The Crimson Ranger (Dino Thun...

By camposa9

14.6K 248 137

Jaiden leaves Blue Bay Harbor behind and moves to Reefside with Tommy. There, she plans to lead a seemingly n... More



1.7K 30 16
By camposa9

Jaiden hadn't said a word to Tommy on their way to school the next day. For one, she didn't sleep at all so she was exhausted. And two, this was all a bit overwhelming, so she didn't want to talk about everything first thing in the morning.

"Hey Jai," she'd barely taken her seat and given Kira a smile before the soccer co-captain came up to her again, just like yesterday.

"I'd rather you not call me by my nickname," the class let out 'oh's' when the beauty said this.

"Oh, c'mon, babe, don't be like that. Hard to get, I can handle. Don't push it, though," Sam sneered, smirking cockily down at her.

"Yo Sam," Conner then came into the room, and witnessed the whole ordeal, "back off, will you? Leave her alone."

"Oh, Mcknight, getting all friendly with her, are you?" Conner just rolled his eyes, but Sam had backed off and went to his seat. Conner and Jaiden shared a look, but Conner couldn't read the girl's expression. She turned away quickly.

"Alright, everyone take your seats," Tommy then walked in, and the students all settled in. "Who can tell me anything about the Mesozoic period?-"

And then the ground shook violently.

All Jaiden could think of in her mind was how she could never catch a damned break! Really?! An earthquake? C'mon...

The tremors had everyone scramble under the desks, but Jaiden was crouched yet looking out to see the sky darken fully. Whipping her head around, she looked to Tommy. He wore a knowing look, and something told her that this had Mesogog written all over it.

The tremors stopped after a few moments, but the sky was crackling and pitch black.

"Cass! I just heard this wack report of giant mechanical dinosaurs running wild downtown!" Devon yelled out, and immediately Jaiden and Tommy shared another look.

"Students please stay calm!" The intercom boomed with President Randall's voice, "the Mayor has declared a state of emergency, all students please head to the front of the school for immediate dismissal."

All the students in class hurried out, except for four.

"Dr. O, now would be a good time for that little chat," Kira said, and Ethan and Conner nodded in agreement behind her.

"We're out of time. If Mesogog revived the biozords, we gotta act fast. Come with me." He urged, and Jaiden was right behind him as he ran out of the classroom. The three were close behind soon after.

Tommy had taken the teens back to his research facility, and of course the questions kept flying out.

"So these mechanical dinosaurs are your friends?" Kira wondered, utterly confused. Tommy then explained how Biozords were made up and how he'd created them, and Jaiden couldn't help but think back to her White Tigress zord. It would've been extremely useful right about now.

"Right now, we-I mean you- have to tame them." Jaiden stood more toward Tommy's side, where they faced Kira, Ethan, and Conner. The three looked to the man with wide, perplexed, eyes.

"I'll b.b.l," Ethan turned.


"Be back later," he took a step to leave.

"Ethan wait," Tommy hurried, "you can do this. But you won't have to do this alone." Tommy walked over to a compartment where he pulled out a metal case, "ever since I found the Dino Gems, I've had these waiting, in case I ever needed to harness their powers." Jaiden followed behind the three as they walked with Tommy.

"Into what?" Kira asked. Jaiden watched with her arms crossed over her chest, already guessing full well what could be in the case.

"Dino Morphers, use these to become Power Rangers." Tommy opened the case, and lo and behold, in it were four morphers. A red, yellow, blue, and maroon. Jaiden went to stand beside Kira, and her expression was monotone, completely opposed to the others' shocked ones.

"I gotta sit down," Ethan breathed out, and Conner helped him stay on his feet.

"We can't be power rangers!" Kira fought instantly, "aren't they supposed to be able to fly or have superpowers?"

"You do." Tommy reminded her.
"Oh yeah, I forgot."

"Your gems are from the asteroid that crashed into earth millions of years ago," Tommy continued to explain, "wiping out the entire dinosaur population. When I found them, I recognized their power and hid them, so they wouldn't fall into the wrong hands."

"How do you know these are the right hands?" Conner had to bring up.

"You didn't choose the gems. The gems chose you," Tommy made a point. "They've already bonded with your DNA, that's what's giving you your powers."

"But if they've already bonded with us, why is Mesogog and his creeps still after them?" Ethan asked. Conner had glanced to Jaiden, who still eyed the morpher in the case while the others were looking to Tommy for answers. Why was she not surprised like they were?

"The only way these powers can be taken away," Tommy took in a breath, "is if you are destroyed."

"Well, that's not the best selling point," Ethan let out.

"Look, I don't remember asking to be a superhero," Conner looked to Tommy.

At this, Jaiden let out a scoff. She'd been so quiet, so when she did, they all looked to her.

"No one asks for this," Jaiden had to say, and they watched as she took the maroon morpher in her hands. She then glanced up to Tommy. "What's the command?"

"Yours is a different kind of morpher than theirs," he said, "you're free to make up your own." Jaiden simply nodded. Conner, Ethan, and Kira looked to Jaiden as if she were crazy.

"Look, the gems wouldn't have picked you if didn't already have something inside you that could handle their power," Tommy continued to urge the three. "I know you're from different worlds, but please, you can do this."

Jaiden watched as they then reluctantly took their morphers.

"All you have to say is Dino Thunder, Power Up, and you'll transform."

"What, did you come up with that?" Conner teased Ethan.

"I kind of like it," the boy in blue shrugged.

"You would." Conner scoffed.

"This won't be easy. I know that better than anyone," at this, Jaiden managed a small smile. Yeah, if Tommy could do this countless times, then she could too. Well, maybe not countless. She would want to enjoy not fighting off evil at some point, but you get it. "You're gonna have to work together, and know that I believe in you."

The teens looked to one another with newfound determination, and nodded to one another.

"Let's do this." Conner spoke for everyone.

Tommy drove the four downtown, and Conner, Kira, and Ethan hopped out of the jeep first. Jaiden saw as three zords were tormenting the city, and it really was deja vu for her.

"Are you up for this, kid?" Tommy asked Jaiden before she could follow the three.

"I have to be, right?" She shone him a half smile.

"Your gem happens to be the most powerful, with the power of the Spinosaurus; the strongest and most versatile dinosaur back in its time," Tommy spoke, "it's not a coincidence that that gem chose you. They're gonna need you out there. Lead them." Jaiden gave the man an assured nod.

"Right." And Tommy watched the girl jump out of the car, and run after the three deep into the danger.

She saw Conner, Kira, and Ethan stop dead just as Zeltrax appeared from the sky, blocking their path.

Jaiden caught up to them, and stood in between Conner and Ethan.

"You guys ready?" Ethan looked to the teens in newfound determination.

"Oh yeah," Kira nodded.

"Ready?" Conner led, and something about that didn't sit right with Jaiden. She was used to Shane.

"Ready!" The three took a step ahead of Jaiden, and she decided to watch this rather than Morph right away.

"Dino Thunder, Power Up! Ha!" The three did their motions and took their stances, and each glowed their own respective color. When the blinding light vanished, they were fully Morphed.

The next Power Rangers.

They awed, looking at their new suits with marvel.


"This totally rocks!"


"C'mon, Jai! This is awesome!" Ethan then urged.

"Yeah!" Kira looked back to her with an encouraging nod. Conner simply looked over his shoulder at the girl. Jaiden looked to the Morpher now strapped around her wrist, and it just felt weird. It didn't feel right.

Well, not like she could just pull out her Ice ninja morpher, so she sighed. Closing her eyes, she felt as power coursed through her veins. She exhaled out a long, calm breath before snapping her eyes open once more.

"Dino Thunder, Crimson Power!" She rose her Morpher up high, and brought it down to her mid section as she clicked on the button to activate it.

Jaiden felt herself being transported through the Morphing Grid as her body shone a bright light. The light was then replaced with her ranger suit, and her helmet clasped over her head.

Conner couldn't help but marvel when the girl transformed, she was standing tall, not in awe or shock of the fact she'd just become a Power Ranger.

"Ah, Hunter's never gonna let me live this down," she grumbled, looking at the color of her suit. Maroon, of course.

And then Jaiden stepped forward to stand beside Conner, and the four took fighting stances in front of Zeltrax.

"Summon your weapons!" Tommy yelled from behind them, finally having caught up, "they're in your belt!" Jaiden nodded his way, looking back to the front. All of their belts then began to shine, and Jaiden awed at how weapons materialized from them.

"Sweet! I got a Tyranno Staff!" Conner snatched his weapon from the air.

"I can come to grips with this!" Kira held her twin weapons, "Terra Grips!"

"Woah! A Tricera Shield!" Ethan exclaimed.

"Huh, Spino Sword," Jaiden examined the sword she held at hand. It wasn't her ninja katana, but it would do just fine.

Zeltrax then summoned Tyrannodrones, and Jaiden held her sword up high.

"Let's do this!" Conner declared, and the rangers then charged at the creatures.

Jaiden blocked an attack from one of them with her sword, and kicked it in response. She swung her weapon and slashed away another, noting that this sword was heavier than her katana, so her swings were slightly slower. She'd have to train with it in order to adapt and change her fighting style a bit.

"Ha!" She flipped over one of the tyrannodrones, slashing at another that had stood before her.

Honestly, she hadn't broken a sweat when she finished off her bunch. They were like Kelzacks after all, and who knows how many fo them she's destroyed.

So she went over to where Conner was and took out a few that were around him.
"Hey! I had that!" He fought, and behind her helmet Jaiden rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, just like you had the Kelzacks back in Blue Bay," she scoffed, leaving him to go fight with Kira. Conner huffed, but watched as the girl went and aided the yellow ranger; the two girls now being back to back and dominating, destroying the rest of the tyrannodrones.

When they did, Ethan had managed to do so as well, so the four regrouped and stood beside one another, facing Zeltrax again.

"Take this!" Zeltrax yelled, and then he shot out an energy be a at the four. Jaiden managed to block some of it, but she gritted her teeth as it still struck her in the chest, sending sparks flying. The four landed on the ground roughly, and this was most definitely a feeling Jaiden could never forget.

"Combine your weapons!" Tommy yelled from the distance.

"Yeah," Conner groaned out, and they all managed to get back up to their feet.

"Z-Rex Blaster, ready!" Jaiden stood beside Conner while Ethan and Kira were bent on one knee, carrying the blaster up. Jaiden's sword was wedged in above Conner's Staff, it somehow fitting perfectly. Jaiden was in charge of aiming, she knew that much, and she assumed that Conner was the one that got to fire the weapon; being the supposed leader and all.

"Fire!" They all yelled out, and Conner pressed the fire button. From the mouth of Conner's weapon and the tip of Jaiden's, came out a large energy beam twice the size of Zeltrax'.

Zeltrax yelled out as the beam connected with him, sending a huge explosion into the air.

The four then grabbed their individual weapons and turned their backs on the monster, taking fighting stances.

"We did it!" Kira announced, facing a stumbling Zeltrax once more.

"You showed me your meet mine!" He declared, and no second later did he vanish.

"Huh?!" Ethan exclaimed, and only then did the four see the giant zords still running wild through the city. Not only that, but a spaceship of some sort was above them, and of course Zeltrax had to be running the show.

"Watch out!" Jaiden tackled Conner out of the way of an energy beam that was shot down from the ship. Ethan and Kira dove out of the way just in time. Jaiden stood quickly, not bothering to spare Conner a glance, since she'd been focused on looking up at the ship. Tommy ran over to them then.

"Okay, how do we fight that?!" Conner asked the man, as they all sprinted behind Tommy's Jeep for some kind of cover.

"You have to tame the Zords." He explained, "your morphers will communicate your thoughts to them."

"Let's go!"



Conner, Kira, and Ethan then ran off, but Jaiden stayed behind with Tommy.

"The Spino Zord was lost in history, I haven't been able to locate its whereabouts yet," Tommy told Jaiden, and she nodded.

"I assumed it was something like that," she turned to look out to the zords in the distance.

"What do you think about them?" Tommy then asked.

"I think they're amateurs, and in over their heads. At least Shane, Hunter, and the others were trained in ninja arts. These kids are just high schoolers."

"These kids," Tommy snickered, since Jaiden was the same age as them.

"Remember; Jason and I, and all the others, were just high school kids too," Tommy mentioned, and this made Jaiden look to him. With this suit she didn't have an option to lower her visors, but she was sure Tommy could picture her small smile. "We'll train them."

"You know, as much as I love saving the world and all, I really thought I was coming here to be a normal high school senior. You know, go to parties, football games, prom," Tommy let out a mix of a scoff and a chuckle when Jaiden teased.

"Where's the fun in that when you can be shot at by aliens in spaceships?" It was Jaiden's turn to laugh.

The two almost disregarded the giant spaceship above them due to their banter, until it sent down a beam close to Tommy's car and they had to dive out of the way.

"I swear if Zeltrax hits my car..."

"Oh, but god forbid he hits us," Jaiden said sarcastically, only then looking out to the zords, seeing that their colors had changed to match the Rangers'. "C'mon!" She urged the man, and the two sprinted out of cover, meeting the other three Rangers further downtown.

"All that's left is for you to combine them!" Tommy instructed when the two reached the others.

"Right!" Conner nodded, looking to Ethan and Kira. The two gave him nods, and then Jaiden watched as they leapt into the air and into their respective zords.

"I'm gonna go see if people need help," Jaiden told Tommy, and the man nodded. Since the three were far away, Jaiden did use her Ninja Streak. She was still a blur of white as she stood atop the nearest skyscraper, overlooking the city. Somehow people had done a good job of evacuating the streets, so she didn't immediately see any civilians in need of aid.

Even so, she still leapt from rooftop to rooftop while Conner, Ethan, and Kira fought in their new megazord against Zeltrax's spaceship, making sure everyone was safe.

The megazord had then swung up above the ship, and was coming down aiming at its center.

Jaiden watched as it slashed right through it with the Dino Drill, and she had to turn away as the ship exploded in the air. The megazord landed somewhat roughly, but composed itself and turned its back away from the space ship.

Jaiden saw the destruction around the city, and frowned. She knew the officials would deal with recovery, but it still made her feel guilty that all of this mess was because of her.

Because Dakrian wanted her power to grow. She was sure the monster was off somewhere laughing at what was happening, at her suffering.

The Rangers and Tommy returned to HQ (Jaiden's name for her basement) once their job was done and the skies had cleared up. By the time they got back it was later on in the day.

"Keep these bracelets with you at all times, it'll allow you to summon the Morphers, as well as communicate with me and each other," Tommy held out another case, this one with metallic bracelets in which he'd infused the Dino Gems into their center. Jaiden stood beside Kira, so she got her bracelet last. She eyed the maroon gem at the center.

Yeah, Hunter would sure tease her for taking his color.

"Dr. O, I know you're real smart and a science teacher and all," Kira mentioned, "but all of this, I mean, how did you-"

"I'll fill you in, in time." Tommy cut her off, and Jaiden held back a scoff. Oh, if only they knew.

Conner glanced to the beauty, and saw her small smirk.

"Speaking of, do you think Mesogog and his goons are gonna stick around?" Ethan then asked.

"Thy always do, unfortunately," Tommy answered truthfully. "I know this is a lot to take in,"

"No kidding," Conner scoffed.

"Your lives have just changed in ways you probably couldn't have imagined," he looked to all of the teens, even Jaiden when he said this. "But as long as you work together, and remember that you're a team, no one can defeat you."

And huh, Jaiden thought, Tommy was pretty good at these inspiring speeches.

"Go home, rest. Who knows when Mesogog will attack again." He then finished, "Jai, you mind seeing them out?" The girl gave him a small nod, and motioned for the three to follow her upstairs.

"Crazy huh? One day you're the new girl, the next you're a Power Ranger who's living with a pretty mysterious dude," Jaiden knew what Conner was doing. He was trying to get answers out of her.

"Yeah, weird." But Jaiden wasn't budging. They'll learn the truth eventually. Or maybe they had to earn it, who knows? She hadn't decided yet.

"I'll see you guys at school tomorrow," Jaiden smiled to Ethan and Kira, while simply nodding to Conner.

She watched the three head out, and waited no second longer in closing her front door. She huffed out a sigh.

"So," she wasn't surprised to find Tommy behind her, expectantly, "are you going to tell them?"

"Are you?" She spun facing him, her brow raised.

"In time."

"Yeah, you said that." The girl smiled plainly, "do they need to know?"

"They're your team now, they deserve to." He was using his authoritative voice, the one a parent would use when lecturing their child. Or in Jaiden's case, when her Sensei would be teaching her a life lesson.

"Well, they're your team, too. Kind of. So when you tell them about you, I'll tell them about me." She finished with a shrug, making her way to the stairs. "I can't believe you really worked with a scientist and created all of this stuff," she grumbled as she went up the stairs.
"I can hear you, you know!" Tommy shot back from below.

"I'm glad~" the girl closed the door to her room after humming.

She'd barely plopped down on her bed when her phone rang loudly. Groaning, she reached for her backpack and pulled it out.

Oh fun, seven missed calls in the last hour.

"Hello?" She answered her friend, and she just about knew the conversation they were about to have.

"You can't be serious, Jaiden! Again!? Really!? Reefside is all over the news! You're lucky Shane and the others are up at the Academy and don't have signal or else they'd be at your doorstep by morning!" It was Cam, half ranting half scolding, as he usually did. "And don't even get me started if Hunter found out that you're a Power Ranger again."

"Um, hi, I'm good thank you, how are you?" She heard Cam scoff through the phone, "besides, how do you know it's me? Could be some other team of Rangers." But Cam is Cam, and she knew better than to believe he hadn't figured it out the minute he'd seen the news.
"Please, there was footage of the Crimson Ranger fighting off some monsters, you think I don't recognize that fighting style?" And she could just picture him rolling his eyes.
"But we're not gonna tell Shane, or Dustin, or Tori, right?" Jaiden said this in a slow hum, cautious and hopeful that the two were on the same page.

"Yeah, my lips are sealed. They'd ditch the Academy in a heartbeat to fight with you," Jaiden let out a breath of relief, "you got this, though, right? I don't tell them, so long as you have everything under control?"

"Yes, Cam. Tommy and I can handle this." Jaiden said this with confidence. This was her problem, she'd deal with it accordingly.

"Does this have to do with Dakrian?" There it is, the golden question she was waiting for.

"He sent this monster, Mesogog, like he said he would." Jaiden told him the truth, he'd figure it out on his own regardless if she did or not. "But please don't worry, we're gonna deal with him just like we dealt with Lothor."

"Have you talked to Hunter?" Jaiden was grateful he changed the subject. Probably because he wasn't convinced by what she'd said, but couldn't do anything about it, so he strayed from the subject.

"Not yet, he's still traveling to the Thunder Academy. He said he'd call in a few days,"

"What're you gonna tell him? I'm sure he's not gonna love that you took his color," at that Jaiden chuckled.

"I'm not gonna tell him yet, not until he's fully settled at least." She knew Cam wouldn't agree with this, but was glad that he didn't argue.

"Alright. Just wanted to make sure you were alright. How's the new team?"

"Eh. They're not you guys, that's for sure." Jaiden answered, "but they'll make do. We'll be fine."

"Just stay safe. And!-"

"Don't be reckless, yeah, I know," Jaiden rolled her eyes as she recited the infamous phrase.

"Long as you're aware,"

"Yeah, thanks Cam. Tell the others I'll call soon, before Tori shows up here and beats me," he laughed at that.

"Will do."

Jaiden was now smiling as she ended the call. Damn, she missed her friends like crazy.

As much as she hated fighting Lothor and his monsters, she'd give anything to go back to summer. She'd trade the battles and injuries so she could experience the good times as well.

Laying back on her bed, she stared up at her ceiling. She rose her hand, and looked at the bracelet around her wrist. At the gem at its center. It really was a beautiful crimson shade of red.

She missed Hunter. 

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