Peter Pan (Zuko x Reader x So...

Par Kara_Chan_011

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You are Y/N, the girl that was saved by Avatar Roku when she was born. Because of this, you have the ability... Plus



3.2K 75 60
Par Kara_Chan_011

Hey! This is the new book... I hope the first chapter is okay! Thanks for reading! The image up there is what you are wearing. Okay I'll let you read. BYEEEEEE


You continued wandering the tundra, Avatar Roku's words ringing in your head. 

Protect the Avatar no matter what.

The weird thing is, my mother used her last words to tell me that my destiny was to protect a boy named Aang. I didn't know anyone named Aang. I was only 5 when she told me this. It was...Weird. People are just telling me to protect other people now. First if was "protect Aang." Then it was "Protect Princess Azula." Not like that bitch needed protecting, she was fine scarring me for 2 years. NOW IT'S "PROTECT THE AVATAR!" I mean, if Avatar Roku told me that I had to, I guess I just have to go and FIND SOME RANDOM KID THAT THE FIRE NATION ITSELF HASN'T BEEN ABLE TO FIND FOR LIKE 100 YEARS! NO BIG DEAL.

I continued to grumble and kick pieces of snow away.

I soon saw a large glacier. It was glowing. Great. A glowing glacier. 

I let out a deep sigh.

It was worth a try, wasn't it??

I walked up to the glacier and laid down my glider onto the icy floor. I slowly took my hand and placed it onto the freezing glacier and closed my eyes. I focused my mind on my breathing. In, out. In, out. In, out. I focused on my chakras one at a time. I felt my mind drift into the familiar, open, black space, stars gleaming in the darkness. I stayed like that for a couple of seconds until I saw a young boy, about 12, with arrows on his body that were glowing. He was just floating there, his legs in a cross-legged position with his two fists touching each other.  He was the avatar. 

I opened my eyes and got up. I stared at the boulder. How long was he in here? Is he alive? I mean, his energy is alive... So I guess... he is too? I decided to sit in front of the glacier and do what I do best... Other than screw things up... Meditate. I focused on my breathing again and sat there cross-legged, my hands on my knees, enhancing my consciousness, and connecting to the earth. I learned to do this from Avatar Roku. He taught me everything I know: Firebending, waterbending, earthbending, even some airbending. I trained with him for 3 years. He taught me how to go into the Avatar space, in case I needed to help the Avatar. I mostly go there to calm myself and to escape from the real world. 

I don't know how long I sat there, but very soon, I felt a disruption in the flow of the water. A boat was coming towards me. I stayed in the same position, but I was focusing my energy more on the water and I was more alert. I heard a girl yelling and rambling about some disrespect or something and soon, there was negative energy everywhere. I was starting to get pissed off. People. Why must there be people? I felt the ice crack more and more and then I felt the ice behind me crack too. 

"Katara...." a male voice said.

"WHAT?!?" the girl snapped.

I heard them yell a whole lot so I opened my eyes, upset that they disturbed me. I eyed the two of them carefully. God what is their problem? Just piss off already! Annoying kids. 

"Who are you? Why is there a boy in that glacier?" the girl asked.

"It is unkind to ask unneeded questions before introducing yourself," I flat-toned, closing my eyes again. 

"My name is-"

"Oi oi oi Katara, are you sure you should tell her your name? She's wearing fire nation clothes!" the boy yelled.

Fire Nation. I hated being associated with that hell hole. That abomination of a place. I was NOT fire nation.

"So Katara is your name?" I asked, opening my eyes once more and getting up. There was no use trying to meditate again. They bothered me too much.

"How did you--" the boy asked.

"You SAID MY NAME YOU DUMMIE!" the Katara yelled at the boy.

"Who are you and what do you want," I said, uninterested.

"My name is none of your business," the boy said, crossing his arms in front of him.

I sat back down again without saying anything.

"Wait, the boy is alive in there!" Katara yelled suddenly, trying to break the glacier.

Crap. I had to get him out. What if they hurt him? God, I'm already failing.

"Move," I murmured, pushing  Katara out of the way.

"Sokka! Come help!" Katara said, clearly pissed off at the boy.

"Ah so his name is Sokka?" I said monotonously as ever.

He grumbled in frustration.

I always wore an emotionless face and never showed any emotion in my voice. I guess it's some sorta form of me protecting myself.

I placed both of my hands on the ice and using my waterbending to make a large crack. Suddenly, the boy's eyes opened. I jumped back, startled, but I quickly recovered and went back to my blank staring. A beam of light shot up into the sky. 

Shit. Zuko now probably knows where we are. WHY MUST LIFE PUNISH ME LIKE THIS?? 

I groaned and pinched my nose.

The boy came out of the glacier and stumbled to Katara. He then collapsed into her arms. Sokka started poking his head with the other end of his spear. Katara glared at him and shoved his spear away.

 "Stop it!" she yelled, frustrated.

After a couple seconds, the Avatar stirred. He groaned a tiny bit, trying to open his eyes. I just stood a couple feet away from them, far enough to not interact but close enough for them to see me and for me to be able to take the Avatar and run if I had to.

He opened his eyes and gasped a little bit. Katara gasped too, a small smile on her face. Aang started to speak.

"I...I need to ask you something," he said weakly.

"What?" she asked.

"Please.....come closer."

Pft is he gonna kiss her or something?

"What is it?" Katara asked quietly again.

He was quiet for a couple seconds.

His eyes went wide and he exclaimed, "Will you go penguin-sailing with me?"


"Ahh.... Sure? I guess..." Katara said, startled.

The Avatar sprang up and stood. Sokka yelled out. 


"What's going on here?" the Avatar yelled, scratching his head.

"I have no clue." I said, announcing my presence.

"Ahh!! Oh, I forgot you were here..." Sokka trailed off.

I glared at him. 

"Sokka!" Katara said.

We heard a loud growling coming from the ice that the Avatar came from. The Avatar let out a little gasp and clambered up the ice to where it was coming from. He gasped again and slid down there. I quickly followed him.

"Where are you going?" Sokka asked.

"I'm following him you idiot, what does it look like?" I grumbled. 

"Hey, I'm not an idiot!" Sokka yelled.

"Yeah you are..." Katara mumbled.

I  slid down to where the Avatar was going. To be honest, I expected him to be...Older...well, I expected him to be dead, but okay.

"Appa! Are you alright?" Aang called out to the flying bison.

It growled again. I walked towards where he was. 

"Wake up buddy!" the Avatar said, lifting up the bison's eyelids. he then started trying to open its mouth. I just stood there and watched him, one hand holding my glider and the other on my hips. Sokka and Katara walked over to where we were. They just stood there for a good 30 seconds and then Sokka's jaw dropped. 

"Shut it, you might catch flies," I said. Katara giggled. He quickly closed his mouth.

"I closed my mouth cause I wanted to, not because you told me." he huffed, crossing his hands in front of him and pouting. 

"Uh-huh..."I said quietly.

Appa growled a little and lifted the Avatar up with his tongue. The boy let out a giggle.

"You're okay!" he exclaimed, smiling. The boy got off the bison as it slowly stood up, shaking itself to get anything off his fur.

"Uhh...whats that thing?" Sokka asked.

"This is Appa!" the Avatar said.

"It's a flying bison," I said with a 'duh' tone.

"Right, and this is Katara, my flying sister," Sokka said sarcastically.

The bison snarled a little, his lips twitching. Appa sneezed. The Avatar stepped back and quickly ducked. Katara stepped aside and I quickly bent the mucus slightly away from me. Sokka....just stood there. I looked over at him. he was COMPLETELY covered in Appa's mucus. I stifled a laugh and looked at him with a smirk.

"EWWW!" he squealed.

"I didn't know there were 3 girls here..." I mumbled, but loudly enough for them to hear me.

Katara and the Avatar burst out laughing while Sokka wiped the slime off of his face and glared at me.

"I'm not a girl! I'm a MAN!" he yelled defensively.

I shrugged and looked at the Avatar.

"Don't worry, it'll wash out," he said with a shrug, "So, do you guys live around here?"

"Don't answer that!" Sokka exclaimed, "Did you see that bolt of light? He was probably trying to signal the fire navy!" he told Katara, standing in front of her protectively.

"Oh yeah, he's DEFINITELY from the fire navy. You can tell by the eeeeeeevil look in his eye," Katara said sarcastically, stepping in front of Sokka. The Avatar frowned for a second and flashed them a smile. 

"The paranoid one is Sokka. You never told us your name," Katara introduced.

"I'm-- Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! AhhhhhhhhCHOO!" the Avatar sneezed loudly, flying into the air like 10 feet up and dropping back, sliding on the ice and landing perfectly standing.

"I'm Aang!" he said. AANG?!? Wait what? Wait a hot second, Aang is the person my mom told me to protect all those years ago. And...HE'S the Avatar? This is weird...

"You just sneezed! And flew 10 feet in the air!" Sokka exclaimed.

Thanks Captain Obvious...

"Really? It felt higher than that," Aang said, looking up at the sky.

Katara gasped, "You're an airbender!"

He's the flipping avatar.

"Sure am!" Aang said, nodding.

"Magic light beams, flying bison, airbenders! I think I got midnight sun madness. I'm going to where stuff makes sense," Sokka said, closing his eyes, turning around, and scratching his head. he opened his eyes and realized that WE WERE ON A PIECE OF ICE IN THE MIDDLE OF WATER. It was silent for a couple of seconds.

"Well... if you guys are stuck, Appa and I could give you a lift," Aang suggested, flying up into the air and landing gently on Appa's back.

"I'm not stuck, I could just glide to wherever you're going," I said quietly. Aang looked at me, shocked.

"We'd love a ride!" Katara said happily, running over to Appa.

"Ohhhh no. I am NOT getting on that fluffy snot monster," Sokka protested.

"Well are you hoping some OTHER kind of monster will come and take you home?" Katara said, already on Appa.

"Before you freeze to death..." I added quietly.

"Ah--" Sokka started. He froze, and then he sighed. Next thing you know, he was on Appa, his arms crossed in front of him.

"Hey, are you getting on?" Aang asked me.

"Hey, I'm not gonna be on this thing with HER!" Sokka yelled, pointing at me. I rolled my eyes. "We don't even know her name AND she's probably from the Fire Nation."

I sighed. "It's Y/N."

"Well, Sokka? You happy?" Katara asked.

"NO! She's wearing Fire Nation clothes! She's probably a spy!"

"I am NOT Fire Nation. I HATE that place." I said a little loudly. Katara looked a little taken aback as I hadn't really said a lot and besides that, what I said wasn't very loud. 

"Well why are you wearing Fire Nation clothes, huh?" Sokka asked.

"I--" I paused, looking at Aang. He was looking right at me, waiting for an answer. I looked down.

"Ha! I TOLD you that she's guilty!" Sokka yelled, acting all proud.

"I am not! It's just... whatever, I'm here to protect the Avatar," I explained, going back to my calm and quiet voice.

"So? Nobody here is the Avatar," Katara said.

"He doesn't even exist!" Sokka dismissed rudely.

I looked at Aang. His eyes were wide and he was looking at me with a look that told me, 'Please don't say anything.'

"I think..." I trailed off, "I think that the Avatar is somewhere near here."

Aang looked relieved and smiled at me.

"Whatever," Sokka grumbled.

"Come on, get on!" Aang said. I sighed and nodded, flying into the air and landing neatly behind Aang.

"You're an airbender too!" Katara exclaimed.

I hummed in response, holding my glider on my lap.

"Cool!" Aang said, "Appa, yip yip!"

Appa groaned and lifted his tail he jumped off the piece of ice we were on and landed on the water. 

"Come on Appa, yip yip!" Aang whined.

"Woooowww that was truly amazing," Sokka said sarcastically.

I scoffed.

"Appa's just tired. A little rest and he'll be flying! You'll see!" Aang explained. 

After a while, it was pretty dark and Sokka was asleep. I was just sitting there with my eyes closed, so I guess they thought I was asleep too.

"Hey," I heard Katara say to Aang.

"Hey. What are you thinking about?" Aang asked her.

"I guess I was wondering... Since you're an airbender and all...If you knew what happened to the Avatar."

"I...didn't know him... I mean, I knew people who knew him, but I didn't," he responded. Ah, so he's playing THAT game. 

"Okay, just curious. Good night!" Katara said, going back to where she was before.

"Goodnight," Aang responded. After I was sure Katara and Sokka were asleep, I opened my eyes and poked Aang in the shoulder. He opened his eyes and looked at me. 

"I know you're the Avatar," I said, showing no emotion.

"How?" Aang asked me.

"I...I was sent to protect you. I guess I should tell you the whole story. I ran away from the fire nation. Well, I didn't exactly run away, I was banished along with the prince of the fire nation and his uncle. I roamed around for a while on a ship until one day, there was a storm. A huge wave washed over my ship and I drowned. I was practically dead up until I saw a spirit in the water. That spirit was Avatar Roku. He saved me. He told me to go to an Air Temple and I did. There, he trained me. Of course, he did this in his spirit form while I just followed his instruction in the real world. We trained for 2 years and I mastered all four elements. I can do that because...My destiny was to protect you and guide you to help end the war. When I was done training, Avatar Roku told me to find you and fulfill my destiny."

It wasn't the whole truth but...whatever he didn't need to know anything else.

"Woah...That's cool!" Aang said, his eyes sparkling. "How old are you anyway?"

"I'm 16, Aang. I'm guessing you're 12?"

"Yeah!" he said excitedly, "You're like my new big sister!"

I chuckled lightly, sarcasm hinted in my small laugh. "We'll see, Aang. I'm only here to protect you. Not get attached to you and your new...friends.," I said dully, leaning back and lying down with my head resting on my arm.

"Oh...okay," Aang mumbled sadly. I sort of felt bad, but I can't get close to anyone. Not again.


Okay that's all! I hope it's good! I promise, the next chapters will contain a couple flashbacks that will explain what the hell happened in Y/N's past. Okay 

Continuer la Lecture

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