Iris: Child of prophecy

By obliviousstudent

74K 2.2K 77

Iris has had a difficult life, running from her past and living like a nomad. She is not a regular wolf. She... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter Nine
author's note
Chapter ten.
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen.
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty: Moon Goddess.
Chapter Twenty one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty four
Chapter Twenty five
Chapter Twenty six
Chapter Twenty seven
Chapter Twenty eight
Chapter Twenty-nine.
Author's Note
Chapter Thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter Thirty two
Chapter Thirty-four.
Chapter Thirty five.
Thirty seven: Witchcraft
Thirty eight.
Chapter Thirty-nine.
Chapter Forty.
Final authors note

Chapter thirty-three

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By obliviousstudent

The battle was long and strength far spent. The eye on the right side of my face was no longer there, and black clumpy blood replaced the sightless ball, leaving a dried trail down my face. Even with the subtle use of magic, it was tough. No hate or malice radiating from any wolf anymore, yet they wouldn't give in. Injuries far worse but less fatal than mine had been acquired, yet they fought still. A lot of them had spent all their energy and left consciousness while the rest, just a few, still desired to pry out my will and desire. The sun which had revealed itself at its truest form and was now retreating with its energy and light. With its energy depleting, my fight reduced. It was obvious that this had gone on way longer than anyone wished or expected. My strength was soon gone but magic sizzling and burning within me, I had been chaste in use, barely letting any free. Only using the extra advantage run free only when I was completely helpless. Now, with no stamina, I was certain the use of it would destroy my body.

"Give up already," one of the few remaining wolves snarled at me. I shook my head, struggling to stand. My body was hot and heavy, and I wouldn't give up. I was too close and suddenly realizing while I was a witch, my magic was way too powerful for the massive, powerful wolves before me. My wolf felt proud and at home for the first time in forever. That soothed me. Even without hearing his voice in my head, I could hear his sound. The rumbling of water, the crackling of lightning, the violence of the wind. I hadn't heard again since the first time we met, but it found me. It wrapped around me and fueled my desire to win.

As soon I found myself wishing selfish things, no longer wanting the Luna position for safety, or for more power. Not for the security I desired from my mother or my mind. Not because I started to feel strongly for even the wolves that desired to kill me even now. But because I came to the realization now that all I wanted to do was to be by his side. With his song roaring in my ear and his scent, though faint, fueling up my resistance. He couldn't speak, but he was still here. This was equivalent to him fighting with me.

I felt a powerful emotion towards Malik for the first time in my life at this very moment. The overpowering sensation filled me to the brim. Suddenly, my wolf was in control. For the first time, my magic sizzled out, and I felt truly free. I was a werewolf at this moment. I truly realized how freeing the entirety of it felt. At first, it scared me that I would break the rules more than I already was, but impulsively my consciousness became my subconscious and my wolf overcame my mind, but not my body. Not I fighting or guiding, but my wolf leading in a ferocious dance. My body tumbled and twisted, Malik's sound providing an invincible safety net. This was a communication between two souls, between two wolves free from human inhibitions and logic. This was communication between mates. The wolves were in sync with Malik's leading and mine following. It filled me with so much shock and frustration, but I was happy. And within such little time, I was victorious. Standing in the midst of unconscious wolves. At that moment, I let out a loud growl and howl, and an even louder roar tore and rumbled from across the pack, so distant but all the same clear as day.

The song filled every opening in my head, nose, mouth, and ear, rippling and soothing. My canines descended and in an instant, I had left the despondent cave, moving with absolute desperation. My eyes were still a deep haze of purple. As I stood before the entire pack, fueled with adrenaline and my body could not support any further movement on its own, my wolf demanded what was belonging to her. The wolves outside didn't put up any fight as they sensed the raw strength and new ferocity oozing from my recently awakened wolf. They howled in response, falling to their knees, barring their necks in submission.

I stood tall and proud in the center of it all. Taking in the respect I had so recently come to crave. I heard a loud thud. It shook the ground under my feet, but with the way his song grew stronger and the scent filled my nostrils, making me feel quite dizzy. It filled my wolf with delight. She craved acknowledgment; I craved acknowledgment. When our eyes met, his electric blue with my dim purple his steps slowed and he came towards me with slow determination. Every fiber of my being reacted to the proximity decreasing, the predatory stance, the overwhelming strength, his more than heady scent, and the song that became even louder. It screamed at me, and when he came to stand before me, I felt overwhelmed. It was absolutely exhilarating. I've never felt so strongly for him before, or anyone, even.

At that moment, I wasn't a witch. I wasn't human; I wasn't unsure, insecure, or terrified. It was at that moment I knew what my true purpose was, not to kill my mother and end all the lives of my sisters. I have always been incomplete; I have always been outside, frail, hated, and abused. The disregard was beyond me, so I ran away. All the years spent hating the very thing I was, came tumbling back into my memory. I didn't want a mate; I didn't want love. But standing here, staring into the other half of my soul I felt wanted, I felt loved; I felt complete. My true purpose, the one given to any other wolf, is to complete your soul.

The pitch black massive wolf standing in front of me said one simple word, "shift." Instantly, I was covered in white and standing tall on my straight hind legs, my snout lifted towards him. The distance between his eyes and mine closer. Looking up at my mate with contentment.

I stood under his large snout and rubbed my neck on his, and he did the same. Sniffing around me, marking me with his scent. We stayed like that for a while. I would stay that way forever, but the adrenaline was already fading, my knees buckled, and I fell flat on my snout. Whimpering softly, Malik's wolf was instantly at my side, poking me with his own snout, urging me to stand up. With such a strong desire to keep on pleasing him, I was irked by the fact that I was just too weak. I would have lost consciousness if not for my less-than-human form at the moment. Malik pushed his paws beneath me and shifted me until I was lying splayed on his back, whimpering softly. He walked away from the training grounds. He walked on to the pack house, a deep sense of pride emanating from him, coaxed me to give myself some slack, I dozed off into a long-needed slumber.


When my eyes fluttered open and my consciousness returned, I was disappointed when Malik wasn't beside me. I was in our room from what I could make out and the soft bed underneath me massaging my sore muscles.

A groan escaped my lips as I lifted myself up into a sitting position. Rubbing my temple to ease myself from the slight throbbing.

Slept long enough

I smiled to myself, hearing Malik's voice.

And whose fault is that?

Get up. It's about time the moon is about to shine. I left a dress in front of the wardrobe door.

My eyes landed on the short white lace dress hanging in front of the wardrobe.

It's nice.

I know some she-wolves would be arriving any moment to help you dress.

Why? I'm more than capable of helping myself. I frowned.

I know that little witch, but it's tradition and they are eager. Now please behave.

I rolled my eyes and huffed.


I looked at the sound of the call and smiled immediately after I saw the redhead. "Aria."

"How are you doing?" She walked to sit beside me on the bed.

"Slight headache, nothing I can't fix"

She nodded.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Hmmm, about seven." She bit her lip and smiled. "So you're getting mated."

"I guess I am... thank you for being here. I know I've been a horrible friend, and I lied to you. You're probably going through a lot, but still, I'm glad you're here."

"I'll always be here, Iris. And you have a hell of a lot of explaining and making up to do." I nodded.

"Now, time to get you ready. From what I heard, this is going to be a long night." She got up, pulling me along with her. "Ladies, she's ready."

"This is going to be hella awkward, isn't it?" I sighed.


Different she-wolves came in. I groaned as they made their way toward me. I don't know, but being around women should be easy for me, but of course, having a healthy relationship with females always felt awkward. It seemed like they were all out to get me.

"Luna!" Ileana squealed, running over and pulling me into an uncomfortably awkward hug. Her belly kept her a funny distance away. But it was sweet all the same. She smelled like honeyed milk. "By the time we are done with you, the Alpha will have a heart attack."

A frown etched my features. "Um... I'm gonna need him to be unharmed and healthy, so please go easy on me."

My pleas fell on deaf ears as she shoved me towards the bathroom. This was going to be a long night.

After a forceful stripping and an even more intense struggle, I got into the tub. There were about seven people bathing me. Surely that was an unnecessary number. But soon enough, it became fun and enlightening.

"So, tomorrow's going to be fun," a brunette spoke up. The other she-wolves nodded and smiled at me.

"What? Why?" I asked, looking at all the coy smiles butterflies erupted in my stomach the moment I realized what they were saying. Gosh, this was a sensitive topic for me. Heat rose up to my cheeks and my ears burned.

"You know we were all surprised when you rejected the Alpha, and even when you guys didn't... you know that other night." Another wolf spoke. I blushed even harder.

"Oh gosh, is this really such really such a big deal?" I groaned into my palms.

They nodded, "why?"

"Well, for one, have you ever seen the Alpha? That's not someone you refuse." The brunette spoke slithering bath oils on my hand.

"Yeah, he could pretty much have gone through all the do-able girls in this pack"

Huh. That's new information, Malik's a playboy? Ahh, that must be why his friends with Absalom.

"Doable?" I raised my brows.

"Yeah, you know those that don't care about waiting for mates."

"So, which of you has he done?" I asked, without any malicious intent, of course. They didn't seem to get that cause they all fell quiet. "Honestly, I'm just curious," I smiled. Maybe that will do it.

It did not.

"They said he could," Ileana spoke up.

"Okay, okay, fine, I won't pry. Even though it's about the person I'm going to be spending my entire life with." I tried to guilt them into spilling. Instead, I got a curt smile from the brunette. Great.

Before long, my bath was over and done and they snuggly wrapped me in a bathrobe and my long black hair in a white towel on top of my head.

We all walked into the bedroom and to my surprise, they were a fresh group of she-wolves smiling at me. I shot a confused look to Ileana, who just gave me a dismissive smile and left with the other wolves. One of the wolves was pretty familiar, but I couldn't place where I knew her from.

"Luna, we'll be doing your hair and makeup." She said, nodding I went to sit in the chair in front of the mirror as per her directions.

She spun it around as the other four wolves made their way to me. "Hey, I want to see what you're doing," I whined.

"Well Luna, you're just going to have to trust me," she smiled, and another wolf cleared her throat beside me, "trust us."

"Fine, but nothing too serious, okay?"

"Sure," she muttered in a dismissive tone. This group of ladies was pretty quiet, unless for the occasional sorry when they tugged my hair too hard, though I find that hard to understand I had straight, silky black hair. I mean, it was pretty much perfect, unlike anything else in my life. Or when they requested for me to pucker my lips or tilt my chin.

This was the longest and most unnerving group, well at least that's what I hoped.

I was glad when they left, leaving a new group, a group with Talon. I scowled. She just narrowed her eyes at me.

"Don't make that face, it's not very flattering," she grinned at me. I rolled my eyes.

"What are you saying? The Luna looks breathtaking." A blond wolf spoke up. I recognized her. She was the wolf that Rosemary stole a face from.

"Avery," I smiled at her. She looked up at the sound of her name. "How are you doing? I'm sorry I didn't check up on you."

I heard Talon mutter something under her breath and Avery replying with a jab to her side.

"Oh, it's no problem, Luna. I'm sure you were busy."

I nodded and looked at Talon, suddenly noticing a bag in her hands. "What's that?"

"Your dress." She stated blankly.

"My dress? But I thought I was wearing that." I pointed to the white lace dress hanging on the wardrobe door.

"Oh, that's for when you come out of the waterfall," another wolf explained.

"Waterfall? Oh my... by chance to you mean the ZODAKHASAR?" I asked Every.

"Wow, Luna, I've never really heard anyone calling it by its actual name. Most people just say 'the womb of the Goddess'. She motioned for me to stand up.

"I heard the name back when I was still with my coven in the west, but I didn't really pay attention back then. Why is it so important?"

"Well, when the Alpha has completed one cycle, he goes into the water and comes back reincarnated. Like he is born afresh, from the Goddess." The other she-wolf explains as she removed my underwear from the wardrobe. Handing it to me to put on.

"How does he know a cycle is over?" I asked.

"Uh...." she smiled nervously, scratching her head. My brows went up in question.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" I frowned at her startled expression.

Talon walked into the wardrobe to take out the dress, leaving me with Avery and the now speechless she-wolf.

"Don't you think you should talk about this with the Alpha himself?" Avery spoke up.

"Why? Why can't you tell me?" I looked at both of them.

"Well, that's because it's not really our place to say."

Now they make really curious.

"Come on, guys... what is it? I mean, how bad can it be?"

"He knows his cycle has ended when his mate dies." Talon's voice came from behind me.

I turned to her, "mate? What do you mean by mate?"

"Exactly that Luna."

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