The Struggle

By thatfanficwriter_

3.9K 173 152


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4: Concert Timee
Chapter 6
Chapter 7: "Whatever happens here, is gonna disappear.."
Chapter 8: "I been thinkin' about ya daily.."
Chapter 9: Sleepover.?
Chapter 10: Sleepover Day 2
Chapter 11: Sleepover Day 3
Chapter 12: One Last Time
Chapter 13: "Now that's it's over..."
Chapter 14

Chapter 5

247 15 27
By thatfanficwriter_

Vanessa wakes up in Iggy's house, and stretches. But she starts to feel a bad vibe, so she turns over and texts Ally.

To: Allyyy ✊
Hey Ally.

Allyyy ✊- Hey. What's wrong.?

To: Allyyy ✊
I feel a bad vibe being here.

Allyyy ✊- really.?
How about this.

To: Allyyy ✊

Allyyy ✊- how about, We come and get you, for once and for all.

To: Allyyy ✊
Really.? Yay.!
Wait, when.?

Allyyy ✊- Like next week or something.

To: Allyyy ✊
I was hoping you were going to say today. :'(

Allyyy ✊- aw don't cry sweetie. It's going to be okay.
Is it that bad.?

To: Allyyy ✊
I didn't even get anything for Christmas.
Like I deserve something for staying here.

Allyyy ✊- Aww.
We'll be there soon enough.
I love you.

To: Allyyy ✊
I love you too.

Iggy comes in the room, and sees her on her side, texting. She couldn't see her facial expression, so she places bags behind her. She couldn't see Vanessa crying, so she walks out, thinking everything is okay. Vanessa turns around, and goes through the bags, but stuffs them in her bag, because she was going to throw it all away when she got back to her house. She liked everything, truly, but she hated the person who gave it to her.

"Bye Iggy.! Nice meeting you.!" Sammy says a few hours later before leaving.

"Bye.! My pleasure." Iggy says. "Hey, I have something else to give you."

"Really.?" Vanessa turns around hesitantly.

"Yeah. Just let me find it." Iggy says walking out. "Actually, let's just go to the mall. You might like that better."

"Yay.!" Vanessa says excitedly. They get some stuff, and Iggy meets up with her friend in Journey's.

"Hey.! This is Brianna. Brianna, this is Vanessa." Iggy says.

"Hi.!" Vanessa says.

"Hi.!" Brianna replies. When they are about to leave, Vanessa sees someone familiar walk past her.

"Mani.?" Vanessa asks, but not so Iggy can hear her. The person continues walking, so Vanessa assumes it's not her. But all of a sudden, she hears someone refer to the person as "Mani." So she does the same. "MANI.!" She yells dropping the stuff and running towards her.

"Be right back." Normani says seeing her, dropping what she has and running towards her. "Babygirl.!" Normani exclaims swooping her up in her arms and spinning her around.

"Maniiii." Vanessa says cuddling into her.

"I miss youuu." Normani says hugging her tightly.

"I miss you too, Mani." Vanessa says starting to cry.

"Aw don't cry Babygirl. You're too pretty for that." Normani coos softly rocking her.

"S she is h horrible." Vanessa says starting to cry harder.

"Shhh." Normani says sitting her up and pulling her into her chest. "How is she horrible." Vanessa looks at her, nervous. "It's okay. You can tell me."

"S she n never s says a any t thing or t talks t to m me. I f feel l like a w waste of sp space." Vanessa says. Normani's head shoots up to lock eyes with her.

"Babygirl, don't ever say that. You are not a waste of space. You're everything but that." Normani says, slightly agitated that anybody would tell her that. To society (which is basically all surrounding forces,) Vanessa was a suicidal brat, that had no purpose. Everyone calls her a slut, because she gets raped by her family, but in actuality, she's everything but a slut because she gets raped. No one believes that it's rape or molestation, they believe she wants it. In Normani's eyes, Vanessa was the best person in the world. She was actually a nice, caring girl, that cared way too much. She always went back to people that did her wrong, people in her own family. But, Normani couldn't blame her. For one simple reason.
They rape her too.

David, Normani's boyfriend, is Vanessa's dad's brother. Which means he's a big help in raping her and Normani. There's also some more unexpected victims, by the same people.
Tinashe and Ally

Tinashe is a singer, and that's how she got out of being raped. Ally and Normani, however, were not so lucky. David and Vanessa's Dad knew how to manipulate everything to center it around their desires.

"N No one l loves me either."

"Shut up." Normani snaps, causing Vanessa to stop and look at her, causing Normani's look to soften. "I love you. We love you. You can't see it.?"

"I do..But.." Vanessa trails off.

"But what.?" Normani asks curiously.

"I feel like it's fake, like you're going to turn on me and say I was a mistake."

"No. I would never tell you that. If I ever did I'd kiss you and hug you and cuddle you and do anything it took for you to forgive me."

"Anything.?" Vanessa asks.

"Anything." Normani says. Vanessa looks at her, and starts throwing out the first thing she could think of, not even knowing what she's saying, just hearing Normani's response.

"Stay in bed all day and cuddle."

"You got it."

"Hug all day."

"Got it."


"You most definitely got that. I wouldn't miss a chance to kiss you on my worst day." Normani chuckles, rolling her eyes dramatically.

"Oh." Vanessa says.

"How about this Babygirl." Normani says.

"What.?" Vanessa looks up.

"Stay there for another week." Normani sighs.

"Manii." Vanessa whines, looking down.

"Uh uh uh." Normani says pulling her chin up. "We'll come get you after that."

"Really.?!" Vanessa says excitedly.

"Okay, okay." Normani giggles. "But, keep it a secret."

"Okay.!" Vanessa replies excitedly. She sees Iggy come out of the store and clings to Normani, who pecks her forehead.

"Go back Babygirl. The first thing she does she'll die and get fed to Preslee." Normani laughs.

"Does she eat human corpse." Vanessa laughs, referring to Preslee.

"She will." Normani laughs before putting her down. "Bye Babygirl. I love you."

"I love you too." Vanessa says hugging her. Normani pecks her lips and lets her leave. Iggy was watching from inside the store, and she decided to come out. When they get back to her house, she goes in her closet, and finds her sharpest knife and strongest rifle. She was going to kill them. Kill them all.

But she just broke down crying, because she knew there was something different about Vanessa around Normani.
Vanessa loved Normani, and there was nothing she could do about it.

"Hey, you said you had something to give me." Vanessa says a while later.

"I never said that." Iggy chuckles. Vanessa finds it awkward in her change of tone.

"Oh..." Vanessa says disappointed.
"Why are you so disappointed.? Because no one cares about you.?" Iggy asks. Vanessa couldn't help but start crying.

"S someone d does c care a about m me." Vanessa stammers still crying.

"Who.?" Iggy asks.

"N N N N N..." Vanessa says trying to remember her name.

"Who.?!" Iggy exclaims.

"Normani.!" Vanessa blurts before realizing what she said. She didn't even know if that was her name, she just wanted to make Iggy feel bad.

"She doesn't care about you. I'll call her right now and she'll say that." Iggy chuckles calling Normani, who answers on the first ring.

"Hello.?" Normani answers.

"Hey...what's up." Normani trails off, knowing she wants something.

"Do you know the name Vanessa." Iggy asks.

"Don't think so...sounds familiar..." Normani says, not registering that the girl she just saw, Ally's cousin, is Vanessa.

"Oh. Bye." Iggy says hanging up with a smirk. "See. I told you she doesn't care about you. Now shut up.!" Iggy says slapping her to stop her crying.

"Hey Ally." Normani says, coming to a realization.

"Yeah.?" She asks.

"What's your cousin's name again.?"

"Uh...Vanessa." Ally says.

"Shit." Normani says crying.

"What happened.?" Ally asks, sitting next to her immediately.

"Iggy just asked me did I know her, and I didn't realize her name was Vanessa. Now she's going to turn against me." Normani says.

"It's okay Mani. We've got you." Ally says hugging her.

"Thank you Ally." Normani sniffles hugging her. Meanwhile, Nick hears faint noises.

"Whoa what's wrong.?" Nick asks coming in the room to her crying.

"If anybody cared about her, she wouldn't be here right now." Iggy says getting in his face.

"You're drunk." Nick chuckles.

"I am not.!" Iggy yells, backing up.

"Yes you are." Nick says moving closer.

"No I'm not.!" Iggy says grabbing a knife and almost stabbing him with it. They fight for a while before he finally restrains her on the floor.

"You should go." Nick says.

"What.?" Vanessa asks not hearing him, before seeing her almost stab him in the leg.

"GO.!" Nick's voice booms through the house. Vanessa jumps up and runs out. This is one time she was glad to see her house. She gets inside and finds the biggest pair of scissors to cut up everything. Before she could even think about herself, the door bursts open, and someone pulls her into them, causing her to scream before they cover her mouth.

"Shh. It's Dinah." She says.

"Dinah." Vanessa says before breaking down crying. Dinah picks her up, and Vanessa instantly wraps her legs around her.

"Shh. It's okay little one." Dinah says, picking up everything and throwing it in the trash. "You want to come back with me.?"

"Of course, what kind of question is that." Vanessa says. Dinah laughs lightheartedly and walks out.

"There she is.! Munchkinnn.!" Camila says hugging her.

"Milaaa." Vanessa says hugging her back as Lauren drives off.

~1 day later~

Normani is out with Vanessa, her arm wrapped around her waist before Vanessa feels a tug.

"Mani. I hear something." Vanessa says scared.

"C'mere." Normani says picking her up. "Is that better.?"

"Yeah." Vanessa says snuggling into her. Something is familiar about Normani, familiar about all of them. "Hey Mani."

"Hm.?" Normani hums in response looking at her.

"Did I see you last week.?" Vanessa asks. Normani looks at her confused, but stops. She looks at her, and sees the striking resemblance. But her hair is different. Vanessa's hair was curly, this girl's is straight.

"I don't know...maybe so." Normani says. She puts her down in the store, but someone snatches her from Normani. She looks down, and doesn't see the girl. Normani shrieks before realizing why she's gone. She leaves the cart in the aisle, and sprints to her car, to break down crying. She drives home crying.

"What's wrong.?" Ally asks after Normani comes in.

"Damn it.! I miss her already." Normani exclaims crying.

"Shh Mani. We'll get her back soon. Don't worry." Ally says rubbing her back.

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