Doomwatch - Tracer X Reader

By cheesEPIC

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The events of doom eternal happen in the overwatch universe, however, you as the doom slayer are there to fig... More

Chapter 1 - Hell on Earth
Chapter 2 - An Introduction.
Chapter 3 - Recruitment.
Chapter 4 - The Tour
Chapter 5 - New Friends.
Chapter 6 - Lena
Chapter 7 - Assault
Chapter 8 - Aftermath
Chapter 9 - Training
Chapter 10 - The Gore Nest
Chapter 11 - New mission.
Chapter 12 - Talon base
Chapter 13 - Preparations
Chapter 14 - Cultist base (part 1)
Chapter 15 - Cultist base (part 2)
Chapter 16 - Love
Chapter 17 - Trauma
Chapter 18 - Super Gore Nest.
Chapter 19 - Protection
Chapter 20 - ARC Complex
Chapter 21 - Mars Core.
Chapter 22 - Rescue
Chapter 23 - The Reveal
Chapter 24 - Kings Row
Chapter 25 - Recovery
Chapter 26 - Captured
Chapter 27 - Return
Chapter 28 - Exultia
Chapter 29 - Taras Nabad
Chapter 30 - Nekravol
Chapter 31 - Urdak
Chapter 32 - Hive Mind
Chapter 33 - Iconoclast
Chapter 34 - Crucible
Chapter 35 - New House
Chapter 36 - A Day Out - Shopping
Chapter 37 - A Day Out - Shopping (cont)
Chapter 38 - A day off
Chapter 39 - Fortress of Doom
Chapter 40 - Plutonium
Chapter 41 - Truth Serum
Chapter 42 - Well Cure
Chapter 43 - UN
Chapter 44 - Deja vu
Chapter 45 - Check Up
Chapter 46 - Slayer
Chapter 47 - Court
Chapter 48 - Los Muertos
Chapter 49 - Back on Earth
Chapter 51 - Christmas
Chapter 52 - New Year
Chapter 53 - Losses
Chapter 54 - Proving
Chapter 55 - Visions
Chapter 56 - Allies
Chapter 57 - The Battle
Chapter 58 - The End

Chapter 50 - Ill Advent

258 2 0
By cheesEPIC

(y/n) pov

I woke up, still holding Lena. She felt hot, which I didn't think was good. She felt really hot actually. I sat up in bed and started fussing her head, hoping to gently wake her up. Luckily, I did infact wake her up doing so.

"Mmmeegh." She grumbled as she stretched. She slowly sat up and looked at me.

"How are you feeling this morning?" I asked. "You felt like, really hot and I was wondering if you're feeling ok."

"Luv, I think I shoulda listened to Angie." She said as she laid back down. She coughed a few times before looking up at me.

"Is there anything I could get for you?" I asked.

*Cough* "Yes please luv. On top of the cabinet downstairs there's a box of paracetamol and one of ibuprofen. Could you bring both up please." She said with sporadic coughs.

"Anything else?" I added.

"Uh, a cup a tea would be a killer luv."

"Right away." I said. One annoying thing about being a slayer is that although you can't die to infections, you still suffer the negative effects of them.

I went downstairs and grabbed the paracetamol and ibuprofen. I put them on the sideboard as I grabbed a cup out from underneath. The sugar, milk and teabags were all where they usually are, so I put them into a cup. The water had started to boil as I finished putting them in the cup. Once it had completely boiled, I poured it in and stirred it all together before picking the 2 different tablet boxes and the cup up and heading back upstairs. As I got into the bedroom, I saw Lena sitting up with several pillows propping her up.

"Thanks luv." She said as I handed her the cup and the boxes. She put the cup down and opened the paracetamol box. She took a tablet out and put it in her mouth, before swallowing it with a sip of water. She grabbed the cup of tea and took a few swigs, before turning to me.

"Should we tell Angie that I'm ill?" She said.

"Probably best to." I replied. She nodded at me. "Vega, call Angela for Lena."

"Right away, calling Angela for Lena."

The dialing icon appeared and after a second, we could see Angela's face appear on a hologram Infront of us.

"Hello Lena, hello (y/n)." Angela said.

"Hiya Angie, we're just calling to say that I'm ill." Lena said with a cough.

"Ok, do you want anything? Aspirin? Ibuprofen?"

"No, we're just calling to notify you that I am ill so I won't be able to fight for a few days."

"Ok. Thank you for letting me know. Hope you get better soon. Bye."

"Bye Angie!" Lena said. Angela hung up. As soon as she did, Lena started coughing a lot. I sat down next to her and rubbed her back. This seemed to sooth her a little.

"Thanks luv." She said with a smile. Me and Lena stared into each others eyes for a second before Vega had to interrupt.

"Would you like me to notify Jack about Lena's condition?"

"Sure. He needs to know." I said. Lena smiled at me.

"At least we get time off." She said.

"Yeah, at least you do." I replied.

"Well, you had time off when you were banned from earth."

I sighed at that. I hadn't actually have time off earth. Shit was going down in hell. The UAC and Talon had struck a deal with the archdemon Erebus to resurrect doomfist as a demonic slayer. I'd gone there to stop the ritual. I could never stop it forever, but I could delay it for a hell of a long time. Once doomfist has been resurrected though, the only chance we have of winning against them is if I seal myself in hell with them for eternity.

"Luv? Is everything alright?" Lena said, starting to feel worried.

"Yeah, it's just, I've got some business to deal with. Not this very moment, but, soon." I replied.

"Why, what happened." Lena asked. I didn't reply. "Luv?" Lena said as she shuffled next to me.

"Alright. I killed doomfist, remember?"

"Yes. What's happened?"

"Talon struck a deal with Erebus, one of the archdemons of hell, to resurrect him as a demonic slayer. When I was banned from earth, I actually spent years down in the deepest pits of hell since time is exponentially slower down there, trying to stop the ritual. I succeeded, for now. I can't truly stop the ritual, but I can delay it for a hell of a long time."

Lena was shocked.

"Oh my god. We need to tell Jack about this."

"No. He can't help, and neither can you. I'm the only one who can stop them."

"But, how?"

"By doing what I did all those aeons ago."

"Luv, you can't! There has to be another way!"

"I don't think there is. Erebus can't kill me, and I'm not strong enough to kill him. All I can do is hold them all off until the end of time, from the inside."

"Luv, you don't have to do this." Lena whined as she grabbed my arm and hugged it. "Please."

"Lena, I promised you that I'd protect you, and the only way I can do that is by sealing myself in hell with them once again."

Lena had started crying into my chest by this point.

"W-when do you have to g-go?" Lena whimpered.

"Not yet. Probably not for a while, but I can't just sit around. I have to become stronger, I have to be ready. If Erebus is able to entomb me again, then there is no hope for anything. All living beings will die and be consumed by hell."

"Ok." Lena said as she continued to hug me.

We didn't do much else that day. All we did was sit in bed and talk to each other, with me occasionally going to go get snacks or drinks.


Lena had been ill for a few days, but was better now. I'd woken up to hear her downstairs making a lot of noise. I got up and went down to go see what was making all the noise to see her sorting through several boxes.

"Morning Lena." I said as I hugged her.

"Morning luv." She replied as she kissed my cheek.

"What's all this?" I asked.

"This is Christmas stuff, because it's almost Christmas!" She said as she pulled some tinsel out of a box and threw it at me. "Wanna help me decorate the house?" She said.

"Sure. It's been quite a while since I've done so."

Lena giggled as she threw a set of lights at me. I caught them and followed her into the living room.

"So luv. There's these little tags around the ceiling which I put up a few years back just for this. Hang the lights off them in whatever shape you want." Lena said. I did just that. I went around the entire house putting lights up, other than outside, where Lena would blink up the wall and hang a set of lights of it before moving it to a different part. Eventually though, all the lights were up.

"Now luv, time for the other decorations." She said as she threw a box of tinsel at me. I caught it and looked up just in time to see her massive smile disappear around the corner while holding a huge role of tinsel. I went around the corner she'd just disappeared from to see the walls already covered in masses of decorations. "Hey, it's a challenge. Best side of the house wins. Loser has to cook tonight." She said. I smiled and walked back around to my side of the house. I started putting decorations up in places which looked cool. I also neurally asked Vega to visualise some decorative patterns which would look cool. He did so and I chose one which I thought Lena would like. After we'd finished doing our sides, we met back up in the middle of the house.

"So luv, give me a tour of your side." Lena said as she blinked up to me and rubbed my chest.

"Come on then, follow me." I replied. She grabbed my hand as I led her into my side of the room. Her face dropped as she saw what I'd done. There was tinsel patterns on the wall, perfectly arranged tinsel hanging from the ceiling at a height which neither of us would hit, small ornaments on every shelf in even spaces, baubles hanging from tinsel in geometric patterns and a photo of me and Lena with a small bit of tinsel hanging around it on the shelf at her eye level.

Lena walked over to the photo. She looked at it for a second before turning to me. She ran over to me and hugged me tightly. She looked into my eyes and smiled so widely.

"This is the best Christmas ever!" Lena shouted.

I smiled and kissed the top of Lena's head. She purred softly into my chest as I did so, making her look so cute. We stood like that for a while before eventually separating.

"I still need to see your side." I said.

"Oh yeah!" She said. She grabbed me by the hand and dragged me into her side of the house. "I've taken a more, stylistic approach." She said, tying her best to make her accent sound posh. "As you can see here, I have organised the little models in order of height with the tallest in the middle. Over here, we have the, I can't do this accent any longer, we've got the tinsel hanging from different levels to add some depth and colour, the lights twinkle through the gaps in-between as we do so and the ornaments are arranged so that there is no place without one." She said. "What mark you give me outta ten?" She said.

I scratched my chin and thought for a second.

"Ten. What else would I give it?" I said. Lena looked so happy. She blinked back over and hugged me tightly.

"Luv, I give you a ten as well." She said. We hugged for a second when suddenly her eyes opened widely and she blinked off. I followed where she went and found her opening one final box. "The Christmas tree!" She shouted as she pulled the Christmas tree out of its box. She blinked over to the table in the living room and put it down on the table before blinking back over to the remaining decorations. She looked so happy doing all of it, like she was a small kid in a sweet shop.

"Come on, join the fun." She said. I walked over to her and started helping her put the decorations on it. Once we'd finished, we took a step back and admired our work.

"Now for the final part. Luv, put the star on top." She said as she pointed at the star on the table.

"You're a little big to go on the Christmas tree, don't you think?"

Lena blushed as I said so. "Come on luv, you know what I mean."

I smiled and walked over to the star. I picked it up and placed it on the tree. I turned back to Lena to see her face lit up more than the tree's. I walked over and pulled her close to me. We started making out there and then. After a second, we stopped and looked into each others eyes.

"So, who's making dinner today?" I asked.

Lena started rubbing her hand up my chest and feeling my crotch.

"I think we should just order something luv." She said as she took my top off. Safe to say, the rest of our clothes didn't stay on for much longer, but that wasn't the only fun thing that we'd done today. Lena had thoroughly enjoyed putting all the decorations up as well, and as long as she was happy, I was happy.

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