Hopelessly Seeking Happiness

By PhoenixMaars

625 46 16

Jazel or as she is known to her 975K YouTube subscribers as Spacegirl, was on a impulsive exploration trip al... More

*Author's Note*
Chapter 1: Who is Spacegirl?
Chapter 2: I Need a Vacation!
Chapter 4: I Had The Strangest Dream...
Chapter 5: Look Ma I Made Friends On My Own!
*My Mental Health Issues: Authors Note: Chapter 6 Delay*
Farewell? Authors Note.

Chapter 3: Que Onda, London

70 8 2
By PhoenixMaars

"Are you sure, these friends of yours are the real deal.?"

"Yes Franco, for the billionth time, Dan and Phil are real people, they are not some weird murderous fiends on the internet trying to cut off our skin to wear it and have sex with our corpses. If you don't believe me why don't you ask the millionths of subscribers they have." We were getting our luggage from the baggage claim; I was beyond jet-lagged and aggravated. I guess I was wrong about God being on our side because our flight had been delayed, the flight was 16 plus hours long, we had made a stop in Chicago, and we were flying coach with a baby whose ears kept popping causing it to cry the whole way. Just so you know, I'm not talking about an actual baby I'm talking about Steve, I told the idiot not to forget to buy the ibuprofen. And now Derek (who I call Franco for his eerie resemblance to Dave Franco) decided to grow paranoid and shoot all his paranoia unto me. How grand.

"You better be sure about this Jaz."

"I am, you freak, they were being nice enough to accompany us from the airport."

"Well why didn't they!"

"Because it's a fucking inconvenience for them they don't have a car, besides look at us we could pass for The Walking Dead rejects."

"Then why did they offer to accompany us, huh. If it such an inconvenience."

"Because they're nice guys, unlike you fucking ass butt."

"Girls, girls, you're both pretty, can we go get something to eat I'm starving!" Thank goodness for Evelyn.

"Yeah me too, that airplane food was nasty." Steve said struggling to keep up with our pace; he now had a headache due to his ears popping. It was amusing to me.

"I guess we can get some McDonald's, and we should get you some ibuprofen. Who the hell forgets to bring medicine, it's like the most important thing to pack in your carry-on!"

"Only God can judge me." He whinnied.

I took out my cell phone and pretended to be getting a call. "Hello, yeah, yeah okay I'll tell him, no, no, thank you, yeah, okay good bye. That was God he said 'Steve you're an idiot.'"

"Blasphemy " He yelled out and pointed at me, pretending to be offended.

"Your mom."

"Oh yeah, that bitch is blasphemy." Now normal people would be shocked to hear someone talk about their mother this way, but Steve's mother has no right to be called a mother, so in our little clan we got used to Steve's one shots toward his mom.

"Que Onda, London!" I might have scared a few British folk as I ran outside the airport and gave London a Hispanic style greeting. I took in my surroundings, every inch of them. I could see the city lights, shine all over the town, cascading beams of warmth into my heart. I tried exhaling all the American air -if such a thing is scientifically possible- and started inhaling all the London air. It went up my nose and filled up my lungs, it felt like smelling your favorite food. When you take in that scent and you could almost taste it; my food was London and the taste was victory and pride. I dreamt of traveling to Europe all the time, and I didn't care to what part of Europe I traveled to it could be France, Italy, Ireland, or Germany, all I want was to go and inhale the air, feel the air as it surrounded me with ecstasy. Ecstasy that came from the excitement of my spirit that emitted out of me in spams of triumph. Triumph that came from making a dream become reality, knowing that it took so much strength to muster up the courage and follow those dreams, knowing that even after set back and set back and set back, here it was your dream in the flesh, live and in color. It was standing right in front of your face yelling "Yoo-hoo! Here I am!" it was waving its arms around and dancing uncontrollably, flashing all sorts of colors, blue, red, green, pink, purple, trying to get your attention, trying to get you to notice it, so you could see how you, only you, gave it life. I gave my dream life, I made my dream a reality. It was no more just a speck of my imagination, it was here in front of me as sidewalks (or as the British say pavements), as streets, as buildings, as lights, as towers, as signs, as vehicles, as people, as air! The air I was breathing now, the air I had breathed in my town of Laredo, the air I would imagine breathing somewhere else, was here and I was here and I was inhaling it like I always dreamt I would. You take in air for oxygen and therefor you are alive. I was alive. At that moment as I took in the air -as a girl who knew nothing outside of Laredo- I sure felt royal. The proof that my dream had come true was the air I was breathing, the reason I was alive.


We decide to go check in to our hotel first then grab a bite to eat, I told them we could see if we could get room service, but Evelyn said she was already craving McDonald's, how American. Luckily for us there was a McDonald's within walking distance so like zombies we made our way there. Once inside I could see there were plenty of people but it wasn't packed. Derek ordered for us, and the food came out in a jiffy. We had got a booth to sit at, -Derek hated sitting in tables for some strange reason-, I was sitting at the end of it with Evelyn in front of me, Steve and Derek sat at each of our sides. "Are you okay Jaz?" I looked over to my friends; I realized I was being extremely silent while I ate my chicken nuggets.

"I was just thinking."

"About what?" Steve asked concerned

"You always make serious faces when you think." If I had a nickel by the amount of times I have heard this I'd be sitting on my island drinking pina coladas. I gave a small smirk to Evelyn's comment but I dignified Steve's with a reponse

"I was thinking, how very cultural of us, our first night in London and here we are eating the reason why Americans are fat." Derek almost spilled out the Coke from his mouth and Evelyn almost choked on her burger, whilst Steve was cussing at me for he actually did choke on his burger. If I heard right he called me a pendeja (if you don't know Spanish, Urban Dictionary it) and a bastarda (that too), but it was in good nature, I think.

"Well we were tired and our brains need some recharging. Tomorrow we'll be thinking better." Derek said as he cleaned the dribble that had fallen on the table.

"Franco it is tomorrow."

"The guys are really good looking here." Evelyn was already ogling at some handsome guys like a shark who smells blood miles away; poor men had no idea what had hit them.

"Yes they are helloooo British guys." Now Steve was hunting prey.

"Excuse me now?" While Steve and Evelyn were turning into animals, Derek was turning into a green eyed monster. It was amusing to me.

"Settle down dogs I know you're in heat but you don't want to scare the locals now do ya?"

"Oh, Jazy those boys are not innocent." Evelyn said in a smooth voice, her eyes were wide, and I could see her mouth start to water, just like it had when she first saw her burger, but now it was a different type of yummy that she was savoring

"Look Creepy McCrepperson don't test me cause I'll call those dudes over here."

Evelyn said "You better not!" Steve and Derek said a "No.", they all seemed to answer at the same time and all their expressions were entertaining.

"Well shut up then you whores, are you guys done I want to go get some sleep, I'm fucking exhausted. What's wrong with you?" As I was talking I noticed Evelyn make a face, the type of face people who are hiding drugs up there butt hole make when a cop is nearby.

"The guys I was staring at are walking over here, how do I look." She said over excitedly.

"Like someone with a bone." Derek and Steve thought it was funny, Evelyn threw fries at my face.

"Maybe they're coming over here to tell you they have reported the authorities and are planning on getting a restraining order against you." But Evelyn wasn't listening to me she was too busy drooling over the two men who towered before us.

"It is you!" Said the one on the left he was shorter than the one on the right but tall either way, I'd say 5'9 (hey I'm barely 5'1, 5'9 is tall to me). He had a small built to him but he wasn't lanky. He had light brown hair, it was a little on the red axis as well, but not completely as to call him a ginger. He wore it messy, it was a little long but did not fall over his ears. He had hazel eyes and light skin, not pale, light, there's a difference. He was wearing a blue flannel that fit him too big, with some dark jeans that fit him just right, they were rolled up at the foot exposing some casual boots. "Spacegirl!"

All eyes on me, I answered with trepidation, "What is the number one rule of Spacegirl?"

Both boys grinned, they knew. Ah, true black sheep. "Always bring chocolate." Answered the fella on the right, he was about 6'2, he had a muscular build on him but still his body frame fell on a medium. His hair was ash blonde and he kept it neatly styled in a pompadour (I'm a sucker for a pompadour, I have my love of the 50's to thank for that), his eyes were blue -whether ocean or sky I don't know, I'm not good with describing eye color, so you use your own preference- , he however did have pale skin, he was wearing a ripped Sex Pistols t-shirt (this guy was winning all the Dumbledore points), he had on some light jeans that had some paint drips on them but not as a fashion statement, I guessed he was an artist or worked with paint. "Sadly we don't have any chocolate on us lass, but for you we'll go across the world to get some." My heart couldn't help but flutter, what a charmer.

"There's no need my loves, I adore meeting my babies, but I am taking a rain check on that chocolate handsome." Hey I could be a charmer too, it was his turn to flutter, always be the dominate one girls (stop thinking dirty), with men now a days, you have too.

The one on the left spoke up, "We are huge fans; my favorite video of yours was 'Are You There, God? It's Me Spacegirl?' the points you made on religion and spirituality, really spoke to me. People could be daft, they don't understand, both are completely different subjects, I applaud you for bring it to the surface." My aura grew; it encapsulated anyone who was within distance with the fulfillment I felt. Those were the perks of doing what I did, being able to speak to people without having to be with them physically. How my words could have some sort of deeper meaning to someone, made my job not a job, it made it a gratification to connect with them. Using me as a puppet to say what's on their minds was something I loved to do, because these things were on my mind too and they needed to be said. And so I said them, and people everywhere heard these words. The words of the voiceless.

"Aren't you going to ask what my favorite video is?" The guy in the right asked giving me a miffed look.

"Of course I am sugar however I have to ask for your names first."

"I'm Noah" The guy on the left introduced himself; he took my hand in his and kissed the top of it.

"Nice to meet you, love."

"And I'm Max." Max followed Noah's actions.

"Nice to meet you too, love. Okay now tell me your favorite video."

He grinned and excitedly said, "Well mines when you talk about how dealing with depression feels like. I loved how you acted out every symptom, it was quite poetic. Like when you said something like, 'When you look in the mirror you don't know who's staring back.' And when the camera points to the mirror we see this disfigured face. And how you personified depression as this guy you had carried around on your back, it was amazing. Let me tell you it really opened my eyes to be more sensitive when I talk about it with people who suffer from it." Again that aura of mine grew this time it stretched for miles.

"Well sweet pea I just want you to know that you have made my day, actually both you and Noah over here have made my day, I am so utterly grateful for all my black sheep and I wasn't even expecting to meet any of you. So meeting you guys has really meant a lot and I'm going to be walking around with a spring in every step." I got up with my arms stretched and gave each of those boys a bear hug. I took pictures with each of them, then took group photos, I followed them on their Twitter and Instagram, I also made sure to tag them in the photos I uploaded and I Liked the photos they uploaded. We said our goodbyes as we left the McDonalds and walked our way back to the hotel.

When we were about two blocks away my phone buzzed, I clicked on the power button and saw I had a notification from twitter: @danisnotonfire commented on your Tweet. I opened up the app to read what ironic thing Dan had come up with now; this and e-mails were how we interacted.

@spacegirllives I see you're already diving into the London culture

@danisnotonfire curse you McDonalds logo in the background!!!1

@spacegirlllives lol when I go to America I look for a place that sells good fish and chips, you know to expand my mind and taste buds culturally

@danisnotonfire thats enough vile out of you mister, what are you doing awake at this hour anyway!

@spacegirlives @amazingphil promised we would watch an anime but he bailed and now the ghost of my excitement wont let me sleep D:

@danisnotonfire awe :'( you poor thing do you want me to watch it with you, I know its not the same as watching it with phil but we could try

He took a while to reply, so I tucked my phone back in my jean pocket, and stood idly inside the elevator, Steve and Derek were quarrelling about how Wolverine was better than Magneto, Steve was on Magneto's side whilst the latter was on Wolverine's (I simply cannot decide), and Evelyn was giggling at them. Finally on the sixth floor the elevators doors opened and we went to our rooms, Evelyn and I stay in one and Steve and Derek in another -that's how it is all the time-.

"I'm going to go undress in the bathroom." I called out.

"Are you going to take a shower?"

"No, I'm too tired I'll do it when I wake up, you?" I heard no response so I turned around to see a sleeping Evelyn. "Jeebuz Fries, you could fall asleep at a tip of a hat." I made my way to the bathroom and washed my face, I placed my phone on top of the sink as I took off my jeans and top. I changed into an oversized shirt and started making my hair into a bun when my phone buzzed. I reached to get it and read: @spacegirllives sure I'll be here waiting in my web browsing pose, hows that for a sexy image.

@danisnotonfire NO! not the sexy web browsing pose, that's my kryptonite! D:

@spacegirllives lol its funny that we are supposed to be getting some rest and here we are wasting time on Twitter

I knew what he meant, we were all going to meet tomorrow.

@danisnotonfire hey I just flew in whats your excuse mister

@spacegirllives the excitement of meeting you is keeping me awake

Now if I was, let's say, a fangirl, I would've probably screamed so loud I would have woken up all the sleeping residence, but I was not so I simply let that comment slide.

@danisnotonfire I thought you said the ghost of your excitement was keeping you awake lol anyway im hitting the hay already see ya tomorrow Danny Boy gn xo.

I laid down next to the hibernating bear that was already on the bed and I snuggled up in the blankets and before I knew it was off in dream land.

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