Swiftstar's Prophecy - Unfini...

By AmbiguousPierogi

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Swiftpaw is prophecied to be the "peacemaker" between the clans and the rogues that threaten the clan territo... More

Important Information Before you Read
Allegiances 0
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter Thirty-six
Chapter Thirty-seven
Chapter Thirty-eight
Chapter Thirty-nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-one *SPECIAL*
Chapter Forty-two
Chapter Forty-three
Chapter Forty-four
Chapter Forty-five
Chapter Forty-six
Chapter Forty-seven
Chapter Forty-eight *SPECIAL*
Chapter Forty-nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-one
Chapter Fifty-two
Chapter Fifty-three
(Q&A) Chapter Fifty-four
Q&A + Facts + HINTS
Allegiances 1
Chapter Fifty-five
Chapter Fifty-six
Chapter Fifty-seven
Chapter Fifty-eight
Chapter Fifty-nine
Facts + Hints 2
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-one
Chapter Sixty-three
Chapter Sixty-four
Chapter Sixty-five
Chapter Sixty-six
Chapter Sixty-seven
Chapter Sixty-eight
Chapter Sixty-nine
Chapter Seventy
Hi guys!

Chapter Sixty-two

88 7 16
By AmbiguousPierogi

Because of Lichenface's death, Swiftblossom let Flaxpaw mourn and take a day off from his usual training. The wind was picking up, something that alarmed the calico. Before the she-cat would leave with the hunting patrol at sunrise, she went over to the nursery to inform Fallownose, who had just moved in. 

Swiftblossom quietly padded into the nursery, her amber eyes peering curiously at her sister, who was asleep. Webshine was curled up, snoring gently. Whitefish slept nearby, the white she-cat was going to assist Webshine when she would near delivery. Tortoisetail was awake, still not accustomed to relaxing and waking up at dawn to do warrior duties. Bloompelt kept her kits close as she slept. Fallownose was sitting down, the new queen waiting patiently for her fresh, soft bedding to arrive from apprentices. The pretty tabby was expecting Blazestripe's kits and she made it known just heartbeats before Swiftblossom entered; Fallownose informed her mate in front of everyone awake.

"Congratulations," the calico purred lightly, approaching the tabby. Fallownose gave a few licks of shyness of her chest and she meowed, "Thank you. I do hope that they arrive in new-leaf." I hope so, too, Swiftblossom thought. But the calico told Fallownose, "The weather is getting worse every day. Please spread the word to the other queens to make the kits stay inside the nursery."

Fallownose tilted her head, "Oh! Well, alright." 

Thank StarClan that went easy. Swiftblossom reflected back on that early conversation, her eyes focusing on the path in front of her. The sun was just above the horizon, no clouds covered the sky, and the Grand River beside her gurgled and ran quickly. The river ran with the wind but it wasn't dangerous. Blazestripe had tasked Swiftblossom to lead a fishing patrol at the Grand River. Behind her were Pricklepelt, Russetpaw, and Mudstrike. Swiftblossom felt a bit awkward with having her former friend a part of her patrol, but she brushed it off. I felt this way before with Acornpaw. We're just clanmates now, not enemies. She reassured herself, halting at a shallow part of the river, a bit close to the fallen oak tree that serves as a passageway across the Grand River. The oak tree was on DriftClan's side until it got knocked down by lightning. So now it served as a bridge for DriftClan. Though the river provided other pathways to each side, this tree was easier to cross.

"Here is a more shallow part so swimming would be easier," Swiftblossom meowed to Russetpaw, who was slightly shaking at the strong waters. Pricklepelt brushed against his orange apprentice and reassured him, "Don't worry, one of us will be onshore to make sure no one gets taken away. It's a safety precaution every TideClan cat takes." Russetpaw was a bit more relieved. 

Pricklepelt is such a great mentor, Swiftblossom blinked, I hope I can be like that to Flaxpaw. She felt Mudstrike's eyes burning the side of her flank and she turned to face him. They made eye contact, making Swiftblossom a bit scared. But she stood her ground and steadily told the patrol, "I'll keep watch until someone switches out with me." Mudstrike didn't say a word and took his eyes off of the calico, diving into the water without hesitation. Russetpaw glanced back at Swiftblossom, who went to sit down on the cool sand. She told the orange tabby a bit jokingly, "I'll make sure to fish you out of the river if you have any trouble, okay?" 

She watched as her patrol plunged into the water to fish. Her chest burned in uncertainty for Mudstrike, unsure of how the tom really felt now. Should she be concerned? Or should she let it go? Swiftblossom fell in the middle of her two decisions. But she shook her head. I can't be thinking about this petty stuff now. Tonight, she was going to reunite with Nectar again to see if Nectar's group will join TideClan. Deep down, she prayed that they will. Joining up with us will show the other clans that not all rogues are bad, Swiftblossom considered, and I can see Nectar being a great warrior. Curiously, she thought of Nectar's warrior name. Nectarheart? Nectarshine? Thinking of doing warrior duties beside her friend warmed her heart.

Russetpaw emerged from the water, a carp flapping helplessly in his teeth. "Good catch!" Swiftblossom purred her tail-tip flickering happily. Russetpaw set down his catch and snapped the spine of the fish, before shaking himself dry. She got up to go fish as Russetpaw sat down beside his catch. The long-haired molly padded towards the water, briefly seeing her reflection. Blizzardtail's words echoed in her ears, It must be a gift, he had referred to how similar to Echoflower she looked. But it's not just me, it's my littermates, too. Maplefoot had her kind personality, Webshine had Echoflower's eyes, and Ripplefrost had Echoflower's gentleness. 

Swiftblossom dove into the water, allowing the water to fold around her. Opening her eyes, her eyes caught the sight of a bronze-colored fish and her legs began to propel towards it. The water was strangely clear and light blue. Below, the plants swayed in the direction the water was going, and Swiftblossom was swimming against it. The fish detected her and was going to swim away. She was in reach of it until the water grew unclear, like a pawful of sand was thrown in. That was when Swiftblossom was knocked out of the way. She opened her mouth and let out the air she was holding in. What the-- She snapped her head towards the source as the unclear water cleared. Her eyes widened and she nearly inhaled water.

Redstar spiraled to Swiftblossom and seized her neck with his paws. The calico forced herself out of shock and she twisted her body so that her belly faced the surface. Redstar let go from the drastic twist and Swiftblossom stuck out her paw and batted his face. The former TideClan leader fell down into the bottom of the river, the sand hiding him. Swiftblossom stared from above, her paws moving to stay in place. Why in StarClan am I seeing you? she thought as her lungs screamed for air. She blinked and her father's face was right in front of her. Swiftblossom was ready to fight until he spoke.

"Swiftblossom, you must convince the clans to fight alongside TideClan. Do whatever you can before the war erupts!" he meowed, his green eyes unblinking. The calico stared in complete shock. It was like Redstar was a completely different cat, the first attacking her and the second giving her advice. Before she could try to communicate, Redstar's body was gripped by the shadows of the river and pulled away. 

Swiftblossom gurgled, "Redstar!" Extending a paw towards her father as she watched his green eyes disappear into the darkness. She felt a thorn stab through her heart and her eyelids drooped. Around her, the darkness of scattered sand gave the illusion of cats watching her. Her lungs screamed for air and she felt her body grow limp. That was until teeth sank into her scruff and yanked her. Swiftblossom's eyes flew open and she opened her mouth, accidentally inhaling water. 

She was brought to the surface and quickly she inhaled air, closing her eyes as she violently struggled to breathe. Being dragged, she was forced unto the dry sand to rest. Swiftblossom coughed up water and violently shook from the trauma. As the air began to circulate her body, she thought, I nearly drowned! Pricklepelt and Russetpaw hurried over to her while a shadow of a cat stood over her, the sun shining down unto her. She couldn't see who this cat was until she raised her head. It was Mudstrike.

"You fish-brain! What in StarClan where you thinking?! You were caught in sandy water and you didn't even swim up!" Mudstrike scolded her, a heavy paw battering her flank. It caused her to cough up more water and her throat felt sore. She stared up at his blue eyes and saw his brash anger. 

Pricklepelt's fur bristled as he approached them, "Mudstrike, stop blaming Swiftblossom!" The mud-brown tom crouched down to Swiftblossom and gave her reassuring licks on the forehead. Russetpaw asked, "Are you okay, Swiftblossom?"

"Y-yeah, I'm alright..." Her pelt felt on fire, feeling Mudstrike's eyes burn into her body. But her mind was swirling. I have to meet up with Nectar. But it's only morning...I'm a long way from nightfall.


I think the fact I made Mudstrike save Swiftblossom still shows he has an ounce of compassion for her. What did you think of this?

Also, before you guys attack me, I know that I was like two weeks late. I've just been busy with school work since the end of school is close. My teachers are cramming everything in (just happy I don't have to do exams). I'll try to catch up by writing more!

A small shoutout to my art book. I will be releasing artwork of my OCs and their descriptions there very soon! So far I have our cinnamon roll Swiftblossom, handsome boi Wolfspirit, thicc Blizzardtail, Pricklepelt who is everyone's dad, runaway Snaketail, and Redstar redemption!


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