Glitch (An Apex Legends Story)

By kdotdachamp

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"Looks like you had a glitch in your system." Glitch Technology Expert At a young age, Glitch was fascinate... More

Chapter 1: Fresh Start
Chapter 2: A Gift From a Friend
Chapter 3: Legends and Fun Times
Chapter 4: The Games
Chapter 5: Fake
Chapter 6: Party
Chapter 7: Picture
Chapter 8: Note
Chapter 9: Forge
Chapter 10: Legends Never Die
Chapter 11: Dreams?
Chapter 12: Feelings?
Chapter 13: Fans
Chapter 14: Confession Time
Chapter 15: Dad
Chapter 16: Research
Chapter 17: Friendly Advice
Chapter 18: Tension
Chapter 19: Jealousy
Chapter 20: Mom?
Chapter 22: Loba
Chapter 23: Fatherly Love
Chapter 24: Rampart
Chapter 25: Mystery
Danger Hiding Behind a Smile
Chapter 26: Trouble, Trouble, and More Trouble
Chapter 27: Thank You Path
Chapter 28: Found in Solace
Chapter 29: The Plan
Chapter 30: Time

Chapter 21: Anita

475 7 3
By kdotdachamp

"Drop and give me thirty." Anita says and I look at her. "You weren't kidding when you said to wait until we were at the Firing Range." I say smiling. "No. I'm not doing push ups." I say and we have a small stare-down. "Fine." Anita says and rolls her eyes. "You're not fun." She says and I laugh.

Time skip

After an hour of me play fighting with Anita, I remember reading something about the newest Legend to come into the Games. "Hey Anita?" I ask and she looks at me. "What?" "Have you heard about Loba? She's the newest Legend that's going to be in the Games." I say and she looks away from me. "Unfortunately, yes. I heard about her." She says, with an angry tone. "I know everything there is to know about Loba Andrade." She says and looks over to me again. "Well, what's she like?" I ask, smiling. "She's a criminal. She's a thief, and she's a good one at that. She's not a good person, G. Stay away from her." She says and we both leave the Firing Range.

"Can you tell me more about her?" I ask Anita as we both walk down the road. "Her parents were both thieves and she grew up in their footsteps. If you don't want your stuff taken, then stay away from her." She says and I nod. "But hey, you're a good fighter." She says and bumps her shoulder with mine. "There's a duos match coming up. Do you have a partner?" She asks. "I don't know yet. I'll let the Games choose my partner." I say and she nods. "I'm thinking about doing that too." She says. "I heard Hound is looking for a partner. I seen the way you two fight. You two should partner up." I say and she thinks about it before nodding seconds later.

"Yeah, I think that would be cool for the fans to see." She says and I nod. "Too bad Gib is going to visit his parents for a while. You and him could've been an interesting combo." She says and sends me a small smile. "Yeah. Hopefully he'll be my squadmate in a trios match. I've been thinking about different combos that can change the Games." I say and she laughs. "You get so excited about the Games, you know that right?" She asks and I smile. "Do I?" I ask quietly and she laughs again, putting her hand in my hair and ruffles it; making it messy. I take my ponytail down and she stops walking. I continue my walk, but I stop when I notice that Anita isn't beside me. I look over to her and see a blank expression on her face.

"Anita? Are you okay?" I ask and she gets out of her thoughts. "Y-yeah. I like it when your hair is down. You should keep it down more often." She says, walking up to me then walking away. "Anita?" I ask and run up to her. She grabs my arms and pushes me against the wall of an abandoned building. I stare at her, frightened. "Why do you do this?" She asks, her head tilted to the side and her voice quiet. "Do what? What did I do?" I ask. "Why do you do this to me? Your personality screams kindness and innocence but the thing that's wrong with that, is that you pull in everyone and you have no idea. Your personality is perfect for anyone to date you." She says and my body slightly un-tenses. "W-what-" She cuts me off, "I like you. I get the feeling to protect you at all times. I want to," She cuts herself off, "never mind." She quickly moves her arms, letting me go. "I'm sorry G. I haven't been dealing with my breakup with Ajay very well." She says, disappointment on her face. "Um, do you want to go out? Not like that, but to get your mind off of things. Maybe go to a bar or two? Go to your place and watch some movies? Anything that will take your mind off of the breakup." I say and she slowly nods. We walk in silence to her house that she bought on Solace.

Time skip

I wake up and hear my phone buzzing in my pocket. I look at it and see thay the time is 8:45 AM and that Tae spammed me with texts. I unlock my screen and tap on one of the messages.

Tae/Cryp: Where are you? It's getting late and you've been gone for almost the entire day. Come back.
Sent at 10:32 PM

Tae/Cryp: Sarah, are you alright? You're not answering and Anita has her phone is off. What's going on?
Sent at 11:02 PM

Tae/Cryp: Come back please. I don't know what I did to make you mad at me but I want to apologize. I'm sorry for not always showing my feelings. That's how it is when you've been running for so long. I'm sorry.
Sent at 12:17 AM

How long did he stay awake last night? I think to myself before texting my reply.

Me: Hey Tae. I'm okay and alive. I'm not mad at you and I have no clue where you got that assumption from. I spent the night over at Anita's place and I fell asleep quickly while watching some movies and drinking some alcohol😎

I sit up and see Anita in the kitchen, wearing a camo onesie. "I didn't know you liked onesies too." I say, my voice deeper due to me waking up. She looks at me and I send a tired smile. She chuckles before sitting next to me. "Did you like the movie last night?" She asks and I think about last night. I don't remember much from last night. All I remember is me having some drinks and watching the beginning of a movie. "I'm sorry, but what happened last night?" I ask and see a small smirk show on Anita's face before quickly disappearing. "We had a few drinks and watched a romance movie. You chose the movie." She says and I look at her for more information. "After about your 20th drink, you fell asleep." She says. "I had 20 drinks!?" I ask and she nods. "Yeah it's not easy to get you drunk." She says.

"Why didn't you stop me?" I ask and she shrugs. "You insisted on getting a lot of drinks for us." She says and I slowly nod. "What else happened?" I ask and she shakes her head. "That was it." She says and stands up, walking into the kitchen when her phone starts to ring. I'm guessing she turned it back on. I look at her as she answers the call, then I look at the TV that has it's volume down. Anita's voice can barely be heard, but I hear a few words. "I can't do" Is all I hear from the call when Anita hangs up. "Is it okay if I ask who that was?" I ask in a calm tone. "It doesn't matter. You should go back to Crypto. He's gonna be upset at me if I keep his girl here. Go ahead and go back home." She says. "Well, I haven't exactly moved in with Crypto. All of my stuff is over at my parents house." I say. "Parents house?" She asks, confused. "Elliott and Brooklyn." I say and she looks surprised. "I never heard you call them your parents." She says. "Oh. Well now you have!" I say, smiling.

Time skip

I put my headphones on and connect them to my laptop. I easily and quickly hack Anita's phone and I make sure that she won't know about it. I had a feeling that her phone call was about me or it was about Ajay. I listen to her call that she made with Renee. I listen closely to the call as I try to hear one of them say Ajay's name or my name. "I'm not telling G what we did last night. She's taken by Crypto and she loves him. I don't want to get in between that." She says and then I don't hear anything for a few seconds. "She doesn't remember any of it and I want to keep it that way, Renee. Please don't tell anyone any of this. If Glitch found out, she would hate me for all eternity." She says.

The phone call ends after that and I'm left in confusion. "What did we do last night?" I say to myself, quietly. I want to know, but I also don't want to know.

(A/N: Oh my gosh, I am so sorry for the very long wait. It's finally here! I'm working very hard on the next chapter right now and I think you guys will like it. Also there's 7 days left until my double jaw surgery! I've been writing this chqpter for a while. Anyways, I have blessed you guys with an update.

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