Me Against the Law

By MalzBiz

83 3 4

When it comes to telling the truth, we all stand alone... More

Me Against the Law

83 3 4
By MalzBiz

The moon glistened. Shining brightly through the rusty old bars. I lay beaten, tortured and alone. Its dark, cold and silent here. I haven't seen a soul in 6 months. I start to doubt the life before this one. I crave a new one. One with deep concerntrations of freedom, pleasure and the serenity of touching her again.

7 months earlier... 

'Relax...calm down.' I thought.

Everyone looked at me now. Expecting.

Expecting what?

I wasn't quite sure. The truth, maybe? The crowd is big, but only on one side. The other side. The people on my side seemed agitated. They had better things to do. I have better things to do.

I shrugged it off.

I looked out the window. The noisy crowds outside gave me a headache.

"Would you like to answer my question now?" Mr. Jackson, the opposing lawyer, asked me. I shook my head and looked down rubbing my temples slowly. I closed my eyes.

I don't understand. Why is my case so famous? Of all the other cases in the world, why mine? It's all over the news, making headlines in newspapers and on every social media network created.

I am the enemy.

"Are you feeling ok?" Judge John asked me. I shook my head, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Judge, may we please postpone this court order please." Kyle asked, sounding sympathetic. 

The court meeting is postponed 30 days from now.

"Why do you always plan to get sick in times like these?!" Kyle asked me. We sat on the belcony at a coffee shop. I played with the salt shaker and admired the Eiffel Tower and the afternoon rush. "You know if you carry on with this behaviour in court we are going to lose." Kyle continued, "You know that right?" He asked me. I ignored him and leaned back on my chair. I put my hands behind my head. "Answer me, DeAndre!" He said now annoyed. "Yeah, yeah. I know. I'm just not in it today that's all." I told him.

Honestly I wasn't. I was sick and tired of being blamed for things I didn't do.

"I just need some time." I assured him. After that Kyle kept talking about something, I wasn't paying attention to.

That's when I'd seen her.

She was sitting inside the cafe at an angle that I could see her perfectly and she could see me. She had a black knee length dress. The material hugged her slender body. She wore black high heels that complimented her perfect legs. Her brown hair was tied up in a meesy bun. Her green eyes followed the words in her book and her perfectly glossy red lips mouthed the words from the famous bestseller, Wuthering Heights. I admired her for maybe a minute too long.

"Dee? What do you want?" Kyle asked me. I got knocked out of my daze, looking at the waiter chewing on a piece of bubblegum. She looked at me like she was undressing me with her eyes. "Coca-Cola, extra ice please." I said, looking at her quite disturbed. She winked at me and walked away chirply. Kyle looked disturbed as well.

Kyle looked at me. "Looks like you can't get the American out of you." He said, "Coke?! Seriously?!" He said. I looked at him and laughed. He carried on talking about something I didn't want to hear. So I carried on looking at the girl.

She looked very intrigued in her book. I kept staring at her. Maybe she'll look up. Her waiter came and put a cappacino next to her. He said something to her and she smiled and blushed. He walked away. She put her book down. And started drinking her cappacino. She looked around the room.

'Look at me.' I thought.

And just then. Like she had read my mind. She looked at me, smiling widely. I smile back and nodded my head. She nodded back at me. She smiled and looked down. She was so sexy. I waved at her. And she giggled covering her mouth. "Dee, are you listening to me?" Kyle broke me off our moment. "Er....yeah." I said. "What did I just say?" He asked me now, leaning back in his chair. "Er...when...our...err..." I stammered, "Ok maybe I wasn't listening." I admitted. Kyle sighed, "Where is your mind half the time DeAndre?!" He asked me.

Trying to get this girls number, I wanted to say.

"Sorry. What did you say?" I asked him trying to look considerate. "Our next meeting. Next week." He said. I nodded my head. He looked at his watch and said, "I've gotta run. My wife is going to kill me. I forgot it was our anniversary today." He said. "Ooooh, good luck!" I said. "Thanks." He said and left. He left money on the table. The waiter arrived with the drinks. I smiled at her and she blushed. She ran away quickly giggling.

The mysterious women sat opposite me now. "Hey" she said. "Hi" I replied smiling. "I couldn't help but come over here." She said. I chuckled, "Yeah I can come off as irresistable sometimes." I joked around. She laughed. I smiled. "What's your name?" I asked her. "Angelica." She said. Her voice was low and sweet. "Nice name for an angel like you." I said, leaning forward. She smiled and looked down again.

I realised that she was actually blushing. This made me smile.

She also leaned down onto the table. Our faces so close I could just lean over and kiss her. "Thank you DeAndre." She said. And smiled. I looked into her green eyes. I wasn't shocked she already knew my name. I'm sure everyone else in this shop knew my name as well. She looked back into my eyes. "You have the most wonderful blue eyes. Do you know that DeAndre?!" She told me. I chuckled. And leaned back on my chair. She sat back as well. I took a sip of my coke.

"So you have a thing for that waiter?" She asked me. I looked at her as though she were crazy. "No, no." I said, "Just making her feel good about herself. Giving her something to talk about." I said matter-of-factly. She smiled and nodded. "Aaah I see." She said, "You like leading girls on." She finished. It took me a moment to process what she said. I looked at her. "NO!" I nearly shouted, "I mean, no! I'm not like that." I explained myself, "I'm not a jerk. I'm actually a really nice guy." I completed.

I hope she doesn't think otherwise.

She looked at me dubiously and nodded. "If you say so." She said and looked at the Eiffel Tower. She doesn't even know me yet and I'm already screwing this up. She probably thinks I'm a jerk. She looked at the dainty watch on her wrist. She took out a pen and paper from her bag, wrote something on it and gave it to me. She  said, "Call me at 7:30 sharp." She walked out the shop.

Well, that was a rather good outcome.

Sitting in my apartment I start flipping through channels and making the occasional glance at the time. She said 7:30 sharp. The time showed 7:29. I dialled her number and waited the extra minute. It felt like ages before the number changed.


I pressed the call button. It rang about twice. "Seven thirty on the dot." Her voice said on the other line. "Yeah.." I chuckled and trailed off. "Punctual aren't you?!" She said rhetorically.

Was she really testing me?!

I felt a surge of nerves run through me. "Hello?" I heard her say. "Hey." I said. "I thought you'd hung up." She said and luaghed. "No," I said, "When can I see you again?" I asked her. "How about next week sometime." She said spontaneously, "I'll just have to fit you into my schedule."

Schedule?! Well, she's organised.

"Next week, next week..." I trailed off. Next week I have a meeting with Kyle. I'm sure I could just make this plan and then make Kyle's meeting another day. "Sure, I'm free the whole week. Let me know which day." I said. "How about Tuesday at 6:30?" She asked. "Perfect." I said. "It's a date." She confirmed. I smiled. "Its a date." I said smiling.

We spoke some more last night after that, till late. Her voice was amazing and I couldn't get her apperance out of my mind. She was an angel. Kyle had arranged the meeeting for next week friday, but that was the least of my worries. I was more excited for tuesday.

It was the most beautiful night. The sun was setting and the moon was full. I booked a table at the most posh restaurant. I had no idea how I was going to pay, but it was ok, as long as it was the most perfect night for her. I wore my most expensive tux. On my way I bought her a single red rose. I arrived at exactly 6:30 and waited for her outside the restaurant.  

I paced outside the restuarant looking at my watch. I was getting nervous. People looked at me strangely at they walked past. I didn't care. 6:50.

Has she stood me up?!

I stood leaning against the wall outside the restaurant. I thought to call her many times before but thought otherwise. Maybe she was just late. That's all. Maybe she was just stuck in traffic.

I sighed.

"Sorry." I heard a voice whisper. I looked up and there she was. I wasn't upset with her. I was actually relieved to see her. "No, its ok!" I said and I hugged her. "I'm just happy you came." I said. She hugged me back. "Forgiving." She said into my chest. "What?" I asked. "You're sweet, punctual and forgiving." She said. I smiled. 

We sat across from each other. Our table against the wall. We got a table in the corner of the restaurant. This was perfect. A quiet corner. Just for me and Angelica. We sat down looking through the menu. "This place is expensive." She said. "Don't worry about that. Just enjoy yourself angel." I said. I tried my luck. I looked at her expression from the top of the menu. She smiled widely, although trying very hard to hide it.

She looked very beautiful tonight. She'd worn a mini red dress showing off her wonderful tanned thighs and legs. The dress shaped her curvy body. Her elegant jewelry brought out her eyes. She had glossy red lips like the last time I had seen her.

"I have no idea what half of these things are." I said as I looked at the menu. She laughed. "What?!" I said, "You know what these things are?" I asked. "Well, yes I do actually." She said confidently. "Please enlighten me then." I said. 

We settled on a platter for 2 with all the seafood I hadn't had before. "So I feel guilty for not knowing anything about you, yet you know so much about me." I said. She laughed. "I'm just observant." She says. I smile. "I'm not. Please. Tell me more about you. Who is Angelica?!" I asked. She looked at me and smiled. "Well, my name is Angelica Santino. I'm 25. I'm studying Law here in Paris. I'm a book lover. I enjoy the company of a small group of people. I can be very anti-social and I am an animal lover." I nodded my head impressed. She smiled and rolled her eyes. "One word to descibe yourself. What would it be?" I asked. "Misanthropist." She said. I nodded.

Maybe I should've had a picnic by the Eiffel Tower instead.

"How about you?" She said, "One word to describe yourself?" That was a hard question. I hadn't a clue what describes myself. "I have no clue." I said. "I know." She said. I looked at her confused. "You do?!" I asked. She nodded. "What?" I asked. "Charming." She said. She smiled and nodded her head. I shook mine. "I'm the last thing from charming." I said honestly. "No, you're not." She said. She leaned onto the table. "You really think so?" I asked. "Yes, I do. You're the most handsome, charming, hilarious and nicest guy I've met." She said. I held her hand on the table. "And you're the most beautiful, amazing and most truthful girl I've ever met in my life." I told her. She smiled.

I looked into her wonderful green eyes. That was the first time I've ever felt, the feeling of getting lost in someone's eyes. I finally understood what tue love really meant.

"That was the most educational supper I've ever had." I admitted. We were walking down a quiet street. "I agree." She admitted as well. "But that ice-cream tasted so good." I said. '"Oh yes, it did." She laughed. We walked together on the cobbled pavement with our fingers entwined.

There were a few cars parked on the side of the street. All the buildings lights turned off. We were alone. The street lights as our guide. I spinned around her as we walked and she laughed. She walked while I held her waist and walked behind her. She hadn't budged she just smiled.

We reached her apartment building and walked up the steps. "Well, thanks for the most wonderful night." She said. I smiled and kissed her cheek. She smiled and blushed. Then she looked up at me, stood on her tippie-toes and kissed me.

Taken kind of aback. I didn't respond, but after a bit I got used to it.

I held her waist and lifted her off the ground. She held my neck and embraced me. As I held her body tightly against mine. She let go and I put her back down on the ground.

She smiled and for the first time she revealed her pearly white teeth confidently, but it disappeared as fast as it had come. "What?" I asked. "Dee..." She trailed off. "Yes?" I said, "What's wrong?" I asked again. A tear trailed down her cheek. "Angel? What's wrong?" I wiped the tears away. "We can't be together." She said.

Tears now flowing endlessly. I looked at her. I was confused. "Why?!" I asked her, "What did I do wrong?" I asked. "No, you didn't do anything wrong." She said now. I held her face in my hands and wiped the tears away. "So why can't we be together?" I asked. "Its just...I made a mistake. I just shouldn't have led you on in the first place. I just thought it would be nice to experiment. Just to see, but now I actually really like you Dee." She said shaking her head.

"What are you talking about Angel?" I asked, "Please. I'm so confused. I thought...but, I love you." I said. "I love you too, but we can't be in love. We aren't allowed to." She said. She sniffed. Tears streaming down her face. "I really enjoyed myself." She said. She pecked my lips.

I looked into her wonderful green eyes. As she walked away, I grabbed her hand, she looked at me, "Where ever you go, whatever you do. Just remember, I'll be right here waiting for you. I'm not going anywhere with out you." I said. A tear rolled down her cheek. I let go of her arm. And she was gone.

I walked down the stairs as it slowly started hitting me. Until it stabbed me in my stomach and twisted itself each time I repeated it to myself. I couldn't believe it. She's gone. And I don't even know why.

The nights events kept replaying in my mind. I would see images of her sad face in my mind. The feeling of her soft skin in my hands. The smell of her rich french perfume was filled my nose. I couldn't, for days at a time, leave my apartment.

I'd cancelled the meeting with Kyle. I didn't even bother making up an excuse. Every time I did go out every girl I'd walked past looked like her. I'd sit in the same coffee shop we'd met, maybe she would have showed up.

She hadn't.

I've tried calling her, but she never answers her phone. I leave dumb voicemails saying how much I miss her. She hasn't replied one. I wouldn't blame her. She'd want me to get over this by myself. Although, how could I get over this with no good explanation. Weeks past. I needed to meet up with Kyle. I'd be back at court in few days. I'll be on the witness stand again and I hadn't a clue what to say. I'd arranged the meeting on a Sunday. I'd be in court on thursday.

"You look like crap." Kyle said as I let him in my apartment. "Nice to see you too." I said sarcastically. He dug through my cupboards for something to eat. He pulled a breakfast bar out. He gulped it down within seconds. "Hungry, much?!" I said sarcastically. He shrugged. "Ok, now I need you to tell me exactly what had happened that night. I need you to tell me every single detail. Okay?" He asked me. I nodded.

Kyle took out his tape recorder and placed on the coffee table. He took out a few papers and he put his glasses on. "Ok, let's begin." He said. He clicked the tape recorder.

"It was a Friday afternoon. My friends and I had just finished soccer practice at 4 o'clock. I remember that day I was mourning because my father had died on that day, 3 years before then. My friends were Anthony, George, Jamie and Joseph.

They could obviously see I was very perturbed by this. I didn't know why I was sad anyway. My father was a horrible man. He blamed me for killing my mum when I was born. He blamed me for his drinking problem. He blamed me for quite much everything that went wrong in his life.

So we decided to go to our favourite club. Club 333. Since we all couldn't drive at the time, we walked. We arrived at about 5:00. It was very quiet. They were only busy from 8:00. So all 5 of us walked in as the lingering people in the club looked at us.

We sat at the open bar and ordered one of their strongest shots. It was about 8:00 when we took our 5th shot. By then people started arriving and the club was pumping with music.

I was aware of my surroundings, but I couldn't control what I was doing. I danced with woman I didn't know and didn't stop drinking either. I was completely drunk. All 5 of us were.

At 11:00 on the dot a group of girls had walked in. I had the tendency to look at my watch when I had fun. They had walked in with a group of guys behind them. As drunk as all 5 of us walked up to them and started dancing with them. I had a girl that looked very pale and had very revealing clothes on. She had a blonde bob cut hairstyle and untidy make up.

Since her appearance wasn't all that pleasing, I still remember her name. Her name was Lucy. We'd danced together and had drinks. We were all dancing on the dance floor at 12:00 when all the drama began. The guys that Lucy and the other girls entered with created a bar fight. A big circle formed with the 5 of us and the 5 of them.

The guy that was fighting with me was big and muscular. His body was fit for a life guard. The music died down and the crowd chanted 'fight, fight, fight!' I knew I couldn't take that guy on. So I let him do what he needed to. Brought on by the cheering crowd around him, he punched my face. I fell to the floor. The taste of alcohol and blood mixed in my mouth. He kicked me on the floor. I didn't get up and try to defend myself because I knew I if I did I'd only get more hurt. Those kicks came from every direction. It felt as though all 5 of those guys came to me and only kicked me, but it was only him. Me and him. One on one. I was clearly losing."

"After that I woke up in a hospital bed. I'd looked at the clock on the wall. It was 4:00, in the morning. The room was very bright. It was because I had a swollen eye. I look down at my body and I had different colour bruises everywhere. It didn't hurt. I felt numb.

What had happened once I had passed out was a blur. I was in a single ward. To my left there was a large window with the mornings dark sky and to my right there was a window displaying many nurses pushing wheel chairs with patients sitting on them. The front desk was buzzing with people. There were many machines around me. Some were beeping as others showed many statistics. Jamie, Anthony and a girl walked into my ward. The girl looked vaguely familiar. I'd asked them where the others were. They had looked at each other painfully. I looked between Jamie and Anthony. Anthony had finally said that George and Joseph had died because they had gotten into a street fight with those guys. Knives and guns were involved."

I paused for a moment, "I hadn't had a solid thought in my mind that morning. It was like my fathers death all over again. When I'd heard that they had died I couldn't deal with the pain. I knew I had to leave. I had to go somewhere far away. Far away from that wretched place. A few days later, on the news, I'd heard that Jamie and Anthony had commited double suicide."

I stopped for a moment, "That's when I'd gotten a one way ticket here. Then to worsen what I'd already been through. I got letter stating that I had charges laid against me for sexually harassing Lucy. To be honest I think the girl that had come with Jamie and Anthony was Lucy." I looked at Kyle who seemed the least bit troubled by what I had to say. I guess that's what his job entitled. "Look, I defend people who are innocent. And Dee, you are completely innocent."

I'd got out of the car and all that I've faced a few weeks ago had slapped me across my face. Welcome to reality, buddy. People crowded me from every direction. There were many reporters asking me questions and sticking microphones at my mouth, as photographers flashed pictures of me and protestors scram words of hate at me. I moved with the crowd. Literally. My feet were not on the ground. I hadn't said a word. I pulled my hoodie from under my suit jacket and pulled it over my head. I looked down as we finally reached the big entrance.

"Mr.DeAndre Von Dutch has no comment." Kyle shouted over the crowd. We entered the hall. It was silent. People stared at us as we walked past. 'I've always wanted to say that to those moron reporters.' Kyle said to me, "And take off that damn hoodie!"

We sat in the court room. There was a low murmur from the crowd behind me. I turned around to scan through the people on my side. It was a good turn out.

I spotted a girl that sat with her back straight, chin up, legs croosed and chest out. She wasn't from here. I could tell. She looked so familiar. Her face sparked a light in my memory. Blonde bob cut, blue eyes....Lucy! It was Lucy! What was she doing here of all places?! I turned around quickly so she didn't see me looking at her. I whispered to Kyle that she was here. He looked at me nervously and shrugged it off.

"All rise." Said someone near the corner of the room. We all did as we were told and stood up. Judge John entered. After him followed the Jury. I took a quick glance behind me at Lucy. Who was looking at me and winked. I looked away quickly. "You may be seated." Said Judge John. Before I sat I took a quick glance at the jury. 

My lungs popped like a balloon. I had no air in my body. I froze. I couldn't believe my eyes. I shook my head. I couldn't believe it. There she was. There was my Angel. On that jury stand.

"You can sit down now, Mr. Von Dutch." Judge John said to me. I fell back down onto my chair. This wasn't believeable. I looked down. I wouldn't dare look at her. I felt too ashamed.

How could she have done this to me?!

"I'd like to call Mr. DeAndre Von Dutch to the witness stand." Jackson said. I stood up. I fixed my jacket. I made my way to witness stand. I didn't dare look at the jury stand. I didn't know if I was angry or disappointed. I was confused. I didn't know what to feel or think for that matter. She was sitting on that stand. She had my future in her hands. Before this moment I couldn't live without her. Through all the things I've been through, this was the cherry on top of a ruined life. 

I sat on that witness. In all my glory. This was my moment to shine. My moment. Nothing is going to take that away from me. After this, my victory will rise, and I will get the girl, or I'll fall and loose everything I've ever stood for. I needed to make this count. Every single minute of it. 

"Right. In this crowd today, Mr. Von Dutch, is the victim you are accused of sexually harassing. Her name is Lucy Blue. Now, I quote from her, 'DeAndre Von Dutch is a porn-freak and has no way of treating girls with dignity and respect.' Do you believe this statement is true Mr. Von Dutch." Mr. Jackson asked me. I shook my head. "No." I said aloud. He nodded his head. He turned to the crowd watching us. "Do you still think the statement is true, Ms. Blue?" He asked the audience. Kyle objected, standing up. Lucy stood up from the crowd. Everyone gasped.

"Judge..." Kyle trailed off. Judge John ignored him and carried on looking at the young timid lady in the crowd. "I would like to add a few words to the jury, if you don't mind, judge." She asked confidently. Judge John nodded. "Sure, the floors yours." He said. She came forward and stood before the jury. I looked at her tall slean figure. She had changed so much since the last time I had seen her. She looked more...sophisticated. Professional.

"Well, firstly, I would disagree with that statement because I hadn't said anything to that sort." She gave Jackson a dirty look. "And, secondly, I know that DeAndre is innocent." She said simply. "I object." Jackson said firmly. "Let her finish." Judge said. "DeAndre is innocent because he hadn't done anything, I supposedly, claimed him to have done. I hadn't laid the charges against him. I'd been forced to sign the papers by my ex-boyfriend who had beaten up Mr. Von Dutch the night of the incident. He had told me if I didn't lay the charges he would beat me. Obviously, at the time, I'd done it. I had no choice. He said that we had to lay the charges before DeAndre did because we'd definately go to jail if we didn't. So we had made up the story." Lucy stopped to look at me. Tears in her eyes.

"Sorry" she mouthed to me. She blew a kiss and walked out of the room. "Er...anymore questions?" Judge asked Jackson. Jackson shook his head. "That's all." He said simply. The whole crowd hadn't known what just happened. "20 minute break. Afterward, the jury will state their conclusion." Judge John concluded and exited the room. We all looked rather confused. 

Kyle and I sat on a bench outside the court room. We sat in silence. Lost in our own thoughts. A bell rang. "So are you ready to face the music?" Kyle asked. It wasn't much of a question. I had to be. I had no choice. I nodded. 

Everyone filled quietly into the court room. I sat down. I took in a deep breath. Whatever happened now, I had to deal with it. No questions asked.

Nerves started slowly pumping through me. "All rise." Someone said. I stood. The judge and jury entered. I looked at Angelica properly for the first time today. I tried to make out her expression. If only she could look up. "Sit." Judge John said. We sat. I looked at her again. She didn't dare try and look up. I leaned back on my chair annoyed.

Why was she doing this to me?! Was all that happened between us that night just some sick joke of hers?!

"Right, let's get this done. Ms. Angelica Santino, would you please close this case with the jury's decision." Judge John said relieved. This can't be happening.

Why ask her to do it?!

Ask someone else please. I can't have someone I love, tell me news as good or bad as this. She stood up slowly. Kyle looked at me. "Its gonna be fine." He mouthed. I nodded.

Now I could finally see her face. It was red and her eyes were blood shot. "DeAndre Von Dutch." She started. She wiped her nose with tissue. Her voice shaky. I stood up quickly. I wanted to hug her, but I thought otherwise. I made it look as though it was a gesture of good manners instead. She looked up at me. Her face brought the memories back. She shook her head sadly and looked back down at the paper. I stood frozen. This wasn't good. "You are announced as..."

Do I really have to go on?

The moon glistened. Shining brightly through the rusty old bars. I lay beaten, tortured and alone. Its dark, cold and silent here. I haven't seen a soul in 6 months. I start to doubt the life before this one. I crave a new one. One with deep concerntrations of freedom, pleasure and the serenity of touching her again.

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