
By UltimateReader2004

32.8K 446 582

"I have been alone for so long, I dealt with so much pain and suffering for someone's amusement, I have seen... More



4K 70 44
By UltimateReader2004

Two days after the incident,

Izuku sat on his chair, colouring something he drew on his drawing book. He didn't make any noise besides the faint scratching of the marker moving.

His mind often wanders to random parts of his memories. The ever-so need to fill in the silence to keep his brain occupied is untreatable.

He remembers how his parent's kept him away from the public after the incident, the media wanting answers from the couple. Instead of doing their jobs as heroes, they wanted to be there for their children.

Izuku tries to say words, imagining how he used to articulate them before, but it seemed more difficult than juggling.

'How did those jugglers have such good eye to hand coordination?' Izuku thought.

The electricity might have shocked him so much that the nervous system in his throat was fucked up.

Like Chernobyl reactor going into meltdown levels of fucked up.

Not only that, but it seemed to affect his brain, making walking a hassle for the son of All Might. So trying to speak was practically impossible for Izuku.

While he managed to gain the ability to walk-

If you can even count the action leaning on something to keep your balance stable as you slowly move around, to be walking in the first place.

-he needed someone to make sure he won't fall.

So Izumi decided to be that person to keep watch on Izuku.

Also, Izumi started to act weirdly nowadays.

She has this constant need on checking up on him, staring at him behind the door being one of the many things she does.

'I really hope it won't become a daily occurance.' Izuku thought.

Two weeks later,

Izuku carefully walks down the hall, not leaning on anything. He managed to make it down the stairs before nearly toppling. Before he could even grab something, he got grasped by Izumi, who appeared out of thin air.

Izuku nearly recovered physically, so now he can get to do his school work-

'Oh wait..., Mom and Dad put I and Izumi in homeschooling lessons instead.' Izuku mentally recalled his parent's discovery.

Naomosa found out what Jigoku Academy had done to Izuku during his search in what could've broken Izuku, more on that later. Of course, he was anything but pleased, and when Inko heard of it, she instantly removed Izuku and Izumi from that school.

Soon after the incident, students began to flock around Izuku, staring at him as if he was some freak. After a day, the situation got worse, with a few people now blaming Izuku for simply anything that happened, wanting him to suffer even more.

Izumi found out who started this and began a brutal beatdown that ended with more than half of the student's in the school in dark purple bruises and some with literally no teeth.

Not even the principal wanted to test her luck with the wrath of Inko, fearing for her safety.

So, the school was investigated by multiple investigators, leading to him and Izumi going to their tutor, who is their mother-

Who had a teaching licence to teach students up to universities level since two decades ago. Who would have fucking guessed?!

-and their education secured in the hands of Inko Yagi.

A soft meow made him look down to see Rashiko pawing on his leg. Gaining the small motivation from the tiny feline, Izuku manages to reach the dinner table without any difficulties whatsoever.

'Fudge you bad balance. I am mighty!' Izuku roared in his head, acting as if he jumped over the Himilayas.

Then his stomach growled.

'...Dang it, I'm being targeted by hunger!' Izuku said, distressed as his cheeks flushed red due to embarrassment.

Then he heard another growl and looked over to see his dad resting on the couch.

"...Inko dear, is the food ready?" Toshinori asked as he got shouts of different languages from his wife.

"I'll go help mom." Izumi said as she walked to the kitchen.

Not ten seconds passed before the two hungry boys heard shouts from Izumi.

"Where the hell did the mouse come from Mom!?"


The two hungry boys turned to see the other two running away from a rat chasing after them. Izumi jumped over the table, grabbing a knife, while Inko jumped on Toshinori, the number one hero yelping in pain.

"Izuku, keep your foot up!" Izumi shouts as Izuku nods. She uses her quirk holding the knife as if it were a crossbow.

"Izumi don't use the utensils to kill the rat!" Inko shouts, not allowing her daughter to use an eating utensil to kill a rat, no matter what the situation says right now.

If villains attacked them, then she would let her do so.

A nasty crunch and the family of four turned to see Rashiko holding the now dead rat in his mouth.

The father groaned in pain as the daughter and mother let out a disgusted noise.

Izuku clapped for Rashiko's first rat kill.

Two months later,

Izuku ducks underneath a punch from his sister, elbowing her sides and forcing her to back off. Unfortunate for her, she left an opening. Fortunate for Izuku, he has one opportunity to let him swing a right hook at Izumi's abused side.

Upon contact, Izumi fell to the floor after spitting out some of her salivae. Izuku did a victory pose while his sister let out a groan.

"So who is winning now, Nii-san?"

"Me and you."

"So it's a tie?"

"Yes," Izuku said as he turned to the bag. He extended his hand, stretching his fingers outwards. Black tendrils shoot out of his hand and latches onto the bottles within the bag itself.

He jerked the tendrils to himself, catching both bottles and then throwing one at his sister. She grabbed the bottle without getting up at all.

So a lot had happened during the two months, many of which were concerned about Izuku.

First thing first, Izuku managed to get to speak.


Although, he could only speak 2 to 3 words at once.

It's still an achievement.

Second, Izuku wants to train to gain his grasp on his quirk. Although everyone sees it as him trying not to hurt anyone with his quirks, his real reason is to get his quirk grasped back, so he can continue to do his vigilante work.

So far, he has regained control of the floating platforms, black rope energy, and the dark misty smoke fog. The senses would take a while to adjust to, and his enhancement quirk was a nuisance to him. No matter what he does, it wouldn't listen to him, only constantly annoys him to no end.

So he should be back to doing his vigilante work soon enough.

Thirdly, All Might and his sidekick Nighteye argued because Nighteye was confident that All Might had given Izuku OFA the excuse of pitying his son.

All Might yell back at him, cursing him-

Something you will hear him say once a red moon.

-for saying something insulting Izuku's development and saying something as absurd of him giving a quirk that paints Izuku as the target of one supervillain that he is still positive is alive.

Why the fuck would he give OFA, an already problematic quirk to master, to Izuku, who only got his quirk two months ago, in Toshinori's point of view, and is having issues with managing all of its abilities.

The two argued until the blonde giant kicked Nighteye from their house, and the sidekick fanboy didn't return to the Yagi house at all.

So yeah, all in all, it became a very eventful day.

"Zuchan!" Izuku turned to see Shoko, whose eyes brightened like fireworks as soon as her eyes met Izuku's.

Shoko was previously the shy girl of Izuku's old group of friends, back then when he was a child, but now that disappeared. Instead, she now began to think for herself and Izuku, visiting him every day, helping him with speaking to others, and playing with him.

Note that the more she remains with Izuku, her yandereness grows stronger.

Now going to full-on cooking Izuku's favourite food, Katsudon, for him when she could, almost copying Inko's recipe as she added one more thing to the Katsudon.

And that thing is a drop of her blood.

While it did make the food tastier, it was dangerous. But don't worry, Shoko did her research and made her sister very worried for her mental sake.

As previously mentioned, her yandereness grows the longer she remains with Izuku.

"Hi, Shochan." Izuku said, which nearly sent Shoko to Lala land. The only reason she didn't go to Lala land was that Izuku was not there.

And she existed to be the one that Izuku deserves.

The only one.

"Hey Shoko, do you have food?" Izumi asked, her stomach growling. Izuku's stomach didn't, but Shoko raised her hand, which held a bag with Bento boxes for them.

'I might as well give some to Izumi. Without her, I wouldn't get to meet my beloved Zuchan.' Shoko thinks, her mind so filled with the devotion of Izuku that she thinks of Izumi as a lesser but still influential person.

"UA?" Izuku asks as Shoko nods.

After hanging out with Izuku after the incident, she became fluent in Izuku's reduced speaking. Contrary, the technique she used to learn what Izuku meant was not stealing bits of his hair and eating them.

She only taped them in one of her many photobooks with a picture of when she took that strand of hair.

It's a miracle that Izuku hasn't gone bald.

"Hero Course?" Izuku asked as Shoko shook her head, which prompted Izuku eyes to widen.

'Adorable,' Shoko thought as she took one sushi and fed Izuku, stopping him from saying another word.

"I don't feel like it, and I rather be with you over being a hero, like Endeavour," Shoko said as she smiled at Izuku, who munched on the sushi. He hummed as he grabbed his chopsticks and tried to take another sushi.

Keyword on the word "tried".

Shoko slapped the chopsticks away, quickly feeding Izuku another sushi herself. Izuku wanted to argue, but after one look at her eyes, which dramatically had a fire burning passionately behind her, he decided otherwise.

He stayed quiet, munching on another sushi with his face slowly warming to a blush.

Shoko, on the other hand, beamed at the acceptance of Izuku. A monster inside of her let out a roar that vibrates her whole body.

"Shoko, mom wants to ask if you want Soba?" Izumi asked as Shoko didn't reply to her. Her smile remained on her as Izuku continued to eat all the food she gave to him, like soulmates feeding each other.

As for Izuku.

He stared at Shoko, who appeared to be a star, shining dazzlingly, as she raised another sushi.

"Say ahh~," She says as Izuku leans down and chomps on the chopsticks, not taking his eyes from her. He swallowed this sushi and continued to shuffle closer to her.

"Shochan is cute," Izuku said absentmindedly as he boops her nose with his nose. It granted him the flustered red face of Shoko, whose has light shining on her so brilliantly that she appears to be an angel.

His angel.

He hugged her, not caring that his arms were beyond tired as his subconscious suddenly pointed that and realising that Shoko fed him so that he wouldn't strain his body anymore.

Or his mother and father were peaking from the doorway, behaving as if they were seeing their ship sail for great blues.

The only thing he cared for as much as his parents were Shoko.

From being a baby that helped each other, toddlers that hung out too much, kids that played together, and now soon to be teenagers, Shoko has been with him nearly all of his life, second to his family.

If there was one thing Izuku could say confidently,

It was that Shoko would most likely be his soulmate.

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