Starting A New- Danny Phantom...

By LadyNoir303

626 17 0

After Andi and Lani and their friends saved Danny Phantom from the Guys in White's clutches, Danny struggles... More

Author's note


37 1 0
By LadyNoir303

Lani layed down on her bed sighing. She tried to fall asleep but she was too angry so she started to practically pace a hole into the floor.  She looked at her sketching supplies. She took a deep breath focus her energy on her sketching pencil and her sketching pad.

The two objects floated towards her and using the power of her mind she started to let the pencil draw out what she was thinking.

Lani saw herself flying through the Ghost Zone. It's been awhile since she saw the Ghost Zone. She wondered if it still looked the way she remembered.

She looked to her side and she saw the two old ghosts that took care of her. They used to be a couple from the 1930's but died from a mysterious fire. They never got to see their own grandchildren growing up.

They so badly wanted to see them but they were in the Ghost Zone. When they found Lani just floating with nothing but a diaper and a half empty bottle, they took her in and started to raise her.

They played tag, hide and go seek and all sort of games. Lani couldn't wish for something even better. She was happy and content.

One day she flew too far and she found herself at an island with a skull rock on it. The old couple look high and low for her. They eventually found her with Skulker.

They gotten scared but what they didn't expect was to see Skulker actually playing with her."Skulker..."

"You must be the guardians of this little one?" He asked."Yes, thank you for not killing her."

Skulker looked confused."How could I kill her? She's a ghost."

"She's half ghost Skulker."

"Halfa? She's Plasmius's daughter." Skulker then ran to a lever and pulled it down. It revealed all of Skulker's notes off Plasmius and Lani.

"What is all this?"

"I was hired by this new halfa to find this little one. I can't let him find her. He wants to train her and all that..."

"Why are you doing this then?"

"I too once had a family. I died protecting them. I'm not going to let it happen again. I'll lead him off her tracks." Skulker said."Uncle." Her baby voice said.

"She looks a lot like my daughter."

"Thank you, Skulker."

A few years later all hell broke lose for them. The couple got attacked by Plasmius who has gotten more powerful.

Lani's sketchbook now held a picture of the two ghosts she really cared for trying to protect her as Vlad harmed them so badly that their cores couldn't fix the damage and they faded out.

Little Lani got taken to Vlad's mansion. She rebelled against the man she didn't know was her father."Stop struggling!" Vlad shouted and slapped her across the face. Lani was on the floor and immediately she tried to run to the Ghost Zone.

"Not so fast." Vlad said and the portal shut down causing Lani to run into a deadened.

A few days later. She was fed up with Vlad and his training. She just wanted to go back to the Ghost Zone, but then she saw the dark look on Vlad's face. She didn't back down though.

Vlad knocked her unconscious. When she woke up she expected to be in her room that was surrounded by all kinds of stuffed animals and other toys.

Instead she saw a green tinted window. When she stood up and touch it she got electrocuted and she stood back. She felt weak but it soon faded away.

"Look who is awake." Lani looked up to see two people."Stay away from me." She hissed."Now now. That's not how you talk to adults. Come on, it's time for your tests."

"I'm not coming. I'm not sick." Lani said. The man got annoyed and grabbed Lani by her arms "Jack, control." The woman said. Maddie took Lani's hand and they went to a room.

Lani wanted to run when she saw how big the needles were."No!" She shouted. They started to inject her with a vial of glowing blue liquid."What is that!" Lani shouted as it slowly made it's way to her veins."This is what the ghosts calls the Forbidden Liquid. It will enhance all power and small doses will help the healing and growth process. Of course it will take time, it isn't magic." Maddie said.

Lani's sketchbook showed how Vlad trained her and when she woke up in the cell.

A few months later she started to get more rebel like. The agents had to hold her down, it worked but she still didn't stop. Maddie gotten mad.

She grabbed the knife of a table that she and Jack used to eat and brought it down on Lani's face making a cut over Lani's left eye. Lani screamed from the pain and stopped struggling.

Lani glared at Maddie as the blood dripped down.

Luckily for Lani, she made a new friend and this new friend helped her escape. The girl's name was Andi. She didn't trust her at first but soon the two of them became inseparable.

Andi and her family saved Lani and moved to Japan. They took her in and showed her a whole new way of doing things. The Japanese Culture surely is interesting and soon enough she started to feel at home again.

When Andi saved Lani, Lani felt she was dreaming but then she realised she wasn't dreaming.

Andi and Lani grew up together and they shared a dream. They wanted to help the helpless. Lani knew very well what that feels like, it isn't good to feel that way, why should other's feel like that.

Lani's sketchbook now held a small Andi helping Lani and the two playing with a ball.

As they grew up, the trained to become stronger so they could get in UA, the best Superhero School in Japan. Even the number one hero, All Might went there.

All Might, the Symbol of Piece.

Truely an inspiration.

Lani opened her eyes and she looked out the window to see it was dark already. Her alarm flashed Eighteen O Hundred. Dinner time. Lani didn't look at her sketch. She was too hungry to care to look at it.

The moment she stepped into the living room everyone stared at her."Hey, Lani. Here's some dinner." Lani went to the kitchen and started to eat.

"Lani, how are you feeling?" Lani looked to her right to see Izuku, Asui, Uraraka and Ashido."I'm fine. I'm not glass." She said. Lani then sighed."You have questions don't you?"

The class was about to shout out but she just turned around and continued eating."Hey." Lani turned around and saw Danny and Andi."Hey." She said and continued on.

"Guys, give her some space. Let her eat." Danny said and everyone nodded and left Lani alone.

"What could possibly get worse?" Lani asked practically growling at nothing in particular."We'll get through this. You're not alone." Danny said."Danny?"


"What's the Ghost Zone like?" Lani asked."Well, the sky-"
"I know what it looks like, I just haven't veen there since..." Lani trailed off."Oh, well, Walker is bossy, Skulker is a pain in the ass."

"Say that again." Lani said."Skulker is a pain in the ass?" Danny said confused."I still have him."


"He tried to protect me from Vlad when he kidnapped me the first time."

"Hey! That guy wants my pelt on his wall. That's gross by the way." Lani looked at him."Think again, Danny. He probably captured you a bunch of times but you always managed to escape. He wasn't really hunting you." Lani said.

"It's still confusing."

Lani chuckled and rolled her eyes and ate the last bit of her food. She turned around and everyone looked at her again.

"Okay, ask away." Lani said and her angry face was back."Why didn't you tell us about your past?" Izuku asked as nicely as possible.

"Because I hate it. My mother is his mother and she threw me away the first chance she got." Lani said."Wait, your Danny's half brother?" Iida asked."Yeah." Danny answered.


"If you're like Danny then, how'd you get your powers?" Denki asked."I was born with it. I'm the first pure blood halfa." Lani said.

"Anything else?"

"How are you still alive? Anyone could've gotten killed by that fight."

"We're not anyone else."

"What about that scar over your eye? We didn't see you get cut on your face in the fight."

Lani closed her said eye."I was being rebellious while the GIW had me the first time and my mother grabbed a knife and sliced my eye. That kept me still long enough for them to give me injections." Lani said.

"Are you going back to school?"


"What! You need rest."

"I'm fine. I had worst. I can't miss school work either. Andi and I will become heroes to help the helpless." Lani said and was about to go back to her room.

"Lani! Wait!" Danny said."What's wrong?" Lani asked."I'm going to join UA."

"What? Why? You're already a hero." Lani said. Danny appeared in front of Lani."Yeah, but I can't sit and wait for something to happen. If I can learn more then I'll take it." Danny said."Fair enough." Lani said. Danny then pulled Lani in for a hug."Thanks for saving me." Lani said."Anytime." Danny said.

Monday morning...
Lani woke up, got dressed, got her hair done and was about walk out but hen she saw her sketchbook. She opened it to the page where she last drew. Her eyes widen at what she drew.

Her fingers traced the faces of the ghost couple that raised her and a tear drop rolled over her cheek. She quickly wiped it away and placed the book away.

She didn't even have breakfast. She just skipped straight to the elevator and went to the main building. On the way she ran into Danny."What? Morning." Danny said."Aren't you going to get breakfast?" Lani asked."I'm so used not to eat breakfast. I'm okay." Danny said. The two of them went under a tree and sat down and waited for the bell ring.

Eventually, Izuku, Andi, Asui, Kirishima, Todoroki and Uraraka joined them."You left early." Izuku said."Wasn't hungry." Danny answered.

The bell rang and the teens went to Aizawa's class.
The rest of the class was already there just waiting for Aizawa. Lani went to her desk and Danny sat down at a desk close to hers."So, where's Mr. Aizawa?" Danny asked."He's just late. He usually crawls in here with his sleeping bag, tells us what we need and then continued on sleeping." Lani explained.

"That's new." Danny said chuckling."Yeah, it certainly is weird." Lani said."Hello guys!"

Danny turned his attention towards the door and he saw two strangers."Who are those guys?" Danny asked."They are the Big Three, well two of them at least. The girl is Nejire Hado and the guy is Tamaki Amajiki."

"Where's the third one?" Danny asked."That's a long story." Lani said."No way! You're Danny Phantom!" Nejire said and came to Danny's table."Your such a big inspiration here for everyone." She said."So I've heard."

"I can't ever do that..." Tamaki said. Danny looked confused."Uh, anyone could've said the Earth really."

"See! What I mean!" She said. Lani looked one side and saw Mineta drooling as he looked at Nejire."Well thank you for the compliment." Danny simply said.

"No thank you! Thanks to you, we live to see the next day!"

Aizawa walked or rather crawled in."We have to go. Thanks for the talk!" Nejire said and they left. Danny looked at Aizawa and tried hard not to laugh. It's hard ti take him serious.

"Right, let's get started."

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