Restart.... Saturn meets Nept...

By Saturn_CPU

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This is a complete overhaul of my last story. It deals with Saturn, a character from the planet Saturn & he i... More

New Friend or Enemy?
Planning is hard.
Heavy Behemoth just plain Sucks
Darkness vs Enlightenment
Past of Forgiveness
Restoring Love
Behemoth's Last Meal


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By Saturn_CPU

Famitsu: Hey there everyone!

Dengekiko: And when we mean everyone, we are talking about the readers.

Famitsu: Now that the fanfic is done. The writer decided to add a bonus chapter. This is where we will ask questions to only the original characters and get to why the villains became who they are in the fanfic.

Dengekiko: Like how people always stole work that Arsenio made?

Famitsu: I know, that's kind of harsh.

Dengekiko: And rude.. He worked on developing his fire power & for fifteen years. He must have worked on it since he was a teen still.

Famitsu: Which did work, but then the people of saturn & titan wanted to take it away from him. He didn't want them to take credit for his hard work that seemed impossible.

Dengekiko: So, I think its time to bring him out?

Famitsu: Let's bring him out... Now!!

Arsenio: *Walks out... waving. turning his flames off*. Been awhile.

Dengekiko: Thanks for being here, I know that you're on fire for being here.

Arsenio: Was that a fire joke you just made? *Stares deep in her soul*.

Dengekiko: *Nervous*.

Arsenio: If it was, it wasn't that clever. Also, the story is over I have no intentions of fighting.

Famitsu: So do you care to collaborate on your background? Or was it told already in the chapter "Darkness vs Enlightenment", the fifth chapter?

Dengekiko: That was quite a beating you did to the CPU's.

Arsenio: I do want to go further, and of course it was a beating I am supposed to be able to match up to any god or goddess. Including a cpu.

Dengekiko: So, when you are talking about how you got your face to be burning off, you mentioned that you had test subjects & they died. Who were the test subjects & how did they die?

Arsenio: The test subjects were sometimes children of Saturn or sometimes they'd be soldiers. I would carefully select & kidnap my subjects. How the children normally died... the children? I would inject a small dose of the fire power, which takes the color of orange & red. It goes in the blood veins and starts to convert normal blood cells into fire blood cells. However, upon studying and observation I noticed that a child's body is not well adapted to handling such extreme realities. The fire cells had to chose the perfect host & the one who has the body of handling it may benefit from it. 

Dengekiko: But, describe how the children died.

Arsenio: They would be screaming in such pain. One of the children screamed so loud that he broke his vocal cords & died in just literal three seconds. This was when Auberon was still quite young. He was laughing like a manic the entire time. I remember him saying.

Young Auberon: Did you hear that? He literally screamed to his death. *laughs manically*. I guess he couldn't handle himself or that dose you gave him. Good one dude. 

Arsenio: Sometimes, I thought Auberon was a total asshole, who deserved to die laughing, but he also was my close friend. He was the only one who thanked me for my work, while the others were trying to steal it.

Famitsu: And can you tell another death or two in your test subject days?

Arsenio: Another child.. this one girl was not fit of handling the power of fire. She was hallucinating of monsters attacking her.. So graphic that I cannot speak about it. She clawed her own face until she dead & the fire made her body explode all over that test subject room. It was entirely not good.

Famitsu: I cannot imagine what that was like witnessing, watching it.

Arsenio: You don't want to.. Far too graphic. The last subject was a soldier of Saturn's army. He was the forgotten commander from the Saturn revolution days. At first, I thought the experiment was going well because he showed no signs or symptoms for the first three days. One week later, I checked up on the subject and... His insides were burnt to a crisp. All expect his vitals. I didn't know, it had killed him silently. I had about 3,015 test subjects.

Dengekiko: After your test subjects, you tested it on yourself one last time?

Arsenio: Yes... The people of Titan and Saturn were coming to steal my work from me. I used all of it on myself. However, with me.. The fire cells had spoken to me. They spoke & said, "You are our host.. We, the fire cells shall merge ourselves with your body. You all along were our true host and now, lets combine". When the people arrived, I had already burned up all of my works studies. Notes, audio logs and personal logs. I blazed all who came for me down. They retreated, and I got to keep my work.

Dengekiko: And that is when you made Saturn your enemy?

Arsenio: I normally never considered him to be my enemy, but his agenda was. Respectful his skills were and his personality, but his agenda of killing Auberon was what made him the enemy. I did not agree with him, he wanted to put an end to all testing on people, even if it meant finding a medicine to an impossible disease. 

Dengekiko: In a way, couldn't you not see why that would be a good thing?

Arsenio: I did.. in some ways, I knew he was caring for everyone's lives. In another way, I thought he was being selfish because if we don't make some people test subjects, we may never find the cure to a cancer. Take a life, to save billions.

Blanc: *Walks in on the interview*. So you would kill Rom & Ram just to find the cure for all cancer!?

Arsenio: Only if it was required, besides they can be replaced. 

Blanc: No one can be replaced!! And I will never allow you harm them!

Arsenio: I have no interest in such disgusting things like those little girls.

Dengekiko: Hey, Blanny? You're not suppose to be on the stage right now.

Blanc: And he's suppose to be dead inside of a watery grave!

Arsenio: I am, but this is the after story. 

Neptune, Noire & Vert: *Grabs Blanc by her arms and legs*. Let's get her off the stage.

Blanc: You better hope I don't kill you in this after story, Arsenio!

Arsenio: You better hope that your not my next test subject.

Famitsu: Sorry about that.

Dengekiko: So anyway,  you think its right to take one life to save billions?

Arsenio: Yes, I would. So yes, I would take away one life in exchange to finding a cure for an impossible disease or cancer. As I believe it is the only right way in existence.

Dengekiko: Have you ever had family before?

Arsenio: Yes. I had a girlfriend.. I accidentally burned her & her family to ashes. I also did same with my own family. That's the one thing I regret. It was a mistake of my life that I wish I could undo, but I cannot. 

Dengekiko: Do you date?

Arsenio: I cannot date anymore.. Those reasons is because my fire cells set anyone on fire if they are family or becoming family. The fire cells hate another person trying to take their host away.

Famitsu: You mentioned that you don't like Auberon, Why's that? 

Arsenio: Because he can make no sense or his reasons can be left unclear. 

Dengekiko: How do you know? 

Arsenio: He laughs a lot, like a lot. It irritates me. He laughs when someone dies, and he smiles when he gets his way.

Famitsu: Why not torch him then?

Arsenio: He's immune to my fire.. He's immune to all types of fire & fighting him in hand to hand combat is extremely dangerous. He has many tricks up his sleeves.   

Dengekiko: One last thing  before you go? If you could, would you turn your back on Auberon and help Saturn defeat him?

Arsenio: The answer is no.. I can never work with someone who blames himself for getting a family killed including his own. It slows down my work. However, if it was to take Auberon down? I'd still say no. There is no point in fighting Auberon, if my powers have no affect on him. I would go on my own path to solving every cure for all of cancer and disease.

Famitsu: And there you have it. Arsenio, scientist, master of fire, and inventor!

Arsenio: I will be on my way. If I am required to return for a past sequence, I will be available. Find me inside the moon of titan.

Dengekiko: Will do! Next, we have the most dangerous and strongest member to Auberon, like a brother to Arsenio. He devours everyone that he kills rather or not he has fought hard for the meal.

Famitsu: As extra precaution, we put so many electrical shocking devices all over his body. Please welcome, Behemoth!!

Behemoth: *Walks out onto the stage with electrical chains on his arms, legs and all over his body*.

Sachiko: Remember, try to break out and run, you will be electrocuted. The voltage is about 10,000,000 watts. Its strong enough to put you into a coma or kill you.

Behemoth: Better off dead... treating me like a dog! *snorts*. 

Sachiko: No your not.. Your a hyena. Worse than a dog.

Dengekiko: Okay, enough of your little chit chat. 

Behemoth: I never grow tired.

Dengekiko: You can't get tired?

Behemoth: Only be shear amounts of injuries I can get tired. However, doing that isn't easy. I would have to take hits that is the weight of everything in Gamindustry and the planet Saturn combined.

Dengekiko: I can't do the mathematics on that.

Sachiko: You do not want to know that math. It is ridiculous. 

Dengekiko: Thanks for the warning.

Compa: *Walks on the stage*. So why do you eat everyone?

Behemoth: It is for my survival. 

Dengekiko: Well yeah, eating is part of survival.

Compa: No, I mean why do you eat literally everyone you kill?

Behemoth: You want to know the truth? 

Compa: Yes.

Behemoth: The truth is... I just do it!

Compa: I noticed the cuts on your big old shoulders and back when you were fighting the others.

Behemoth: You've noticed my old cuts from the past? Very well... You will never know or ever be able to imagine the pain my people endured on Titan and Saturn. For many centuries my species were used to extract very dangerous and deadly crystals, methane coal, and collect rocks on the asteroids that make up Saturn's ring. If we did one thing wrong or did not make the right amount for that day or week. You would be fed to a grinder. That grinder would beat you until you nothing but a teeny tiny pebble. I was the only one who endured all of it. So they'd tried to starve me to death. When that didn't work, they soon realized they were making me into an unstoppable killing machine. I unlocked my true power. Rage. One day, I broke free from my slave chains and my anger took over my body. I killed the grinder. Tore him apart in front of his family... Then I tore his family apart and began eating them in front of everyone that enslaved my species. 

Compa: Didn't you feel anything?

Behemoth: I don't feel feelings anymore, compa. I had evolved to never feel anything other than violence, pain, suffering. To me, nothing in life means nothing. Only by eating corpses means something. It satisfies all of the things that I feel.

Dengekiko: So, you feel like eating everyone is justifiable? 

Behemoth: Yes. As it should. It reduces the population and gets rid of a person's DNA the quickest. 

Noire: You're a deadly pig!

Behemoth: My species considers that sentence as a compliment. 

Noire: *Makes an angry face*.

Behemoth: Cute facial expression, maybe you be my dinner? *Attempts to break free*.

Sachiko: No you don't! *Electrocutes him at 9,000 watts*.

Behemoth: *Zipped*. I won't... The story is over, I am dead.

Famitsu: Hey, umm? Dengekiko? I don't want him out here for too much longer. *Nervous*.

Dengekiko: Just a few more. 

Famitsu: O-okay.

Dengekiko: So what motivates you to do what you are?

Behemoth: I just want to kill and eat everyone. When the entire world is on my dinner plate, that is when I'll stop.

Dengekiko: So, if you can literally kill Auberon, why not just do it?

Behemoth: He is the only person who didn't view me as a slave. He was responsible for making my shackles weak enough for me to break free that night. I knew in a way he was going to get rid of me anyway sooner or later. I knew he was afraid of me because his powers and intelligence have little effects on me. 

Dengekiko: One last thing. Why are you enemies with Saturn?

Behemoth: His family owned my family. His parents killed my family.. when I killed his wife and daughter with Auberon, I was not satisfied. I wanted to kill Saturn, not his wife or daughter. His parents were so-called resistance but kept my species in dark ice caves on titan. They were no resistance, they just wanted power.

Dengekiko: And that is all the time, we are allowed to be with Behemoth out here on stage. Next up, its Enceladus.

Sachiko: Come on big guy. *Makes behemoth walk off and back into his prison electrical cage*.

Famitsu: He makes a scary entrance, is a master of teleportation with the dust technology, is a soon to be a master assassin, and carries on his family's legacy. Please Welcome, Enceladus!

Dengekiko: *Waves*. W-wait? Where is he Famitsu?

Famitsu: I don't know?

Dengekiko: You were supposed to keep track of him.

Famitsu: How can I? He is an assassin! So don't blame me! 

Enceladus: *Shows up behind Dengekiko*. Boo.

Dengekiko: *Jumps up from her chair frightened*. C-can you please start arriving not as an assassin?

Enceladus: Its a habit of mine.

Famitsu: Yeah, we know, but can you not do it when you're in a place full of friends?

Dengekiko: Also, please remove the helmet if you could?

Enceladus: *Stares in both of their eyes*. I will try, but the helmet stays on.

Dengekiko: Okay then.. so what makes you an assassin?

Enceladus: My father and mother were assassins before I was born. They were not to be tested with.

Famitsu: Why do you teleport anywhere?

Enceladus: Because it makes my appearance hidden. It makes very little sounds when I need to sneak behind an enemy. 

Dengekiko: At the end of your time, how did you teleport into liqikous's heart? I thought nothing could pierce through it.

Enceladus: It was still asleep a little bit, and its chest was still thickening up. 

Dengekiko: Your sword?

Enceladus: It was given down to me by my mother. I made the blade sharper then she could. 

Dengekiko: So do you always fight with honor?

Enceladus: Yes, my family did, so I have to do so as well. 

Famitsu: Why do you talk small?

Vert: We are a bit curious.

Uni: You gave me inspiration once before.

Enceladus: Because it is who I am. I was born like this.

Uni: Bull, I think you just do it because your a soon to be master assassin. Am I right?

Enceladus: Close, but your still far away from being close to the heat. Though there was a time when I could talk more, after watching my family fall and die in front of me, I guess that is what changed me. I honestly don't know.

Dengekiko: So, why are you friends with Saturn?

Enceladus: He was my first friend when I was a child. He was only a few years older than me. Plus, our families had been friends with each other since the revolution on Saturn. My people live longer than the people on Saturn. 

Famitsu: Interesting.

Dengekiko: Do you believe that Saturn is right?

Enceladus: Is he right? I honestly do not know. I don't like his decisions because usually, it had costed our team to lose members. There used to be twenty of us, but now it's only four of us.

Dengekiko: How do you handle it?

Enceladus: I handle it truthfully and easily. I may not like it, but I know not to question until it is the right time. Besides, when fighting Auberon I had no choice, but to listen and do the mission. It was a difficult time.

Famitsu: Do you feel guilt?

Enceladus: At times, yes I do. I miss the other sixteen members of the team.

Iffy: If I may ask, what happened to your team?

Enceladus: There was a night when Saturn's palace was attacked, and the team got trapped inside of their bunker. Arsenio... set fire to it and it all burned down. We assumed they were dead. However, in case there were survivors, I left behind an audio log containing why we left and where to go to meet up someday again when Auberon is dead. We try not to think about it.

Iffy: Must've been painful to lose members of your team.

Enceladus: It was... I must go.

Dengekiko: That's all the time we have with you anyway.

Enceladus: *Vanishes into dust*.

Dengekiko: *Coughs from the dust*. 

Famitsu: *Also coughing*. How? How does he do that?

Iffy: *Coughing*. From the dust grenades that he uses.

Dengekiko: We may have to make that an official rule for him.

Famitsu: An-Anyway, next up is the little sister of Saturn, she's a girl you do not want to get on at all. Sachiko!

Sachiko: *Walks on stage normally, waving*. Hey.

Dengekiko: Welcome, welcome. So tell me, how does feel to finally have won?

Sachiko: Honestly, I am overwhelmed with joy and a bit of a void inside of me.

Famitsu: Did you ever think that your brother, Saturn could kill Auberon?

Sachiko: Oh, yeah I knew. However, I did not think he would go through with it. 

Dengekiko: Was it hard to see Enceladus die off at the end?

Sachiko: Yes.. it was. I did in fact love him. His assassin skills and disappearing trick attracted me to him. So just losing him in that tragic end made me realize just how little time we have with each other. *sobs*.

Compa: No need to cry.. *rubs Sachiko's head*.

Sachiko: I'm fine. For now anyway. He sacrificed himself for the greater good. I can live with that.

Dengekiko: Was it hard for you to see your brother leave you for a short time?

Sachiko: Like what?

Neptune: She means when Saturn hitched a ride into a meteor shower which made him land here.

Sachiko: Oh, that's right. I totally forgot about that because I assumed everyone moved on from that. Yes, it was tough. However, he needed to. 

Famitsu: Mehki would use his last amount of powers to send you, sari, and Enceladus here.

Sachiko: Aww, yes. Mehki. Nice kid, he had big potential. He actually could control lightning and be able to use ice magic. Though, he tended to use only his fists and physical strength over his powers. He also got way too cocky, also scared. And the final thing, I always assumed he had a crush on me. I don't know and I guess, I will never know now.

Dengekiko: Did you ever tell him?

Sachiko: If I loved him? No. Though I felt that he knew I was falling for Enceladus at the time, so he respected it. That's one thing I liked about him. He never got mad unless his friends got hurt.

Dengekiko: Do you blame any of your enemies for doing what they did?

Sachiko: I blame everything on Auberon. If he had never come back, I would have my love still around. For Arsenio & Behemoth? I kind of feel bad for them in a small way. I feel bad for Arsenio way more then I do for Behemoth. Arsenio got stepped on and got his work stolen just because he lived in the ice caves on titan. And Arsenio worked his ass off way too hard on his research. He earned the credit, not my people. Behemoth? I understand that his species were treated like slaves. However, there was no excuse for him to go around ripping limbs and eating people.

Dengekiko: Final one.

Famitsu: Are you glad that the battle against Auberon is done?

Sachiko: Honestly, yes. No more people getting killed at the least. *Walks off*.

Dengekiko: Next up is. 

Sari: I'm already here.

Dengekiko: Oh? well, that was quick.

Sari: Let's hurry this up I have to get to working on a satellite to see if I can pick up signals from our homeworld. 

Famitsu: Your working on a satellite?

Sari: After all the damages Auberon has done, I thought it would be good to see or at least hear that there are survivors from either titan or Saturn. 

Dengekiko: Tell us, how long have you known Saturn?

Sari: Since when we were. Literally. We were both on the same day.

Compa: That seems cool.

Sari: Not really. 

Dengekiko: How long have you been working with him?

Sari: Since I was like twelve. We were both the same age so.

Famitsu: How does a girl like you get to be listed as one of Saturn's mightest warriors?

Sari: Years of training, discipline, and combat experience. 

Dengekiko: After winning do you feel like a change is happening?

Sari: Yes. I do. I believe everyone in this room will change in some way. Besides the antagonists of course.

Neptune: Random question? Do you love Saturn? Like, I mean marriage type of love?

Noire: Neptune!?

Neptune: What? It's a curiosity question since they're usually always hugging upon each other.

Noire: B-But that's still a personal question to her! 

Sari: It's alright. No, I do not love him like I want to marry him. Although my parents wanted me to marry him once. However, he chose his wife for many reasons. My parents did not like that he married a Saturn woman who lived on an asteroid ring. However, true love does not care what your social status is. I respected him. I respect him, and yes I love him.. but not in that way. We are close friends and chose to keep it like that.

Dengekiko: Okay, the random question is out of the way. Anyway is anything going to change in your life?

Sari: Like Sachiko just said, yes it will. I am establishing a satellite to try to contact survivors of titan and Saturn. Never hearing Auberon's voice again is going to be a blast. I should be going now.

Dengekiko: Okay then, but one more question. Do you like working with Saturn?

Sari: Well ever since he recruited me to join his team a long time ago, at first I thought he was quite arrogant, but after knowing what he has been through. I think he just wants to be happy and let everyone else live a happy life while giving up his own. If that does not show you a hero characteristic then, you need to get glasses and look harder because he puts his own life on the line. He may not always be right, but by god, he tries his best and in the most impossible way possible. I am proud to be serving with him now than ever. Now, I will take my leave. *Walks out*.

Famitsu: Time for the last two guests.

Neptune: She totally loves him. *giggles*.

Noire: *Slaps Neptune in the back of her head*. It's only because they worked alongside each other for so long, she developed close friend feelings for him. Don't just make final assumptions & you better not tell him!

Neptune: I was only making a small joke.

Noire: Save your jokes for later.

Dengekiko: Speaking of jokes. We are now bringing out someone who likes to laugh at murder & genocide, only for the quest of becoming a god. Let's bring out the one who laughs a lot, at literally everything. 

Famitsu: He does not care who you are anymore because of why? That's what we are going to find out.

Dengekiko: He is able to stay ahead of his enemies, capable of taking down the CPUs. He has made a lot of enemies because of his family's past and himself.

Famitsu: Let's not welcome Auberon!

Dengekiko: *Slaps Famitsu with her teddy bear*. You mean Welcome Auberon Fluff head!

Auberon: *Gets on the stage*. Greetings... indeed, greetings. Now, what do I owe these fine, lovely ladies? Perhaps, flowers? *Pulls flowers out of his wrists*.

Dengekiko: Umm? No thanks. After witnessing you, no one here trusts you anymore or even likes you.

Auberon: What's not to like about me? I am the new Conqueror of every world.

Neptune: Were. Get better at understanding the story and knowing what happened.

Famitsu: So Why?

Auberon: Why what? Oh, my bad... *laughs*. Do you mean why I hate Saturn? My gosh. I don't hate him. *Smiles in embarrassment*.

Nepgear: You threaten him every time you speak to him and to us.

Auberon: That's because that is how I talk. Besides, why would I hate him? For his parents killing my parents? For killing my family? Or was it for stealing the number one medal for the best leader? Did I win that?! If so, congratulations to me! *laughs maniacally*.

Vert: Just speak!

Auberon: Oh, pardon me miss little big old hack of titties! I didn't realize this was a woman contest. *laughs*.

Vert: *Punches him*.

Auberon: Oh that was great... I love a woman who's a little feisty. Maybe someday you can remind my craziness with a frying pan.

Vert: *Punches him again*.

Auberon: Keep at it sweet cheeks.

Sachiko: *Approaches*. Don't. You just resist. He's done the same thing to me. He wants you to beat him, to prove you are like him, but not crazy.

Auberon: Who's crazy? Not me? I am sad. I might cry. *Cries*.

Dengekiko: Are those real or fake?

Auberon: *Sobs*. Real.

Dengekiko: *Attempts to touch his face*.

Saturn: *Grabs Dengekiko's hand*. Don't. He said they're real, but they are not. It's acid. He can make acid look like real tears. 

Dengekiko: B-But? *Confused look*.

Saturn: Trust me... They're fake.

Dengekiko: *Nods her head*. Okay.

Auberon: What took you so long? 

Saturn: This is your interview.

Auberon: It can be both of ours. 

Famitsu: But, we can't have two enemies together.

Dengekiko: That's not a good idea.

Auberon: I'll talk.

Histoire: It's fine... let them.

Dengekiko: Well, I don't have a choice now do I? Let's bring out Saturn!

Neptune: Saturn is already up there!

Blanc: They already know Neptune.

Dengekiko: So, I will ask again. Why do you hate Saturn?

Auberon: Do you know a little story that a boy got stepped on by all of society in his homeworld?

Dengekiko: No... I haven't should I?

Auberon: I recommend it. It teaches that the worst and the greatest of people are created by fear.  

Famitsu: Why take it out on everyone?

Auberon: Because its fun to do it. 

Compa: Care to tell us how you became who you are today?

Auberon: Happy to oblige. Years ago during the end of the revolution on Saturn, my parents told me to get out of our temple which by today is used as a weapons station. I didn't go and run. I stayed behind, I watched what happened. Saturn's family killed my family in cold blood. I was the last survivor. 

Compa: You have a lot of pent up rage.

Auberon: Which makes my powers very real. With such anger, my powers are quite strong. So, I actually thank his family for giving me this strength and power.

Saturn: So you feel like you can just kill anyone without any sympathy or any thoughts of the consequences? 

Auberon: I always think about the consequences, but I just do the killing without care. No one cared for me after my parents were killed.

Dengekiko: Saturn, I probably already know. We all probably know why you hate him. Why?

Saturn: Aside from killing my wife and daughter in front of me. He has killed more than just us people of Saturn. Not one shred of emotions, but laughter and just being an ass.

Auberon: Language sir. Watch it. We have ladies present.

Saturn: You should be the one to talk about language.

Neptune: How did you get a sense of laughing?

Auberon: It started when I learned some person named Trikee, of course, he's dead now. Least I think he's dead. I have forgotten who I killed and spared.

Saturn: I know him, kind of sadistic.

 Neptune: I have a friend who can be extremely sadistic.

Saturn: Let us guess, you had him killed?

Auberon: Bingo! Someone close and related to my blood took him out. 

Famitsu: Were you surprised by the way your little campaign ended?

Auberon: I actually was. The worst part of it was that I already knew that I was going to die in the end. I knew the whole story.

Saturn: Well, I didn't. However, at the least, I managed to stop you with the help of these girls.

Everyone who helped: *Smiles and waves at Saturn*. We got your back now!

Auberon: However, I did not tell you that the story is far from over.

Neptune: You're dead in the story! How is it not over?!

Auberon: I had an audio log dropped upon my death. If you paid attention to Saturn closely, you'd know that a new family from me is coming.

Dengekiko: Saturn? Is this true? 

Saturn: Yes. 

Auberon: That is his one true weakness. Keeping secrets from everyone.

Saturn: I do it because I want to help and protect everyone.

Auberon: More like an excuse to save your own ass.

Famitsu: Um? Let's go back to Saturn... Why do you fight bad guys like Auberon?

Saturn: To make sure no one goes through the nightmare this guy truly is. No one should have to experience the genocide of his own people and others. Or someone who slaughters families because he wants to laugh.

Famitsu: And you, Auberon?

Auberon: I just wanted to clean up every world of the bad, and the worst. People like Saturn are who ruins the world. You all think the world is fair, but clearly, none here have truly experienced unfairness. Even if it meant killing those people who are deemed good.

Dengekiko: So, Saturn. Do you believe that your old team survived when your palace fell?

Saturn: I do. Their deaths were never confirmed, nor did we ever find bodies, not even ashes. 

Auberon: It's better to just assume they're dead. Less work and more fun of the guessing game with my idea.

Nepgear: What did you think of your first appearance Saturn?

Saturn: Honestly, I think it was rough, but acceptable to me.

Auberon: Real acceptable. Mine could've used more death threats, and maybe some explosions from those kiddos.

Rom: I refuse! *Makes an angry cute face*.

Ram: We ain't doing what you tell us big bully! *sticks her tongue out at him*.

Auberon: Cute kids... Enough to make me not laugh when killing them.

Blanc: Touch them & you'll be dead in a heartbeat.

Auberon: You aren't fast enough to kill me in a heartbeat.

Blanc: *Grabs Auberon by his neck. Makes her scary death threat face*. Want to make me prove it?!

Auberon: Give me the punchline and I'll call you to make my funeral. *Laughs while being choked*.

Saturn: Blanc, calm down. *Slaps her hand down*. This is what he wants you to do. He loves to corrupt one's head.

Blanc: *Cools down and let's go*.

Auberon: Saturn, you are always the party pooper. Until you killed me. I unleashed such a beautiful beast inside of you.

Saturn: Yet, you did not corrupt me.

Auberon: It hasn't kicked in yet, but in time it will. Just you wait.. just let all of you wait, the day will come when I offered you protection from him. When he gets out of control, you just killed off your only chance of stopping him.

Saturn: *Punches the wall behind him*.

Auberon: You see?! There it is!

Dengekiko: You were dissing him a bit.

Neptune: Yeah, you were getting him and so he punched the wall to avoid punching you in the face

Dengekiko: I guess that about wraps it up. 

Sachiko: *Removes Auberon from the stage*.

Auberon: Shows over already? I thought our love meeting was just beginning!? *Leaves the stage*. *Laughs while leaving*.

Famitsu: I don't think we got enough information out of him.

Dengekiko: It was mainly because Auberon was rumbling on with jokes.

Saturn: That is who you wanted on stage. I warned you.

Famitsu: R-really?!

Saturn: Yes.

Dengekiko: You are in trouble mister.

Saturn: Me?

Neptune: You kept that secret audio log from us. We're going to hear it.

Iffy: Yep.

Compa: I'll inject you with a sleeping syringe if you try to disappear.

Saturn: Compa, you know I'm immune to your kind of syringes.

Sachiko: That is why I gave her an upgrade. Me and Sari.

Saturn: Fuck! 

Vert: So, let's listen to this audio log now.

Sari: This is going to be good. At least now, he can overcome his thing for keeping secrets. *smiles*.

Sachiko: Hey! Sari!? You helping me with this satellite or what?!

Sari: BE RIGHT THERE! Please, you have to change Saturn. 


Narrator(Writer IProSaturn): This is the final end, I really hope you enjoyed this dark "Neptunia fanfiction. This is my first attempt at making a dark story for "Neptunia". Many of the references for my original characters are references to comic book villains. You have to figure out their references. If you enjoyed this fanfiction and want me to do a sequel following up this story. Please Message me on my Twitter IProSaturn or on the Neptunia Amino Page. I already have it in the works, but on paper only as of right now. I have not started typing it yet. I want to give out a Super Special Thanks to everyone who has stuck by my side since my start of this project back in 2016. I honestly forgot where I originally announced this project, but I am just glad to have finally gotten this fanfic done. The original version was scrapped due to issues with the story, but this new version. This version gives me a chance to tell perhaps a legacy of "Neptunia" fanfiction stories. A bond between Neptune and Saturn is secretly forming. Originally Enceladus was going to fall an attachment to Uni, and that would be when Sachiko would start getting jealous. She would force Enceladus to choose. Sachiko would start to get a little bit of Auberon inside of her. However, an old enemy of the past would make a return for Saturn. No, not Behemoth, Arsenio, or Auberon. An old enemy of his dad. I killed Enceladus off because I thought it would be best for the assassin to die first. His family was known for making sacrifices. His soul also sparks a beacon for survivors to know where he died. Again, I just want to Give a Big Special Thanks with Hearts on it for never stopping believing in me. Your cheerful support helped me continue this project. 

Continuation? Only you the reader can say it. Leave a yes or a no. If yes, then please leave reviews of what I could fix for a sequel & how I could change my original characters like Saturn, Sari, Sachiko, Auberon(Yep he would most definitively return, but as a vision & in flashbacks). Arsenio, Behemoth & Enceladus are dead, but they could come back in flashbacks. I am welcoming all kinds of improvements. No threats.

The End. 

Thank You. 

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