The Lonely and The Brave

By TheForgottenShimmer

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THAT COVER IS MY ART DO NOT STEAL IT OR USE IT IN ANY WAY. ((Kira.scarlet is Kira's IG)) Kira Scarlet, a 14 y... More

Chapter 1 - Introduction -
Chapter 2 - Meet the Gang -
Chapter 3 - Projects -
Chapter 4 - Damaged -
Chapter 5 - Here for You... -
Chapter 6 - Baymax -
Chapter 7 - A Man in a Kabuki Mask -
Chapter 8 - Pain -
Chapter 9 - Fear -
Chapter 10 - We're Super Heroes-
Chapter 11 - Behind the Masks -
Chapter 12 - Final Battle -
Chapter 14 - Peace -
Quick Thank You A/N
Chapter 15 - "Hello." -
Chapter 16 - Rover -
Chapter 17 - Lies -
Chapter 18 - "Mathew...?" -
Chapter 19 - Regret -
Chapter 20 - Alone -
Chapter 21 - Not the Same -
Chapter 22 - "Welcome" -
A/N Apologies + Sneak Peek
Chapter 23 - Differences -
Chapter 24 - Puppets? -
Chapter 25 - "Trust" -
Chapter 26 - "BloodShed" -
Chapter 27 - Fight to the Finish -
Chapter 28 - Recovery -
Chapter 29 - One Final Goodbye -
Chapter 30 - Epilougue -
Last, but important, A/N
Authors Note: New Story!

Chapter 13 - "...Goodbye...?" -

490 12 7
By TheForgottenShimmer

"A massive cleanup continues today at the headquarters of Krei Tech Industries," The voice on the television wasn't too loud, but not many people were watching it anyways, so it didn't really matter, "Reports are still flooding in about a group of unidentifiable individuals who prevented what could have been a major catastrophe. The whole city of San Fransokyo is asking who are these heroes and where are they now?"

Hiro was finally finished getting ready for school and met his group of friends downstairs in the Lucky Cat Café.

"Ready for college, freshman?" Kira joked, nudging him in the arm. ((A/N: Kira's a sophomore. She was accepted into SFIT when she was just about to turn 13, so she is in her second year at SFIT))

"Ha ha, very funny, Rose Petal," Hiro replied, chuckling slightly at her nickname.

"That was the point."

They all laughed at their slight arguing.

"Lovebirds~" Honey said happily, watching their faces turn crimson.

"WE ARENT LOVEBIRDS!!" The pair shouted.


They started walking out when Cass stopped Hiro.

"Hey Sweetie," she greeted, smiling,

"Hey, Aunt Cass," He replied before giving her a hug. After their hug, she handed him a bag, and he was about to leave when he gave her another quick hug.

"Last hug," He said, smiling, then let go, "Bye!"

He ran out the door and caught up with his group of friends. Together, they all started walking towards SFIT, with Fred making the dumbest jokes, Hiro commenting on them, and GoGo shoving him in the shoulder "playfully" for him being an idiot. This went on for a bit until Kira shoved Hiro with a grin on her face.

"Race you to school, Hamada!!" She laughed as she took off running.

"Wha- Hey!! You took a head start!!" Hiro chased after her, both trying to get to the campus first.

"They're totally in love," Honey commented as they watched the pair run.

"Both are just too dense to realize it," Wasabi agreed, chuckling.

"Or they're both afraid the other doesn't feel the same," GoGo replied, popping her gum. Everyone stopped and stared at her, "What? I may be a tomboy but I still know when people look like they love each other."

Kira fell onto the grass, laughing as Hiro panted for breath beside her.

"Nice one, Hiro," She laughed,

"You... Got a head start," He panted, smiling.

It had only been about 2 weeks since they had fought Callaghan, saved San Fransokyo, and since Kira's parents had disappeared once again, but seeing as how they revealed they had killed her sister, it was so nice to hear her laughing and smiling and it all being sincere. She didn't fake anything, and she now trusted everyone in their group. Hiro felt his cheeks heat up slightly, but he shrugged it off and stood up.

"I totally beat you, Hamada."

"Fine, you beat me."

He held out a hand to help her up. Grinning, she took it and he helped her to stand right as the group caught up with them.

"Are you sure you don't need help moving stuff into your lab?" Fred asked,

"Nah, I can load everything in there by myself," Hiro replied as they walked into SFIT, "Well, I'll see you guys when I'm all done!"

"Bye Hiro!" They all waved to him as he went off to his lab that used to belong to Tadashi.

"Um... Honey...?" Kira asked softly as they made their way into the "Nerd Lab."

"Yes Kira?" Honey replied as everyone went off in their own areas while Kira followed the blonde, who was grabbing a couple of tools

"U-Um... Well, I was wondering..." Her cheeks tinted pink, "Do you know what it's like to have a crush?"

As soon as Kira had said that, Honey immediately dropped the tool she picked up, and complained about it for a second before looking over at Kira.

"A crush?! Oooh-" immediately, Kira slapped her hand over the blonde's mouth.

"Honey, shush!" She hissed, "Please, I'd just like to know what it feels like because I... May have one..."

"Well," Honey removed the girl's hand from her mouth, "Being in love-"

"I said CRUSH."

"Yes, but I might as well explain love to you so you know if it's just a crush or not. Love is... Well, thinking about a certain person a lot, wanting to be with them, wanting them to be happy, getting a bit nervous and flustered around them, etc. That's pretty much what love is."

"Well shit..."

"Language, Kira."

"Sorry but..." Her blush darkened from a pink to a red, "I think I may be in love... Yes I'm 14 and don't really understand it but everything you just said, I'm feeling for someone... And it's been happening for a while now..."

"One, I know who you're talking about. Two, tell him."

"No way. I doubt he feels the same anyways. Thanks for the help tho-"

"GUYS!!" Hiro ran into the lab excitedly, holding something in his hand, "LOOK! LOOK WHAT I FOUND!"

Everyone walked over to him.

"What? What did you find?" Fred asked.

"This!" Hiro held out the familiar green healthcare microchip Tadashi had made for Baymax.

"Baymax must've taken it out so I could rebuild him!"

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Kira asked, smiling at him, "Go get started!"


He ran back to his lab to start building Baymax.


With a smile on her face, a soda in one hand and a pack of gummy bears in the other, she knocked on the door of Hiro's lab.

"Oh Mr. Hamaaadaaa~" she sang, laughing, "You in there?"

"Mmhmm..." She heard him mumble, and she walked right on in.

Hiro was standing in front of a finished Baymax, but she could tell that he hadn't been activated just yet. Hiro's hair was a bit messier than normal.

"You look like total crap," She commented, holding out the sofa to him, "Here, you look like you need the caffeine."

"Thanks," he yawned, opening the can and drinking some of it to wake himself up.

"And these," she held up the bag of gummy bears, and his face instantly brightened up, "Are for later, since its unhealthy to drink soda, and eat candy this early in the morning."

"Pleeeeeease?" He asked, suddenly awake and have her puppy-dog eyes.


She set them down on his desk and stared back at Baymax.

"Is he ready to be activated?"

"He's got the chip in him, he just needs to hear a 'sound of distress'."

"Then start him up."

He nodded and turned to Baymax, "...Ow...?" He said it in the form of a question, wondering if it would work. Baymax opened his eyes and stood up straighter, staring at Hiro and Kira.

"Hello, I am Baymax," Hiro's eyes widened and he began smiling, "Your personal healthcare companion. Hello Hiro. Hello Kira."

Hiro's smile grew as Baymax stepped out of his charger. Right when he did, the boy tackled the robot into a hug. Baymax responded by hugging the boy back.

"Welcome back buddy..." Hiro said softly, and released the robot. He looked over at Kira, and with a smile on his face, he ran over to her and picked her up, twirling her around.

"H-Hey! Hiro!" She laughed, "Put me down!"

He set her back down on the ground, his hands still rested on her waist.

"Thanks..." He said softly.

"What for?" She asked.

"For one, helping me find Callaghan, and... Just for being there for me..."

"That's what friends are for, moron."

He smiled and buried his face into her shoulder. It was something he had grown accustom to whenever they hugged, and she didn't mind that he did it. Slowly, they released each other and looked over at Baymax.

"C'mon, buddy," Hiro said, "Let's go show you to the others!"

They walked back to the Nerd Lab, but with Baymax waddling slowly behind them.

"Guess who's finally back!" Hiro shouted, startling a couple of the other students, "Uh... Sorry!" They walked over to the group and when they all saw Baymax, they joined together in a group hug.

"We've got Baymax back!" Honey cheered.


Kira's phone went off and she had to break the hug to answer it.

"Hey, Mathew!" She said cheerfully. Over the past few months Hiro had spent rebuilding Baymax, she and a friend of her sister's, who had been trying to help her ever since her sister had been found dead, had gotten closer and she now accepted his help.

"Hey, Kid," Mathew replied, "Can you meet me at the station right now?"

"Uh, yeah I guess... You'll have to give me a bit to get there though."

"That's fine. See you soon, Kira."

"See you soon."

She hung up the phone, staring at the screen in confusion before putting it back in her pocket.

"So apparently I have to go meet Mathew done at the police station," She said, turning to the group.

"What for?" Fred asked,

"Dunno, I'll find out when I get there..."

She grabbed her backpack from her lab and headed straight to the police station to figure out what was going on.


"What? You really think they're there?"

"Yes... From the data we've collected, we believe that's the place they're hiding out there..."

"So why am I here?"

"...I'm technically your legal guardian from what Elizabeth told me, so... I'm moving stations away from San Fransokyo and I'm taking you with me..."

"WHAT?! B-But... everyone I know is here!!"

"And you're putting them in danger by being here... Come on, train leaves tonight, 6 o'clock."

"That's only a couple of hours!!"

"I'm sorry, Kira... I know you probably don't want to pack, so I'll have someone watch over your house."


'This is really it...' The thought roamed the brunette's head as she slowly made her way to the train station. Mathew was waiting there for her, her goodbyes had been painful, but they had been said, except for one, and she only carried a small suitcase with her. It had grown cold in the evening, and she wore a black winter jacket with fuzzy red gloves. She could see her breath as she walked and it saddened her. She sighed when she finally got there, and with their train coming in 15 minutes, Kira sat down next to Mathew.

"...I hate you," She growled when he tried to place a hand on her shoulder.

"Kira..." He said softly, "Elizabeth trusted me to look after you, and do what's best for you..."

"And removing me from the only people I trust is best for me?!"

He didn't answer, and she crossed her arms, looking away from him, "...I hate you..." She repeated.

She had hopes that the 15 minutes would go by as slow as possible, but they didn't. It went by all too quickly, and she hated the moment when their train number was called, and she stood up, clutching tightly onto her suitcase.

'I'll just keep hiding my feelings...' She thought sadly, 'He'll never know since I'm leaving...'


The familiar male voice behind her made her stop right in her tracks. Slowly, she turned around and was met with the face of Hiro, who was standing just a few feet away from her, panting for breath. He would've been there sooner had Baymax not made him dress up in a light blue winter jacket with a white scarf. The robot himself was still waddling slowly, trying to catch up with Hiro. He was the only one Kira hadn't said goodbye to, for she felt it would've been too painful.

"Wh-What... Are you... Doing?!" He painted, trying to regain his breath from running, "You're just gonna leave us? After all we've been through...?" She could see tears shining in his eyes.

"Hiro, I... I didn't have a choice..."

"But you had a choice to say goodbye to everyone but me?"

She looked down at her feet for a moment before looking back up.

"It's... Complicated, okay?"

"No, it's not okay!"

He walked closer to her, feeling tears roll down his cheeks.

"Kira, hurry," Mathew called,

"I'll be a minute!" She replied.

"Kira..." Hiro said softly, "do you know how much it hurt to find out from the others that you were leaving, and not from you?" He was choking back sobs, trying to keep himself together.

"I'm sorry..." She said, feeling tears well up in her eyes, "I just couldn't say goodbye to you..."


"Because... I don't know why!" Her own tears began racing down her cheeks, "I just couldn't! Because... You mean so much more to me than I friend! A-And... Saying goodbye to you would be so damn difficult that I just couldn't do it..."


He was inching closer to her, but she stopped him.

"No, Hiro don't! Please... I-If you kiss me, it'll be even harder to leave..."

"Then stay... Please..." His shoulders shook from crying, "Losing you will be like losing someone else I care deeply about. And I don't want to lose you too..."

"I'm sorry... But... According to Mathew, I have no reason to stay..."

"Then... I'll give him one," Hiro gripped her shoulders tightly and pulled her close, gently pressing his lips to hers. Her eyes widened at first, and despite her mind telling her to pull away, she began to kiss him back, closing her eyes. They continued to cry through their kiss, still feeling sad, and this was their first, and probably their last, kiss.

"Kir-" Mathew stopped short, noticing the pair, and his face softened.

"Maybe we were wrong..." He heard the voice of Elizabeth next to him, and he looked around before turning to her.

"I'm sorry..." Was all he said, knowing well that this was only her spirit,

She smiled sadly, "I brought it upon myself... But look... Clearly, she doesn't want to leave and... Maybe staying in San Fransokyo will be better for her, staying with people she loves a lot."

When Hiro broke their kiss, he leaned his forehead against hers sadly, "I know I don't quite understand love yet..." He whispered, brushing away her tears, "But know that I love you... And I always will, even though you're leaving..."

She closed her eyes, "...I love you too..." She whispered, "even if I don't understand it either, I know that you're more than just a friend..."

"Stay," Mathew said, walking up to them.

"W-What?" Kira looked up at the man,

"Elizabeth told me you should stay. You'd be better off here with people you love."

Hiro and Kira's face brightened immediately and she tackled Mathew in a hug.

"Thank you, Mathew!!" She said, and looked up at him, "and... Tell Lizzie I say hi, and that I love her..."

"She loves you too, kid."

With that, Mathew stepped into the train and within seconds, he was gone. The pair looked at each other before Kira hugged him tightly.

"Thanks for coming to stop me..." She said softly.

"You're welcome," he replied, and took her chin in his hand before capturing her lips in a kiss, and this time, she didn't hesitate to kiss back.

Baymax had finally reached them, and cocked his head to one side, seeming very confused. He scanned them silently, and noticed that their neurotransmitter levels were up, showing they were happy, so he just let them be.

((A/N: Well, we finally get into the OC X Canon part of this story. And well, yeah. So from now on, updates will probably be a little slow since I'm still figuring out a couple of details, and it's the holidays so... Yeah. And I still have school tomorrow and Tuesday -_- oh well. See you later!))

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