Less Than Seven

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They were murdered. They were clothed with blood. They are now Less Than Seven. Higit pa

Death By A Thousand Cuts
Chapter 1 - So It Goes
Chapter 2 - Welcome Destruction
Chapter 3 - The Man
Chapter 4 - Fragments of Yesterday
Chapter 6 - Straightaway Execution

Chapter 5 - Generating The Blueprint

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[Marco's POV]

"Oh, my God. Help!"

"Help! Help us!"

"He's bleeding!"

These were the words we were hearing from the Lucky Seven room. We immediately went upstairs to see what was happening there.

There, we have seen a woman who was screaming out loud hugging a man's body. The body was bleeding. I mean, it looked like he was stabbed because there was a knife beside them. The woman was crying for help. She was in so many tears.

Then she noticed us because we, seven were the people who first went there because of the scream. She looked straightly and fiercely to each and every one of us as she said, "Get yourselves out of here, now!" She was indeed intense and furious. She continued, "Time is running out. Leave!"

In the middle of that intense moment of our lives, two people suddenly came to us. It was Ms. Phumsri and another woman we didn't know. I've never seen her even before. It was the first time I saw her.

"What's happening he- Oh, my God. Who's that? Why is he clothed with blood? Is he dead?" Ms. Phumsri rapidly questioned the crying woman.

The woman slowly stood up as she replied, "Are you really shocked? Oh, please. Don't act like you are some innocent kind of cunning and ambitious bitch."

All of us were surprised and shocked. No one expected that the woman would reply that way to Ms. Phumsri. She was like saying that Ms. Phumsri is involved in the crime.

"What are you talking about, Celine?" Ms. Phumsri asked the woman named Celine.

"I won't buy your acting." She swiftly and furiously answered.

"Celine, calm down. Tell us what happened?" Ms. Phumsri asked.

"Well, Dan Louie is dead. My boyfriend is dead." She replied to Ms. Phumsri.

"Was he killed? Was he stabbed?" I entered the talk as I asked Celine.

"Yes. Now, you better get yourselves out of this publication office before this faker that you all call Ms. Phumsri turn to you and kill you." She looked to us as she gave some sort of warning.

"Celine, what are you talking about? Stop this nonsense. We are here to help you and rescue you but all you do is blame me. And why are you-" Celine stopped her talking.

"I will get some revenge. You will be dead, you and your connections." She warned Ms. Phumsri.

"I know it's hard to accept the fact that Dan Louie's dead. But you can't just blame other people easily. That's offensive, Celine." Ms. Phumsri said.

"Now, what? Are you going to kill me also? Wait, let me guess. Will you shoot me, stab me, how will you exactly end my life, huh?" Celine furiously asked as she cried again.

"Ms. Isabel, please call the cops now." Ms. Phumsri commanded the woman who's with her coming up here.

"I already called them. They are on their way now." Ms. Isabel replied.

"Why so quick, Ms. Isabel? I guess, you are part of the plan as well." Celine verbally attacked Ms. Isabel.

"Watch your mouth, Celine. You don't know what you're talking about." Ms. Isabel replied.

"Stop!" Ms. Phumsri said.

She looked to us as she said, "All of you, go back to your room. We will handle this."

We obeyed Ms. Phumsri's command and went back to our respective room.


"What was that? Why someone was found dead again? What was that girl, Celine was saying?" Athena opened a talk.

"Do you guys believe in her?" Athena asked.

"That we're going to die?" Jean worriedly questioned.

"Yes." Athena answered.

"Do you think that Ms. Phumsri was behind the killings? I mean, the dead body found on our very first day here and the other dead body that was upstairs." I asked them all.

"Of course not. Maybe she was just making a story back there. She just suspected Ms. Phumsri so easily. She even suspected Ms. Isabel as well." Jean answered.

"I actually believe her." Joven talked and contrasted Jean.

"How do you say so?" Jean asked Joven.

"I just know." Joven replied.

"See? You just know. You don't have any proof." Jean continued.

"Wait, why are you defending Ms. Phumsri?" Prim asked Jean.

"I'm not totally defending Ms. Phumsri. It was just so weird that Celine suddenly suspected and blamed Ms. Phumsri." Jean responded to Prim.

"So, what now?" I asked all of them.

"What do you mean?" Prim asked.

"Are we going to have some investigation?" I asked them back.

"No. We are writers and future field reporters and anchors here. We're not some kind of investigating team to do that. It's the policemen's duty, not ours." Jean quickly and rapidly answered.

"I'm in. We are journalists and our main duty is to unfold the hidden lies." Joven said.

"I agree with him. Count me in." Love Janine sided with Joven.

"How about you, weak man?" I asked Luke straightly.

"Who's weak? I'm in Mr. Leader." Luke replied. I was surprised that he didn't attack me back with some insult.

"Guys, are you sure with your decisions?" Jean asked us all.

"Yes, Jean. I also want to join this so-called investigation." Prim answered Jean.

"Let's do this, Jean. We are all in this together. We're a team." Athena encouraged Jean.

"Fine. But I don't want to end up dead." Jean finally agreed to do some investigation.

"Well, of course, I'm also in. I'm the elected leader of our group that's why I want you to know that, I'm not just the leader here, we are all leaders and followers of our respective desires." I stated.

"What have you eaten?" Luke talked to me.

"Eaten? What have I eaten? Well, just a stewed pork and fried rice." I responded.

"No. I mean, have you eaten some angelic fruit? Kind vegetables? You look and sound different right now." Luke said.

"Stop!" Prim yelled.

"Don't start a non-sense talk. Let's do this investigation as soon as now." She added.

We all sat down as we brainstorm for our first move.

I quickly stood up as I began the talk, specifically the plan.

"What's the plan? Any ideas?" I asked them all.

"Maybe we can ask for help from the policemen to do this investigation." Jean opened up.

"We can't do that. I'm sure that the policemen here in this city are all under the control of this publication office's darkness." Joven contrasted Jean.

"Joven's right. Do you remember the first day we all came here? The policemen did nothing, absolutely nothing and that's already suspicious." Love Janine added.

That time, we were in a moment of silence thinking some ways on how will we do this investigation kind of thing in the safest way where the so-called suspected people can't notice our movement.

Then Athena silently said, "How about we go to Ms. Phumsri's room and search and find and investigate everything."

"That's too dangerous. We can't just go there easily. I mean, she's always in her room most of the time." Prim responded to Athena.

"Besides, we can't do this today, because the sky is getting darker. Ms. Phumsri will just command us to go home later." She added.

"Perfect. We can do this tonight." Joven talked.

"That's absolutely impossible." Jean said.

"And why is that impossible?" Joven asked her.

"First of all, the main door security guard always spends his night here in the publication office. Secondly, Ms. Phumsri always walk to the main door with us to make sure that we're leaving, I noticed that since the very first day. Lastly, it's obvious that all of the room doors of this building are locked by night." Jean explained.

"You're right." Joven agreed.

"That's why we are coping up with a perfect plan right now. I mean, since we all know the possible walls or challenges, we can have a suitable plan for that scenario. Let's take the doors as an example, since doors will be locked by night, we can now prepare stuff as an alternative to open them." I opened up.

"And what exactly is your alternative way to open the doors?" Luke asked.

"I won't say it now, but I always bring that wherever I go. You guys can see it this night." I said.

"Okay, we're trusting you with that particular thing. But, how about the security guard? He's always alive, alert, and enthusiastic. How about Ms. Phumsri eyeing on us every time we leave this publication?" Joven talked.

"About the security guard, Jean and I can manage it." Love Janine said.

"Us? How?" Jean asked her.

"Remember what we did in a mall last Christmas?" Love Janine looked to Jean and smiled.

"Are you referring to what we did-"

Jean wasn't able to state her question as Love Janine said, "Yes. Exactly."

"Wait, what are you guys talking about? What did you do before?" I asked the both of them out of confusion.

"It's secret for now. Like what you said, you'll see it tonight." Jean said.

"Okay. Now, how about Ms. Phumsri?" Athena asked.

"Okay, listen. After she dismisses us and follows us to the entrance door, some of us should go to the bookstore and the other should go to the coffee shop." Luke shared his thoughts.

"And then?" I asked him.

"The time we spend some minutes in both the bookstore and coffee shop, Ms. Phumsri will feel safe that we are being busy about something and she will back upstairs in her room. Then we will make the move, we will sneak in secretly as Love Janine and Jean trick the security guard. Remember, we won't be caught because there are no CCTV cameras inside and out of the whole building. There will also no people outside their rooms because their dismissal time is by six o'clock in the evening unlike our 4:30 dismissal time. As we sneak in, we better go to a hiding place, the basement or the old room on the ground floor will do." Luke beautifully explained.

"Man, you're clever." I commended him.

"Unlike you." Luke said.

"Just kidding, man." He added as he smiled at me.

"Okay, what time is it now, Athena?" Luke asked.

"It's currently and exactly 4:27.34 secs in the afternoon." Athena answered Luke.

"Then, Ms. Phumsri might-"

Luke wasn't able to say what he was going to say as Prim signaled at him that Ms. Phumsri is coming as she opened the door.

She's always on time ruining the moment.

Ms. Phumsri slowly walked in with a very serious face.

"Hello, Lucky Seven!" She said.

"It's time for you to go home. See you all tomorrow! Thursday is overtime day. Prepare for a long work tomorrow." She added.

"Excuse me, Ms. Phumsri. I was just wondering what happened to the woman named Celine and to his dead boyfriend." Jean asked Ms. Phumsri.

Ms. Phumsri got a bit surprised with that question as she stutteringly said, "Uhm, uh, well, th--, the dead body is now being delivered to the funeral. And Celine on the other hand is now on her way to the funeral as well."

"By the way, Celine has a mental disorder that's why she would say what she wants to say anytime." She added.

"Okay." Jean said.

"With that, you guys can pack up now and go home. I'll wait for you in the front door." Ms. Phumsri said.

She walked out of the room and went down to the front door.

"She just looked so suspicious." Love Janine opened up.

"I agree." Joven responded.

"Guys, remember the plan about the coffee shop and the bookstore." Luke said.

We all looked at him and nodded as a way of saying yes.

We all walked out of the room and went down as we saw Ms. Phumsri waiting for us in the front door. We walked to her as she said, "Goodbye. Get home safe." As what we expected, she was eyeing on us as we go to the bookstore and the coffee shop respectively.

As we followed the plan we created, Luke, Prim and Athena went to the bookstore as Joven, Jean, Love Janine and I went to the coffee shop.


"Guys, you can now order coffee. I'll go to the bathroom." I said.

"Okay. Uhm, what would you like to drink? We'll order it for you. Jean offered.

"Mocha iced coffee will do." I replied.

"Okay, noted Mr. Leader." Jean said as she winked at me.


I washed my face and looked straight in the mirror as I remembered what happened to me in the past.

I want to share something.

I grew up in a family of busy people. Busy because work, busy because of other matters. I have a family; I just couldn't feel that we are a family. I'm the only child of my mom and dad. They got divorced, by the way. They have separated last year. The reason was my dad having a mistress; his workmate in a business company, I couldn't specify it.

When I was young, I always wanted to be the best among everyone else. I always wanted to be on top. I think I brought that characteristic of mine up to this day; it's saddening me every time. Also, I never felt that my mom and dad love me. They always say that they love me, but I couldn't feel it, not at all.

My life has been a circle of countless walls that I need to break every day.

I may look strong, bold, and fierce, but it's not me inside. I'm just a person who's alone everyday seeking for love, my family's love. But that's not going to happen. Why? Because my mom and dad died two weeks ago because of a plane crash when they were on their way to Indonesia for business matters. Very fresh, and I couldn't help myself to be alone every time. After their burial, I lived alone in our house and decided to apply as a writer in the Prevalent Paramount Arrowhead Publication Office and live near my workplace so I won't remember the sadness and emptiness of our house and my heart.

Someday, I'll make my parents very proud of me as their son. They won't be able to see it, but I guess they could feel my success up in heaven. I miss them so much.

Recently, I have found out that the director of PPAP Office which is Mr. Pomelo Caballero III was on the same plane the day my parents died, yet why he is alive? Why is Mr. Pom fucking alive? And that made me realize that plane crash is not the reason of my mom and dad's death, someone did that to them. I'm not sure, the pieces of logical thinking in my head is still in a blur. I just think that Director Caballero III was involved there. I can't explain why. I just know.

By the way, I will end this background and drama of mine because we have something to investigate in the publication office. Also, sorry if I wasn't able to tell my story at the beginning of this chapter like what the first two girls did.

I went back to my seat where I saw Joven, Jean, and Love Janine staring at me.

"What took you so long?" Joven asked.

"Nothing. Uhm, stomachache." I said.

"Take a sip before the coldness of your mocha iced coffee disappear." Jean offered as she handed me my sweet, tasty mocha iced coffee.

"By the way what time is it?" I asked them.

"It's currently at five o'clock." Love Janine responded.

"We must go now and sneak in the publication office." I opened up.

"Wait, I'll call the others first." Jean said as she dialed Athena's phone number.



"Hello, Jean?"

"Athena, tell the others that we should go sneak in right now."


"We'll go there now. Wait for us behind the tall tree outside the bookstore."

"Okay, we'll go out now. Hurry up."

"Alright, bye. I'm hanging up now."


"Let's get going." I said.

"Right." Joven responded.

We immediately walked out of that coffee shop and went to the meeting place which is the tall tree outside the bookstore.


"Okay, now what?" Athena opened up a conversation.

"As promised, Jean and I will do something with the security guard." Love Janine said.

"When the security guard came with us, well, he'll surely come with us, sneak quickly and silently. Go to the ground floor's old room, we'll meet you there. Be silent and make sure no one will know you're there." She added.

"Wait, I'm so scared." Jean said as she began to shake her hands.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, we are doing this for a very important purpose. To unfold the truth even though we are not so sure about the suspected people. I encouraged Jean.

"He's right. We are all in this together." Luke responded.

"We are The Lucky Seven!" Luke added.

"Being clever again, huh?" I said.

"Of course." Luke replied.

"Let's go trick the security guard now, Jean." Love Janine said.

"Okay, let's go." Jean replied.

Then we heard a vibration. It was Athena's phone. Looked like someone's calling.

Athena pulled up her phone from her pocket as she received a call from an unsaved contact. She answered the call, of course.

"Hello, who's this?" Athena asked the caller.

"You'll know soon. Turn the loudspeaker mode on." The caller commanded.

Athena quickly turned the loudspeaker mode on.

"Listen, I know what you're up to. I'm on the ground floor's old room right now. Meet me here. By the way, I'm your ally. I just heard your conversation earlier in your room. I was about to give you some documents but I heard you all talking and making a plan. Again, I'm not an enemy. I can surely help you; I promise. I'll wait for you here." The caller explained.


"Should we trust him?" Joven said.

"He's a complete stranger. We can't trust him easily. What if it's a trick?" Luke told us.

"We can trust him. I think I know him. Yes, I'm sure. He's a friend to us." Athena said to us as she looked so confident with that person.

"Okay, let's start now." Athena added.

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