Snowed In (Hetalia Fan-Fic)

By The_Turtle_Shell

57.6K 2.1K 1.9K

What do you get when you have a bunch of countries trapped in a cabin in the cold for more than a week? The b... More

Snowed In (Hetalia Fan-Fic)
Day •1•
Day •2• (morning/afternoon)
Day •2• (evening/night)
Day •3•
Day •4•
Day •5•
Day •6•
Day •7•
Day •8•
Day •9•
Day •10•
Day •11•
Day •12• (first POV)
Day •12• (second POV)
Day •13• (first POV)
Day •13• (Second POV)
Day •14• (First POV)
Day •14• (second POV)
Day •15• (first pov)
Day •15• (second POV)
Day •16• (first POV)
Day •17• (first POV)
Day •17• (second POV)

Day •16• (second POV)

330 21 14
By The_Turtle_Shell

the updated list of room sharing

1) America and England --> England, aka the Contaminated Room TM. America is on the couch. the weakling.

2) Romano and Italy --> Russia and France. they just invited themselves in after being kicked out of their old rooms.

3) Germany and Prussia --> Germany and Italy

4) China and Japan --> China and Japan, unaffected lucky ducks.

5)France and Canada --> Canada and Prussia

6) Russia and Spain --> Romano and Spain

Holy shit almost 50k reads

also a more serious authors note at the end

Germany's POV


When I got up at my usual time of six am, leaving Italy to sleep longer, I heard voices drifting from the hall. Opening the door slightly and peering out, I was shocked to see Prussia standing outside what was now Romano's and Spain's room, talking to the two mentioned.

Everyone was in their pajamas, talking quietly. Spain was squeezing Romano's shoulders, who had a serious face. Prussia was fidgeting quite a bit and was repeatedly running his hand through his hair as he spoke. There was a beat of silence, then Romano slapped Prussia loudly across the face.

I got ready to rush in, but Romano stuck the offending hand out, and Prussia shook it. There were some uneasy but relieved grins before the couple closed their door. Prussia stood there taking deep breathes and pressing his hand to his face. After a few moments of this I decided to reveal myself.

Prussia noticed me instantly and only jumped slightly. "West-

"What was that about?" I cut him off.

He scratched the back of his neck. "How much did you see?"

"Just the slap."

He took another breath. "Remember America's truth or dare game?"


"Okay, well, I woke up thinking about it and couldn't go back to sleep. And I couldn't figure out why. But then I remembered what Romano said I did, and, it was really fucked up West."

He had a look on his face that I just wanted to disappear. "You were drunk."

"No, don't say that. I thought that too, but that's no excuse. It was really fucking unawesome of me." He shook his head and continued. "So I woke Matty up and talked to him about it, and he said the best thing to do was apologize, no excuses. I said I would in the morning, but when he fell back asleep and I couldn't, I just got out of bed and knocked on his door."

I nodded for him to continue.

"Romano was calm, well, as calm as expected when woken up sometime at early five am, until I said why I was there. He closed the door on me and I could hear Spain calming him down through the door. Eventually he reopened the door and hear me out. I said, 'Romano, I'm sorry, I never should have done that. Drinking shouldn't change my morals and you have every right to be mad until the end of time.' I'm not sure exactly what I said after that, I kind of rambled and repeated myself." He gestured behind him to the door. "Then you saw what happened; and we're good now. Not perfect, but good enough."

"You're lucky he's forgiven you." I said solemnly.

He ran his hand through his hair yet again. "I know. I know. I'm never getting black out drunk again."

I scoffed. "I thought that was your favorite hobby."

He rolled his eyes. "I can find a new one."

"Are you going to be the designated driver now?" I joked, starting towards the stairs.

It was his turn to scoff, turning and following me downstairs. "Not yet. Maybe I'll work up to it, but for now? Beer is practically my blood, I'd die without it."

"Well when you get there I'm sure your boyfriend will appreciate the lack of beer breath."

Prussia laughed as he followed me into the kitchen. "God, can you believe so many of us are gay?"

I threw him a quizzical look.

He shrugged. "So like, for awhile now I silently considered myself the keeper of the gays. Since I knew France and Spain were pan, and you were demi, and through you I knew Italy was bi. So I figured that was probably all the gays in the world, knowing the odds. But then in 2006 Canada comes out publicly, and Roma isn't straight somehow, and another one of us who I'm not outing is bi; and now I'm terribly suspicious that this whole cabin is gay as hell.

We had wandered into the kitchen and were eating dry cereal at this point (we were out of milk.)

I repeated his shrug. "I wouldn't be surprised at this point. Aren't Russia and China supposedly a thing now?"

He tossed a froot loop at his mouth and missed due to my sentence. "What?! Since when?"


"How did you find out?" He leaned across the island towards me.

"France said."

"That bastard told you before me? And I thought we were friends..."

I threw a loop at his over dramatic ass and sadly, he caught it in his mouth. He threw his arms up in victory.

We bantered back and forth for a bit like this before France came down and joined us.

"Can you two be quieter? My room is right above you."

"What, no it's not- wait, yes it is. whoops." France glared as Prussia remembered. "Kicked you out. Sorry not sorry."

I glanced between the two. "You kicked him out?"

"Yes! He did! Took me out of my own home-"


"and forced me onto the streets."

"Oh my god you're fine."

"I'm rooming with Russia."

I held up hand. "Wait does that mean Russia and China aren't a thing?"

"Well I didn't want to gossip, but..." France sat on a stool at the table, resting his elbows on it and setting his chin in his hands.

Prussia motioned for him to go on eagerly.

"There was a misunderstanding where China thought it was a joke..."

Prussia and I winced.

"...and was going to clarify and end it, but hasn't."

"How do you know all this?" Prussia asked.

France tossed his hair back. "What can I say? I have a trustworthy face."

"Only a fool would trust you with a real secret." I muttered.

France gave a dramatic gasp as Prussia laughed, before tossing the other's hair. France franticly tried to fix it.

I left them to their shenanigans and went to work finding the cars. About two hours in I heard the snow crunching behind me.

"America." I said, startled to turn and see him there.

"I came to help, and also look for the beer in your car."

I shook my head. "It's not there, I've looked."

He held up a finger as he started digging through the trunk. "Prussia doesn't lie about beer. But I'm gonna lie about drinking it all."

"Go ahead, he won't care."

He looked at me confused.

"Trust me, he won't be mad."

Alfred shrugged and went back to searching.

I tried to shovel a bit more, but was bothered by something. "You've been drinking a lot since we got here. You don't drink this much normally, do you?"

"Not really, no." His voice was muffled.

I gave him a once over. "Are you okay?"

America had been sitting part way in the trunk, knees on the lip. He sat up so fast he hit his head.

He didn't pause to recover. "Y-yeah, why wouldn't I be? ...Jesus ow..."

I leaned on my shovel. "I know we aren't exactly....close," friends, really. "But you shouldn't keep things bottled up."

He sighed and picked at the edge of the mat covering the bottom of the trunk. "I guess."

I waited for him to continue, but when he said nothing I went back to my fruitless quest to find the other cars.

"Oh my god I found it." He said suddenly, and I looked back to see he had lifted the mat to reveal several bottles.

He grabbed one and popped the cap off, then lifted it to take a drink. He stopped, however, and sighed again.

"Have you ever let a secret out on accident?"

I thought about it before answering. "Not that I remember."

He wrung the neck of the bottle between his hands. "The whole time we've been here, I keep letting this one thing slip. And I've kept it for awhile now too. But it slipped to England the first night we got drunk, then Canada and Russia, then France and then Prussia, and Japan technically found out. And this isn't the type of thing I want to just slip to the others. I haven't really pictured telling anyone but I picture them being told, willingly, by me. And it's worse because I'm running out of people I'm close to to tell."

During his short speech something Gilbert said earlier connects in my mind. "Are you bi?"

He throws his hands out, dropping the bottle right side up in the snow. "See?! This is what I'm taking about! I didn't get to tell you myself! This is my secret, not some dinner table gossip!"

"Why is it a secret?" I asked.

"Because it's about me-"

I stop him. "No, I get that. But now that so many people know, why are you still referring to it as a secret? It's a fact about you and you should've been the one to tell, but it's out now, so why are you still referring to a part of yourself as a secret?"

This makes him faulter. "I don't know. I'll work on it."

I grunt in response and get back to shoveling.

He stands up, and after a beat, goes "thanks Germany."

"Don't mention it." I respond.

I hear his footsteps crunch away in the snow.

I shovel away for some more time, and after still not finding a car and having the cold seep too far into my fingers, I head back inside.

Everyone is awake by now, and gathered around the fire. They hiss and yell at me as I open the door.

"Close the fucking door you potato bastard you're letting all the cold shit air in here!"

"Good morning to you too Romano." I blank.

He glares and goes back to cuddling Spain.

I brush it off and ran around the house to go over our supplies. We were running low on food, and out of drinks. The pipes were frozen since we'd stopped heating them, needing the fuel for the fire in the living room that we cooked with. We were melting snow for water; which some people had stubbornly tried to use to take a bath with, unable to take the stink any longer. Lighting was limited and some rooms, such as the dining room, were submerged in darkness. There was nothing left to help England or Italy with their respective health issues.

I didn't even know if the other nations knew we were stuck.

"Germany!" Feliciano smiled at me from besides the fire, patting a spot next to him. "Come sit with me!"

"I should get back to shoveling." I said, bones itching to be useful.

He frowned and I sighed. He cheered as I went over to him, snuggling into my side the second I sat down. I wrapped my arm around him and pressed a kiss to his temple.

From Italy's other side Lovino growled, making Antonio laugh.

"Wow brother, PDA much." Prussia commented with Canada wrapped around him.

"Oh shut up man." America says from the couch, hugging a pillow.

"I agree, it could be much worse." Japan adds on.

"Oh, like this?" Gilbert grabs Canada's chin and turns him to face him, kissing him full on the mouth, earning a 'mpff' from his partner.

Kiku looks away quickly and America makes a loud gagging noise.

Spain only laughs harder, despite Romano's hard stare.

Just as I felt a sense of calm wash over me, there was a loud bang from upstairs.

"Did England fall out of bed?" Spain questions, right before Russia comes down the stairs. Frowning.

Those with partners quicky pull into each other, Japan and America ducking down behind the couch.

He heads for the door outside, China appearing at the top of the stairs. He follows Ivan, undeterred by the literal waves rolling off him.

"Hold up aru, I wasn't done! I'm sorry! Just let me finish talking aru!" He follows him outside and the door drifts shut behind him.

"He's gonna kill him." America says after a beat.

France quickly rushes downstairs. "I was with Arthur, what just happened?"

He gets a roomful of shrugs and unsure hand gestures.

"They went outside." Canadia? Canada says, pointing towards the door.

Francis worries at his lip, then shakes his head. "They'll sort it out, I'm sure."

"Sure sure?" Prussia starts, "because you said-"

France points a finger at him. "Hey. No gossiping."

I snort, and everyone jumps.

"What?" I ask, looking around.

"I didn't know you could laugh dude." America said.

"Fuck off, I can laugh." My statement sets Spain off and I feel slightly offended.

"Italy, tell them. You've heard me laugh." I go to my boyfriend for help.

He tilts his head to the side. "Well..."

My jaw drops, and America and Prussia join Spain.

Italy's brow furrows. "There was that one time... No that was me. How about, no wait, still me."

When Japan's hand goes over his mouth, I know they've all turned against me.

I'm saved by the front door reopening; Russia carrying China, with his hands over his face, in bridal style.

The laughter dies and we all watch carefully as they sit with us at the fire. 

"So..." I begin.

"Are you two good?" France finishes.

Russia beams a genuine smile as Yao attempts to hide in his chest. "Da."


I've written a lot of things here that, at the time of writing, I didn't know better. I've edited the smaller ones out over time, in different stories too, but Prussia's drunken assault of Romano was something I couldn't just unwrite. It had existed for over three years and had been read by thousands. I didn't want to pretend I hadn't made that mistake for the sake of plot, so I'm admitting here, it was wrong. And I didn't want to leave it unresolved for Prussia and Romano too, so I made sure to start this long awaited chapter with Prussia admitting it was wrong too. The only thing I'm glad about is that the actual event happened off screen.

If any of my original readers are still here, (or any of them for that matter) I'm sorry I did that. Assault is a serious matter, and I'm not just saying that because of all the stuff about it right now, with #metoo and all. I've dealt with it myself. Being in Romano's shoes isn't fun. (im okay now though, don't worry)

enough with the serious stuff, I updated! only took two years...

i promised myself i was gonna finish this fic and damn if im not gonna try.

comment vote and fan if yall are still here


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