The Lost Dragon

By halie_wilson

55 0 0

She served the fire nation loyally, until they betrayed her. Grand things were expected of her, the titl... More

Chapter Two

Chapter One

20 0 0
By halie_wilson

                                                                        The Start Of a New Life

The burning sun shimmers brightly down upon the sailing ship, each ray warming the early morning air and complementing the shimmering blue water that lay beneath it. The young girl basks in the warmth, in ways her body not remembering how peaceful the warmth can be. Her cold skin cooks under her brown cloak, her face hidden by an attached brown fabric. She sighs, enjoying every second that goes by. The strange girl, as she stands at the very front of the ship, is enjoying every second she can get under this warm summer sun. Even if it causes her hidden pale skin to sweat. It doesn't matter, not to her. Recently this girl has learned the most valuable lesson in life, never take anything for granted. You never know when things will change, when things will get ripped away from you in an instant, when things will never be as they once were. You never know when the next time you'll see the sun. Or the next time you'll see the ones you love. Anything could happen at any moment, and it could change everything that was once meant to be.

"You're going to be in a lot of trouble." A deep voice comes from behind her, she opens her closed eyes, the sights before her relax her aching mind. The shimmering blue sea is cut away beneath the large fire nation civilian transport, it bends and breaks around the dark metal. The sea in many ways has always comforted the strange girl, she watches as the blue water goes on for miles one way, and the other leads to land, a small fishermen's town grows closer.

"If they find out you helped me, you'll be the one in trouble." She says quietly back, glancing at the fire nation soldier who has joined her side. His shiny new captions armor fitting perfectly upon his broad shoulders and his muscular body. His long brown hair is pulled into a high ponytail and his dark brown eyes meet the girl's dark green ones. His thin pink lips form into a smile as he gazes down at his dear friend.

"No one will suspect a thing." He says, his words seem to calm the girl. She lets out a breath of relief, trusting his words. She turns more towards him, facing the tall Caption as they both look at each other. His face is smooth, jawline sharp, some would even call him handsome. Unlike her friend the girl's eyes are the only thing left uncovered by the brown fabric, her identity entirely hidden from the world around her. It must stay like this for as long as she can keep it. For as long as she can help it. For her sake. The world around her soon enough will be scrambling to find her and return her to where 'she belongs.' There will be posters and meetings held to determine her whereabouts and every fire nation stronghold will be on high alert. So the shadows and darkness must become her only friend, no one can know who she is or where she came from. Not if they value their life, knowing her or her whereabouts could mean death.

"Good." She says while looking into her friend's shimmering brown eyes "You're the only one on the inside I can trust anymore." She says with a deep sigh. "And the only one who chose to trust me." The young caption chuckles at her words, once again giving her a comforting smile.

"When haven't I trusted you." He says seriously, but the girl only in return gives him a serious look. Her stomach twists and turns at the thought of the lies the Fire Nation will make about her. How with one false accusation from the fire lord will have her running for her life for the rest of her days.

"Zayden, no matter what they tell you." She swallows her eyes seeming to beg him. Her heart aces at the thought of her losing the last person left in the world who trusts her . "You can't believe it." Her body begins to tremble at the thought of him giving into the lies. She can't lose him. "Promise me." Her words are stren and nothing but serious, she knows she needs everyone she can get, even if asking this may bring him into harms way. Caption Zayden of the southern water Navy smiles at his dear friend.

"I've known you my whole life." His deep clam voice relaxes any inner anxieties that she had. " I will always believe you over anyone, no matter what." Zayden's words bring the girl a breath of fresh air. The girl feels as if a weight had been lifted off of her shoulders, knowing that her childhood friend will stand by her side, has put her at peaceful ease. "I promise you Amara." Amara winces at her name,the sound of it causing her to quickly scan the civilians on the ship. Her green eyes watching closely, making sure no one is listening. There are spies everywhere, no risks can be taken, not when involving her true identity.

"If you value your position and life." Amara draws her eyes back to Zayden, making sure she looks at him with nothing but seriousness . "You will never speak my name out loud again." Amara's tone is deathly serious. She knows if he ever spoke it to the wrong person that it could put him in danger. He could be labeled as a traitor to his country and stripped of his titles, or worse executed for treason. Caption Zayden gazes at the girl he grew up with, and nods his head understanding completely. Amara would prefer her only friend alive and not burned to death. She will need everyone she can get, especially someone on the inside. She knows from this moment on friends will rarely come her way, and anyone new cannot be trusted no matter what. From the moment Amara leaves this ship she knows that she will be alone, at least until she can find the one she will be searching for. Even then she will be at danger's doorstep, his ship will be the first they search that's guaranteed; but she has to see him even if it's only for a moment. Even if she must watch him for afar.

"They could kill you." She says but Zayden shrugs his muscular shoulders, the dark armor rattling, as a smug smile is still plastered upon his face. He looks down at his friend. A friend that he has watched over for many years. One he knows no matter what, she's worth trusting. He's willing to risk it all to see her safe. To know that she's free.

"They could, but right now you're more important." The girl quickly turns away, facing the land as the ship slowly comes closer, her time with her friend drawing to an inevitable end. "Besides when your brother finds out what happened, and who did this to you." Zayden pauses as he takes a deep breath in, his mind racing with a sudden rage that causes him to dig his nails deeply into the palm of his hand. He knows for the sake of everyone on this ship, he must keep his emotions composed. "I'd be dead for not helping." Her stomach sickens at the thought of the past two years. She remembers every single day, and she always will. Those memories will forever scar the deepest parts of her mind.

Amara watches as the large civilian transport as it comes to a stop at the dock of a local fishermen market. One too close for comfort to the fire Nation itself, most likely the first place they will begin their hunt. Yet it is one small melting pot, people dressed in all sorts of different clothing from different areas of the world. Some tunics of dark red, others light and dark green. Venders line the streets, their hands waving and welcoming friendly smiles upon their happy faces, as they desperately try to con customers to stop by their shops. Selling fresh goods and livestock from their nearby farms, but overall fish and fish. As many different fish as the mind could wonder, all fresh from the salty ocean beneath the civilian transport.

A bell is rung and Amara sighs knowing her time with Zayden is quickly coming to an end as the large crowd on the ship begins to move around, readying themselves to leave. Zayden deeply looks into her eyes one last time, his smugness fading away as he becomes very serious.

"Stay clear of major cities and stay off the main trading routes, your name and face will be flooding the streets within a day, if not hours!" His voice causes Amara's heart to freeze in anticipation. There's no time, she must be on her way out of this town as soon as she leaves this ship! There is no time to spare for the young girl, not if she wishes to live. "The last news I heard of his location was in the south pole." Her heart skips a beat and eyes begin to shimmer with hope. She understands where she must go, and the routes she must take. So Amara nods her head at her dear friend and the man who helped her through so much.

"I must go." She says taking in every bit of his information, she knows what she must do. She nods to her friend and attempts to walk away from him, fear flowing through her veins. She doesn't need Zayden to get caught being with her, or even being around anyone suspicious. It could be life or death for him; hell it could be life or death for anyone that she comes into contact with.

"Amara." He says her name again his voice barely a whisper, as his muscular hand outreaches grabbing Amara's arm, it quivers under his touch. Pain surging throughout the sport his hand lays.

"Ouch." She whimpers, turning once again fully towards him, her eyes pleading him to let go. His touch singes her arm causing her a great deal of pain. Zayden lets go, knowing all to well. The pain subsides as she gently rubs the spot. A spot like many more are still healing, only time will tell how long it will take to heal completely. 'Will they ever heal completely?' Amara had wondered from the moment it first happened. "Never speak my name again Zayden, you know just as well as I do that if you do you're dead!" She gives him an apologetic look before hesitantly walking away. "Thank you." She utters under her breath before fading into the now moving crowd, leaving him behind. The young caption watches with glossy eyes, a sense of worry flushing throughout his entire being. He has known her and her family for most of his life, there isn't anything he wouldn't do for her or her brother, who happens to be his best friend.

"Just stay alive" He whispers to himself as he watches her disappear into the local crowd below blending in and beginning her new life of running and hiding, holing no one will see her, praying that no one will figure out who she really is.


The wind blows smoothly across the dark green planes, bending the long grasses over and making it appear as if it were a green wavy sea. The sky's appearance is a magnificent mixture of a dark red and purple, with not a single cloud in sight. The bald boy blinks as he turns slowly in this strange place, taking every sight in, studying every seemingly peaceful aspect.

"Help!" A feminine voice yells, catching the young air benders attention. He turns his head quickly, seeing nothing, only spotting the green blowing grass. "Help!" again the feminine voice yells, it does not sound at all familiar, he has never met anyone who sounds like her. The wind suddenly screams as it begins to blow harshly, almost as if it's telling Aang to go a certain direction. guiding him. "Please, someone." Her voice is an echo carried by the howling wind, confusing Aang even more. 'What are you trying to tell me about spirits?' Aang wonders as he lets the dream carry on, taking everything in and hoping he wont forget when he wakes up. As the young avatar walks along with the wind he slowly approaches what appears to be the end of the world from his perspective. The dark red cliffs are a drop off that leads to a mirroring in color sea, its waves the very same dark red but purple mixed in, their colors blurring into a white as they crash against the red cliffs.

"Hello?" Aang curiously yells out from the side of the cliff as his eyes study the sea before him.

"Help me." The voice isn't a yell as it's suddenly behind him, quickly he turns his eyes landing on a person. A woman stands before him, her face beautiful and smooth. Hair a fine matching black as it is braided and neatly wrapped around the top of her head. A fine fabricated coal black Fire Nation styled dress sits upon her body. The dress flaunting her large muscles, and making her appear as if she is the most beautiful woman Aang has ever laid eyes on. "Please." Her thin pink lips quiver as her eyes are sealed shut.

"Hello, I'm Aang. I can help you?" The young boy asks innocently, but suddenly her body begins to fall to the ground. Aang can only watch in horror as the poor girl catches fire. Flames explode from her body as Aang tries with all of his might to move, but it's as if something is holding every inch of his body back, forcing him to watch.

"Let me help her!" He yells at whatever spirit is getting amusement out of this. The poor boy watches with tears pouring down his face. Her body lay on the green grass now consumed by bright red and orange flames.

"NO!" She screams, yet the flames don't burn through her clothing,in fact they don't burn anything. They shift and twist all around her almost as if they were an uncontrollable extension of her body. "I can't!" She yells once more, before the red flames begin changing colors. Aang again tries to move but his body is still frozen in time.

"It'll be alright!" He tries to yell to her, not entirely sure if the girl can even hear him. The flames bend and twist almost angrily as they seep more and more from her body. Incing further and further away from her. Then suddenly without any warning they seem to explode in a bright light, consuming everything around the two.

Aang wakes up, his stiff body shooting up from the hard ground, sweat dripping from every inch of his body and soaking into his clothing. His eyes wearily look through the blurring tears that are still dripping down his face. It's only blurry for a split second before the very familiar sight of the campsite that he fell asleep in, becomes clear. His dear friends Katara and Sokka lay sleeping peacefully next to him, one on each side. He takes a deep breath in revelived to not be burnt alive.

It is early morning, the sun barely even touching the surface of this world. Blue and purple radite over top of the now sleepless boy. "This is the second time its happened.' He thinks to himself as he rests his head on the palms of his hands. His mind in a whirlwind of confusion with this repeated dream, or even perhaps vision? That isn't what shakes him this time, no. His eyes go wide as he looks at the fire pit that sits near the group, white flames burn brightly, causing the young avatar to swallow.

~ The Lost Dragon~

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