For You, I Would (boyxboy)

By rhiyseypie

355K 14.7K 2.5K

Caspar Robertson met Nialler Harris through the internet when they were just fifteen years old. Caspar lived... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 23

6.2K 273 20
By rhiyseypie

When Gunner and the guys were finally gone, Nialler stalked over to me. I watched him, not sure what to make of this. I was sitting on the couch with my feet propped up on the coffee table. Nialler grinned at me as he knocked my feet onto the ground.

“What are you doing?” I asked him, curious as well as a little excited.

Nialler sat down on the couch next to me. He was so close I could feel every bit of his body heat radiating over me. I took a deep breath, inhaling the strong, delicious scent of his cologne. I nearly attacked him right then.

“As much as I love playing video games, watching movies, and eating pizza with the guys,” he said, “I kept thinking of how amazing it is to just be alone with you.”

I studied his face. I felt my resolve crack within seconds. “I love you,” I said.

The words came out sounding so desperate. I wasn’t lying. I did love him so much even if I was starting to really like Ely. I just wanted Nialler to know exactly how I felt about him.

“I love you too,” he said before pressing his lips to mine.

We began frantically kissing each other. Hands were suddenly everywhere at the same time. Tangled in hair, brushing against skin, tugging on clothing. Nialler kissed me deeply and moved over to my ear. He bit the lobe gently.

“Let’s take this to a bedroom instead.”

I nodded and we were on our feet in seconds. He snatched my hand in his and we were on our way down the hall in a flash. Nialler led me into my own room and didn’t even bother with flipping the light switch on. What we were planning on doing definitely didn’t call for needing lights.

“Sorry,” Nialler said, sitting down on the edge of my bed. “We’ll have to use your room. Mine still has art supplies everywhere.”

I moved to stand in between Nialler’s legs. My hands found their way to his face and cupped his cheeks. I tilted his face up so I could look him in the eyes.

“It’s definitely more than fine.”

Nialler groaned at the husky tone of my voice. One of his hands tightened into my hair, kind of roughly, and pulled my mouth down to meet his. His other arm wound around my waist and crushed me to him as we fell back onto the bed.

The heat and the passion escalated very quickly. I was almost surprised at how fast we seemed to be moving. Within a couple minutes, we were full-on making out and rolling around on top of my blanketed bed.

Nialler’s hands were running along my chest, underneath my t-shirt. I groaned against his swollen lips when a finger brushed against a nipple.

“You sound so sexy right now,” Nialler mumbled.

I simply ran my hands through his curls, tugging gently on them, and kissing his jaw line instead of giving him an answer. He didn’t really seem to mind, either way. And in no time we were right back to being sucked into our actions--not really thinking of anything but what we were doing to each other.

But when Nialler slowly slid his hands down my torso and rested them on my waist, I snapped out of my daze. I kissed him deeply as he grabbed the waistband of my jeans, hooking his fingers inside the fabric with his thumbs on the outside.

I move my lips from his and kissed along towards his ear. Nialler used his hold on my pants to pull me against him.

“I’m not ready to have sex yet,” I said, surprising myself by how confident I sounded.

Nialler fumbled for only a fraction of a second. I was pretty sure that if it were anybody but me, they wouldn’t have noticed it. However, I knew him almost better than myself, so it didn’t go unacknowledged. I didn’t call him out on it, though. I didn’t want to ruin the moment or embarrass him.

Nialler nodded and kissed my cheek as if nothing had happened. He never removed his hands from my jeans. I went back to kissing him, letting him gain control over my mouth.

My hands found his skin underneath his shirt. I felt greedy, but I didn’t care all that much. I just wanted to get lost in another world with him.

Judging by the hiss that Nialler let out of his teeth the second my hands connected with his skin, they were ice cold. That came as a shock to me. I had no idea how they could be cold when what we were doing was making my body temperature reach extreme heights.

After a couple more minutes of heavy kissing and touching, Nialler broke away. He was breathing heavily, just like I was. I was now on top of him--both of our shirts were long gone--and I could feel his excitement in his trousers pressing up against my leg, practically mirroring my own, much to my embarrassment. I shifted to the side a little so I wasn’t pushing right up on him.

“What?” I asked. I couldn’t figure out why he had stopped.

Nialler looked away from me just a bit. I almost smiled. He looked a little bit nervous. If I wasn’t mistaken, I was sure I could see something slightly resembling that of a blush make its way onto his perfect cheeks.

“Uhm,” he started, sounding a tad unsure.

“Yes?” I prompted.

He looked up at me. “Will know?”

I furrowed my eyebrows. I had no clue what he was implying. “Huh?”

Nialler cleared his throat. “I mean, will you...” he trailed off. Then he made a gesture and my jaw dropped in shock. I knew exactly what he was getting at.

“Oh my God. Are you seriously asking me to give you a blowjob like that?”

“Hey,” he said defensively. “There isn’t exactly a nice way to put it!”

“Oh my freaking God,” I whispered to myself. “I can not believe this.”

“Shut up,” he muttered.

“You are so not romantic at all,” I grumbled.

“It’s impossible to word it to sound romantic. You’re being ridiculous, Casp.”

I moved back from him some more. “I am? Listen to yourself talk. You just gesture at your crotch and expect me to know you want me to blow you!”

“Ugh, you’re so obnoxious. I’m sorry, okay? But how else was I supposed to do it?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” I said sarcastically. “You could have at least tried to make it sound sweeter than that.”

“Like what?” he asked. He stared at me pointedly. “Go on, give me an example.”

I rolled my eyes. “No. You’re a smart lad, you can figure it out for yourself.”

“Christ. Well did you want me to put it like this? Roses are red, violets are blue, suck my dick, and I’ll do it to you?”

I blanched, completely taken aback. I smacked my hands over my ears. My mouth gaped open once again, absolutely stunned.

“Nialler!” I yelled at him. “That was just crude!”

Nialler laughed at my reaction. He pulled my hands from my ears and firmly pulled me into a kiss. He kissed me so roughly, I basically didn’t have a choice but to give in. His hold was strong, and my willpower was weak.

“Whatever,” he said. His lips brushed against mine. “I put it in a poem. That should get me brownie points, baby.”

I could feel his hot breath on my face as he spoke. The light touch of his lips on mine made me shiver. I crumbled and nodded numbly. I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into. But I knew that he was everything I wanted right now. And I had a soft spot for him in the height of lust. He could probably get me to do anything when his voice was so deep and sensual like that.

I felt Nialler grin triumphantly just before he attacked my lips with his once again. He leaned back and laid down. He pulled me on top of him as he pushed his tongue inside my mouth. I moaned and stroked his tongue with my own. Nialler found my hand and slowly brought it down to the front of his pants.

I breathed heavily into his mouth. He skillfully continued to kiss me, using his tongue like a pro to make me succumb to his needs. I was nervous as hell. I had never done this to anyone before. I couldn’t believe I was going to do it for my best friend.

All I could think as I started to undo his belt was that he was so damn lucky it was his birthday. One lucky bastard, alright.


I rapped on the front door and stood aside to wait. I folded my arms against my chest comfortably as I looked around the yard. It was immaculate, of course. Even at nearly nine at night, I could tell that the grass was green and healthy.

The door swung open and revealed Ely. He was looking as beautiful as ever in his white t-shirt and black jeans, forming perfectly to his body. He had the most infectious grin on his face I had ever seen. Without even having to think about it I smiled back at him.

He stepped forward to hug me. I let him pull me into his arms without any resistance. God, he smelled incredible. The scent wafting off of him and into my nose was a mixture between raspberries and the standard smell of aftershave. It was intoxicating beyond belief.

When Ely pulled back, I knew he was about to kiss me. Not hesitating for a second, I turned my head in just the slightest way so his lips landed on my cheek. Ely backed off and gave me a questioning look.

“Okay, so I’ve decided something,” I said. Ely motioned for me to go on. “I need to keep whatever we have to a minimum.”

“What?” Ely choked out.

“I just think I should start being more serious with Nialler. You know, be a better boyfriend and stay faithful.”

Ely laughed. He stopped abruptly when he noticed my face was still serious.

“You’re not joking, are you?” I shook my head. “Did he break up with Harriet?”


“Then why are you doing this?”

“Ely, don’t,” I said, almost begging him.

“Don’t what?”

“Don’t get upset. Please.”

He blinked and shrugged. “I’m not upset. It’s fine.”

“Well I don’t want you to lie to me either,” I said, watching his movements.

Ely sighed. He pulled me into a quick hug. One that was over way too soon. When he stepped away, he had a smile on his face. “See? I’m perfectly fine.”

“Alright,” I said hesitantly.

“So,” he said, sounding oddly cheerful. “Was there anything in particular you wanted to do tonight? I mean now that we won’t be making out every ten minutes, there’s so many possibilities!”

I scowled at him. “Ely, let’s be serious here. You really do understand, right?”

“Caspar, I’m not stupid. I get it. I won’t come onto you anymore,” he said. “Happy? If that’s what you want, that’s what you’ve got. We’re still friends.”

I bit my lip a little. “Yeah, I guess.”

“Good. Now since I’m the intelligent one of this couple, I’ve already planned what we’re doing for the night.”

I sighed. “Alright, what are we doing?”

“Well,” he drawled. “Anton has been sick with the flu for the last three days.”


“His dog hasn’t been on a walk for a while. He’s getting restless being cooped up in Anton’s room, so I’ve been asked to take him out. I was hoping it would give us a chance to just talk and whatever.”

“Sure,” I said. “What kind of dog is it?”

“Uhm,” he said. “Actually, you’ll see for yourself. Come on, follow me.”

Confused, I entered the house after Ely. We went up the stairs and started down the hall towards Anton’s bedroom. We were about halfway down the hall when I pulled on Ely’s arm.

He turned around to look at me. “What?”

“I am not going in there.”

Ely smirked. “Why not?”

“He hates me!”

“You don’t know that,” he argued.

“Maybe not, but you do!”

“Whatever, it’s fine. He’s sick, what can he do?”

I shook my head. “I firmly believe that he will always be capable of murdering me. Sick or not.”

“Caspar, just go in there with me.”

“No. I won’t do it.”

Ely groaned and threw his hands up. “Fine then. Stay here, I’ll be right back.”

I smiled in victory. Ely walked away and soon disappeared into his brother’s room. He left the door cracked open, but I couldn’t see or hear anything from this distance.

“Hi, Caspar!” Anton yelled out as Ely emerged back into the hallway a minute later.

I was stunned completely into silence. I wasn’t sure what was more intimidating, the fact that Anton had just cheerily called a greeting to me, or the huge dog Ely had on a leash at his side.

“He’s being nice, you know,” Ely said as he and the St. Bernard stopped next to me. “You should at least say hello back. That way he’ll maybe feel a little less animosity towards you.”

I tore my gaze away from the dog and glanced at the bedroom door. “Uh, h-hey Anton,” I called back, nervously, my words coming out with a stutter.

Ely grabbed my hand just long enough to steer me in the direction we needed to go before dropping it. I watched him descend the stairs with that huge animal in awe. I had definitely not been expecting Anton to have a pet like that. I was thinking he had something more along the lines of a labrador or a golden retriever.

I followed Ely out of the house. Once we were onto the porch outside, he looked over at me. “Why are you so quiet?”

“I’m just shocked is all.”

“Never seen a dog before?” he teased.

“Har, har. Of course I have, just never one like this in real life. That thing is huge!” Ely laughed and stepped down onto the sidewalk. “Is it a boy or a girl?”

“He’s a boy,” Ely said fondly. He bent over and ruffled the fur on the dog’s head. “His name is Ritsar, it means knight in some language Anton looked up on the internet when he first got him.”

“Hmm,” I said. “How old is he?”

“Oh he’s probably about two now. He was a month or so old when Anton got him for his sixteenth birthday.”

“That’s pretty awesome,” I said. “So if Anton got Ritsar, what did you get? Not a pet too, right?”

Ely shook his head and steered us around a corner at the end of the street. “Nah, I didn’t.”

“Well, that’s not very fair,” I commented.

Ely snorted. “I got something way better.”

I glanced at him curiously. “Like what?”

“A two week vacation in Italy for Milan’s fashion week with my mom and Skylar.” The laughter was out of my mouth before I could stop it. “What?”

“I’m sorry,” I said. “But seriously. You told me off for being blatantly gay because I said I liked your hair!”

Ely punched me in the shoulder. “Oh shut up. I happen to like fashion. And besides, you’re a goddamn model. So you don’t even get to talk here. Oh and look at what I’ve grown up around. It’s kind of been in the center of my life.”

“Alright, alright,” I said surrendering. I rubbed my shoulder and smirked at him. “Whatever you say.”

“Hey,” he said. “Don’t forget about the part where I said I was sixteen. Of course getting to see gorgeous male models of all types was a major influence for my desire to be there.”

I smiled. “Yeah, I should have guessed that.”

“Being gay, with a mom like mine and a sister like Sky, definitely has it’s perks.”

“I’d say.”

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