Not that EASY to acquire ✔️

By Sulfuctious

190K 11.4K 2.1K

COMPLETED [2020/06/13] Xiao Zhan is one of the best college professors who's majoring in Business & Manageme... More

Just a bit of your time
What a way to live
Who's that?
Shameless! Part-2
Not a chapter
A bunny and it's prey
Till death do us part
Thank you


6K 435 47
By Sulfuctious

Ehem, I'm sorry? *It's a warning for a depressing chapter*

If anyone listens to the music I post next to my chapters, well... This one kind of puts the mood of this chapter (Do listen at your own risk)


The sweltering summer breeze tingles dopamine' levels higher, surpassing neurotransmitter's ability to affect one's mind. Spring is known for accumulating oxytocin, notorious as 'love hormone', meanwhile, summer - the loving mother of all kind, radiating sheltered words of happiness, forgiveness as well as tenderness for the one, who reaches down for it.

One would spend their precious holidays accompanied by cherished people, exciting games, anything that prompts the electrifying waves of thrilled sensation.

Summer is the long-awaited season of nurturing the best version of yourself.

Though, what about the ones, that happiness so dared to leave behind? The mellow glimmer of ataractic sunlight shut tight, avoiding it and its' kindness as if it was a lingering ticking time bomb. And if anyone so dared to even move, the tormenting agony of negative emotions wrecking the camouflage, which we use, as to hide our unwillingness of life.

What about the ones, that find comfort in the depths of darkness? The ruptured hands cocooning the shattered soul in its metallic bulwark. The emotional roller coaster of a purblind whirlpool.


The silhouette of a man swiftly glides the curtains to a side, that dressed the entire window, letting the trapped ray of light shine through, shimmering the lying lump on the bed, covered by a blanket.

He strolled closer to the still bump, gently moving the layer away to reveal a pale-faced, motionless man. The frame of a man looked horrendous; sleepless nights, intoxicating pills, heartbreaking sobs; it all accumulated to the view in front of him.

He placed his warm hand on the ashen face, gently stroking it, "Yibo, wake up."

The man on the bed frowned, slightly opened his eyes just to close them again. His hand moved to hover over his head, next to the eyes, to block the annoyingly dazzling sun that was blinding him. He blinked a few times to adjust to the light and sat down while grunting, "What time is it, brother?"

"It's past five, you need to eat something. I have brought you a light snack and a cup of chamomile tea." Lan Haikuan trudged to the table, on which was placed a tray with the mentioned ingredients. He picked it up and walked back to sit on the bed, close to Wang Yibo. 

The latter glanced at the food with indifferent eyes, "You know that I'm not hungry."

Lan Haikuan let a sigh as he warmly smiled at his younger brother, "You barely ate anything the past weeks, Yibo. Please, at least eat this." He placed the tray on top of Yibo's lap, gently ruffling the latter's hair. 

Even if the appetite wasn't one of the feelings Yibo experienced, as the smell of food made him sick, he still nodded. He got ahold of the chopsticks placed in front of him, slowly pushing the food inside his dry mouth. There was no way to deny his brother's help as the latter was always there for him the past weeks - taking care of him and making sure that his personal needs were fulfilled. 

In no time the plate was emptied followed by a cup of tea. 

"Did you try talking to Xiao Zhan again?" Lan Haikuan's voice vibrated in the room.

Wang Yibo nodded, "Mmm..."

"No luck this time as well?"


"Come on, go take a shower, get dressed, and let's leave the house. Let's have a family time today, hmm? I will take you somewhere fun." He demanded as he patted his brother's shoulder in a comforting way.

Yibo nodded once again, "Mmm." The blanket covering half his body was pushed to a side, his lean knees getting exposed to the room's air. He shifted his body up from the bed, trudging to the bathroom's door as Lan Haikuan picked the empty tray from the bed, walking downstairs to prepare for the pleasant day with his brother. The day they never had together.

[What was written above - is the present. Below - will be the past of Wang Yibo's trial.]


The emotionally wrecking weeks, after the break-up with Xiao Zhan, didn't go to waste for Wang Yibo. Every single day he would go to the latter's house, asking for a chance to redeem himself. 

Usually, the door of Zhan's house would be opened by either Jiang Yanli or his younger brother, Wang Zhuo Cheng. The answer would always be the same 'He's working...He's not home...I am sorry, but Xiao Zhan does not wish to talk to you at the moment.' 

The first month of summer passed just like that. One desperately trying to mend the broken relationship, the other - desperately avoiding to face the latter. 

Can somebody blame Xiao Zhan, though? He was devastated to know, that his one true love was built on a mere lie. Even if it was a misunderstanding, it doesn't change the fact, that Wang Yibo flicked cards on their relationship. The university's outstanding playboy suddenly developing feelings for an old guy like him? It must be a lie. What else is there?

This relationship was bound to be broken sooner or later, and sooner it is, the easier it will be. 

That mere reason held Xiao Zhan in place, claiming on a single strand of unshattered consciousness. He was sure, that the loneliness surrounding him would cease down with time. For that, he spent most of his days in university's premises or traveling the world, attending conferences, building up his academic degree. 

The draining cycle of constant working, absence of the loving hands, driven Xiao Zhan to a state of being comatose. He shut himself out, no displayed emotions visible on his delicate features. The features gradually faded from appealing to unsightly; dehydrated skin, puffed out, eerie-black eye bags, oily hair with slightly evident grey strands sticking out as a sign of arduous hardships.

Even if restlessness surrounded him, somewhere deep inside his mind lingered the undeniable possibility - he will have to face Wang Yibo again. He was not ready.

Every time the doorbell rang, his heart would skip a beat, a glimpse of sweat forming on the forehead as he would walk to the door for the unexpected guest. It wasn't Yibo. Just a simple postman and his deliveries.

Every time the unforgotten number called or texted, he would hurl the metal object back inside a pocket or the deepest corner. He assumed, that this connection would only bring disaster, so the only option was to sever it.

...They say...communication is key. But no one warned about the consequences it could bear when damaged souls choose to ignore it.

The walking corpse of Wang Yibo constantly tried to approach the one person, that dissolved into thin air. His sanity was on a brick of collapsing, perpetual nagging of his long-forgotten demons. He fought, oh... he fought so hard. As the mental stability deteriorated, he sought help just to be followed by prescribed pills. 

When they did not help, he took a turn the other way. Yibo started regularly following Zhan around when the latter left his house. He knew his schedule like the back of his hand. The menu of his lunch, which usually consisted of a pre-made sandwich, canned coffee, or an energy drink. The road he walked, the subway he took to reach the university's grounds. The usual hours of his obnoxious working in the premises if the latter ever left it. He even got ahold of his traveling plans and the people he interacted with.

However, Wang Yibo would have never imagined their last encounter to be so poignant. 

Followed by the last month of summer's vacation of numerous stalking attempts, Wang Yibo had to visit the Dean's office. His intuition warned him of the lasting effects from the intoxicating pills he was consuming on a daily basis, as well as, his ability to form sentences in simple conversations. The presence of another human was like a needless venom in his veins, causing outrage episodes except for his loving brother or his father. He knew, that the upcoming days of studying close to others wasn't a wise idea, he needed a break to fix himself. To fix this constant pulling in the darkness.

The knock on the door echoed in the empty lobby followed by a hushed voice, "Come in."

Wang Yibo stepped through the door frame, walking inside the office he so well knew, "Mr. Feng,"

When the latter recognized the owner of the voice that disturbed him, his head tilt-up, a dazzling smile forming in the corner of his mouth, "Mr. Yibo, my pleasure! Please sit down."

Yibo walked to the chair, which was placed on the other side of the table that the Dean sat at, pressing his body weight on it.

"Can I help you somehow?" Feng inquired, leaning his forearms to rest on the edge of the wooden object.

Wang Yibo nodded, "Mmm... I need to take a break from school."

Shock filled the Dean's face, his eyebrows crooking up, "Is there a problem with our university?"

The younger shook his head, sighing in defeat as the latter would pry even more if he would not tell the whole truth, "I just need a small break. Personal problems, Mr. Feng."

"Sure, whatever you need Mr. Yibo. For how long?"

"A month."

The Dean nodded while scribbling on a piece of paper with a red marker. He signed the back of the paper and handed it to Yibo. 

The latter grabbed the paper from the older's hands, folded it in half, and walked out of the wide room. He was strolling through the empty hallway as his sight caught on a figure, sitting on the window's ledge... Zhan.

The silent steps switched to steady strides as Yibo walked closer to the sleeping man. Zhan was faintly snoring, his back pressed on the edge of the wall as his head hung low. The younger was about to lift his hand and stroke the dry skin on his cheek as the latter flicked his eyes open, blinking in confusion. 

"...Zhan," low voiced reached Zhan's eardrums. He turned his head to a side, their eyes meeting in a gaze. The guy in front of him gave him a fright followed by a melancholic look. 

"Mr.Yibo... What are you doing here? University will only start in a few weeks,"

Yibo meekly smiled, lifting his hand up once again, reaching for the delicate unmissed warmth of the other, "..."

Zhan flinched as the hand was closing to his face, grabbing it in his uneasy palm and flicked it to a side, "Please, refrain from touching me."

The limb hung low to its original place, close to Yibo's side, "Zhan, listen to me." 

"Yibo, we have had this talk before. I do not want to linger on the past anymore."

Yibo desperately grabbed the hand on Zhan's lap, pressing it between his bony fingers, "You never gave me a chance to clear this misunderstanding, Zhan. I've waited long enough, just listen to me, please!" 

Xiao Zhan's eyes lingered on the cold hand that pressed his own, it slightly shaking while a wistful grin tickled the muscles of his mouth. 

"Misunderstanding or not, it will not change a thing between us, Yibo," The other hand of Zhan's gently laid on Wang Yibo's, stroking tenderly. The endeavor of minimizing the longing feeling for the latter has been fruitless, as the tears he tried so hard to hide, flooded out, tainting the drowsy face with transparent fluid. Zhan pushed the hand away, which held him captive, surging from the spot he sat on. He gently rubbed Yibo's hair before walked away. When the dim light of the hallway barely lights up the fragile carcass, the professor stopped in his tracks, murmuring loud enough for Yibo to hear, "This relationship was bound to be broken from the start. Please...let me go and live your life."


[ The text below will continue from where Lan Haikuan and Wang Yibo will have their 'family time'. ]

"Are you ready?" Lan Haikuan queried, gripping on the entrance doorknob.

"Brother... I don't think it's a good idea.." desperately murmured Yibo.

The older dejectedly smiled, "Everything will be fine, Yibo. I will be close ."

After the last encounter with Xiao Zhan, Wang Yibo desolated himself from the world outside his house door. The definition of 'friends' did not exist in the dictionary. The lack of communication nurtured a timid child, terrified of someone's warmth. Paul Yu and Xiao Xing Chen were harshly pushed out of their friend's cycle, the latter corrupting himself in the tormenting jail he so-called 'room'. The struggle of Lan Haikuan's younger brother brought the latter feeling restless every single day as if he could slip away any ticking second.

Wang Yibo slowly walked closer to his brother, sticking close to him, gently but tightly tugging on his sleeve. 

"Where are we going? It's raining outside."

"Somewhere, where there will not be many people in this type of weather," Lan Haikuan winked at his younger brother, pulling him out the door and sitting inside the heated car.

When Lan Haikuan parked his car in the parking slot close by a wide fence, Yibo confusedly turned to look at him.

"Where are we?"

"The zoo," the older smiled.

Yibo gave him a perplexed look, "In this weather?" 

Haikuan nodded, stepping out the vehicle, "Mm. There should not be a lot of people now, let's go."

It was pouring outside, as if the heaven's gates suddenly crashed down, splitting the sky to millions of pieces. The clouds swallowed remaining radiating light with sharpened jaws, trampling it, substituting with frigid droplets. 

The two brothers walked inside the zoo, one carrying an umbrella, the other simply soaking in the rain.

"Yibo, you will catch a cold. Take it," Haikuan pushed the umbrella's handle to Yibo as his hair was getting damper with every passing second.

Wang Yibo shook his head, pushing the handle back so the umbrella could cover the latter again, "I am fine."

The older sighed, well aware of the younger's stubbornness. He swiftly undressed and covered the latter's head with a black leather jacket. Just before his younger could protest, he turned around, strolling to watch the animals in enclosure. 

A few hours passed as Yibo's mood lightened up. Wang Yibo always had a soft spot for animals. The only difference was, that they were not allowed inside the house, so the only option he had was to stare at the cute small (or not so small) creatures from afar. 

Suddenly, Lan Haikuan's phone vibrated. The man took the phone out of his pocket, answering the call.


His facial features changed from soft to frightened as he glanced at the younger, "Mm...We will be there soon enough." He ended the call, brisk walking to the exit of the zoo.

Wang Yibo followed, unaware of why his brother's facial expression changed so swiftly, "What happened?"

"Father fell ill, we need to go back."

"Is it serious?"

Lan Haikuan shook his head, "I was told he had a slight heart attack, so he will not be able to leave the house for a few months,"

They both sat down back in the car, Lan Haikuan driving to the direction of their family's house. Wang Yibo stared out the window, deep in his thoughts. The younger knew, that he will have to take the responsibility that will fall on his shoulders while his father will rehabilitate. 

No sooner they were outside their father's bedroom, walking inside as the elder laid in his bed, reading a book.

"Father," both said in unison.

Lan Qi Ren focused his attention on the two shadows in the room, putting the brown-covered book down. 

"Lan Haikuan, leave. I have to talk to Yibo alone." He demanded

The older nodded, with a corner of his eyes glimpsing at his brother while the latter crooks his head in an approving way. He walked outside the room, closing the door behind him.

Lan Qi Ren revealed, "Yibo, I need you to take care of Bichen for me."

"I know, father."

"I know that you have some personal mental problems, but there is no one else I can trust the business to. Take it easy there, everyone will take good care of you as I already informed of you taking over for the time being."

Yibo nodded, "Yes, father."

Lan Qi Ren took ahold of the book on his lap, opened the page he stopped at before he was disturbed, "Also, tell your brother to inform the university of your absence for the time being." 

"Yes, father." He nodded once again before walking out in the living room, closing the door shut.

Maybe it is for the better. No more desolated heartbreak or parched tears that were shed for unrequited love. He will learn the perception of being a Chairman and running a business. That is what he was raised to do and that is what he will do.


I apologize for the depressing chapter, I promise this is the last one. Will not get surprised if people will drop this fiction for that, haha. Nevertheless, it was crucial for the story. 

I also want to apologize for the slow updates. 

Most likely not a lot of people read the author's note. Although I was supposed to post this chapter a few days back... But well, I've been dealing with emotional problems lately, so I was not able to finish this chapter...Haha. So I apologize again.

Thank you for reading. ♥

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