Delia - Fred Weasley

By -Bellerose-

1.2M 33.8K 29.8K

Delia Adkins was laying low and staying out of people's way when she first moved into one of the rooms of the... More

UPDATE - no spoilers
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐭𝐰𝐨

13.7K 425 271
By -Bellerose-

Rosalie had started to get separation anxiety and would start crying if she wasn't with Fred, Delia or George. She'd also become particularly attached to her dragon teddy and wouldn't let it out of her sight.

"George, I'll take her," Delia said to her friend who was struggling to eat his cereal with her in his arms. He passed her over and she smiled up at her mum. "Hello, Rosie."

"Hiya," Rosalie beamed using one of her newly learnt words.

"You're such a clever girl," Delia ruffled up her hair and placed a kiss to her forehead. "Where's dragon?"

Rosalie looked around the room until her eyes landed on the stuffed dragon lying on the sofa and pointed to it. She moved her hand in a grabbing motion and the toy flew towards them landing in Rosalie's hand. Delia had figured out that things moving out of their place and disappearing was actually down to Rosalie like Fred had said, and her accidental magic.

"Dada?" Rosalie said looking around the room once again.

"He's sleeping," Delia told her even though she wasn't likely to understand. "You need a haircut."

Rosalie's hand reached up and wrapped around a section of Delia's long hair and tugged gently.

"Should we get Grandma Molly to cut your hair?" Delia asked the girl with a smile as she carried her into the kitchen where Molly was making herself tea. "Molly, when you're not busy could you try cutting Rosalie's hair?"

"Of course, dear. Let me just finish my tea."

Delia sat on one of the kitchen counters with Rosalie sat in her arms playing excitedly with her dragon. Fred appeared in the kitchen, his shirt askew and his hair still messed up from his sleep.

"You left me," he whined to Delia as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "I got lonely."

"You were asleep and I woke up from my dream and couldn't sleep again," she told him and he sent her a small, comforting smile. "Anyway, I had to save George from Rosalie. He couldn't eat his cereal. He hasn't mastered the skill of multitasking."

"Nobody multitasks as well as you, Sunshine," Fred said and Delia laughed slightly.

"I think your mum definitely does."

"Yeah but she's had seven kids so she was always going to be better."

"I hope you don't want that many kids because I can promise you now that won't happen," Delia said.

"Do I really look like I could handle seven kids when I can't even get one to have a bath without screaming the bloody house down?"Fred said with a laugh and Rosalie looked up at him curiously.

"Bloody!" she repeated and Fred's jaw dropped as Delia sent him a glare.

"I told you to watch your language around her now that she's picking up words, Fred!" she scolded angrily her eyes filled with anger as Rosalie said it again. "Look what you've done now."

"Sorry, Love," Fred said sheepishly, still not used to her temper because she rarely got angry with him, only irritated. "Rosalie, you can't say that."

Fred picked up his daughter as he spoke to her. She didn't understand what he was saying so just placed her palm on his face with a smile.

"I think she's forgotten it-"

"Bloody!" Rosalie squeaked and Fred frowned.

"Maybe not," Fred said before chuckling.

"It's not funny, Fred!" Delia hissed and he reached out to place a hand on her knee.

"Come on, Sunshine, it is a bit funny," the glare she sent him made him roll his eyes. "It's not even that bad. She could've picked up something that George was trying to teach her."

"If she ever picks any words up from him I will hex his other ear off," Delia said and Fred laughed before pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"I know you will," Fred said and Molly walked back into the kitchen with a pair of scissors in her hands. Fred let out a groan. "Mum, I told you I don't want you to cut my hair!"

"Oh shush, Fred, Delia wants me to cut Rosalie's hair," Molly tutted.

"What? I like her hair like this!" Fred pouted. "It's all wild like a lion."

"It not wild it's untameable," Delia said. "I can't brush it because it gets too knotty and it hurts her to untangle them."

"It still looks cool," Fred mumbled but didn't protest as Delia placed Rosalie in her high chair, using her wand to make her dragon teddy float around in front of her so she was distracted as Molly gently combed through her hair before cutting it shorter so it was more manageable. When Molly was done Rosalie sneezed loudly and her hair instantly grew back to its original length. Delia let out an exasperated sigh as Fred chuckled and Molly frowned.

"Well that was a waste of time," Delia huffed as she picked Rosalie up from the high chair.

"Looks like Rosalie likes the wild look," Fred said before taking her from Delia's arms and tickling her chin. "You look beautiful, Rosie."

"Bloody," she giggled and Fred groaned as Molly Weasley sent him a sharp glare.

"Fred Gideon Weasley, please tell me you didn't teach her that!" she demanded sternly and he cringed at the use of his full name as Delia watched with a smirk.

"I didn't teach her that..." he said unconvincingly and she gasped dramatically.

"You are so irresponsible, Fred, I've heard Delia tell you about a hundred times not to swear in front of Rosalie!" Molly scolded and he frowned backing away slightly and sending Delia a glance for help.

"What's Freddie done now?" George said as he walked into the kitchen, throwing his now empty bowl of cereal into the sink where it washed itself up.

"Bloody!" Rosalie squealed at the entrance of her uncle proudly, eager to show him the word she'd learnt. He burst into a fit of laughter.

"That's brilliant."

"Don't encourage her!" Molly hit George's arm and he mumbled an apology.

"Molly!" Arthur called from upstairs and she let out a frustrated sigh before disappearing from the kitchen. Fred and George started laughing as soon as she left the room and eventually Delia was laughing too.

Bill had arrived two days later with Ollivander, a Wand Maker who had worked at his shop Ollivanders in Diagon Alley before it got raided and he was kidnapped. He'd been held at Malfoy Manor with Luna Lovegood Dean Thomas and a goblin named Griphook. They now knew that Harry, Ron and Hermione were alive and safe for the time being and were fulfilling some sort of mission that would help them defeat Voldemort.

Delia was the first one to hug Bill who then spent a bit of time playing with Rosalie who he had hardly seen before speaking to the rest of his family.

"Thank you so much for rushing to greet us, your favourite siblings before speaking to my fiancée and daughter," Fred rolled his eyes as Bill greeted them and he shrugged.

"Delia and Rosalie are my favourites, they're the only sane ones here," Bill joked earning a chuckle from both the twins.

"Oh, Bill, we missed you," Molly said pulling him into a tight hug. "Tell everyone we say hello."

Auntie Muriel was pleased to see Bill who was clearly her favourite out of the Weasley children and was even more pleased to see that he had returned her tiara Fleur had worn at the wedding.

"Honestly, Bill, I wish these two turned out like you," Muriel shook her head as she motioned to the twins. "They drive me bloody mad."

"I do love it when they gang up on us like this," Fred said slinging his arm around Delia's shoulder. "What a lovely family reunion."

"First of all, Bill chooses to speak to someone he's not related to over us and then he starts bitching about us to our own Auntie," George shook his head teasingly and Delia sent him a sharp glare.

"Mind your language," she warned him and he sent her an apologetic smile.

"I really do have to get back," Bill said and Molly frowned pulling him into one last hug.

"Send everyone my love," Ginny said which Delia thought was out of character for her but the snickers that Fred and George broke out into suggested that the love was aimed heavily at one person.

"She means Harry-"

"-not everyone."

Ginny flushed red and sent her older brothers glares before saying goodbye to Bill and retreating to her room.

When Bill was gone, Molly and Muriel made sure that Ollivander was settling well. He was sharing a room with George and Rosalie was now moving into Ginny's room because Delia was still having nightmares and waking up screaming. They'd put a sound muffling charm on the door so nobody else woke up as Fred tried to calm down his hysterical fiancée but Rosalie would never get enough sleep staying in their room which made Delia feel terribly guilty.

"I feel like such a burden, Freddie," Delia sighed as they sat on their bed. "We've had to move our daughter into Ginny's room because I can't wake up without screaming."

"Ginny doesn't mind, Sunshine," Fred assured her. "She loves Rosalie."

"I still feel awful."

"But Rosalie is getting enough sleep so it's for a good reason and nobody minds," Fred promised her. "I reckon Muriel would be willing to have Rosalie in her room if she absolutely had to."

"You're too good for me," Delia sighed as she leant into his side. "You always know exactly what to say."

"I'm not too good for you. I always know what to say because I'm perfect for you," Fred said with a cocky smirk and she chuckled. "And you're more than perfect for me."

"I haven't forgotten what you said at Bill and Fleur's wedding by the way," Delia said, "about us wearing pyjamas for our wedding and I'm letting you know in advance that it's not happening."

"It will be fun."

"I want to wear a wedding dress, Freddie," Delia whined. "And I want you to wear a suit because you always look so handsome in them."

"Well can we at least change for the party after?" he asked her hopefully and she frowned.

"I'll let you take off the blazer, tie and untuck your shirt," she agreed and he smiled.

"I'll take it."

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