Top 5 Things To Do In Taveuni...

By raiwasaseo

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Taveuni Island will offer you the best way to spend your holidays according to your preference. We have round... More

Top 5 Things To Do In Taveuni Island, Fiji!!

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By raiwasaseo

Among the islands in Fiji, Taveuni is the third-largest island which is also called "Garden Island of Fiji''. And also travellers used to name this island as "Soft Coral Capital of the World"'. If you are selecting a beautiful island in Fiji to spend your vacation, selecting Taveuni is absolutely a great idea. Fiji islands are comprised of natural vegetation. The forests in this island are abundant with many attractive waterfalls, bright-coloured flowers, crayons and also rivers. So Taveuni Island is the best place if you wish to spend your holidays with flora and fauna. 

1. Bouma national heritage park

Among the parks you visited in your holidays, Bouma National Heritage Park will remain as the best park you have ever visited for sure. There are several reasons for this. This an ancient rainforest which provides a home to many rare plants and birds.

Witabu, Vidawa, Korovou and Lavena are the four villages which are situated inside the park. All these four villages are comprised of natural beauty which is unique to them. Witabu has a marine park while Vidawa offers hikes through the forest to ancient ruins and hills meanwhile Korovou gives you spectacular waterfalls to visit and finally Lavena has beautiful coast to walk.If you are travelling to Taveuni, make time to visit this park.

2. Scuba Diving

Scuba diving is one of the best things to do in Fuji. Tourists love to do scuba diving during their vacation in Fiji. Among the dive places in these islands, Somosomo straight which stretch between Taveuni and Vanua is the best place.

You can find another beautiful place to divine, about 3km away from Taveuni shores. There you will find a very famous coral reef called ''Rainbow reef''. This diving place will offer you the experience to watch inhabitant coral reefs.

Annie's Boomers is another site in Taveuni islands to do scuba diving. This site is also a marvellous place to visit floral beauty. But before diving, you have to concern about current.When scuba diving in Taveuni, you will be able to watch rich marine ecosystems filled with multi-coloured corals and eye-catching fish. The Paradise Taveuni resort will offer you a valuable scuba diving experience on this island.

3. Cannibal Cave Tour

Fiji is full of adventures. There are no. of caves that you can explore during the visit to Fiji. Cannibals are a group of tribal who eat peoples. Exploring their caves is an exciting activity to do. You don't want to fear by thinking that a cannibal will eat me when I enter their cave. The cannibal tribal group has passed from their by only placing memories in these caves. These caves which are situated in Taveuni offers you a great chance to explore Fiji's tribal past and their culture. At present, you can find some small bones of a human inside the cave.

4. Bird Watching

If you are bird lover, do not hesitate to make Taveuni as one of your destinations during the visit to Fiji. You can spend a great time in this island by watching birds.

Big pigeons and parrots are abundant creatures here. Fabled orange dove is the most famous one among the birds live on this island. The speciality of this bird is within the male kind. It has a colour change from season to another.

Diversity of both flora and fauna is abundant on this island. Nature lovers can enjoy the utmost beauty in Taveuni Island.

The other most famous bird is the ubiquitous parrot. The sounds of this parrots can be heard throughout the islands.

Birds flock together in fruit trees. You don't need to put much effort to see these birds because they are everywhere in Taveuni island.

5. Gaiatree Sanctuary

If you love to taste the foods around the world while travelling. You should not miss the visit to Gaiatree Sanctuary. Organic spice plantation, day club and nectar club will give you the memories of the unforgettable tour while giving a chance to having a Fiji's meal.

You will get the chance of knowing about a variety of fruits, herbs, and spices that are grown in Taveuni. A guide will come along with you to introduce them.

You will be served with refreshment by Gaiatree Sanctuary. There are so many vegetarian menus. So you will be able to have a vegetarian diet there. You can experience the hospitality offered by the people in Fiji at this place.

Other than these things, there are many picturesque places to visit in Taveuni as well as adventures to do. Visit Waiyevo, climbing Uluigalau Mount, tasting the dishes of Taveuni aborigines and also Lovo (The national dish) are some of them. Taveuni Island will offer you the way to spend your holidays according to your preference.

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