why am I never good enough...

By stories_tiktokers

26.5K 543 69

COMPLETED!! Me- Why am I never good enough? ???- don't say that about yourself, you are beautiful and perfec... More

The Truth🤫
No More Secrets🤭
New Beginnings😁
Pool Party🎉
Girls Day💅
Social media🤳
I'm Back 👋
First Date❤️
Playlist Part 2😲
Playlist Part 3😭
New Book


944 16 1
By stories_tiktokers

One month later.

Today I woke up and decided to get dressed and go Dunkin. I have a modeling gig at 11:30 at it is 10:00 now. I think I might go to the mall and then get grocery because we need food for the house.

I walked downstairs to see everyone there.

Me- okay I have a modelling gig at 11:30. So I'm gonna go get Dunkin then go to the modelling gig then before I come back home I'm gonna get grocerys.
Josh- that's fine do you need money for food
Me- no josh it's fine let me pay for the house too.
Josh- ugh okay. What time will you be back?
Me- um probably 3
Josh- okay
Me- I'm going now bye

Josh's POV
I waited for her car to leave before I called everyone downstairs.
Me- guys come downstairs we have a plan to discuss.
Everyone came downstairs.
Me- okay Tony should be any second. Me and him will got to the airport and get our parents they arrive in an hour. You need to make sure that the bedrooms are clean. Both of them.
Everyone- okay!
There was a knock on the door. I looked through the window and saw Tony so I let him in.
Tony- hi okay so where are they gonna be sleeping?
Me- we have two guest bedrooms so they can sleep there and you ar sleeping with tia. She said she will be home by 3:00
Tony- okay before we go to the airport I just want to say thank you for letting them stay here.
Me- of course I haven't see my parents in forever and I haven't seen your parents either. And I would love to see them again they are like my second parents.
Tony- they arrive in less than an hour let's go.
Me- okay.
Me and Tony drove to the airport to go pick them up.
*at the airport*
Me- there they are I can see them
We ran up to them
Josh- hi mom and dad I missed you guys. Hi Ellie, hi David I haven't seen you in forever I missed you guys.
Parents- we miss you to
Tony- hi mom, hi dad, hi Bob, hi Angela thank you for coming i missed you.
Parents- we missed you 2

A/N: I don't know their real names so just imagine it as this.

Josh's parents
Mom- Angela- MR (mom Richards)
Dad- Bob- DR (dad Richards)

Tony's parents
Mom- Ellie ML (mom Lopez)
Dad- David DL (dad Lopez)

We walked back to the car and then drove home.

Tony- okay here's the plan. Tia is at a modelling gig, she is gonna go grocery shopping then come home. You guys are gonna hide in the kitchen and then when she takes the bags in the kitchen and see you guys. Also you guys are gonna be at the sway house, there is two guest bedrooms set up for you guys.
Parents- okay thank you
Josh- no worries Tia is gonna be so happy.
We finally got home and it was halo 2 so we all sat our parents in the kitchen.

*skip to tia getting home*
I went grocery shopping after my modeling gig and just got home. Jaden opened the door.
Me- hi jay
Jaden- hey Tia, just take them in the kitchen.
Me- okay.
I walked into the kitchen and saw my parents with Tony's parents.
Me- oh my gosh are you real.
Parents- we sure are
I put the bags on the counter and ran to them.
Me- oh my gosh I can't believe you are all here right now! I missed you guys.
Parents- we missed you 2.
Tony- me and josh decided to fly them out here because they missed us and we missed them. And we knew you missed them
Me- thank you so much.
Josh- Ellie and David are gonna sleep in one guest room and then mom and dad are gonna sleep in the other one. And Tony is gonna sleep with you if that's okay.
Me- that's perfect.
Tony- me and josh will take your suitcases up while you catch up.
Josh and Tony left to go upstairs.

MR- so you and Tony?
Me- I never thought I would be dating my bestfriend, I love him a lot.
ML- aww you can tell you both love each other.
DR- there isn't anyone me more perfect for my daughter.
DL- I'll make sure he looks after you.
Me- thank you I don't know what I would do without him. He helped me through a lot. He was there when I needed him.
ML- I'm sorry to ask but what happened at the meet and greet there was an argument involving you and this other boy.
MR- yeah I saw that on Instagram
Me- of yeah that was Ryland, honestly I don't know what got into him. He told me he liked me and I said I didn't like him like that. But it was the truth, I only like him as a friend and I liked Tony but I didn't tell anyone except from the girls and then when me and Tony started dating we told the fans at playlist. Then at the meet and greet he was next to me and heard all the fans say that me and Tony make a wonderful couple. He must of gotten jealous because he snapped and then shouted in the fans face. I felt embarrassed because the girl was only about 13 and she was so scared. Then when I asked him why he would do that he called me a slut. Honestly, I wish that didn't happen. We haven't spoke since.
ML- oh my gosh I'm sorry for asking.
Me- no it's fine.
DL- you can't help who you like.
Me- exactly. The fans were really shocked aswell because they have never see him like this.

We all watched movies and then went to sleep as our parents were jet lagged. I got ready for bed and Tony was already in bed.
Tony- cuddles!
He pouted
Me- I'm coming
I climbed into be and cuddled him.
Me- thank you for today, I really appreciate it. I love you.
Tony- no problem I love you more get some sleep. Goodnight.
Me- goodnight.

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