A m n e s i a

By Ju_niee

247 81 24

How would you feel waking up and not remembering anything? Waking up a stranger to your own body. The hard p... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 1

53 10 3
By Ju_niee

Hey readers,
De'ana here this is a new story idea I came up with it, keep in mind there may be a lot of mistakes I'm just doing with my imagination and I want to get it all out before I start my editing. I hope you like the story. I'd love some suggestions and creative critiques. Okay I'll stop talking now lol enjoy



Genesis Taylor.

Genesis Taylor.

The more I looked at it the name just didn't fit.

My pale hands traced the name engraved on the hospital tag that was latched onto my hand.
I remember waking up but that was it, nothing before. No memories, nothing. Everything just seem blank.

I remember opening my eyes to a blinding light, everything seemed blurry at first but cleared up as I got a good look at my surroundings.

The room was cold.

The white walls seemed to run forever.

Where was I?  Hospital maybe? What happened?

I couldn't move.

I could hardly  breathe. Something was in my throat.

I began to panic.

I felt my heart rate speed up. There was a annoying beeping sound that was going off and I looked around confused.

Trying to gather my breathing  I realized the tube logged down my throat.

What was happening to me?

I remember frantically pulling at the tube causing a painful cough that began racking my thin body. I remember trying to pull my body up noticing  the IVs on my forearm, I nervously began pulling them out, hissing at the pain afterwards.

Gathering my bearings I began to get up, trying desperately to stand on my trembling legs.

What was this?

Soon enough, a thrilled alarm began going off and I covered my ears from the blaring sound, trying to block it out. I fell to the floor, my weakened body cowering on the cold tile as I began rocking side to side-

Make it stop!

Make it stoppppp!!!!!!

I remember screaming, grabbing my throat from the agony I was feeling.

The banging sound of the metal door hitting the wall reveal a frantic nurse bursting through the door.

Then again I was enveloped into darkness.

My name is Genesis Taylor and apparently I've been in a coma for 2 months. The worst part? I don't remember anything about what happened.

Dragging my eyes from my pale hands I looked across to see my supposedly parents. It's been an hour since they found out I couldn't remember them. My dad for the most part was relaxed as he held my mom shoulders gently as she argued with the nurse. I couldn't hear her hushed voice clearly but I can tell she wasn't happy. Who wouldn't be?

Will she ever remember us?  How long is this going to last? She's my baby girl dammit!

My moms voiced got a little louder and cautiously her eyes flickered in my direction catching my mines.

"It's a slight chance they can be recovered but I'll advise you to be prepared if they don't." The nurse replied, watching them carefully.

Mom ignored the nurse as she gave me a pained expression, the redness around her eyes and her chapped lips gave me the idea that she was having a real hard time.

"You're awake." She breathes.

Breaking away from my dad's embrace she walked slowly towards me, a small smile breaking across her face. She was a beautiful woman, her ginger hair rested perfectly on her shoulders and her green eyes scrutinized my face as she looked down at me.

"I'm so glad you're awake." Her voiced cracked, and she let out a nervous laugh. " I don't know what I would've done if I lost you."

She put her hands in mines, softly rubbing them still searching my eyes. For some reason my heart shook a little feeling the familiar gesture.

"I'm sorry." I croaked out. "I'm sorry I can't remember you, I'm really tryi-"

"No." She stopped me, as she ran her hands through my hair, then cupping my face. " It's not your fault, darling, it was an accident-"


"An accident?" I questioned. "But how-"

"She needs to rest Tessa."

My dads lean frame came into view as he grabbed my moms shoulder again, looking down at me with an unreadable expression.

"We don't want to overwhelm her with everything, let's just go slowly." He gave her shoulder a squeeze, moving away her away from me.

Her hands left mines reluctantly and he envelopes her into a hug.

"It's going to be okay." He mumbled into her hair, caressing her back. Tessa's body shook as she began to sob quietly into his shoulders, unable to hold it in.

Later that day the nurses allowed me to go home after giving me an overall exam. Everything else was fine except my memories so it left no need for me to be in the hospital any longer. I didn't know if I was going to get my memories back but my parents figured if I started to get use to my normal surroundings that maybe it would trigger some things.

The ride to my home wasn't long. We drove from the city to a very small town. I didn't remember anything about it though. My dad took the time out to show me various places trying to see if anything triggered for me but my mind still was blank. I soon began avoiding my mom's worried expression through the review mirror when I failed to not remember anything. Seeing the glance of hope in her eyes and then it slowly going away was too much to take.

"They will come back." My dad assured me as he pulled into the driveway of a two story home.

"We're here."

I stepped out the car, surveying the area but nothing came to me so far other than the fact that the house was incredibly beautiful. Surveying the building ,I felt at home and that alone settled me. Something about it just felt warm and welcoming.

It was a start.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" A booming voice shouted from across from me.

It was only then that I noticed the two story home just next to ours, fairly bigger and more modern looking.

"Oh fuck off dad!" Came a younger but yet masculine voice.

"You better not leave!"

"Or fucking what, old man?" The young voice shouted back.

There was a loud bang, supposedly a door being slammed and a fast pace of footsteps. I looked curiously but the gate blocking the two houses prevented that.

Mom and dad seemed oblivious to the situation, I'm guessing familiar to the neighbors fighting so much as they proceeded to get my belongings from the car uninterested.

My curiosity spiked when a head of brunette curls peaked above the gate, walking furiously to the exit.

Who was that?

Soon the masculine voice had a body, the tall frame of the teenager came into view, abruptly coming to a stop as he leaned outside the gate. I had clear view of him now. His head was slightly  bent, the brown curls fell over his face. His left fist balled tightly as his other hand fumbled in his jeans pocket trying to pull out something. His brows furrowed and he grunted with a hint of irritation.

Who was he?

Relief seem to cover his face as he pulled out what he was looking for.


Taking one from the packet, he stuck it into his mouth then lit it. I watched curiously as he closed his eyes in pleasure taking in the blunt, unaware that I was blatantly observing him.

That was soon cut short when his dark eyes met my curious ones.

For a second I saw it and it was gone as soon it appeared.

A flicker of  surprise  maybe?

Did he know me? We're we friends?

Whatever the look was it was now replaced with a scowl. He removed the cigarette from his lips letting out a puff of smoke.

I felt nervous as he watched me carefully.

I guess we weren't really neighborly but being the nice person I am, I awkwardly gave him a wave, even smiling a bit.

But soon regretted it.

When he rolled his eyes and gave me the bird.

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