Locked In With The NJ Boys

By justforjokes0

218K 3.9K 2.8K

You go to Miami with your friends and there's only one room left so you have to share with the NJ boys More

✨part 1✨
✨part 2✨
✨part 3✨
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
new story
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
thank you ❤
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 21
part 22
part 23
part 24
part 25
part 26
part 27
part 28
part 29
thank you
part 30
part 31
part 32
part 33
part 34
part 35
part 36
part 37,
part 38
part 39
part 40
part 41
part 42
please answer
part 43
part 44
part 45
part 46
part 47
part 48
part 49
part 50
part 52
part 53
part 54
part 55
part 56
part 57
part 58
part 59
part 60
PART 2 ✨
I've just done a bad thing
I've done it

part 51

3.6K 33 28
By justforjokes0

You woke up and put this on

Alejandro was still asleep so you left him you cheaked your phone and saw your had a message from Brandon (onas boyfriend) you two used to be friends but you stoped after he started to date ona

Soso/ Sofia


Hey soso

Not this nick name

I need help

What with

So I know we're on a trip but I want to do something for ona

What you wanna do

When we get back I want to suprise her

You should take her somewhere to eat

What shall I buy her

Not something big it has to be small and meaning full

A ring?

A necklace

And it should have her name on it


Thanks soso

It's Sofia

Don't care

S: what happend
Ale: I look gay
S: you always do
Ale: did you do this
S: no James Charles
Ale: how did he do this
S: he snuck in the room and did it
Ale: I look ugly
S: once again you always do
Ale: say sike right now
S: Fuck no

He stated to chase you around the room and then you realised your late again

S: alejandro were late again
Ale: it's fine
S: were going to have to go home

You grabbed his hand and started to rub the make up of his face with a make up wipe you walked out so he can get dressed and you put your shoes on you walked out and went to the hall

T: your late again
S: ok nice to know
T: I'm going to have swap you with someone
Ale: why tho
T: because you can't come to class on time
S: this isn't class
T: so today we are going to do a little activity so there is 4 flags hidden in the wood we need to go in groups and find the flags
S: this seems like a shit game
T: these are the group's

(The letters after the name is how I'm going to write them when there talking)

Group 1.                  Group 2 .

1. Alejandro/ale        1. Kairi/k
2. Mia/mia.                2. Desi/D
3. Sofia/s                    3. Josh/j
4. Mattia/m                4. Brandon/B
5. Zoe/z                       5. Daniel/dan

6. Hector/h                 6. Hannah/han

  group  3                     group 4

1. Ona/Ona               1.Alvaro/alv
2. Roshaun/r             2. Vic/vic
3. Mar/Mar               3.alex/alex
4. Katie/kat              4.jabez/jab
5. Olivia/O               5. Avani/ava
6. Diego/die             6. Nicole/nic

D: so wait what we doing
T: so there are different coloured flags hidden in the woods you find ONE flag and come back each flag means something else
M: does the colour of the flag matter
T: yes
Mar: what do the flags mean
T: you will find out once you bring your flag back
O: what happens if we get lost
S: if you got lost the lord would have blessed us all
T: you will have to find your way back
Kat: is there team captains
T: yeh whoever you want
B: how many
T: one boy and one girl

Z: I think I should be the team captain
Mia: well I don't
H: alejandro should be one team captain
M: yeh
Z: and I should be the other
Mia: I think Sofia should
S: me?
H: Is your name sofia
S: is it
Ale: last time I cheaked yeh it was

Team captains for each group

Group 1
Alejandro and sofia

Group 2
Brandon and Hannah

Group 3
ona and mar

Group 4
jabez and Nicole

Group 1s pov

S: so I think we should go in pares and look for a flag
M: but how would we know if the other person has got one
Ale: we should face time and then when we find on go back to the start
Mia: thats a good idea
H: me and Mia are a pair
S: me and alejandro
M: that means me and Zoe
Z: ewww no
S: shut the fuck up
Z: or what
S: I will beat you up

You guys all walked in the woods going different ways

End of pov

3rd person

Group 1 had walked into the woods all of them on a face time call going separate ways group 2 on the other hand were trying to think of a good technic to find a flag group 3 were all in the woods not even together they weren't in pares they all separate from eachover and group 4 were still at the start arguing over who will go together Vic had a problem walking with Avani

End of pov

Group 4s pov

Vic: I'm not walking with Avani
Alv: why not
Vic: I hate her
Alex: so who do you want to walk with
Vic: Nicole
Jab: so Nicole and Vic together
Ava: I don't thinks that's a good idea but whatever
Jab: me and Avani and then Alvaro and Alex
Alex: ok now let's go look for a flag

They walked into the woods and went to get a flag

End of pov

Group 3s pov

All of them were in the woods not with anyone ona was walking then she got a message from a unknown number

Unknown number

Unknown number
I don't think it's s good idea to walk in the woods alone

Well I do so bog of you bogey

Unknown number
Don't be so rude

Ona was getting scared so she put her phone in her pocket and went to find someone in her group she saw mar and Roshaun together so she went up to them

Ona: guys someone text me
Mar: who was it
Ona: I don't know it was a unknown number
R: ok stay with us
Mar: we found a flag
Ona: let's find the others and get out of here

They found the others and left the woods ona had gotten another text

Unknown number

Unknown number
Why did you leave so soon

Unknown number
You should have stayed maybe I could have spoken to you

End of pov

Group 2s pov

Dan: i think we should just go in and find one
K: shut the fuck up Danielle
D: nobody fucking asked
Dan: shut up desi

They all just walked into the woods together Daniel was keep on pushing desi and hannah desi had enough of it

D: what the fuck do you want
Dan: nothing
H: so why you keep on pushing me
B: I found one
M: let's go back

Group 2 started walking back to the start when they got back they realized group 1 want back

Group 1s pov

Group 1 was in the woods going there separate ways in there groups Sofia and alejandro took the right side hector and mia took the left side and mattia and Zoe just walked straight forward Mattia was just walking then he heard a scream it sounded like a girl it wasn't Zoe because she was to busy annoying him then he heard "Alejandro stop" so it must have been Sofia

Sofia was walking then there was a bee flying around near her

S: alejandro stop
Ale: I'm not doing anything
S: but this bee is
Ale: what shall I do
S: I don't know
Ale: I don't get how your planning on coming outside and not seeing a bee
S: they don't do anything except from scare people
Ale: they make honey don't they?
S: they do?
Ale: we need to find a flag
S: can you pick me up
Ale: no
S: please
Ale: no
S: pretty please with a cherry on top
Ale: I dOnT LiKe ChErRyS
S: you look so pretty today
Ale: do I really?
S: yeh
Ale: but this morning you said I'm ugly and gay
S: did I?
Ale: yeh
S: well my mistake
Ale: ok let's go
S: pick me up
Ale: fine

He picked you up and then hector started to text you

Hector/ hector 😲
Sofia/ miss know it all

Hector 😲

Hector 😲
We found a flagg

Miss know it all
We will meet you then

Hector 😲

Miss know it all
I'll see you in a bit

S: Alejandro
Ale: yeh
S: alejandro
Ale: yeh
S: alejandro
Ale: yeh
Ale: what
S: no need to be rude
Ale: what were you saying
S: they found a flag

You started to walked back to the start you guys were the last ones

M: why is alejandro picking you up
S: cuz there was bugs

Alejandro put you down and you walked towards everyone else was

T: ok so have we all got a flag
S: if we didn't we wouldn't be here
Mar: what we doing with the flags
T: so you will get a colored pack and they all have different things in and you have to make a little house
R: this seems shit
T: who has the red pack
B: us (group 2)
T: who has the green flag
N: us (group 4)
T: the blue flag
O: us (group 3)
T: and yellow flag
M: us (group 1)
Z: do you know pink is my favourite colour
S: when
Z: when what
S: when did I ask
Z: you never
S: so why you telling me then
T: ok so these are the packs

Red pack (group 2)                 

Green pack (group 4)

Blue pack (group 3)

Yellow pack (group 1)
Strawberry laces
Cake slice
Chocolate syrup

You guys walked away with your things

S: I know what we can do
Mia: what
S: so with the cake we can make that the bottom of the house
M: we can use the cookies as the roof
H: and put the chocolate syrup on top of then
Z: but they might fall
Ale: so we will use the strawberry laces to hold it
Mia: yeh we could wrap the laces around it
S: I'm just too smart  for you guys
Ale: Im smarter
S: pff as if
Ale: yeh not even a lift/elevator can get to my level
M: ok big man

You guys made your house and you won you were walking back to the hotel with ona then you felt something cold and wet running down your back you looked at ona and saw Katie poring a milkshake on her so that means Vic was being you, you elbowed her in her stomach and she fall down to the floor you crouched down so you were at her level and said

S: don't do that again
Vic: or what
S: or what? You'll be in a fucking hospital bed
Vic: hounding scare me
S: I did that time
Vic: what time
S: the time when you "Kidnapped" me
Vic : you didn't do anything
S: I beat you the fuck up

She was about to pull your hair but you slapped her hand away

S: just dont bother
Vic: why
S: cuz I will beat you up

You got up and walked back to your room

Ale: what happend to you
S: nothing
Ale: why you smell
S: cuz your bitch spilt milkshake on me
Ale: my bitch ?
S: yeh your bitch
Ale: so you spilt milkshake on yourself
S: no Vic did it

You got in the bath and was just chilling in the bath you have been in the bath for a hour then there was a knock on the door

S: how may I help you
Ale: are you ok
S: yeh why
Ale: you have been in there for a hour
S: yeh and....
Ale: I was just seeing if your ok
S: awww alejandro cares about me
Ale: shut up

You got out the bath and put this on

You walked out the room and alejandro want there your phone had a notification so you cheaked it ,it was from your mum

Mama bear  🐻❤️/mum
Princess/ Sofia

Mama bear 🐻❤️

Mama bear 🐻❤️


Mama bear 🐻❤️

Mama bear 🐻❤️

Why you calling me a bitch 😐😭

Mama bear 🐻❤️
Did I? I didn't even realise

How's my baby

Mama bear 🐻❤️
I'm fine

Not you cookie

Mama bear 🐻❤️
He's ok

And how's dad

Mama bear 🐻❤️
He's fine

That's good

Mama bear 🐻❤️
Are you missing someone ?

No I don't think so

Mama bear 🐻❤️


Mama bear 🐻


Mama bear 🐻❤️


Mama bear 🐻❤️
How rude



You put your phone down and were about to go asleep then you realised alejandro isn't here you just got into bed and went to sleep

I hope you like it
I made a longer part
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Word count 2196

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