She's A Fighter

By raevynsagale

2.8M 87.2K 18K

(SAF IS BEING EDITED) I was kidnapped when I was 8 years old. Taken from my home. From my family. From everyt... More

Chapter 1-Last Fight
Chapter 2-My Escape
Chapter 3-Home
Chapter 4-21 Questions? More like 50.
Chapter 5-School?
Chapter 6-A Run In With An Old Friend
Chapter 7-Barely Holding On
Chapter 8-One Step At A Time
Chapter 9-I Can Take Care Of Myself
Chapter 10-Reminiscing
Chapter 11-Friday Fight Night
Chapter 12-She Can Fight?
Chapter 13-Unexpected
Chapter 14-Back to Normal
Chapter 15-To The Stars And Back
Chapter 16-An Invite
Chapter 17-Getting Back To My Roots
Chapter 18-Done Running
Chapter 19-Party Time
Chapter 21-It All Comes Out
Chapter 22-Fight It
Chapter 23-The Rain
Chapter 24-Cleaning Up Old Wounds
Chapter 25-Luke
Chapter 26-I Hate Hospitals
Chapter 27-Dr.Winster
Chapter 28-Apologies
Chapter 29-The Truth and A Goodbye Kiss
Chapter 30-Go Get Him!
Chapter 31-What. The. Hell.
Chapter 32-Jason
Chapter 33-Savage
Chapter 34-A Life For A Life
Chapter 35-Skylar
Chapter 36- Once Was And Always Will Be

Chapter 20-Betrayal

68.2K 2.2K 500
By raevynsagale

It was like the whole house had watched us dance-yes, I Skylar Dawson just danced dirty with my best friend. I mean I did say I was going to try and live my life, i just didn't expect it to start off like that. But what the hell. We were walking to the bar, a little out of breath from our fast movements. As we moved through the crowd, new music started playing and eyes followed us everywhere. Some with envy, some with disgust and some with lust. No doubt the envious and disgusted looks were coming from the girls here but I didn't care. 

"I can't believe i remembered that dance." I said to Jazz as we walked into the kitchen where there were people drinking and talking and making out. Jeez, get a room. 

"I know! That was so much fun." Jazz squealed in delight. 

I smiled and shook my head. I ran my fingers through my hair, shifting it to the left side. Jazz got a plastic cup from the stack of cups on the counter and walked to the bar where a large clear bowl full of red liquid sat. Jazz put some of it in her cup and drank it, then seemed in thought for a moment as her mouth was opening and closing a swift movement. She scooped up some more in a spoon and then handed me the cup. I looked at it concerned. 

"There's no alcohol." She said. 

I raised an eyebrow at her. She rolled her eyes. 

"Look, I wouldn't give it to you if I thought it was alcohol. I swear there's none." Jazz said strongly.  

I pursed my lips and then took it after another moment of looking at it. I sniffed it a little and didn't really smell anything except the sweet smell of strawberry. I mean, I don't really know what alcohol smells or tastes like but I would assume it would be strong? I shrugged and drank it down quick. I licked my lips after I was done and handed Jazz the cup. She took with an odd expression. Then she smiled a little. 

"That was fast, and the cup was full. You know, if you drank, I would so challenge you to shots." Jazz said. 

I gave her a confused expression. "What are shots?" I asked, interested. 

She looked at me like I grew three heads or something. "Seriously? You've never heard of a shot?" 

"Well I have, but with guns and a doctor's shot." I said. 

She laughed. "Okay, it's none of what you just said. C'mon, I'll show you." She said, amused. She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards a door in the kitchen. 

She pushed it open and then we walked through and we were now standing in a room that just had a long table filled with a bunch of kids surrounding two guys at the table. They were seated across from one another and their were small little glasses filled all the way to the top with gold-ish liquid. Jazz looked back at me, smiling. She pulled me beside her and I just watched. 

"What is this?" I asked. 

"Just watch. Those glasses on the table are filled with alcohol. Your average shots." Jazz smirked. 


"Alright, on three. One, Two. Three!" Someone yelled. 

The two guys at the table picked up their first glass and drank it down quick and then moved on to the others. There were about ten glasses each. The red haired guy looked like he was in the lead. I watched in amazement at how fast they were trying to out drink one another. Weird yet interesting. Never seen this kind of thing, and that's probably due to the fact that I haven't been to a party before. 

"Done!" The red haired guy yelled as he slammed his on the table. 

Everyone cheered, holding up their cups of alcohol. The other guy at the opposite side of the table was smiling as he stood up.   

"That, my dear best friend, is a shot challenge. You would probably be good at that if you drank." Jazz said. 

"Yeah, probably." I said and turned to walk out. 

Jazz followed me. 

"You should try it Sky." Jazz said. 

I turned as I walked through the door and smirked. 

"Not gonna happen." I said and turned back around, only for my face to come in contact with something hard. I felt someone grab onto my upper arms, keeping me on my feet.

"Oh. Sorry!" I heard a deep familiar voice say from above me. 

I rubbed my head a little, wincing and then looked up. I was staring into familiar blue eyes. 

"Hey Skylar! I didn't recognize you for a minute. I'm really sorry I bumped into you." Adam said. 

I ran my fingers through my hair and shrugged. "Hey Adam. It's all good. Didn't really hurt." I said. 

He smiled an uneasy smile. "I'm sure it didn't. You've had worse I'm sure." He said. Did he know about-oh wait, he was probably talking about Friday Fight Night. 

Uneasiness wormed it's way into me. I cleared my throat and stepped back a little, making Adam drop his hands. "Yeah. I guess I have." 

"Hey Adam. I see you've met Skylar." Jazz said from behind me. She came on my left side and threw an arm around my shoulders. She was a little taller than me in those heels she had on but whatever. 

Adam turned his smile to Jazz and nodded to her. "Jasmine. And yes, we've met before." Adam said. 

"Really? Skylar never mentioned that." Jazz said and I could feel her eyes on me. 

"Yeah, we met at my -"

"His house!" I interrupted. "We met at his house. Luke had to go and grab something from him a week ago or so." I lied. 

I looked at Adam who had a confused look on his face. I gave him a look as if to say 'just go with it'. He drew his uncertain eyes form my face to Jasmine. 

"Uh, yeah. What she said." Adam said. He looked at me again and i just looked away. Anywhere but at him. 

I didn't want Jasmine knowing I could fight. Hell, I didn't even want my family or Jason to know. I didn't want anyone to know. It would raise suspicion. 

"So, uh where's your brother? And Jason?" Adam asked. 

I turned my attention back to him. 

"Luke's somewhere around here. And Jason's at his house with his sister." I said. 

Adam nodded. "Cool. So, great dance by the way." Adam smirked as he brought his cup to his lips. He took a sip and i blushed. I don't know why. 

"I know right!" Jazz said, smiling. 

"You saw that?" I asked, slightly embarrassed. 

Adam was still smirking. "Oh yeah. Everyone did. You guys were hot!" Adam said. 

I blushed deeper. 

"Why thank you Adam." Jazz said. 

"Your welcome. And you look beautiful, if I might add." Adam said, looking directly at me. 

Did he just...Oh boy. I felt Jazz's hand on my shoulder squeeze tight and I nudged her with my elbow. I know what she was thinking. 

"T-thanks. Actually, its all thanks to Jazz." I said, smiling nervously. 

I'm feeling a bit awkward right now. 

"Ah don't be modest. The subject, brings my art to life." Jazz said. 

I turned to her with a weird look on my face. She was smiling and then she noticed my look. 


That had to be the most corniest thing I've ever heard. I shook my head, amused. I turned back to Adam who was smiling at us. 

"So, where's your date?" Jazz asked. 

"I don't have one tonight. Decided to come solo." Adam said. "And yours?" He asked us, his eyes landing on me. I wanted to cower under the wight of his heated gaze. His blue eyes were piercing. 

"We're each other's dates, actually." Jazz said. 

Adam was about to say something but was cut off. 

"So the lesbians finally came out of the closet. Bravo." A high pitched bitchy voice said. 

Avery. She walked to the right side of Adam and her other two girls went on his left. Adam clenched jaw a little. She was smirking. 

I tensed under Jazz's arm and tried extremely hard not to glare at Avery. 

"Just leave it alone Ave." Adam said, slightly annoyed. 

"Oh, don't protect them Adam. Their nothing but low lives trying to make their mark in this world." She was still smirking as she looked at us, more at me. "But let's face it. You were invisible for many years, and you'll stay that way." Avery said. 

I clenched my jaw as i felt anger rise in me. This is a party. She's just messing with you. Just have fun. IGNORE. iGNORE. IGNORE. My subconscious whispered. 

"Besides, things were more fun when you were gone. Especially with Jason." Okay, I was almost at my highest peek. Then she turned to Jazz, smiling. "And Luke." 

"You bi-"Jazz said as she moved forward. 

My hand shot out to stop her. Now I was just confused! Luke? What the hell was that? I shook myself mentally. Not right now. 

"Ooohh. Should I be afraid?" Avery asked sarcastically, as she got in Jasmine's face. They were almost nose to nose but not quite.

"Jazz, just leave it. She's not worth it." I said, glaring at Avery. Avery turned to look at me. 

"And look at you." She said, looking me up and down. "Trying to fit in. Be one of us. Pathetic." She laughed humorlessly and her friends laughed with her. 

"Avery that's enough!" Adam said, glaring down at Avery. 

Avery kept smiling as we glared at her. 

"Let's go Jazz." I said, tearing my eyes away from the bitch of all bitches. I grabbed her arm and moved in front of her to walk around Adam and Avery. 

Avery's hand shot out and gripping my right arm, stopping me from moving. I looked down at her hand on my arm, where my burns lye. A storm was brewing inside of me as I looked at her ice cold touch and complete anger just hit me but I ground me teeth together and shot her a pointed look. Something in her evil eyes faltered but it disappeared as quick as it came. 

"You fond of that hand?" I asked. My voice dripping with hidden malice. 

"Avery, let her go. Now." Adam said, his voice hard with a hint of panic. I didn't need to look up to see his face. He's seen me fight. And I could easily break Avery. 

Avery stepped in front of me, her hand dropping from my arm. She was smirking. 

"Don't get too comfortable bitch. This is my town, my friends, and Jason's mine. Whatever crush, he had on you years ago, is over. Got it?" 

I smiled a smile that i knew didn't reach my eyes. Then it dropped as quickly as it came. "Get out of my way." I said. 

She was smiling. And after a moment, she finally moved and I didn't wait another minute. I walked fast, Jazz trailing behind me. I didn't know where the hell I was walking in this big ass ouse but I need to get some air, now. 

"Where the hell is the door to the back yard?" i asked, frustrated. 

"This way." Jazz said. 

We turned left and reached a door and opened it. It led out to a hug backyard with a pool. Ofcourse there were kids out here too. Their were some swimming and some just lounging around, drinking and talking. I breathed in the fresh cold air and I shook out my shaking hands. I needed to punch something, but the whole part of getting my life back on track, was not resorting to hitting stuff or people. I needed to reign my anger in and just take a deep calming breath. I blew out a breath as I stopped pacing. 

"You alright?" Jazz asked. I turned to her as she had her arms crossed over her chest. She still looked mad. 

"What was all that about Luke?" I asked. 

"Nothing." Jazz said. 

I narrowed my eyes at her. "Jazz." I said. 

She sighed heavily. "When you were.. missing, everyone took it hard. Especially your brother. I was there for him and he was there for me and I guess as we got older, one thing led to another and we got to messing around. It went on for a couple of months, but nothing serious. We were just messing around." I could not believe what I was hearing right now. I started pacing again, not knowing what to say. Should I be mad? My own brother slept with my best friend! What psychotic universe have I stepped into? "And I guess he messed around with Avery too. Hell everyone did." Jazz said, shaking her head. 

I stopped pacing and stared at her like she was a ghost. "My brother, slept with Avery?" I asked slowly because it was still sort of processing in my head. 


I was working hard to control my anger. I felt like punching the wall. 

"Were you guys ever going to tell me?" I asked. 

"Yes." Jazz said quickly. "No. I mean, I was, I just didn't know how you'd take it." She said in a small voice. "Are you okay?" Jazz asked after a moment of silence passed. 

I looked at her. "Am I okay? I just found out that my brother and best friend slept together a while back and weren't even planning on telling me anything. And that my brother slept with my worst enemy." I said in a strained voice. "Not to mention, sleeping with Jason!" Avery did good in goading me when she mentioned Jason because at that point, I was about to snap, but I needed control. And I was hurt that my brother, especially Jasmine couldn't trust me enough to tell me what happened with them.

Ugh. I needed to be alone for a while. Think about things. Tonight was not going as planned and thank God my bladder chose this second to bother me. I needed to pee, well not really but that's a good excuse right now. I moved to walk back in the house and I felt Jasmine's hand touch my arm, I jerked away from her. I wasn't glaring or anything like that at her. Just looking at her like she was someone else. I said nothing and walked into the house to look for a bathroom. Actually, I had to do something. 

I went back into the living room, going through a crowd of dancing teenagers. I made my way outside and I looked around for Luke. He was where he was before I left him earlier. Drinking and laughing with his friends. He had a cup in one hand and his arm draped over a brunette. I glared at him and walked right up to him. His friends stopped talking as they looked at me. A couple of them were looking me up and down but i ignored them and just stared at my brother. He was drunk I could tell. He smiled at me. 

"Hey Skyyyyylar!" Luke slurred. I made a face. He reeked. 

"We need to talk. Now." I said demanding. 

His friends erupted in oh's. 

Luke looked sheepish. "I'm busy. Yyyou should drinkkk." Luke said, pushing his drink at me. I took it and threw it over the rails. "Hey! What was that for?" He looked like a little kid as he pouted. I grabbed his wrist. 

"Let's go." I said. He was wasting my time and right now i had no patience. 

I pulled him to the side of the house as we stepped down the side stairs. 

"Whatsss up sis!" Luke slurred, smiling as he leaned back against the wall. 

I crossed my arms over my chest. "You slept with Jasmine?" I asked, already knowing the answer. 

"Oh. Yeaaah." Luke laughed. 

"I'm not laughing Luke." I said in an irritated voice. 

"Aww I'm sorry sis. Come here." Luke said, opening his arm wide for a hug. I slapped his hands away. 

"You slept with that slut too." I said. 

"Who...oh avery. Yeauppp." Luke said, without a care in the world. 

"Why didn't you tell me anything? Were you ever going to say something? Especially the truth about you and Jazz?" I asked in a hard tone. 

Luke straightened up, his smile faded. "What's it to you? Sooo what if I did. You should be the last person to stand there and lecture me about truth Skyylar." Luke slurred out as he stepped closer to me. "You've been lying ever since you got back. So the next time you wanna point fingers, try looking in the mirror." 

I was going to say something but his next words stopped me cold. 

"Maybe you should've stayed away..." Luke slurred out. 

I stared at my brother, his words crashing into me like a wave. The slap of reality hits me hard and all I feel is pain and hurt. Like i always do. I felt my eyes go blurry a little and I seen Luke stagger back, shaking his head as he looked at me. Realization in his eyes. 

"Oh shit. Skylar I'm I'm sorry I didn't mean it." Luke said in a sad voice, reaching out to me. 

I shook my head and slapped his hands away and ran up the steps. That's how he really felt. Avery said, and now Luke said it. Hurt slowly made it's way through me and i could feel a lump in my throat.  It didn't hurt at all when Avery said something like that but hearing from my brother, it felt worse than any hit or burns I earned from my time with J.D. The only thing I remember knowing about drunk people, was that they were one of the few people that told the truth. Along with little kids. 

I was bumping into people left and right as I tried to maneuver my way around the house and up the big stairs. I didn't know where the hell I was going but I needed to find somewhere to be right now. Alone. My eyes were still blurry but I managed to make it up the stairs. I rubbed my eyes and sniffed, no tears would ever fall from my face. They haven't in a while and it's going to stay like that. Where's the bathroom? I was going from room to room, interrupting on some couples making out. Ugh. I opened the door on my left and finally found it. I went in and shut the door and locked it. When I was in there, I leaned back against the door and closed my eyes. 

I let the pain and hurt work it's way into my system. It's what I know and it's what i'm used to. it's who I am. I opened my eyes slowly and moved in front of the sink. I laid my hands out on the counter and took a deep breath. I looked up to the mirror slowly. Then I made contact with my reflection. Staring back at me wasn't the teenage girl I saw earlier. The savage in me was smirking devilishly. THIS is who you are. 


Anger and rage tore into me and my right fist connected with mirror and it shattered into a million pieces, taking that savage with it. I looked down at the sink into the cracked glass. She still lingered there, smirking still. Then I saw something thick and red start to drip onto the glass, covering it up. My eyes shot to my right hand and my knuckles were bleeding. Some glass stuck in them. I didn't feel any sting of pain. Nothing. I took out the glass and rinsed my hand off from the blood. Wash it away all you want. You still have blood on your hands. You've always had blood on them. A little voice said to me. 

I shut off the faucet and grabbed the white towel from the rail above the toilet and squeezed my hand. I paced back and forth slowly in the bathroom, no thoughts in my head at the moment. When my head was clear of everything, I set the towel down, my hand was red and still bleeding a little. Whatever. I walked out of the bathroom. I need to go. Home. This place isn't me. I shut the door and walked down stairs. People were still dancing away as I looked around the living room. I didn't know what or who I was looking for but I just kept looking around. 

And when my eyes met ice cold blue ones, I felt complete hatred. Avery was dancing with some guy. His broad shoulders looked familiar and so did his hair. I say this because I only see the back of his head. As my eyes are glue to Avery, hers are glued to mine and her and her date turn as I can only see the side of them. Avery turns her smirking face from mine and looks up, i follow her gaze and I can NOT believe my eyes. Avery wastes no time, she reaches up and brings his face close to hers and then smashes her lips to his. And he kisses her back. 

Jason, kissed her back. More pain and hurt finds it way through me and hits me in places i've never felt before. If I had a heart, it would have been shattered into a million pieces just like I shattered the glass in the bathroom. I felt a slight stinging pain somewhere deep in me and I tear my eyes away from them. I walk into the kitchen and I think I'm close to tears. But as my eyes catch a glimpse of a bottle, everything goes out the window. I go to the counter and snag the full bottle that says Skyy Vodka. It's a large bottle. Good. I'm gonna need it. I like the name anyways. I open the bottle and I take a big swig of it. I wince as I feel the burning sensation in my throat. Oh shit! I shook away that voice in my head telling me that this wasn't a good idea. I took another swig. 

"Sky? What the hell." I heard Jasmine's voice.

I turned to look at her with no expression on my face. "What?"

She snatched the bottle from me. "Why are you drinking? You said you didn't drink." 

"Yeah, well I do now. Give it." I said, my left hand out. 

"No." She said. "I know what this is about. I'm sorry okay. I should have told you and I'm sorry I didn't. But I'm not gonna let you get yourself drunk." 

I sighed heavily and rolled my eyes, my hand dropping. I ran my fingers through my hair. And jazz gasped. I looked at her. She was looking down and suddenly reached out and took my right hand. She looked down at my red bleeding knuckles. 

"Sky what the hell happened?" She asked, looking up at me. 


"Nothing." I snatched my hand out of hers and I was starting to get annoyed. All I wanted to do was just drink. 

"Bullshit. C'mon, you can tell me about it in the bathroom. Let's get you cleaned up." She said, reaching out to grab my hand. 

I jerked away from her. "I'm fine." I said. 

"Sky, I know you're mad. Just let me help you." She said. 

I was getting really tired of that sentence! 'Let me help you!'  Rage filled me like it did before. 

"I don't know where any of you got the idea that I need your help. I don't need your damn help. I don't need anybody's help." I said in harsh tone, my insides freezing. Good. They should be that way. I stepped closer to Jazz, glaring at her. "Feel free to pass that along to my oh so loving brother and Jason. And when you're all done with that, you can all just stay out of my way and leave me the hell alone. " I said and I took the bottle out of Jasmine's hand as she stared at me in complete shock. I walked away.

I stopped and turned to her. "How about I help you out. My brother's outside and Jason's sucking face with that bitch Avery in the living room. Have fun." I said and turned around, only to come face to face with none other than Jason himself. Great. My night was just getting better and better. 

"Sky." He said. I said nothing. He looked down at my the bottle in my hand and looked at me. "Why are you drinking?" He asked, frowning. He had some nerve. He had a cup in his hand. 

I smiled. "I'd say I'm surprised to see you hear but I saw you earlier. Not all that surprised. I'm sure Avery kept you company." 

His eyes widened and i knew he knew that I saw them. 

"Well, it was nice talkin' to you. Gottah go. Duty calls." I said, waving my bottle in the air. 

I turned to walk. 


"Jason, baby." I heard Avery's voice and I stopped dead in my tracks because she was now in front of me. 

I let out a humorless laugh. God must really hate me right now. Avery's faced turned sour and then an evil look played on her face. I turned back to Jason and Jazz. Jason did a quick glance and then looked back. She was glaring at Jason who was glaring at Avery. Well this was getting fun. Avery came to stand by Jason's side and wrapped her arms around his waist. Something in me  twitched and my hand gripped the bottle. No emotion! Don't show anything. 

"You're still here?" Avery said in sour voice. 

I smiled and ran my fingers through my hair. "Yup. Tragic I know." I said. 

"Then leave." She said. 

"Oh don't worry I will. I have some unfinished business." I said and i set down my drink on the counter next to me. 

And without warning, I stepped to Jason and pulled his face to mine. I crashed my lips onto his, deepening it. And then I let go, smirking. Jason's mouth was still open, his lips looking a little swollen from the kiss. I looked at Avery and she stepped in front of Jason and slapped me right across the face. A bunch of oh's sprawled out and I knew we had an audience. I moved my hair out of my face, smiling at Avery. I touched the corner of my lip, it was bleeding a little. I licked my lip and looked at Avery. I stepped forward and leaned into to her. 

"You hit like a girl." I whispered and pulled back and abruptly head butted her. She fell back against Jason who caught her. She groaned in pain, holding her nose as blood seeped through her hands. 

"You should fix that nose job of yours. Very bad for your image." I said as Jason stood her upright. "That was for sleeping with my brother."

Jason an Jazz looked at me like I was a whole other person. My smile dropped and my hand shot out to grip her throat. She gasped and her hands went to mine, gripping. 

"Don't ever, hit me again. And the next time you decide to get in my way, you will regret it. Got it?" I asked in a menacing voice. She nodded and water along with fear filled her eyes.

I felt a hand on my wrist break my hold on Avery's throat and she fell to the floor coughing and gasping. 

"Jesus Sky. What the hell is wrong with you?" Jason asked, his stare impassive. 

So many things.

"Everything." I smiled and snatched my hand out of his grasp. I grabbed my bottle of vodka and looked around the room at all the surprised faces. "Drink up everyone." I turned and was about to walk away from them but then I stopped and looked at Jason. Jazz was standing next to him. 

"I hope I didn't ruin your fun night. Enjoy." I said, holding up my bottle and taking a big swig of it. I didn't wince this time. I turned to go. 

"Skylar, wait!" Jason called out. 

I ignored him and walked away from everyone, ignoring the surprised stares I was getting from our audience. I walked to where the back door was and I walked out of the house and went straight to the side. I looked around and then looked up at to the roof. Perfect. I looked back at the side of the house, noticing the trash cans and the brick wall. I set the vodka on the wall and hopped on the trashcan and then the wall. I grabbed the vodka and set it on the roof. I hopped up on the roof and picked up the vodka. I took a swig of it and winced, just loving the burn going down my throat. I walked further up the roof and got to the highest point. 

 I sat down on the rooftop and looked out into the night and up at the Sky. I took another big swig of the vodka. I see why alcoholics drink now. They want to drink away their pain. Everything that hurt them because they see that they have no one to turn to. No one who understands them. Right now, I pity the sober. Right now, the betrayal I feel is stinging like a bitch. So why not drink this night away. I take another big swig and I notice I'm halfway through with the bottle. Good. I can already fill the effects of the alcohol and let me tell you, it feels pretty damn good. 

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