By ladymaserati

7.3K 149 23

au nov '14 More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
new book!
new book+recasting+social media

Chapter 25

126 4 0
By ladymaserati

I can't believe he just said that.

Of all people he had to bring up Matt.

"Cameron." I start, sitting up and straddling him.

"What." He says, holding my hips keeping me stable.

"Why are you so obsessed with him?" I ask placing my hands onto his chest.

"I'm not, it's just, I don't want you getting hurt." He says sitting up against the headboard of his bed.

"Cameron, you're not the boss of me." I say hitting him playfully on the arm.

"I can be." He says winking then flipping us over so he's hovering over me.

And without any hesitation he gives me a stare that makes me want another round.

He connects our lips and bites my bottom lip, hard.

"Cameron." I moan when I feel him slide two fingers into me without any warning.

"Am I hurting you?" He says pulling them out and I wince at the loss of his fingers inside me.

"No, but you're teasing me." I say referring to his fingers circling around my entrance.

I grab his member and place it right in front of my entrance circling it around as his fingers did seconds before.

I yank on him, causing him to come closer.

I slowly moved him in and out of my outer lip causing me to throw my head back and moan.

"C.J." He groaned and I giggle as I let go and slide off the bed and out into the hallway, pulling my shirt down lower to cover myself.

I turn around to see if he's following me but before turning back around I run into something hard.

But before I fall, something catches me.

"Where are you runnin off to?" I hear a voice that I automatically match up to Matt's.

"And why are you half naked?" I hear him ask before looking up at his big brown eyes looking me up and down.

I pull my shirt down lower to cover my half naked body.

"That's none of your business." I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"Actually, it is. A girl who lives with me, is running around the house half naked." He says crossing his arms over his chest mocking me.

"Shut up!" I say walking around him and into my room, slamming the door like a teenager, hoping to annoy him later on.

I was wrong.

No one followed me to my room.

Well, I guess more me time.

I grab my MacBook Pro from my bottom drawer and scroll through tumblr.

I look through a bunch of artsy posts just cause.

I criss-cross apple sauce my legs and keep scrolling.

Then, I hear the door bell ring.

No one seems to go answer it so I slip on some cotton panties I got from Pink the other day, and put on a XXL kitten sweater and some white and pink kitten knee high socks and go to answer it.

It keeps ringing over and over non-stop until I answer it.

It's a light skin, about 5'7, mid-20s guy with brown eyes that go so well with his well sculpted face.

He gives me a warm smile and puts his arm out and shakes my hand.

"Hey. I'm Byran. And you must be the annoying brat who lives in the room next to me." He says trying to imitate Matt.

"Yes, I sure am. You must be one of Matt's friends." I say with a warm smile and gesturing him inside.

"Is Matt home?" He asks looking around.

"Uh, yeah, I think he's upstairs. Do you want me to go get him?" I ask a little too enthusiastically.

"Uh, yeah, that'd be great. And that's a cute sweater by the way. You're really into cats huh?" He says stroking his chin once, then I nod and when I turn around and skip away, I feel him checking me out so I stick my ass out and wink at him on my way up the stairs.

"Matt!" I yell, knocking on his door.

"Matt! You have a visitor!" I yell louder but he doesn't seem to here me so I walk in and I'm horrified by what I see.

He's under his blanket, with his laptop up close to his face, moaning.

I scream really loud and run out of the room, shutting the door behind me.

I run to the nearest wall and lean against it and slide down.

I can't believe my eyes.

What did I just see?


That's impossible.

That is so gross.

I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and it turns out to be Byran.

"Woah, what happened? I heard screaming." He says coming up to me and squatting down to my level.

"N-Nothing. I-I thought I saw a spider or something." I lie.

"Oh,okay. I thought you were hurt."

And in that moment, that's when I realized, I know who this man is.

"Byran?" I say looking up into the brown eyes I remember from exactly 12 years ago, the very first kid that had told me he really cared about me. And I actually remember him.

"Cher?" He asks with a confused look on his face.

Cher Joyce Miller.
My real name.
I don't go by that because one day in like 2nd grade or something, some smart ass kid saw some clump of hair from an art project we did that day on the back of my neck and started chanting "Cher Cher the big fat bear, who has hair, everywhere!" and it lived on as a horrible elementary school memory so when I went to middle school I had people start calling me C.J.
I'm 19 years old.
I grew up with one parent, my dad.
I have three sisters.
My mom passed away when I was two so I was too young to understand what was going on. I've known Byran since I was four because his little sister is my friend Nadia and so we started talking and he seemed to like me. We started hanging out after then and we became best friends.
We separated in 9th grade when Byran got kicked out of school so he had to change schools. I had to survive all high school without him and it sucked, since I really liked him.
After he moved we didn't text as much or video chat and we just drifted.

He's changed so much since then.

Puberty hit him like a bus.

He's really attractive now.

Not that he wasn't before.

I just can't believe he's really here.

This close to my face.

He had been my first crush ever.

It was never awkward, just cause we were so close.

"I can't believe it's really you." He says smiling.

"Same." I say remembering all our inside jokes.

"You've changed so much." I say standing up.

"Well, what can I say. Puberty's really workin for me." He says standing up with me.

"It sure is, isn't it?" Matt says leaning against the side of his doorway crossing his arms.

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