Logan Huntzberger SMUT**

By CharlieCorrie

4.3K 12 12

about logan and a girl called bella but he calls her Ace and there erotic love story. do not ask why luke is... More

Huntzberger love

4.3K 12 12
By CharlieCorrie

I woke up to the sound of my alarm, I sat up and rubbed my eyes and got out of bed. I got dressed like any other school day,I put on a white long sleeved cropped shirt and some blue ripped jeans.

I go into the bath room do my hair and brush my teeth .i walk out the bath room grab my bag and made my way out the house, I open the door to my brothers best friend Logan. He looks me up and down as I call for my brother Luke "LUKEEEE LOGANS AT THE DOOR" I call out "COMINGGGG" Luke then shortly replies grunting. I walk out the door and Logan grabs my hand "do you need a ride to school" I was confused because he never offers me a ride to school "you sure" he smiles and puts on a smirk, "yeah I don't want you to walk for once, you always walk to school and it's some good miles" as Logan opened up the back seat car door for me I wonder why he's giving me a ride so I don't have to walk.

Logan had drove us to school and I say my thank you's and leave "WAIT ACE do you need a ride after school" Logan couldn't say that any quicker with his hand on the back of his head "but you and Luke don't ride home together" I say confused "so why does that matter" he looks at you with a smile "sure" I say back and he has a huge smile on his face "see ya then Ace" Logan has always called me Ace for a reason i cant explain. I smile and walk away without even noticing 
As I walk through the halls at lunch I see my brother and his friends I go over and hug Luke "WOAH who's this sexy lady here then come give daddy some sugar" some guy walking down the halls calls out to me, Luke pushes me behind him "Dude you wanna watch what your saying to my sister" I hate it when luke fights "or what, what you going to do to me hit me Ahahah" I feel a warm body hug me from behind and I look up and see it's Logan "LUKE CHILL OUT" I yell because I do not like violence "dude I said LEAVE" Luke telling the guy who called at me "oh who cares I would bang the shit out of your sister so fucking hard she will enjoy it, I WILL pin her to the wall and I will choke her and cum inside her and all over her body IM gunna tie her down what you gunna do about that aye boys ahah-" the guy that called me carry's on and starts to walk over to me to try touch me logan still has his arms around me "I swear to God if you try touch her" the guy laughs and gets closer to me and try's to touch Logan then rages "GOD THAT IS ITTT" Logan pushes away from me and starts beating the living shit out of this guy "LOGANNNNN STOPPPPP PLEASEEEEEEE" I start to cry my eyes out "I TOLD YOU NOT TO COME NEAR HER ASSHOLE" he just keeps going loads of people are trying to get him off of him but he won't stop, I've now pushed myself up against a locker, there's not much I can do.

The principal comes over and pulls Logan off I walk over to Logan "Logan that was stupid there was no need for that are you okay your face " I hug him, Luke then walks over "are both of you okay" we both nod our heads and separate the hug, "I need to go to class" I say as the bell rings , still crying.

The rest of the day goes by and I go out to Logan car, Logan was already in his car, so I get in "hey you okay" he ask me "I'm good, how's your face" he looks at me and giggles "oh this oh it's nothing" we both burst out laughing, I put my seatbelt on as Logan starts up the car and drives off.  "hey seriously Logan Thank you for today, you stood up for me and I'm grateful even though your face is fucked up" he looks at me for a split second and smiles "it's okay, don't worry about me okay I can sort myself out, are you okay" he says and places his hand on my thigh and moves his thumb back and forth, it felt so good to have his hand on my thigh it's driving me crazy why does it feel so good he's Luke's childhood best friend "i mean look at you, that's why the guys want your attention" I look at him "I'm not accepting that compliment because you must have the wrong girl hehe" I giggle and he seriously replies "I'm being serious Ace, I'd love to compliment you more because you wont accept them when there true" I sit and bite my lip he looks over and licks his lips "w-wait don't look at me like that" he nods. I can't contain myself while his rubbing my thigh I bite my lip why the hell am i enjoying this stop snap out of it bella "w-wha-" i snapped as he looks at me "nothing just your eyes" Logan said, Logan pulled over somewhere and he keeps rubbing my thigh driving me crazy " your driving me crazy you know that right" he moves his hand "Ace you have driven me crazy for 6 years and just having you in my car letting me touch you is driving me fucking crazy, I want to take you back to my place" he says that as he puts his fingers on my clit and starts to rub through my jeans I'm struggling to keep myself together "L-L-Logan as much as i love this your Luke's best friend" he then looks at me and bites his lip forcefully "look Ace Luke doesn't have a clue your with me I'm sure he thinks your with your friends" im sat thinking and all i can think about is Logan's hand on my clit "look ace you can tell me to get off you and ill drive you home or if you don't we can go back to my place" his hand is driving me crazy so i sit back and shut my eyes "drive to your place now" Logan starts the car and drives to his place.

We pull up to his place and he opened my car door grabbed me by my hand and took me through the door, we go upstairs to his room, as soon as he closes the door he pins me up against the wall "can I kiss you" he whispers "woah i didn't think you where this deaperate" giggling he smiles and as i nod we lean in for the kiss he grabs my face so softly as he kisses me. He then picks me up and puts me on his bed his hands are all over my body, he pins my hands over my head and starts to kiss my neck, Logan feels down my body as he lets go of my hands, I run my fingers through his hair "you drive me wild Ace" Logan whispers as he teases me kissing my lower stomach "Lo-Logan" he looks up at me and takes my top off. He then starts to play with my boobs and starts to suck on them running his tongue in circles driving me crazy "Logan please" he carry's on and kisses down my stomach to my jeans he moves his head to my clit and starts to tease me by licking my jeans, he runs his tongue up and down making me so wet "Logan p-please stop teasing me" I moan out "I want you to feel how I've felt for the past years" he replied smirking "Logan just get to it your making me so wettt" Logan finally gave into what I said and pulled my jeans and underwear off and starts to lick me up and down, it felt so weird knowing im going to sleep with Logan ive known him since i was born, he then slides a finger inside of me then another, he kept going in and out fast, fast making me want him inside me more. I move from him and pin him to the bed as i get on top of him I start to move my hips over his jeans, i pinned his hands over his head so he can't touch me "A-Ace please let me touch you" i let go of his hands and his hands didn't miss a spot on my  body. I then moved my head down to his dick and started to tease him with his jeans "now you know how I felt" I undo his jeans and take out his dick "WOAH I didn't know you where this big" I say shocked "do you think you can handle it" I  look at him and smile and put the whole thing in my mouth and bop my head. I move away and climb over his body and put him inside of me "ohhh my goddd" Logan moans out "oh god this feels so good" I also moaned out Logan soon stars thrusting himself in and out of me harder and harder "omg" I moan he looks at me and puts his hand on my throat " it feels so good" Logan also moans out.  "I'm gunna cum" Logan groaned really loud "ahhh" he came inside of me "I didn't know you had that in you ahah" I giggle "the amount of girls you've fucked, now I see why they like it" i mess about we both lay down, I'm on his chest and his got his hand on my ass, "you've really liked me 6 years" I question "yeah I never told you or anyone because I was scared it might ruin our friendship" I  look at him, I'm running my finger around his chest. Jackson grabs my face and brings me over his lap and kisses me "I really like you Ace" I take a split second to look at him "i dont know what to say" he looks at me "luke doesn't have to know, between me and you" i looked at him while i was thinking, i think im starting to like him "but how would you get time away from luke to come and see me" he giggle and kisses me in between words "that-is-for-me-to-worry-about" Logan kisses me deeply " i really like you Ace" i look at him and smile " fine but rules, rule number one, no more girls" he giggles "promsie" you look at him seriously "rule number two no more detention and rule number 3 luke or no one can know about this until i can find the courage to tell luke" Logan looks at me seriously, i start to get worried, hes not saying anything, whats wrong, "Ace i promise i wont do any of those, but what makes you think that i will go with other girls" i take my hands and grab his face softly rubbing my thumbs across his cheeks  "Logan, you should see the way all the girls look at you and having a brother i know that can be quite tempting for you, and im not the prettiest of girls not compared to the girls at school, which does make me wonder why you chose me over them all of a sudden because before when you used to brag about all the girls you'd kissed or slept with at a party" he looked away and looked really sad "Ace dont ever compare yourself to the girls at school , yeah they might be hot but their no where as good as you, i would never hook up with a girl behind your back, ever dont ever think i will" he kisses me and i lie down next to him and close my eyes. 

i wake up to being shaken its about 10:30pm, "Ace - Ace, lukes here get dressed" i shot up " wait what whats he doing here he was with his friends" Logans passing me my clothes we could hear luke calling for Logan, so Logan got out some exam books and made it look like we where studying. "Logan have you seen bel-, what she doing here with you" i look at luke "i told him how i needed help in chemistry so he was running me through some books to help" luke came over and grabbed my arm and hugged me "god i thought something bad happened to you" you huff in relief, i thought he was going to drag me out out here. luke grabbed your stuff and took you down stairs, Logan followed "Logan could you give us a ride home" i look back at Logan and he winks at me and touches my ass, i giggle "whats funny" luke speaks up i quickly move Luke hand from my ass, "nothing i almost tripped over" we get out to the car and Luke sits in the front which isnt fair. Luke has been driving for about five mins and hes already looking at me through the Rear-view mirror which is making me smile, i look out of the window and cant stop thinking how good it was sleeping with Logan, my thoughts where cut of by Logan stopping at my house i get out of the car and say good bye to Logan and go to my room and fell asleep.

it has been three weeks since me and Logan have slept together, ive only seen him twice since then because we have been so busy with school and ive had loads of tests to do, i haven't be feeling good since last week i think there is a sickness bug going round or something, i got up to go get a drink and felt a sudden urge to throw up. i called Logan and he came round as soon as possible. "hey, Ace you dont look so good" i shook my head and took him upstairs i brought him over to my bed  to cuddle "Ace we need to go school" Logan said i looked up at him and got up to get dressed. he took me out to his car to drive us to school, as he drove i made him pull over to throw up and got back into the car and made sure i was okay and drove on. we arrived at school and Logan walked me to home room i still felt really ill and still couldn't figure out what it was, so i texted Logan and asked if i could sit with him at lunch he said to meet him in the cafeteria so i did, i was walking down the hall and i saw luke going to the same table as me, he spotted that i wasnt looking so good " b you feeling okay, you dont look so good" as i walk slowly to the table he puts his arm around me for support i see Logan and sit next to him while everyone is laughing "dude you look like an old person" one of luke and Logan friends made fun of and laugh "aye watch your mouth ayt shes not feeling good" luke stands up for me, i felt Logans had come onto my lap under the table for comfort which felt nice and warm as i felt his thumb rub my thigh "why you even at this table your not good enough for any of us nor pretty enough" someone speaks so i get up to leave but Logan places his hand on my shoulder and places me down "she aint going anywhere you have no right to tell her shes not good enough because she is ive grown up with her and if you knew her like me and her brother do you wouldnt be saying that sort of stuff, and im sorry that you can only pull the hot girls that are dumb asf, and not a girl like Ace" luke perks up "and i sweaaar to fuck if i find out any of you touch her or even make fun of her you aint making it out here alive" i started to feel dizzy and light headed "luke i can hardly see anything i feel really dizzy" i could see luke and Logans shadows freaking out as everything went quiet , i fell to the ground and everthing blacked out. i wake up to hearing luke and Logan freaking the hell out i look to my right and see Logan holding my head and hand, and to my left i could hear luke shouting on the phone to 911, everyone in school was around me, i felt sick again and threw up in a bucket that was placed beside me i then hear a whisper in my ear "come on Ace everything will be fine, try stay awake okay" i nod my head as i could barley talk. luke disappears and comes back with the paramedic who has a stretcher with them they gently lifted me up onto the bed and took me out to the ambulance Logan wanted to come in the ambulance so he told luke to drive to the hospital and he could stop off and get some food and drink for when i get better, i felt really dizzy in the back of the ambulance and all i could hear silently was Logan talking to me trying to get me to stay awake "Ace come on stay with me now do this for me come on open your eyes now Ace come on dont do this to me again stay with me" then everything went black i woke up in  a hospital bed  with a cannula in my hand with fluids running through it with Logan and luke on either side of the bed holding my hands "hey your awake, Logan go get the nurse" i look over and see luke relieved that i was awake "am i going to be okay" i felt really scared as to why i kept passing out " i hope so b, im so happy your awake" the nurse comes in "do we know why shes been passing out and throwing up" luke asked confused "we ran some tests to see as to why you where passing out Mrs corrie and you are pregnant" i start to tear up " the baby usually sends your body into shutdown when you dont eat or drink the right things, okay i will let you process the situation" i start to break down crying its not the worse thing in the world but im only 17 "b mind telling me who the fuck knocked you up"  i look over to Logan and see him in shock " why do i have to tell you the dad might want me to get rid of it or might not want to be apart of the baby life" i say implying at Logan " but what if the father wants you to keep it and wants to be in the babys life" Logan said, im not sure what hes getting at though "but what if he doesn't want to" luke angrily says " im 110% sure the father wants to be involved" that has made me feel better knowing that he wants to keep the baby i could tell that he was freaking out because he didnt want luke to find out it was his child.

 i got out of the hospital and Logan took me and luke back to his place to eat, i wanted to go lie down so i went and got into Logans bed, i was freaking out because im pregnant ive got to go through nine months of the pregnancy without luke knowing who the father is and then me and Logan will have a child for life. i hear the door open its Logan "hey i know your probrably freaking out about today but i just want you to know that im here every step of the way i promise i will never leave your side, and dont ever think that i would want you to get rid of the baby" i look and stare as i start to tear up "your sperm could have of waited one or two years max longer hahah, im happy that im having this child with you, i kind of had a little dance in my head when she said i was pregnant" i said giggling as Logan spoke "oh yeah how did that dance go" i started to do the little wiggle with my arms moving " your so cute" i gasp and turn my head " you think im cute " i start to lean in for a kiss i kiss him  softly as he lays on top of me ive never felt so good in my life "ima show you how good i feel right now" he kisses my neck and goes down further and kisses my stomach "hey fella or baby girl daddy is going to be coming in okay" we both giggle as he goes down on me and it feels so good, all i could do was moan Logan kept looking up at me knowing what he was doing to me, it was driving me crazy i finally pull him up and kiss him once again all my feelings and hormones are heightened every touch he places on me drives me wild, i undo his belt and unbuttoned his jeans and he placed his already hard dick on the outside of my clit, he kept teasing me which he knows i hate it when he teases me. so i pushed him inside of me and he moaned really loud "shhhh" he carried on trying to be quiet i started to moan as he put his hand over my mouth to keep me quiet he started to grunt so i knew he was close i climbed on top riding him like crazy knowing what i was doing then right before he came he heard his name being called so i hurried getting dressed and waked out of logans room down to luke sat on the couch "hey, what you eating" luke looks over to me surprised "hey sleepy and pizza" i walk over towards the kitchen as logan walks out of his room "eww thats gross" walking down the stairs "not hungry Ace" i shake my head while taking some asprin for my headache.

luke pats on the sofa hinting for me to come and sit next to him so i put my head on Logans lap and my legs on lukes lap, just like when we where younger when i was ill i would have both of them on a couch and id lay how i am and id get logan to run his fingers thru my hair and we would watch movies to make me feel better, so i get them to do the same but this time i look up at logan every now and then. i go to get up to get some water but luke insists on getting it for me so while hes getting me water logan kisses me "you like that Ace" i look and smile so i grab his face and kiss him slowly "one water for the pregnant woman" i quickly make it look like i was picking a spot on logans face "what are you doing" luke loos so concerned "what i cant pop a spot on logans face and dont refer to me as pregnant woman i find it offensive" luke doesnt suspect a thing and sits down so we both give the look as to say thank God for that. as the night goes by logan drives us home luke kept asking questions about my pregnancy and how it works and im starting to get agitated "luke for heavens sake shut up about it already i only found out today and im really scared i dont need the thoughts of it right now i will sort it out" luke and logan look at me "im sorry i just found out and for a 17yo girl who has no clue what she wants to do with her life being 4 weeks pregnant is alot to take in and your not gunna shut up about who the dad is so please let me adjust" logans looking concerned why does logan look concerned im freaking out arnt i, "look Ace everything will be fine ill be there im sure if luke can hold it together he will be there stop panicking" we pull up to the drive way and logan sees luke inside and comes back out for me i kiss him "thank you" logan laughs "your welcome Ace ill throw you a baby shower and everything" i couldnt help but kiss him "your-the-best" i struggled saying through pecks, logan kisses me goodnight and leaves and i head off to bed.


today its my gender reval and lukes throwing the party which i thought was really sweet. i got dressed into a peach dress.

logan comes upstairs and sees what im wearing "damn Ace i never thought a pregnant woman could turn me on so much" he walks behind me and places his hands on my baby bump "i really like it when you touch my bump" i turn round and kiss him "now lets go find out the gender of our child" we walk downstairs and see luke in the garden with his friends ready to do the reveal i go outside and grab the balloon and logan starts to countdown "5,4,3,2,1" i pop the balloon "ITSSS A GIRLLLLLLL OMGG LOGAN ITS A GIRLLLL" i run over into his arms and hes crying luke joins the hug and has started tearing up "damn my little girl growing up too soon" i couldnt be more happier im having a child with logan and its a girl im crying so hard i can barely see anything, so i go inside and get some food i look aver the counter and see logan with his friends looking happy as hell, he looks over to me and bites his lip and winks, damn that boy sure does know how to make a girl happy i had to cut the party shorts as i had school the next morning and people havent seen how big my bump is because of summer break so i head off to bed.

im walk outside and hear logan "theres now way your walking to school get in" so i get in and luke comes out and gets in the car "people are going to thing im a whore" logan laughs "Ace you only had sex once and you got pregnant" lukes looks up from his phone "how tf do you know how many times it took" i quickly jump in "we where talking about it last night at the reveal" so logan carrys on looking at his phone and logan drives to school. luke and logan both walk me to home room as im getting shit loads of looks and stares some girl is walking down the halls and is whispering so luke perks up "shut your mouth" they soon looked away. as we carried on walking these two girls who had slept with Logan before start laughing at me so logan say something "oi keep your mouth shut" he meant it and the girls talked back "ooo why you getting protective for your not the one who got her knocked up" logans getting furious "just leave her alone" of course these bitches wouldnt stop "i think someones the baby daddy" i think this pregnancy is making me angry "oi you two fuckers just because you fucked him oh wait no sorry just because he fucked you and your missing his dick and no other guys want to fuck you dont come running back jealous" these bitches still carry on which us making us all angry "why you defending him if hes not the baby daddy" logans losing his temper " BECAUSE I AM OKAY IM THE FATHER I GOT ACE KNOCKED IT WAS NEVER MY INTENTIONS, I HATE MYSELF FOR IT SHES ONLY YOUNG AND EVERYONES TREATING HER LIKE SHES NOTHING SHES NOT NOTHING SHES EVERYTHING THATS WHY I LOVER HER, EVERONES CALLING HER A WHORE AND SHES NOT SHE ONLY HAD SEX ONCE ONE TIME ONLY AND ITS ALL MY FAULT NOW LEAVE HER ALONE" im in shock he wasnt supposed to tell anyone not till i told luke this isnt going to go down well with luke "why didnt you tell me you should have just told me bella, i knew something was going on between you two WHY did you not tell me" ive got loads on my mind and cant think straight "because i thought you woiuld have been nmad like really mad" luke looks at me seriously "with everything that we have been thru with mum and dad dying to losing our house to depression you really thought i would be mad" i start to tear up because luke never brings up mum and dad "im so so so so so sorry luke nas im so sorry logan for making you hide it" luke hugs me and accepts the apology and i trn and kiss logan "im so sorry Ace youve never seen me like that" i take a deep breath "so you love me huh" he smiles "yes i love you Ace i always have" i lean in for a really long kiss "i love you too" and then the bell rings. 


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