Come and Rescue Me

By MiriamMcTroi

32.1K 897 726

Terry Milkovich is a druglord, the most dangerous man in Chicago. He employs security for his children, event... More

Surrender the Night
Wicked Game
The World is ugly
I never told you what I do for a livng
The Light behind your Eyes
This is how you remind me
Stage 4 Fear of trying
Bury me deep inside
The Ghost of You
The Drug in me is you
In Joy and Sorrow
Lose you tonight
I'll let you down
Rescue me
Rebel Love Song
Killing Loneliness


1.6K 47 40
By MiriamMcTroi

Terrified of what I'd be
As a kid from what I've seen
Every single day when people try
And put the pieces back together
Just to smash them down
Turn my headphones up real loud
I don't think I need them now
'Cause you stopped the noise
'Til we find our way in the dark and out of harm
You can run away with me anytime you want

- Summertime by My Chemical Romance

Chapter 11 - Summertime

Mickey went into Mr Field's office without knocking.
"Mr Milkovich", Angus said and stood up.
"Yeah, cut the crap, sit down Angus", Mickey said and flopped down in the chair in front of Mr Field's desk.

"Do you want me to fire the latest security detail?", he asked, that was the usual reason for Mickey's appearance in his office.
"No. But it is about him. Do you know where everyone of our men is right now? You know, what deals and corners they're working? Border-runs, high society crack parties, street selling in the southside, the pimps all that shit?"

Angus looked at him confused, "I don't have this kind of information, it's not my responsibility."
"You're head of security."
"Yes, I don't coordinate the drug runs, Mickey. But I can get the information, I know how. Who are we talking about?"
"Gallagher, but not Ian, younger. He started selling in the streets as a Teenager and now was supposed to run some drugs over the border."
"A first name maybe?"
"Uhm, fuck, I think it started with a C... Corton, Clayton... I don't know. C. Gallagher, there won't be so many of them running for us, right?"

"I will do my best. Is this younger Gallagher in any relation with your bodyguard."
"His brother. Another thing, Angus", he leaned over the table, "If you ever again try to make Ian leave or talk shit about me in front of him, I present your dick-taking ass to my father, are we clear?"
"Are we fucking clear?", Mickey repeated.
Angus swallowed hard, "Crystal clear"
"Good", Mickey smiled and got up, "Tell me when Sandy's plane is supposed to land next week as soon as you know it.", he said while going to the door, "I want to know where the Gallagher is by next Friday latest."
"Of course."


Mickey's birthday came around which only meant one thing worth mentioning: Sandy came.

Sandy was Mickey's favourite cousin (and he had a lot), when they were young, they used to fuck up all kind of shit. First time of getting high, getting wasted, snorting coke, having really bad trips? They did it together.

Sandy was his best friend, he was closer to her than to his siblings. Especially because one thing connected them – they were both gay.

Sandy had told him when she was 12 and she had this huge crush on a friend of hers and she had talked for hours about kissing girls and making them cum under her fingers – which head grossed Mickey out big time.

Mickey had told her when he was 15 and he had a crush on Dimitri. He talked about him for hours with her, told her about the blowjobs and that he wanted to kiss him. She had encouraged him back then to also suck him off, to just go for it and try – it just never happened.

When Sandy was 18, she left Chicago and went to another city to go to college. She had convinced her father and Terry that this was absolutely necessary because as a woman she will never have power in the cartel but as scientist with a chemistry degree? She would be able to make mad drugs which would make everyone buy more from them.

Mickey insisted on being the one who gets Sandy from the airport, alone only with Gallagher.
"You'll like her", Mickey said to him when they were waiting at the airport for her, he was almost trembling with excitement next to Ian, "She's the most amazing person ever!"
Ian chuckled, "I've almost never seen you this excited."
"Can't help it. I'm fucking excited. We're gonna party so fucking hard tonight, you really have to take care that I don't die", he laughed.
Ian wasn't so amused.

"Hey, lighten up, freckles. She's the only one who knows I'm gay. Did you ever wanted to hear me say that you're my boyfriend?"
"Yes, I'd like to hear that."
"It's gonna happen in a few minutes, be ready."

Ian chuckled, "Maybe this will be fun after all."

After a few more minutes Sandy finally came walking towards them, they greeted each other with a hug and wide grins.
"Fucking finally a decent person again, I tell you those bitches at college? Fucking pussies, Four shots of Tequila and they're gone I'm so glad to be back. We're gonna party tonight, I've brought some really cool party favours", she smirked, then finally acknowledged Ian's presence, "You're new."

"Yeah, this is Ian he's my new security detail, who will make sure we don't die tonight.", Ian explained, and Sandy just nodded.
"Nice, as long as he ain't a buzzkill."
Mickey grinned, "He is a little bit, but only because he loves me"
Sandy looked at him with wide eyes and Mickey nodded.
"He's my boyfriend."

"Holy fuck, you've got yourself a boyfriend, fucking finally, and didn't tell me about it? And he's hot", she checked him out the slightest bit, "Good job, Mick."

Ian looked from her to Mickey and back, he didn't expect this kind of teenage-behaviour from them.

"Don't look like that Ian, Sandy's gayer than I am she didn't really check you out."
"Gayer than you? I don't think that's possible Mick", Ian said smugly.
"Fuck you", Mickey laughed and then pushed his cousin and boyfriend to the exit.

"I need to tell you about this really hot chick I've met, by the way.", Sandy said when they were in the car again.
"I thought you're fucking your professor."
"Yeah, but just for the grades. This new chick works at a college bar, so fucking hot. I did her in our laboratory."
Sandy nodded, "She's into roleplaying."
"Oh yeah sure, that explains it", Mickey laughs.


Ian enjoyed seeing and exploring new sides on Mickey. He wasn't sure about this new teenage-side that came out when he spent time with Sandy, but it was nice seeing him this happy and excited about everything. He seemed so carefree talking to her, the usual need to hold back and hide, like when he talked with his family, was gone.

"Dating the bodyguard", Sandy grinned, they were in Mickey's room, each occupied one of the small sofas, "That's a bit cliché though, isn't it?"
Mickey chuckled, "Well, I just had my bodyguards suck me off before, he's... more, you know?"
"He your... how did you call that bullshit? Random love?"
"Yeah, random love. He's it, you know? Just falling in love without planning it, without developing a crush first and then having to get to know him. It's what I wanted."

"Oh, he made you soft", Sandy grinned.
"Fuck off", Mickey laughed, "If anything he made me fucking sober"
"Sober? You?"
"Well, not fully. But he made me stop using all the time no matter the time of day."
"He likes me when I'm sober. I think he's afraid I'd be fucking addicted and overdose or some shit."

"Mhm, so fucking romantic", Sandy grinned smugly and started laughing, "You're his bitch."
"Nah", Mickey shook his head, "I? His bitch? I'll show you something", Mickey sat up, "Hey, Gallagher", he called.

A second later Ian entered the room, "Yes?"
"Could you go to the kitchen and get us some snacks?"
"Sure, anything else?"
"Whatever you can carry regarding alcohol."
"Of course.", Ian said and wanted to leave
"And Gallagher"
"A kiss"
Ian smirked, "You get it with the rest of the stuff", he said and left.

Mickey smiled at Sandy, who looked impressed.
"Yeah, I usually don't make him do that."
"You just make him fuck you"
"He wants to do that.", Mickey shrugged, "He loves me, and he likes it when I boss him around."

After a few minutes Ian came back with snacks and alcohol, he placed everything on the small table between the sofas.
"Thanks, Freckles", Mickey smiled, Ian leaned down to him and kissed him sweetly, "No lock the door, take that stupid jacket off and sit your ass down with us"

Ian nodded, locked the door, took the jacket off, Mickey got up from the sofa and made Ian sit down, so he could then sit down on him and stretch his legs out over the edge of the sofa.
"Well, look at you romantic bitches", Sandy smirked and lit a cigarette for herself, "So, Ian, d'you got any hot sisters?"
"I've got sisters, I even have a sister that likes girls, as her brother I don't really think she's hot though."
"You got a picture? I could use a Chicago flirt now that I'm here again."
"You're only staying for like four days", Mickey reminded her and leaned over the table to snatch the cigarette from her.
"You can have a lot of sex in four days, Mick", Sandy winked.
"Oh, I know, trust me", Mickey smirked and kissed Ian's cheek.

Sandy laughed and Ian got his phone out to show her a picture of his sister Debbie.
"She's cute", Sandy said smirking, "Invite her to come with us to the clubs tonight, yeah?"


The next day, in the afternoon Sandy and Mickey were alone in his room again.
"That Debbie is a bomb in bed", Sandy said, "Those New York dykes just can't keep up with the hood girls, I tell you."
"Good to know. When will you finally come back full time?"

Sandy scoffed, "I'm not coming back, Mick."
"What?", Mickey sat up, they were lying on his bed while passing a joint, "What is that supposed to mean?"
"This is my home and I like it here and you are here", Sandy said and sighed, "But out there that's freedom, Mick. No cartels, no bodyguards, no police and moles and rats and shit. No hiding. I can make out with a bunch of girls in the open and the worst thing that could happen is a jealous ex bitch slapping me. No Terry, no homophobic murders... I mean, of course they exist there too, but they're not with me the entire time."

"Huh", Mickey mumbled and lay back down, "Life's more fun with you here though."
"Yeah, you know how else life is more fun? When you're actually able to live. How you want. You've got a hot boyfriend and you can't even look at him for too long outside of this room. And... after Dimitri, I bet you're scared shitless for his safety the entire time."

Mickey nodded slowly, "I am. I don't want anything to happen to him."

"Then leave.", Sandy said sincerely, "Do it like me, say you want to go to college far away, think of some excuse and piss off, don't look back. Take the ginger with you."
Mickey bit his bottom lip and pushed the thought around in his head.

"You think they'd let me leave?"
"You're the youngest brother out of three. You use their drugs without paying for them and you are called uncontrollable, your dad would be glad to ship you off to somewhere where you wouldn't be his problem anymore apart from a monthly allowance."

"I could come to you", Mickey whispered while staring at the ceiling going through hundreds of possibilities in his head.

"Yes, you could live with me or in another fucking country, just get out of your dad's eyes."
"Wow... that's a great idea... I could do that... but what about Ian? He has like 10 siblings here, he can't just leave them. I can't ask him to leave them."
"You can suggest it and he can decide on his own, he's a grown man, Mickey. And telephones fucking exists... skype, all that shit."

Mickey nodded, all his life he had thought he would have to marry a woman eventually to please his dad and work for the cartel with his brothers... but this was a new possibility, a silver lining.


Sandy left after four days (she did spent a lot of this time having sex with Ian's sister) and Mickey was still thinking about her suggestion about getting out.

He aimlessly wandered around the house until he met Mr Field in a hallway.
"Ah, Mr Milkovich, I was looking for you. I have the information you asked for, regarding Gallagher.", he said lowly, obviously nervous.
"Good, your office, now."

They went to Mr Field's office and Mickey sat down in front of the desk, waiting for Angus to get a file out he put together, he handed it to Mickey.

"Carl Gallagher is his name. Father and mother are both costumers and have been in jail numerous times, the youngest brother once almost overdosed on cocaine, the oldest sister was at fault. Another brother is known as alcoholic but from the children only Carl Gallagher is deeper involved with the drug business."
"Yeah, yeah, drop the background information, where is he?"
"A border run, Mexico-Texas."
"A fucking long border run, are you sure he is okay?"
"He checked in with us last week, everything's under control."
"Why hasn't his family heard from him in so long?"
"Orders. He is working closely with a Mexican cartel, making new deals about supplies and business matters. Highly confidential. He is not allowed to have contact with anyone besides us."

Mickey shook his head, "When is this finished?"
"Could take some more time."
"I want him back here, sent someone else. He isn't alone in this right?"
"He is part of a task-group for this."
"Get him back, put him into less time consuming and dangerous jobs."

Angus looked at him with raised eyebrows.
"Mr Milkovich, I don't have the power to do that."
"We both know you are one of the biggest forces around here. You can make this happen."
"Your father oversees this project himself."
"Does my father care if Carl Gallagher is doing the job?"
"I don't know."
"Then let me tell you: He doesn't. You will get Carl Gallagher back to Chicago, you're a smart man, Angus, you'll come up with something."

With that the conversation was over for him, Mickey got up.
"Mickey", Angus said, he came around the desk and put his hands on his shoulders, "I can't just do this, he will get suspicious..."
"Say you need him for a project."
"The only way I could get him here is if I destroy your father's trust in him. And that will end with his death."
"If anything happens to any Gallagher around here, you're gonna be a dead man, got it?"

"Mickey, I will be dead man if I sabotage this operation.", he begged him and cupped his cheeks, Mickey looked at him weirded out by the gesture, "Don't I mean anything to you?"
"Angus drop it", Mickey shook his head and pushed his hands away from his face, "We had sex a few times, two years ago. Get over it. I tell you something: Pull this thing with Carl Gallagher off and you'll be a free man."
"Pardon me?"
"I'm leaving this place. But only when Ian leaves the cartel too and he won't until his brother is home. And when I'm gone, you won't ever again have to go behind my dad's back again. No more weird requests, firing bodyguards, coming up with excuses for where I am."
"This is the last time you use me like that?"
"Yeah. If you pull it off it will be the last time.", Mickey nodded and left the office.

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