Love Is Flower Like

By NotDeadYet16

565K 15.3K 2.8K

Meadow Black is quiet, blunt, and protective of those closest to her. Nonsense isn't in her vocabulary. All h... More

Before you begin. . .
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 31

8.5K 243 21
By NotDeadYet16

Edited 05/31/21

Walking up to the Cullens' house, Meadow wasn't given a chance to knock as Carlisle greeted her by the open front door with a smile. She gave him a small smile in return and stepped inside. The sound of a basketball game playing was heard in the room over and the smell of all seven of the Cullens permeated the air. Mixed in with their scents was one of Bella Swan. It was strong, hinting to the fact that Bella was present.

Carlisle led Meadow to the living room and gestured for her to take a seat on one of the available couch cushions. Edward and Bella were already sitting on the love seat, so Meadow took the farthest set away from Rosalie on the longer couch. Esme was standing next to Carlisle while Emmett sat on the armrest beside Rosalie and Alice and Jasper stood to the right of Edward.

Bella waved at Meadow, who reciprocated the action half-heartedly. She wasn't sure what Bella was doing at the meeting, but she wouldn't speak on it. It was up to the Cullens whether they wanted her present or not.

"Welcome, Meadow," Carlisle said. "You had some questions for us?"

"Yes," she said, unconsciously straightening in her seat. Her hands were sweaty, and she was nervous about representing her pack. It was important to be the sole voice of nine people. What if she forgot something? What if she forgot what they said and got the information wrong? She knew it was irrational, but she couldn't help feel immense responsibility for the pack's lives.

"Your worries are for naught," Edward said. Meadow widened her eyes in surprise before she narrowed them and glared at the bronze-haired male.

"Please refrain from reading my thoughts. They're private for a reason," she said menacingly. She did not appreciate his 'gift' when it wasn't useful.

"I apologize. I cannot control it," Edward said with a hesitant smile.

"Then, don't comment on them," Meadow said. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, forgetting where she was. She winced at the harsh stinging her nose underwent and sighed in frustration.

"I'm sorry about the smell. I would have sprayed the house if I knew you were this sensitive," Esme apologized.

"It's not like the dog doesn't smell either," Rosalie bit out.

"Rose," Esme scolded her.

"It's fine," Meadow said. "I understand the circumstances aren't great, but I'm grateful you allowed me into your home. The pack is trying to come up with a strategy for the battle, but we need to know what you are planning to do first?"

"Right, I'm sure Jasper can answer your question," Carlisle said. "Jasper?"

"We will be waiting in the field for the newborns," Jasper said.

"The field we're training in?" Meadow asked for clarification.

"Correct. The pack will join us when all the newborns are on the field. That should only take a few seconds to occur."

"Do you know which direction the newborns will be coming from?"


Meadow started configuring strategies in her mind the more information Jasper gave her. The best entrance for the pack would be coming from the east. A few of them could jump from the precipice situated there and get the jump on the newborn army. Of course, she'd have to figure out a starting formation, then. Only the strongest and more experienced wolves should be jumping from the rock and entering the middle of the battle so suddenly.

"Where will Bella be during all of this?" Meadow asked. "A member or two of the pack could watch over her while the rest of us fight."

"I'm going to be on the mountain with Edward," Bella informed her. Meadow looked at Edward and raised an eyebrow at him, questioning his thoughts on the matter.

"It's so we aren't apart," Bella supplied.

"Isn't having her so close to the fight detrimental?" Meadow asked. "What if some of them slip through and target her?"

"That's why I will be with her," Edward said.

"You're making a mistake," Meadow said. "As much as I don't like your mind-reading, it would be helpful to the fight."

"He's doing it for me," Bella said firmly. Meadow shrugged and left the subject alone. She wasn't there to argue.

"I'll have one of the pack stay with you, too," Meadow said. "It'll allow us to keep in contact with you and Bella during the fight."

"Jake can do it, right?" Bella asked. Then, sheepishly, she said, "I mean, I'd feel more comfortable if he was the one with us."

Meadow shook her head and said, "Jake needs to fight with us. He's one of the strongest fighters in the pack. It'll either be Seth or Quil."

"But aren't you worried about his safety? Wouldn't he be safer with me?"

"I understand you're worried, but please don't question my decisions regarding the pack again. I know that what I'm doing is what is best for the pack. I know you're Jake's friend, but it's insulting that you don't have faith in him. Jacob can take care of himself," Meadow said with no room for argument. "I have no more questions for you. Do you have any questions for me?"

"No. Thank you for coming, Meadow," Carlisle said warmly.

"Thank you for answering my questions. I hope we can maintain a friendly relationship."


"How did your talk with the elders go?" Jake asked Meadow. The Black siblings were sitting on the cliff overlooking the ocean. Their legs were swinging as the sun tried to peek from behind the graying clouds. Meadow let her shoulders drop and a sigh left her mouth.

"There were a few problems," she confessed. She grabbed a pebble from beside her and threw it as far as she could. She heard it plop into the water and saw it disappear beneath the surface.

"I thought they were on board with the whole Alpha switch," Jake commented. "Don't tell me they changed their minds."

"They didn't change their mind. They just want another Sam; they want another person they can control and I'm not like that. I don't want to be an Alpha that caters to the needs of the elders instead of to the needs of the pack," she said stressfully.

"I get it," he said. "It's hard pleasing dad so it must be hard pleasing the elders."

"I don't care if I please them or dad anymore. I'm not going to let them or anyone dictate what I do anymore. It's time I bloom," she said. A small smile shined on her face and her brown eyes were closed off from the world. She was content with her life, for once.

"Yeah, well say something cheesy like that again and I'll be dictating what you can and cannot say," Jake joked with a snicker. Meadow let out a loud laugh and smiled widely at her younger brother. She threw an arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer to her in a one-armed hug. She was genuinely happy she had her brother by her side.

"Y'know, now that I'm going to be Alpha, I'm gonna need a Beta," she said off-handedly.

"You're not gonna let Jared keep the position?" he asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I have a feeling he won't want to be Beta anymore, not without Sam."


"Leah's great, but you have something she doesn't have."

"Besides the obvious?" Jake asked with a snort.

"You're invested in the pack," Meadow said sincerely. When he went to comment, she cut him off and said, "I'm not questioning Leah's loyalties or anything like that; I know she would do anything for the pack, even if she acts like she wouldn't. But as soon as she can get out, she will."

It was no surprise to any of the pack members that Leah would quit phasing as soon as she wasn't needed. All Leah ever wanted was a family with kids and a nice husband. That fairytale was ripped from her once, so there was no stopping her if the chance arose again. Phasing was just an obstacle in the way of her dream. Meadow couldn't relate because her life's plan was to stay on the reservation, but she understood where Leah was coming from. She hadn't wanted to be a huge furry dog either. But things changed. She changed. She had more people to look out for and more lives to protect.

"I guess I could give you a hand," Jake said after some thought. "Don't expect me to start right away, though. After this whole battle thing, I want a break."

"Well, I still need to beat Sam before anything is final."

Jake narrowed his eyes and gave her his best, confused face. She nodded her head and removed her arm from around his shoulders. She crossed her arms over her chest and huffed.

"Nothing is final until I challenge Sam and beat him in a fight. It's tradition for any wolf wanting to be Alpha to challenge the current one to a fight to determine whether or not a new Alpha will take charge."

"Aren't you all about breaking tradition?" Jake asked.

"Is that how you see me?" Meadow asked with a laugh. Then, she grew somber and confessed, "I won't feel satisfied if I don't beat Sam in a fight. I'll feel like the position was handed to me. I want to fight for it and show the pack my strength."

"You don't have to prove anything, MeMe. You've already proven enough," he said.

"I've improved, not just for myself but for the pack. I want to show everyone that I'm serious about this," she said. "Besides, the elders told me that if I couldn't beat Sam, if I can't show that I'm stronger, faster, smarter than he is, they'll choose someone else."

"They can't do that!" Jake exclaimed angrily.

"They can and they will. And you know who they'll want as Alpha."


"Yeah," she confirmed. "I know how much pressure that would put on you, and I know you don't want that kind of responsibility. So, I won't let you down."

"That's one less thing I have to worry about," he muttered lowly. Meadow looked at him, cocking her head to the side and willing him to continue with her eyes. "Bella wants to turn. Like, soon, and I can't change her mind."

"Do you want my honest opinion?" Meadow asked. When he nodded, she said, "Bella won't listen to you, or us, or anyone not agreeable to her decision to turn. Let her go, Jake."

"You're just gonna let them turn her into some blood-sucking leech!?" Jake yelled. He stood up from his perch and started pacing back and forth.

"It's a lost cause, Jake," Meadow said sternly. She stood and walked up to him, halting his pacing. "Whether they turn her while she's still in Forks or they turn her in some other town, they will turn her! It isn't our fight."

"I can't give up on her yet! She isn't sure of her decision," he argued.

"She's sure," Meadow said softly. She placed a hand on his shoulder and said, "I just want what's best for you, Jake."

"Maybe you shouldn't be Alpha. At least Sam wouldn't let them break the treaty."


Is everyone in position? Meadow asked. She was standing in the shadows of the trees, along with everyone except Quil and Seth. Sam, Embry, and Jared were in front in a triangle formation. Sam, the strongest of the pack was to engage the battle first, flanked by Embry, the wolf with the best reflexes, and Jared, the wolf with the best eyesight. They were going to be the main fighters of the battle. It would have been a diamond shape, but someone was taking too long.

Where the hell is Jacob? she asked.

He's still saying goodbye to Bella, Quil, the wolf with the best stamina, informed her. He was up in the mountains with Edward and Bella. He was Edward's link to the pack and battle.

Man, this sucks! Why can't I be there with all of you? Seth, the wolf with the best hearing, complained. He was monitoring the reservation.

Shut up and keep moving, Leah barked. It's better for you to stay out of the fight.

Leah, Paul, and Meadow brought up the rear in a semicircle formation. Leah, the fastest wolf in the pack, was on the left and behind Jared. Paul, the wolf with the best smell, was on the right and behind Embry. Meadow, the wolf with the best observation and thinking, was in the middle and behind Sam. They were going to be the support fighters.

I can't wait to sink my teeth into some leeches, Jared said in anticipation.

This is the only real action we're gonna see for a while. Better enjoy it while it lasts Cameron, Paul said with a smirk.

Whatever you say, support fighter, Jared said slyly. Paul growled as his hackles raised.

Are you two always going to fight during serious moments? Meadow asked in exasperation. Paul sniffed the air and growled again.

I'm on my way now, Jake finally answered. In his head, he replayed the kiss he shared with Bella. The pack groaned and rolled their eyes at his giddiness.

You didn't stick to the plan, Meadow said heatedly. We need you here, not in the mountains.

I said I'm on my way, Jake snapped back. I'll be there before they even show up.

Not likely, Paul said. I can smell them. They're close.

Try to be on time for the next fight, Meadow sassed him.

Bella needed-

Save it, Meadow growled. I don't want to hear your excuses.

Not easy being in charge, is it? Sam taunted her. She glared at him but ignored his comment. The sound of more than a dozen pairs of feet entered Meadow's ears. Her ears flattened against her head, and she bared her teeth in warning.

Get ready. They're here.

I don't remember if I told you yet, but the wolves actually do have those increased senses. The only one I made up was Paul's, I think, because there was nothing listed for him. I found all the information on the pack members' Twilight Wiki pages. 

Don't forget to the chapter and comment what you think!

♡ Stay Awesome ^u^ ♡

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