darling - n.mikaelson

By annabellapi

1.5M 38.8K 36K

"Nothing is with me now but a sound,   A heart's rhythm, a sense of stars" - W. H. Auden, Compline In which C... More



30.9K 803 1.1K
By annabellapi

"Nik, I'm going to kill you."

Charlotte was standing in front of the mirror with her hair pulled to the side, examining the hickey on her neck Klaus had given her not an hour ago. She turned to face him, still laying in bed watching her with a grin and zero remorse. Klaus' phone was beeping in the corner but he was ignoring it, all eyes on Charlotte, both of them were naked and he couldn't stop his eyes trailing up and down her body.

Klaus sped towards Charlotte and grabbed her hand, "Perhaps I can make it up to you," he teased, pulling her back towards the bed where he'd just been laying.

His phone beeped again and Charlotte looked to it before back to him. "Nik," Charlotte whined out with a laugh, "Stefan's going to see this."

"Come now darling, I think Stefan's a little more perceptive than you think. It won't be a total shock."

Charlotte screwed up her face in mock annoyance, gripping her lower lip between her teeth before letting a grin out as Klaus leant forwards to pull her into a kiss again. His lips pulled away from hers and he began kissing her neck again, trailing kisses down her chest. Charlotte laughed and he felt the rumble of her chest against his lips as she did, both grinning until Klaus' phone beeped for a third time.

"Should you get that?" Charlotte asked, secretly hoping he'd say no. Klaus sighed and sped to it, pulling it to his ear just in time to hear the dial tone of a missed call. "Is it Stef?"

Klaus shook his head, it was an unknown caller and they were gone the minute he picked the phone up. He wasn't sure what it was but looking down at the phone in his hands he realised the time.

"I think we should go and check on the witch darling," Klaus said, looking to Charlotte who flopped backwards on the bed, laughing as he threw her clothes at her.

"Convince me," Charlotte said with a grin.

In a flash he was leaning over her on the bed again and he was kissing her, his lips were moving down her neck towards her chest before he began to rise again, landing a little below her ears. 

He stopped his kissing and whispered softly, "Tonight," he promised before pulling away.

Charlotte groaned in playful annoyance as she pulled her clothes on. They both dressed quickly, Charlotte was halfway torn between being annoyed at him still for the hickey on her neck and liking it although she wouldn't let Klaus in on either.

They walked towards Gloria's hand in hand, neither of them really wanting to return to their quest for the day. Charlotte felt close to him, she trusted him and she wanted him to know it. Although they talked a lot and they both knew each other well, both of them still had secrets they kept guarded despite this.

"Hey Nik," Charlotte broke their silence.

"Yes darling?"

"Do you remember when you asked me why I didn't want to be a vampire."

"Mhm," Klaus nodded, wanting to pull them to a stop so he could watch Charlotte as she spoke but knowing she was telling him now when she could pretend to be distracted as they walked. He could see she was looking at the ground while she walked but her brow looked furrowed and her could hear her heart racing with anxiety.

"The curse I was under had a flaw. I was stuck on the Other Side while I was under it. I'm not supernatural, obviously, but the curse had to place me somewhere, and– and that's where it left me."

Klaus was surprised this was what she was bringing up, surprised too that the Other Side was where she'd been. He'd expected that like his daggered siblings, that she'd simply have been comatose until her resurrection. She was certainly human, so it was interesting that her consciousness had lived in a supernatural realm as she slept. Klaus squeezed her hand again as a silent invitation to continue.

"It was so cold over there, it's horrible. I couldn't touch anyone for a century and a half or feel anything but ice. I can't be a vampire because I can't go back there. Not for any reason. That's why I don't want you or Stef to heal me, I'd rather die than even risk it."

Charlotte looked up and met Klaus' eyes that were watching her, she wasn't sure why she felt nervous as she spoke but she did. She didn't like revealing a vulnerability to him, that'd been why she wouldn't tell him when he first asked, in case he used it to threaten her or her brother. It made her nervous knowing he knew one of her greatest fears but she was telling him to prove that she trusted him.

"Nothing–" she faltered, her voice choking in her throat for a moment, "nothing scares me more than the thought of going back."

"I won't let you go back," Klaus promised, squeezing her hand then dropping it, moving his arm around her waist to tug her close as they walked.

Charlotte nodded and they continued in a comfortable silence until they arrived at Gloria's bar. Charlotte hadn't known why now was the right moment to tell him, she just trusted him that he wouldn't use it against her and she wanted him to know the truth about her. Now it was out, she felt relieved that he knew. She trusted Klaus to keep her safe, and she believed he wouldn't let her cross to the Other Side knowing how much it terrified her.

The moment they entered Glorias bar the mood switched between them, the bar was empty and Klaus' mood soured immediately. Gloria wasn't working at the table they'd left her by and she didn't seem to be anywhere that they could see. Not only that but the bar seemed spotless, every remnant of the spell she'd been casting earlier in search of the necklace cleared away.

Klaus' arms loosened on her waist and Charlotte slipped away, staying by the door as he examined the place. He even went so far as to go up the stairs to the small apartment above, Gloria seemed to have fully cleared out.

Charlotte wasn't sure why Gloria would've left after calling this place home for more than 90 years, but she didn't want to ask. She hoped the reason that Gloria had cleared out was because of Klaus but she worried a little that it might've been to do with Stefan. Perhaps when he left to go write the woman's name on the wall he was instead going to convince Gloria to keep Elena's secret.

Neither Charlotte nor Klaus spoke again after they'd entered the bar. Charlotte's head was too caught up in Stefan. She trusted her brother implicitly, but she felt nervous at the questions Klaus might ask if Stefan gave him any reason to be suspicious. With Gloria gone, suddenly Charlotte's head was all wrapped up with her worries for her brother again, worried about what might happen to him and the girl he loved. 

Fortunately Klaus was too caught up in his own troubles to realise that Charlotte was as distracted as him.  He was trying to think of another witch as strong as Gloria to solve the problem of his hybrids, annoyed that he'd undaggered Rebekah just a day earlier only for her not to be necessary anymore.

Charlotte could hear Stefan and Rebekah talking as they walked towards the warehouse and as they entered she was surprised to see they were close to each other, as though they'd just separated from an embrace.

"Gloria's gone, she's cleared out," Klaus stormed in furiously with Charlotte by his side. He barrelled on quickly not realising the tension in the room, "We need to find a new witch immediately," here he paused in confusion as he and Charlotte looked between Rebekah and Stefan finally noticing something had happened, "What's going on?"

"Something's wrong," Rebekah told Klaus, "He was asking about Mikael."

Charlotte looked to Stefan, worried. She didn't know who Mikael was but she knew by Klaus' face that they were in trouble.

"Who's Mikael?" Charlotte asked walking towards her brother cautiously, hoping perhaps she might be able to deflect some of the attention off Stefan. She hoped too that she might be able to slip between the two, she didn't want to rush towards Stefan expecting she'd be yanked back but perhaps if she slid slowly they wouldn't notice.

Neither Rebekah nor Klaus acknowledged her, Klaus was still glowering at Stefan and he dropped her hand as Rebekah continued, "He's not with us, Nik. I can sense it."

"She's wrong," Stefan replied, looking past Charlotte's frightened face to Klaus, "Klaus–"

Suddenly Klaus sped forwards, cutting Stefan off he snapped his neck quickly. Charlottes breath caught in her throat as she stepped backwards in shock. Klaus could feel her heart speeding up and he looked at her to see her staring in horror at Stefan on the ground.

He's okay.

He's a vampire.

He's going to wake up.

He's okay. He's a vampire. He's going to wake up.

Charlotte's head was spinning with worry as she watched Stefan lay on the ground. She felt her heart racing and her breath was speeding up as she looked down, horrified at the sight in front of her. 

"Charlie darling," Klaus had sped in front of her, blocking her view of Stefan knowing he wouldn't have her attention so long as she could see her brother. It was clear Stefan was hiding something and he was sure that Charlotte knew more than she'd let on. Klaus' voice was sickly sweet as he talked to her, forcing kindness into his voice instead of the rage at the betrayal that he wanted to let out, "What kind of secret is your brother hiding?"

Charlotte didn't meet his eyes, instead she tried to push by him but now his hand had come up. Klaus was gripping her chin, pulling her eyes to his, firmly like the time he'd compelled her at Alaric's apartment.

"Charlotte, I'm not messing about, tell me what you know about Mikael," Klaus pushed again, less kind this time when her hand flew to his wrist, trying to tug him away.

"Careful Niklaus," Charlotte's voice shook with a rage that matched his, "snap my neck and I'm not coming back, remember."

She didn't even know who Mikael was, she was keeping other secrets of Stefans but she wasn't going to tell him jack right now. Not when her only concern was her baby brother with his head sitting an an unnatural angle. She couldn't look at Klaus right now and she didn't give a shit about his agenda, she needed him to get out of her way because she felt like if she didn't get to her brother she'd collapse with anxiety.

If anyone else spoke to Klaus like that he'd tear their heart from their chest, even now the disrespect infuriated him but he released her chin knowing that she was right. Despite his rage he wouldn't kill her.

"Charlotte I need to know what your brother is keeping from me."

She didn't reply, rolling her eyes and pushing by him to Stefan on the ground, "Stef," Charlotte said as she straightened his neck, "Stef wake up."

She wanted to feed him some of her blood so that he'd wake up quicker but she couldn't exactly bite into her wrist and so after looking around for some sharp object that might help she gave up. 

She was pushing the hair back from his face like their mother used to when they were frightened but her eyes were squeezed shut. It hurt to look at him like this, unconscious and hurt. She didn't know what she was supposed to do now, she just wanted the day to reset or at least turn back an hour when she was happy and safe not worried and scared.

Klaus was standing behind her glowering, he was furious that Stefan and likely Charlotte had been conspiring against him and he wanted to make them pay. He was fuming too that Charlotte wasn't taking any of his anger seriously, that she wouldn't answer him. How could she lay beside him as she plotted his downfall, was all of her affection towards him a trick? Internally, Klaus knew that it hadn't been a ploy, he knew Charlotte was sincere in every action she made but right now he found it difficult to see past his rage at their combined deceit.

"Charlotte," Klaus' voice was cold as she ignored him, he'd given her a moment to tend to her brother and now she was to pay attention to him, "Charlotte get up and tell me what Stefan is hiding."

Charlotte didn't even acknowledge him, her face glowering as she felt his hand on her arm, tugging her to her feet. She refused to meet his eyes like she knew he wanted and Klaus got angrier.

"Go to hell," Charlotte spat out, tugging her arm furiously.

Klaus' eyes darkened with rage at her defiance, she looked up at him and he could see pools of disgust swimming in her eyes. How could they be here when they were laying lovingly in bed less than an hour ago. How could she be looking at him like this when they'd been there like that, wrapped up in one another.

If Charlotte wanted to treat Klaus like the villain then the villain he would be. Klaus was red with rage as his free arm rose to his mouth where he tore open the skin on his wrist. Before Charlotte could blink the arm that was holding hers released and moved to her head, holding her head steady as he forced his bleeding wrist to her chin.

"Drink," Klaus spat out cruelly.

Charlotte's face switched from rage to betrayal in an instant. Her eyes were filling with tears as she choked against his blood, finally swallowing gulps of it as it poured into her mouth.

Klaus watched Charlotte, eyes following the hickey's on her neck that he'd left quickly healing and finally he released her from his grip. She fell to the floor, shuffling away on her back from him in disgust and then turning as she tried to cough the blood she'd just ingested back up.

Looking back, Klaus wondered if this was the moment he'd regret most in his life. The image of her with tears streaming from her eyes, hurt and betrayed by him, who promised less than an hour ago that he'd always keep her safe. Charlotte never was good at lying or hiding her emotions and in this moment she let it pour out of her, he could see the hurt in her eyes and the disgust she felt for him.

"How could you?" Charlotte whispered. She wanted her voice to be louder, angrier but she wasn't there anymore. Charlotte wasn't angry for Stefan in the same way, now she felt disgusted that she'd trusted Klaus in the slightest.

"Well love," his voice was light and snarky, "you reminded me that if I snapped your neck you wouldn't come back. Now you will."

The smirk he gave her as he finished talking made her stomach turn, he was fighting so hard to stand by his decision it was making her feel even worse. 

"After what I told you– How could you," Charlotte said, her voice soft and weak with hurt. She could see Rebekah watching the scene with amusement as she sat on one of the coffins nearby. She could feel Klaus' eyes boring into her though she refused to look back at him. Charlotte turned away from both of them, pulling Stefan's head to her lap and gently running her fingers through his hair.

"Charlotte tell me what your brother is up to."

She ignored him.

"I'll just compel it out of you," Klaus half growled out though really he wouldn't.

She was glad she'd made Stefan compel her so she couldn't tell Klaus about Elena and the necklace, she didn't want any ability to help him. Charlotte had been trying to see past his bad guy persona but she was too hurt to care anymore. She'd finally trusted him enough to tell him what frightened her most, trusting he wouldn't use it against her and not even an hour later he'd done just that.

"Fuck off."

Klaus sighed. He felt guilty now but he was doing his best not to show it. The moment the blood touched Charlotte's lips he'd regretted it. He was lashing out in anger but he knew that she wouldn't forgive him for this, especially when she'd just told him about her time on the Other Side.

Klaus walked over and pulled her to her feet, calling over his shoulder to his sister as he pulled Charlotte to the door, "Rebekah we're leaving."

It was clear to him now that he'd ruined any chance to get Charlotte to talk to him and help him. He wouldn't compel her, he'd already screwed up badly enough in feeding her his blood, he couldn't compel her too.

Charlotte didn't look at Klaus again. She listened as he compelled the new security guard by the door to load the coffins and Stefan up. She let him tug her away from her brother and towards the car, she knew she couldn't pull away if Klaus didn't want her to. Klaus pulled the door open for her to the car they'd been riding in and she slid inside without a word, curling into a ball and staring out the window as he got into the drivers seat beside her.

Klaus placed a handkerchief on her leg and she used it to wipe the blood from her chin, curling it up in her fist when she was done. She could feel tears streaming down her cheeks now but she kept her face firmly turned away and stayed silent, not wanting him to know.

Klaus and Rebekah were talking softly, Klaus had figured out whatever Stefan was hiding, it was most likely in Mystic Falls and that was where they were headed.

Charlotte was terrified for her brother and overwhelmed with Klaus' betrayal.

Although they would exchange snarky words with one another throughout the trip, Klaus had never hurt her like this. She felt like a fool for believing that he would treat her differently, she knew what kind of man he was and yet she trusted him.

They drove through the night. An hour or so in Rebekah had ended up moving to the truck leaving Klaus and Charlotte alone in the car. Charlotte could see the light on the dashboard flickering with the time at 4:02 am but she couldn't sleep even if she'd tried.

The car finally pulled to a stop and Charlotte yanked the door open without explanation. They were at a gas station and she needed to use the bathroom, she knew Klaus was watching her leave but he let her go without protest. They were halfway along a highway and he knew she wouldn't leave, she couldn't, he followed her in and watched as she went to use the bathroom. He was waiting by the counter when she finally returned but she brushed past him without a glance, returning to the car and curling back up.

Klaus had thought that perhaps they'd talk inside the gas station, that he'd ask her if she wanted anything or that at least the break would be an opportunity to reconnect but when she slid around him as though she couldn't bear to look at him he felt his chest clutch with pain.

Tonight, he'd promised.

She hadn't wanted them to pull away from their moment together in bed and yet he had, promising he'd make it up to her but instead he'd done the opposite. Then she'd revealed something to him that he knew was difficult to share and he'd made her another promise that he'd half broken too.

Klaus was feeding on the gas station worker now, taking out his rage and regret and frustration. His eyes were on her as his teeth tore through the throat of the college student shaking in terror. Although he stood on her side of the car, perfectly visible through the window her eyes were permanently attached to, her head instead was buried in her knees.

The boy fell to the ground with a thud.

The viciousness of the attack meant that Klaus' black shirt was wet with blood and the floor around them held pools of it. Tugging his shirt off as he reached the car, he pulled the trunk open and grabbed a fresh shirt, looking through to the front seat he grabbed another sweater for Charlotte who was dressed only in a t-shirt.

Charlotte didn't talk to him or look at him and she didn't pull on the sweater he'd held out to her. She knew he was trying to pass it to her and when he placed it on her lap she pushed it to the ground. She didn't want to wear his clothes, she didn't want any reminder of him.

She refused to acknowledge him but she did eat the burger and fries that he placed on her lap when they drove through the fast food restaurant next door before pulling back onto the highway.

They were entering Virginia now and Charlotte's heart clenched with fear.

"Charlotte," Klaus was the one to break the silence between them, he knew she was awake and feeling as horrible as he did, "I'm sorry."

Klaus wasn't one to apologise, he did the things he did for a reason and he wasn't going to justify it to anybody. He didn't care how people felt about him, if they feared him then all the better. But Charlotte sitting and hating him was bad, he hadn't felt so much regret in centuries as he did when her face fell as he fed her his blood.

"You're not," Charlotte sighed, too tired to argue.

"Darling, I shouldn't have fed you my blood. I was angry."

"Klaus stop it. I don't want to talk to you."


Not Nik, Klaus.

a.n.     :( 

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