-bloody mouth | 𝗃𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗇 𝗁...

By momma--bear

114K 1.6K 877

"J-jaden?" "Yes princess" "Wh-why is y-your mou-mouth b-bloody?" "Do you wanna find out?" Y/n's life wa... More

❁//Not and update//❁
[021] | Final
! A/N !


8.2K 108 15
By momma--bear

Jadens P.O.V

A black void. A black void was all I could see. It was all i could see until the sun rised. Bright enough to light up a thousand rooms. The light slowly overthrown the dark void. But never fully. Well, until I opened my eyes from my deep slumber. That night before I forgot to close the drapes to my stain-glass window. Why? The stars. No one knows this about me but I stargaze. Whenever I feel stressed, angry, upset, and more, I unlock the black diamond lock on my stain-glass window and look up. I look up as far as I could, taking in every little detail of each star. The way they shine and twinkle in the moonlight. The way the tiny lines formed to connect stars. The way they can make anyone happy with just a touch. That's all he wanted. He wanted something he feared. He feared to love. But he wanted a star, no. Not just any star, the perfect star. His star. He wanted to touch his star, feel the warmth and light and happiness his star gave him. Only if, was all he thought. Only if someone would love me. Or only if someone was perfect enough for him to love. But he knew it would show weakness. And weakness is what killed is mother. Love killed his mother. And God knows what would happen if someone hurt his star that has yet to exist.
------------▪Flash back▪-----------
"No. Anything but her!", the 4 year old's dad said in between sobs. He was hiding behind a counter while his dad was on his knees begging and sobbing and while there was a gun to his mothers head. The person holding the gun was hooded and wearing a black ski mask to match the rest of his black outfit. But it was no secret that he had wings. And his mother. She was so beautiful. She had long, golden locks that sat right below her shoulders. And her eyes. Her eyes twinkled in the moonlight being casted from the window. Her eyes were the stars. A hue of blue that resembled waves from an ocean, fading into a deathly black. That's what happens when you fall in love with the Vampire king. Her lips were plump with a shade of a soft rosey pink. But right now. Right now they were basically invisible. Her once soft plump lips, now covered in blood that was oozing down from her throat out to her mouth. Her eyes no longer had that twinkle. Her pupils grew bigger in fear, while her eyes slower turned a color of hollow black. Surrounding her eyes, the white that was once their, was now bloodshot red. Bloodshot red and glossy. Like she had been crying for hours.
"Then I want the kid", the hooded figure said. No. Demanded.
"P-please ta-take...me. L-leave the bo-boy al-alone. Kill me.".
"If you insist", the hooded figure spoke again. This time with a smirk. You couldn't see it but you knew it was there. BANG! BANG! The little boy covered his ears and eyes not wanted to witness this. The mother's lips now drenched in blood that was once flowing in her working body. Her pupils grew bigger and blacker till they covered the whites of her eyes. You could see the twinkle she once had, gone.
"NO! PLEASE NO!". The hooded figure chuckled as he watched the little boy's father drop to his hands, head in his hands sobbing his lungs out, before he ran out of the castle. Out of the forest the raised a family in. Where lives were born, and now where lives were taken.
-----------☆end of flash☆------------

Hey whores ✌🏼😗✌🏼 so its currently 1:34 am while I am writing this I am in my feels so I create this in my head imagining what it would look like and all the detail. The first chapter didnt really have detail but this one had a LOT.....so let me know if you want details or not. Anyway if you liked it dont be afraid to vote. I might update next week cause I have to get ready for my bIrFdAy! Woop woop anyway bye hoes love you!♡
{722 words}

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