Blood Moon


26 1 0

It has been over a hundred years since the kingdom of Norse lost their god. A hundred years of pain and suff... Еще


Chapter 1 - The Escape

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Deep within the forests of Chaos.

Lunar Labs

Year 287.

I've spent years of my life working on this project. And being honest with you, I'm glad it's about to end soon. Sighing, I relax for what has to be the first time in days.

How long have I been here?



Looking at my reflection on the screen of the computer I'm pretty sure I can make an estimation. From the bags under my eyes, to the way my hair sticks up in weird places I would say I've been here way too long. I look forward to tomorrow night so I can finally head home, take a shower, and pass out for a couple of days. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't notice a guard walk in.

"Hey Doc, what the hell are you still doing here?" Startled, I turned around, trying to find out who almost gave me a heart attack. Sighing in relief after finding out who it was.

"Oh hey Dan, I'm just trying to finalize some stuff," I responded, getting back to work.

He snorts, "Finalize? Doc, you haven't left here in two days. The hell are you finalizing?" He had this look on his face like he could not fathom the fact that I had been working for two days straight. I found his look of disbelief absolutely humorous.

"I'm trying to get together the conclusion of my research before tomorrow night." Saying that I felt a new wave of fatigue hit me. I still had a lot of work I needed to do.

"Oh yeah, the night of ascension is tomorrow, isn't it?", he said as he looked towards the glass screen that separates us from our captive and the focal point of our project.

"He never even stood a chance, poor kid." With that being said, we both had a moment of silence for the unfair situation the young man had been thrust into.

Said young man was suspended in a tube, several wires extruding from said tube to various computers to collect data. He seemed so peaceful sleeping in there and for someone who's done nothing but sleep for the past 20 years, he didn't look bad at all. Long midnight black hair, pale almost white skin (probably from not seeing the sun in years), dark tear-like marks flowing from the bottom of his eyes to just above his jaw. He was also in great shape. We came to the conclusion that his great physical attributes could be as a result of the unusually high amount of Magicka in his body. If I had to give him a rank he'd probably be around low A-rank, maybe a bit higher.

I was suddenly dragged out of my thoughts by blinding red flashing lights and obnoxiously loud noises. Shit, things can never just be easy can they? I had one day, just one more fucking day till I could go home and relax. I've been working here since the beginning of this project and this is the one time that something decides to go wrong. At this point I'm not even worried, I'm just downright pissed off.

"Hey Doc, what the fuck is going on." Obviously Dan did not share my sentiment judging by the fact that he looked absolutely terrified.

"I'm not sure, for some reason the Magicka output coming from the subject just skyrocket."I of course had my theory on what was going on but for the sake of everyone in here, I hope I'm wrong.

"What does that even ..." The guard was cut off by the sound of shattering glass. Or maybe his head being smashed into a wall did a better job of disrupting whatever was going to come out of his mouth.

The culprit was currently standing over the body of the guard he just assaulted. I guess it was wishful thinking, hoping that he would just stay in his tank, waiting like a good little boy to be slaughtered.

"Holy shit, is he dead?" Getting over my surprise at the turn of events, it was the only thing I could think to ask.

He stares at me for a couple of seconds and shrugs, "Probably, I did hit him pretty hard and judging from the fact that I can kinda see his brain, I'm fairly certain he's not going to be getting up anytime soon" he pauses for a brief second "or ever."

"God damn it", I sigh. "He kinda owed me money". I probably should have been terrified. He just took out a high B ranked guard like he was nothing so I was pretty sure that taking me out would have been absolutely no problem. Thing is, after everything we've done to the poor boy, I can help but feel like we deserve it.

"Go home Doc, you look like shit", he says, smirking at me. Now I was absolutely baffled.

"You're not gonna kill me?" You can't blame me for being skeptical. Here is a dude who has the opportunity to take down someone at least partially responsible for taking away years of his life and he just lets me go. I find that hard to believe.

"I really don't want your wife coming after me later. From what I hear she's a bit terrifying."He shivers as if to emphasize his point. "Besides, I'm sure you'd get your punishment when you head back home. It's been what, two days since your wife has seen you? I'm looking forward to seeing how she makes you suffer for that." I pale just thinking about it. My wife is the sweetest, kindest woman I've ever had the pleasure of meeting and I'm glad I married her, but damn that woman can be pretty damn evil when she wants to be. I might just ask him to kill me at this point.

"So I guess I'll be seeing you at Valha tomorrow evening." He looked confused by what I just said, so I elaborated," It's not like you have a choice. Not with that mark of Order on your hand". Finally a look of understanding crosses his face.

"I actually forgot about that", he sighs."I just got out of the tank and now I have to fight? Damn". I could understand where he was coming from. If I were trapped in a tube for years, the last thing I'd want to do when I escape is fight for my life.

He sighs in what looks like resignation. "While we're on the subject of fighting, you should probably get out of here. I sense multiple soldiers on their way." I can't believe I forgot about the blaring alarms, flashing red lights, and the fact that the base is probably under a state of panic.

"Well if you're gonna fight the entire base, I suggest you put on some clothes". He chuckles when I say that, looks at the dead body of the guard, and puts on his pants. I hand him the lab coat on my person to complete his outfit and step unto the teleporter. I probably should have been worried. This man was going to take on an entire army on his own. But as I faded away looking at imposing red eyes seemingly glowing with restrained power, I knew he was going to be okay.

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