The happy hotel's Ink Demon...

Par Dimitron75

153K 1.6K 3.2K

You are a demon that those call bendy and you been in the streets struggling to survive but was found by Char... Plus

Bio and Harem
To the happy hotel
The interview
The party
I.M.P meeting.
twin sister of Alastor
The info on ink demons
(Y/N)'s other ability

The radio demon visits

17.1K 206 501
Par Dimitron75

We see you and Charlie looking at Alastor as you both had shocked looks on your faces.

Alastor: Hell-

Then Charlie closed the door then opened it again.

Alastor: o-

Then Charlie closed the door again.

Charlie: Uh Vaggie

Vaggie: What?

Charlie: The radio demon is at the door

Vaggie: What?!

Angel Dust: Uh who?

Charlie: What do we both do?!

Vaggie: Ugh, well don't let him in.

Then Charlie looked at the door and then looked at you as you nodded yes as she then opened the door again.

Alastor: May I speak now?

(Y/N): Uh yeah you may.

Alastor: Alastor, pleasure to meet you both quite a pleasure. I've seen your mascot bendy on the posters and forgive my sudden visit but I saw your talk on the picture show and I just couldn't resist. What a performance!

(Y/N): Oh thanks.

Alastor: Why I haven't been that entertained since the stock market crash of 1929 *laughs* So many orphans.

Vaggie: *points her spear at Alastor* Stop right there! I know your game and I'm not gonna let you hurt anyone you pompous cheesy talk lord!

Alastor: Oh darling if I wanted to hurt anyone here. *creepily* I would have done so already.

Then that made you shake a bit as you hid behind Charlie.

Alsator: No! I'm here because I want to help.

(Y/N): Uh.... what?

Alastor: Help! *laughs and hold up a mic* Hello? Is this thing on?

Microphone: Well I heard you loud and clear.

Charlie: And what is it you wanna help with?

Alastor: This ridiculous thing you're doing, this hotel, I want to help.

(Y/N): Okay first off it's not ridiculous this is Charlie's dream and second why do you wanna help us?

Alastor: Isn't it obvious sheer absolute boredom. My work became mundane lacking focus.

(Y/N): You want to do this for entertainment?

Alastor: Of course young boy.

(Y/N): Does flirting with a news reporter qualify as entertainment?

Alastor: It's the purest kind my boy. So where's your hotel staff?

(Y/N): We have Vaggie.

Alastor: You're going to need more than that. *to Angel Dust* And what can you do my feminine fellow?

Angel Dust: I can give you a good time.

Then Alastor looked at him for a second.

Alastor: Ha! no.

Angel: Your loss.

Meanwhile as Alastor was Talking to Charlie we see you with Vaggie and Angel as you three were watching her.

(Y/N): Ah soo what's the deal with Mr.Smiley over there.

Vaggie: Wait you never heard of him?

(Y/N): I've been on the streets.

Angel Dust: *shrugs* Mh mh.

Vaggie: Angel you been here longer than me and possibly (Y/N).

Angel Dust: Eh not big on politics.

(Y/N): You and me both.

Vaggie:. Decades ago Alastor as they call him manifested in the underworld seemingly overnight he began to topple overlords who had been dominant for centuries.That kind of raw power had never been harnessed by a mortal soul before.Then, he broadcast his carnage all throughout the underworld, just so everyone could witness his ability. Sinners started calling him the Radio Demon.(As lazy as that is.) Many have speculated what unimaginable force enabled him to rival our world's most ancient and destructive evils.But one thing's for sure:He's an unpredictable source of danger, a wicked spirit of mystery, and a violent monster of chaos the likes of which we can't risk getting involved with unless we want to end up erased.

(Y/N) *hides in Vaggie's shirt shaking* Are you done now?

Angel Dust: He looks like a strawberry popstar.

Alastor: I'm afraid this won't do. I can cash in a few favors to liven things up.

Then he tapped his mic on the ground as fire came to a fire place as a body covered

(Y/N): *Comes out of Vaggie's shirt* Who is that?

Alastor:  This little darling is Nifty.

Nifty: Hi I'm Nifty, it's nice to meet you all. it's been awhile since I made new friends. Why are most of you women? I hope that wasn't offensive. Oh man this place is filthy *grabs a feather duster* This place can use a lady's touch, which is weird because most of you are ladies. No offense. Oh my gosh this is awful. *cleans up* Nope no, no, *stabs a bug with a needle* no.

Then you all turned to see a cat with wings at a table putting cards down.

Husk: Ha! read'em and weep boys full *sees the demonic symbols around him* Whoa... *sees home is the hotel* Wha? What the heck is this? *sees Alastor* You.

Alastor: Ah Husker my good friend, glad you can make it.

Husk: Don't you "Husker" me you son of a gun, I was about to win the whole dang pot!

Alastor: Good to see you too.

Husk: What the heck do you want from me this time?

Alastor: My friend I am doing some charity work so I took it upon myself to volunteer your services. I hope that's ok? *puts his arm around Husk*

Husk: Are you kidding me?

Alastor: Hmmm. No, I don't think so.

Husk: *Pushes Alastor away* You thought it would be some kind of big freaking riot just to pull me out of nowhere?! You think I'm some kind of freaking clown?!

Alastor: ...Maybe.

Husk: I ain't doing no freaking charity job.

Alastor: I figured you would be the perfect face to man the front desk of this fine establishment. With your charming smile *makes Husk smile as he then frowns* and welcoming energy, this job was made for you! *sees Husk Isn't buying it* Don't worry my friend, I can make this more welcoming. If you wish. *summons a bottle of juice*

Husk: What do you think you buy me with a wink and cheap drinks?! *grabs the bottle* Well ya can!

He then drinks the juice as he heads to the desk of the bar.

Vaggie: Hey hey hey, no, no bar, no drinks. This is supposed to be a place that discourages a sin, not some kind of brothel... man cave!

Then Angel Dust tackles Vaggie to the ground as he looks at her.

Angel Dust: Shut up! Shut! Up! We are keeping this. *points at Husk and heads to him* Hey~.

Husk: Go frag yourself.

Angel Dust: Only if you watch me~.

Charlie: *comes to Husk* Oh my gosh, welcome to the happy hotel.

(Y/N): *Pops out from behind Charlie* You are gonna love it here!

Husk: Kid, I lost the ability to love years ago.

(Y/N): Oh, Well have you lost your ability to play a good card game?

Husk: Kid gambling is a skill that takes a lot of time to master it, the underworld even has the best gamblers of all time here.

(Y/N): Oh you think I could go up against them?

Husk: I wouldn't plan that if I were you. You would lose at the first game you play against them.

(Y/N): Come on, I can take them on.

Husk: You got guts kid, I can tell ya that.

(Y/N): Thanks.

Alastor: Well what do you think?

Charlie: Well...

(Y/N): It's amazing.

Vaggie: It's.... ok.

Alastor: *Laughs and hugs you, Charlie and Vaggie * This is going to be very entertaining.

Vaggie then pushed Alastor away from her as he then pushed Vaggie away and changed into an outfit as music began to play.

Alastor: *singing* You have a dream, you wish to tell. *Changes you and Charlie's clothes into 1970s clothes* And it's such laughable but hey kid what the heck *throws Charlie into the air as you caught her* 'Cause you're one of a kind A charming demon belle! Now let's give these burning fools a place to dwell

He then changed the others clothes into 1970s clothes

Alastor: Take it, boys!

Then demons were made as they played music as you and Charlie listened to the music as Alasto grabbed the others together

Alastor: Boo! Inside of every demon is a lost cause *puts a hat on Angel dust and plucks Husk's feather as Husk gave him the bird* But we'll dress 'em up for now with just a smile! *puts a hat and animal scarf on Vaggie and smacks her*

Demons:  With a smile! ♪

♪ And we'll chlorinate this cesspool With some old redemption flair And show these simpletons some proper class and style! ♪

Demons: What's in style?

Alastor: Oh! Here below the ground I'm sure your plan is sound! They'll spend a little time Down at this Hazbin Ho--

Then an explosion happened interrupting him as the blast pushed away Niffty as you looked out to see a blimp

(Y/N): Uh guys, there's a blimp outside.

They all looked to see the blimp as they saw a snake demon as he had a hat with a face and one eye on it.

Sir Pentious: *Laughs* Well well well, look who's harboring the striped freak. We meet again Alastor.

Alastor: Do I know you?

Sir Pentious then got mad at Alastor's question.

Sir Pentious: Oh yes you do.

We then saw you as you looked at your hand as it was now covered in ink.

(Y/N): No, not now.

Sir Pentious: And this time I have the element of.. SURPRISE!

Then he pushed a button as a laser cane out as it aimed at you all as Alastor then sees you and smiles as he snaps his finger when he sees the ink covering you as your body then changed as your arms then grew long in size as your body grew as well as you were a giant black demon as your eyes weren't seen but your mouth had sharp teeth

the ground opened a portal and tendrils came out and grabbed the blimp as you then roared and then leaped at the blimp as you then began to destroy everything that was in the ship as you then grabbed Sir Pentious as you then threw him around like a rag doll as you then threw him at a tendril as it grabs him as the rest of them grabs the blimp as you then jumped out and hit the ground becoming a puddle of ink as the blimp exploded.

Charlie: (Y/N)! *Runs to the puddle* Speak to me.

Angel Dust: *shrugs* Eh, I'm sure he's fine.

Vaggie: Angel, he's a puddle, how is that fine?

Then the puddle began to move as the ink started to rise up and reformed into you in your normal form as Charlie then hugged you.

Charlie: You're alive!

(Y/N): Yeah, I'm alive.

Vaggie: How did you do that? You were just a puddle of ink.

(Y/N): It's one of my powers, I can control ink.

Angel Dust: So you're an ink demon?

(Y/N): Yes.

Vaggie: Wait why are you in your real form? You said your bendy form was comfortable.

(Y/N): Yeah but being with you guys I rather be my real self.

We then see Alastor had a sinister smile on his face at the destruction of the Blimp as they saw it as he then turned to the others with his normal smile.

Alastor: Well I'm starved, who wants some jambalaya? My mother once showed me a wonderful receptor for jambalaya, in fact it nearly killed her. *laughs and walks to the hotel* You could say the kick was right out of heck! *laughs again as the others began to follow him* Oh I am on a roll! Yes sir this is the start of some real changes down here. The game is set

As they walked to the hotel we saw the sign of the happy hotel was now changed to "Hazbin Hotel"  with ink dripping off of the sign as we see a cut out of Bendy on the sign waving.

Alastor: Now... stay tuned. *chuckles*

With the destroyed blimp we see Sir Pentious come out from it as we see an egg creature near him.

Egg minion: Now will you shoot me with your ray gun?

Sir Pentious then fell down as his face was on the ground.

Hope you guys liked this so far cause more is coming soon so as Alastor would  say "Stay tuned..."

Continuer la Lecture

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