him." He said, turning at Mew who was closing the door and earning a death glare. "Anyway, he is 18 years old and--"

"Lhong?" Gulf furrowed his eyebrows after seeing the boy behind the guy. 

"Oh, you already know each other?" Mew's father looked at the boy and then Gulf. "Sounds amazing." He smiled. "I guess you will get along well." He said before walking towards his son and patting his shoulder. "Let's see how you will handle it with your way." He said in a soft tone before walking out.

This was the first time Mew actually got personally involved, put his hand under rock about something he didn't like.He always hated this but he never did something to change it, this was the first time he was taking action and he knew his father was aware of it too.

He sighed deeply after his father left and tilted his head, was about to explain it to Gulf.But his eyes got bigger and he quickly rushed towards them when Gulf grabbed the boy's collar in a heartbeat.

It seemed like the first meeting wasn't going to end up well.

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