I walk the line || ELITE ||

By maddbaby

4.7K 71 13


0 || characters || prologue ||
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1.4K 16 2
By maddbaby

|| Welcome ||

|| Christina's POV. ||

I arrived at school this morning and the main topic everyone was interested in was the new students who are joining our school. I know that Guzmán isn't going to be cool with these outsiders joining us for the school year. I really don't care about these new students honestly there going be some randoms that will be forgotten very soon.

I walked into the classroom and sat next to my boyfriend minding my business into the outsider decided to talk to me and my group of friends.
"Hey guys, I'm Christian," he says so excitedly. "Who does this guy think he is?" Guzmán says, clearly he annoyed already. I hit his arm "come on babe give him a chance let's see if he is worth our time." I said to my annoyed boyfriend. I see lu and Clara talking and looking at this outsider. Then finally the new kid decides to take a seat next to us but Guzmán stops him. " not here" he says. "Ah is someone seating here?" Christian said. "Yes, my invisible friend," Guzmán says. He is so petty I laughed it off and the teacher finally walks in and we finally start this damn class.

Our teacher told the new students to introduce themselves, of course, he calls on Christian first he seems so clueless this is going be so funny.
"Um, uh. hello. Um... ah. Goodbye?" He says the whole class laughs at him.
"Okay. Great." Our teacher says.
"Thank you. Mr. teacher." I was mind blown how slow he is ahh "Mr. teacher." I giggle as well does Guzmán. Then, he calls on the new girl named Nadia Shana. Of course she so confident in introducing herself "Hello, I'm Nadia. I'm 16. My family's from Palestine, but I was born in Spain. | me and Guzmán look at her and of course she continues | and when I finish my studies, I'd to be a professional diplomat in the United Nations." | aww how cute | our teacher responses with "wow! Impressive. You know, every year we choose our best student, and the trophy is rather ugly, | Guzmán was telling me how he wanted this class to be over with already | but it allows you to study the following year at.. who can tell me where?" He asks the whole class, of course, we all raise our hands and he picks Carla "at a school in Florida. Which gives you access to an Ivy League university." Of course, miss diplomat asks how someone can win this scholarship. Of course, the teacher continues explaining how to receive the scholarship.
Guzmán opens his mouth saying "If I were you, I'd watch out for this one. She'll take no prisoners" of course lu responses "ridiculous, wasn't this a secular school?" Finally, the teacher calls out the next student which was a guy named Samuel García. He starts to look around and he finally speaks I'm not gonna lie I find him kind of cute. "Hi. My name is Samuel.. and I feel like everything I say will be used against me, so it would be better to remain silent." Me and lu laugh at him "how darling!" The teacher ignored us and continued " don't be afraid. At this school, we teach values. Manners and respect are paramount. The leaders of tomorrow are at this school." Samuel cuts him off "I know. That's what I'm afraid of." Guzmán cuts in "what did the waiter say? |We all laugh| he's talking to us." The teacher calls us out to act it out. Then Samuel continues "all right. My name's Samuel, and I am, as your classmate said, a waiter. Strange as it may seem to you, sometimes waiters get a seat at the table. But you don't need to worry, I'm not here to take anybody's place. You are still the leaders of tomorrow." Aww, thank you Samuel" I said and he replies "you're welcome." |we just looked at him, of course, he minds his own business.| we finally finished the class and it was lunchtime.

We all went our own ways during lunch, of course, I tagged along with my boyfriend and polo we see Samuel talking to marina to each other we decided to cute in there conversation.
" Hello, where are you going? We'll walk with you." Guzmán said. "Stop bring an ass," Marina says "we're only trying to be friendly. What's the matter, waiter? Do you like my sister? She's a fan of lost causes" Guzmán says and marina says him off "Guzmán, go to hell. Seriously, leave him alone." We just laugh at them and he continues messing with them "let us have him for a while. We want to get to know him. Or are you afraid of us?" "He Is afraid of us," polo says and we all three laugh. "He is, yeah. Psst! Waiter hands off my sister. Pretend you have a restraining order." Guzmán says we start walking away then marina flips us off. We finally leave them alone.

We're all sitting down together at our table and I notice the new kids staring at us. We all continue talking and we started talking about marina party and of course, that slow guy comes up to us asking about the party.
Lu makes fun of him "yes. Hello! Do you speak Spanish?" She laughs and Guzmán cuts in "I was talking to my friends" he ignores him and asks if we are on Instagram that he will give us his username if we want. Lu and Carla look him up and look at his account laughing in his face I mind my business and continue talking to Guzmán and Ander. " I've fucking had it with these people. I don't understand how they got into this school. I don't." He says and lu shows us a video and he asks about the party again. Guzmán tells him it's a private party for his sister then, of course, be continues talking nonsense to him. We all leave finally I had enough of that guy.

It was finally after school I decided to hang out with Guzmán after our restful first day of school.
"Hey, babe I'm glad to spend time with you without your parents or sister being around," I said
"Yea I know we are finally alone and I was thinking if you want to continue what we started last night before my family arrived home," he asked
" of course baby" we kissed and you know what happens next.

This is my first official chapter for this fanfic I hope you enjoyed it.
Thank you!

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