Ayla and Lys' love

By JRRhera

18 4 0

One day Ayla an Officelady was on her motorcycle on her way to work and almost crashed with a Teen named Lys... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3

Chapter 2

4 1 0
By JRRhera

Ayla is on her motorbike, on her way to work like every morning. there is less traffic on this day. -It seems that people are starting to take their Christmas holidays. - Ayla thinks. She does not have any type of jaw, she drives very relaxed. He reaches the pedestrian crossing, where he always meets Lys. Although they started off on the wrong foot, Lys is waiting for her there every day, to greet her. the traffic light turns on the red light, Ayla stops her motorcycle, and the pedestrians stop crossing the road. Ayla hears her name on the left side, she turns and sees that it is Lys, she is running towards her, as if she had missed the bus. Lys waving to Ayla by the hands as she runs, when she gets to where she is and asks if she can take her to school, Ayla does not refuse and tells her friend to mount like the other time. When the light changes and Ayla starts her motorcycle with Lys as a passenger.

Lys is no longer afraid of being on Ayla's bike, but hugs her tightly. She lays her right cheek on Ayla's back, to feel the Heat of her body and the sweet aroma of her perfume, she closes her eyes while, to enjoy the moment.

Ayla stops the bike, Lys opens her eyes and she realized that she arrived at her school. She gets down and thanks Ayla, and despises her with a kiss of cheeks typical of friends. Lys does not go to school, to see how her friend walks away.

Ayla, he was not late, arrived first than his bosses. And take advantage of entering a cafe that is at the entrance of the building, and ask for a mocachino to get a little cold.

It's time for recess at Lys's college. as always she is on the Rooftop watching the vehicles go through the streets, and she hears those familiar footsteps from her friend Alex. She greets him without turning to see him. Hi Alex.

- Hi Lys, - the boy notices with his friend he is not smoking. - It is rare not to see you smoke at this time.

- I just don't have cigarettes. Don't have one? Lys turns around giving his friend a smile.

- Of course not. I don't smoke, but do you look happy? Something happened, right?

Lys walks towards her friend making steps of a happy girl, as if she were wearing a new dress, she turns as a dancer, making her skirt rise, showing her thighs a bit. - I saw Ayla again, and she brought me back on her motorcycle. I don't understand why I'm happy about it. I put my face on his back, it was so warm. - Lys puts her hands to her chest in a tender way. - Even my heart is racing when I see it.

Alex looks strangely at her friend's behavior. She is usually apathetic. - It seems that you are in love! You even behave like those dumb girls who hear this Kevin Asher, or like those two Karin and Laira.

Lys looks at Alex angrily and says - He doesn't compare me to those. They have no decorum. Today those two made a scandal. Like Professor Andrade, he did not come to class. They in their living room began to have sex, in the presence of all their companions watching them. I don't know where they are now.

- How crazy, given Alex with amazement. - But I'm not saying it for comparing them, I'm saying it because you might like women. Since we were children we always spent seeing the other women, especially what they look pretty.

Lys in his ear that is astonished.- Do you think so? - She puts her index finger on the hundred, to help remember. - Now that I think about it, you're right, I don't remember looking at any boy. And the only one I've kissed is you. And he rejected all the boys who declared themselves to me, even you. And I always look at the teachers and the girls at school, especially their breasts.

- I see that you are already discovering that you are from the other side. - Alex hugs her tenderly - You know I love you just the same, friend. You are for me the sister that I never had.

- And you ask to be your girlfriend to your sister, you're a pervert.- Lys laughs.

- Do not blame me friend, you are very pretty. Alex says with a smile.

- Alex, can I ask you something? - Sure Lys. - Can I go to your house at Christmas? I don't want to be at my house that day. - Alex becomes serious, as if bad news should come out of his mouth.

- There is nothing I would like more, that you are in my house at Christmas. But my family is going on a trip as soon as classes are over. We are going to spend the season at my grandparents' house, who live in the south, we even have the plane tickets. - Lys is sad to hear that. Alex hugs her and asks her. - Is your mother hitting you again?

- Yes, but now he does it for no reason. Last night I arrived drunk, I asked if there is food, but I grab my hair and pull it hard. I scream in my ear saying to myself. "There is no food for you, I didn't get a job so don't ask me for food." It is awful. I don't even know why he hits me. I don't want to talk to her anymore, because if I do she hits me, and when she calls me it's to hit me. - Lys starts crying. But Alex can't do anything for his friend. I go out and lend her his shoulder. The door to the roof sounds, it was a couple that was coming.

"Hey, why is that girl crying?" Says a thin girl with short hair. - Did you hit your girlfriend? - Mint, don't get involved in that matter. Says a skinny boy. - But Bent, don't you see that this girl is crying? Should he have done something to her? Like offended her for getting a bad grade in a group job! Or maybe he told her that his favorite singer is Gay. - Alex interrupts saying. - This does not concern them. And no, I would never hurt Lys, she is like my sister.

- Hey bro, says bent. Here, give him this. "He takes a candy out of his pockets." It's mint, that will help him calm down a bit. And sorry for the interference, but we were looking for a place to eat, because the entire patio is full.

- Thanks.- Alex removes the wrapper and gives it to Lys, after a short time she stops crying.

- Doesn't it bother us that we stay here? Mint says.

- Don't worry.- Alex says we are going to eat too. - Alex takes his food out of his bag, so does Bent.

- Ten Mint I hope you like it - I always like what you do.- Mint opens the food and starts to eat, she shows on her face that the food was to her liking. - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, this is the taste of true love. - Thanks Mint.-

Lys seeing the girl's reactions does not avoid asking a question. - Excuse me, but are you dating?

- Mint with his mouth full responds: Rather we are a couple, we have lived together for a year. We are what adults call lovers. We know that it is rare for two students to live together, and the truth does not matter to us, we do nothing wrong. -Bent stops eating and says: - If we are both a couple, and we live with my little sister. My parents divorced, they went to live with their respective lovers, and they left me the house and a maintenance. And Mint's family lives in another city, for work reasons.

- Do you really live together? This seems to have come out of a Japanese Anime series! Alex says doubtfully.

- Yes, even if you don't believe it, it's the truth. And if you wonder, we also have sex from time to time, but with protection. - Bent, why do you say that? I'm ashamed that you say so. - Mint calm is not that he is watering the pack of photos.

And how does sex feel? Lys asks. - Mint gets up and approaches Lys and speaks in his ear. - Friend feels incredible, it is the best thing you can do with your boyfriend, if he tells you he wants to do it. do not be ashamed, you will not regret it. When you finish you relax better than in a spa. - Lys going those whispers make him feel uncomfortable. And it makes a disgusted face.

- Mint, what did you tell that girl? - Look at his face, it seems as if he has seen an old man without clothes. - Bent I just told him that sex was the best. But it is seen that the two of them have not had their first time. - Are you thinking that we are dating? Alex says, "Boy is the most natural thing we can think of, says Mint-, if you are alone here it is because you are looking for privacy for you. But do not worry when we finish eating we go and so they can continue with theirs we will not tell anyone. - No, he is not my boyfriend, he is just a childhood friend. - If we are just friends. - Says alex-, what happens that we don't fit in with anyone here. And we always see each other here to talk. - Well that's good, says Bent- they know something is strange that this place is alone, it seems that it is conditioned for the students, there are benches and a security fence, and the view here is the best. - Bent, what do you think if we come here more often? - Mint says, - it seems good to me, here you can eat well.-

-Aren't you planning to have sex here? Lys asks with an angry look - NOT HOW YOU THINK- The bride and groom say with one voice. - He says it because it happened to us, a couple of girls came here to have sex, and they didn't care at all that we were seeing them. - They talk about Karin and Laira, - says Mint - those two are because they are crazy. They are in my class, and whenever they want, they are having sex at school. I suppose you know the gossip of today ?, He even got on the networks. But it is not the first time that they do it, on Monday they were showing a boring movie about the risks of teenage pregnancy, when they turn on the light, Laira was tucked inside Karin's skirt, and the bitch says to the teacher, what is the problem? There is no risk of pregnancy! And everyone else took it as a joke. Those two what they have is no longer normal. Teachers say they are going to separate them after winter break. Why can't they expel students for homosexual behavior?

- But if they were a heterosexual couple- says Bent.- If they would be expelled, and with a bad recommendation in the file. As happened to my friend Frank, they set him up, the boys from the soccer team tell him that they are going to help him to be intimate with his girlfriend and then they went out to tell the teachers. Both expelled them and as in their files says that they make improper relationships. No one wants to receive them in their institutions anymore.

- And what are you doing now? Lys asks.

- I see it in the afternoon and it's fine. He and his girlfriend now live together, they are in Frank's house, because his girlfriend's mother ran her out of the house, because of the sex scandal. Frank's father opened a store in the city center. He and the girlfriend now work there. They say that in the next year they will study at night school. Since there they do not pay attention to what the files say.

- If that's why we don't have sex at school. - Mint says- we can do that at home without problems, that is if Bent buys his condoms, and I take my pills. When Bent's little sister falls asleep, we start with our own, we still don't want to have children, that's why we are very careful, contraceptives are cheaper than diapers.

- Shut up if that's true. - Lys says. - I have a partner who is pregnant, but with a boy who does not study here. It is sad what is happening to her, she was meeting with the popular girls in the room, and they were the ones who introduced her to that guy, according to the fact that he was the ideal boy. And when the pregnancy the guy disappeared, and his so-called friends now marginalize her, sometimes I talk to her. She tells me that now she feels the pressure of being marginalized, and that she does not want to continue in school, because all those who said they were her friends now do not even want to see her.

- Horrible. -Alex says- that guy what a bad boy is. He had to accept his responsibility to the girl. That's what a man does, that guy what a coward is. - You're right- Says Bent.- If I inadvertently impregnated Mint, I'm not going to run away, I would be even closer to Mint.-

Mint begins to speak in a mocking tone. -You say that because I'm here. I know that if you get me pregnant, you would go with your sister.- Mint puts his hand on his forehead parodying a soap opera.- And you would leave me in a cold and dark rainy street, starving and cold, with your son in my insides, while you would be with the other in a luxurious mansion, and being harassed by her.

- I'm already seriously thinking about removing the channel from the Mint soap operas, Very seriously. That joke is not laughable.- If you are right. Lys says. Alex says yes with his head, And says: - Miss laugh.

- Well if I agree I'm bad for jokes.

The Group eats again but in silence. When Lys finishes eating, he hands the food to Alex. He finishes eating and keeps both meals in his bag. The couple still haven't finished eating, but Mint stops eating, as if satisfied. - Bent, you served me a lot. - Mint you have to eat more, remember that the doctor said you are losing weight. "Yes, but it's still a lot." Alex takes out his lunch again, and asks Mint. - You can give it to me? - Yeah right. -Says Mint.- Have it - Alex keeps the food in the lunch box and closes it. When Mint looks at that, he asks. - Aren't you going to eat it? - No, it's for Lys. She doesn't like to talk about this, but there is no food in her house. - If that's the case. Says Bent.- Have mine. - Bent gives Alex his lunch, and pours the contents into it, and closes it. He hands the lunch to Lys and says - Here. Don't worry about the lunch, tomorrow you bring it to me.

- Thanks guys, but I'd better eat it later. Today I have to stay at school for group work. I'll deliver the lunch to you in the afternoon, Alex.

- Lys, I'm sorry to mess with me. But I will bring you food tomorrow. - Mint says with a cordial tone. - No thanks. - Lys says. - Do not worry about my. I'm on a diet. - Lys Why do you tell that lie? - Alex says with a tone of concern. - You shouldn't refuse help. - Alex but I don't want to receive alms from others. - Lys. No, -Mint approaches Lys and hugs her.- I have no idea what you're going through. But I do know what it's like to go hungry. My family went through a bad economic crisis, we did not have to eat, and if there was little food, that's why I am underweight. If they offer you food, do not reject it, because you will not know when you will eat again. Do not see it as alms, see it as an opportunity. - Mint is right, Lys. Alex says. But if she wants to help you, you shouldn't despise her.

- Alex I guess you're right. Mint thanks for the help. I suppose you will be my first friend, the only one I have called a friend is Alex. - Mint takes both hands of Lys with his hands and raises them to the height of the breasts, and put them together as a symbol of friendship. - Yes, Lys we are going to be friends from now on, and we are going to get along, don't worry, I'm not a bad friend.

- Thanks Mint. Hey, won't you have a cigarette? - No Lys, we don't smoke. Try to quit because that hurts you a lot. You see my uncle was a very smoker, and he smoked like 10 boxes of the brand of cigars that have the red boxes, and he was always giving the excuse, that if he stopped smoking he would get fat, and he was fatter than the cook they put On TV, my uncle already had a serious respiratory illness, and it's not that I want to compare you to him, since I don't know how much you smoke, much less I want to offend. But friend, smoking is not good. And more if you are a woman, because although it seems glamorous it gives a bad smell. - At that Bent interrupts. - MINT I think he understood you already.

- Mint, you left me dizzy. Lys says. Alex asks. - Is your girlfriend always like this? - Believe me when I say that she can speak more. - Mint tries to get into the conversation, but Bent kisses her to keep her quiet. Mint, feeling the lips of her love, closes her eyes and lets go. When they part, Mint says with a smile on his face. - Yes, now I do shut up. Ha Alex and Lys find that moment strange. - Lys. Ten- says Bent. He pulls out a box of cigarettes from his bag. - I thought to throw them away, but have, I suppose you already have dependency, and you need to smoke. - Lys takes them, and puts them in his pockets, then says, - Thanks Bent, but what do you do with them if you don't smoke? - use them for an investigation into legal drugs. - Drugs? - Lys says strangely. - Are you telling me this is a drug? - Yes Lys, - Interrupts Alex -cigars is a type of Drug. they relax you because they have nicotine. But they create dependency. I told you a long time ago.-

Lys with guilt and nervousness says: -But it's not my fault, my mother made me light her cigarettes since I was a child. Said that would do nothing to me, now I am an Addict, if I don't smoke I feel empty. - If I know Lys, I know you became addicted, but I don't blame you. -

The doorbell rings interrupting the conversation, it was already the end of the break. The 4 take their things and without saying anything, they go down the stairs to go to their classrooms, Lys is holding hands with Alex but lets go when she reaches the door of her living room, Alex continues walking to his. The wedding couple follows their route.

It's 2 in the afternoon, at Ayla's work. She locks in her cubicle, with many, the documents stacked on her desk. The amount of documents would make any office worker feel terrified to see him. Ayla is very late in her work, her mind is all messy, she cannot concentrate on anything. He leans back in the chair looking at the ceiling, plays with his glasses. But she can not lower mental stress. She hears a sound in the audio of her computer, and it was a network message.

<Ayla do you want a coffee?>

Ayla looks at the monitor, but remains neutral. Then open the message window and start a chat.

<Yes, but I need something stronger.>

<Do you need whiskey? I can put a few drops in the coffee>

<No. Something even stronger. LOVE. I need it, since Leonido left, I feel terrible.>

<Why don't you talk about it with the psychologist?>

<I already did it and it didn't help me, apart I have to talk about something else, but I can't talk about it in public.>

<If you want we can talk privately. But I only ask for one condition.>

<I guess what it is, I guess I have no other choice.>

<It's decided. I'll wait for you in the projection room, we can be there alone.>

- Alone ?. I guess Will's not at work. Ayla says in her mind.

Ayla puts away her things, and takes her bag. She leaves the cubicle, goes directly to the exit of the offices, walks down the hallway of the building's floor passing through the entrances of other offices. After passing 3 doors she enters a door that says "Screening Room. she notices that the door was not closed, and enters. Once inside she closes the door with a lock. And then turn your eyes to where the screen is for projections. There was Ange sitting at a desk near the screen. Ange has her hair down and her cleavage open revealing much of her breasts, and her legs crossed. Ayla begins to approach her boss, but with fearful steps, as if she were walking on the deck of a pirate ship.

- Ayla, what's going on? It is not the first time we do this. Try to relax.

- Yes, I know, but I still have Leonido in mind. I don't know if this would be betraying him.

- Ayla, even if you wanted to, you can't betray him.

Ange gets down from the desk and approaches Ayla, picks her up and puts her on the desk. She brings her face closer to Ayla's as if she wanted to kiss him. but he just stares her in the eye. Ange is lost in the blue of Ayla's eyes.

- I understand you Ayla, although you do not believe it I understand you. - Do you believe? And I don't even understand why I'm afraid of this. -

Ange starts stroking Ayla's golden hair slowly. - If I understand you very well, friend, he had given you what few know how to give. He really gave you love. It's the same thing Will gives me. It is something that I take a long time to understand, anyone can have sex, as I want to do now, but he not only made you sex, he gave you love. - Ayla begins to run tears of his eyes, Ange when seeing this. She starts to run her tongue over Ayla's face to savor her tears. - Ayla's tears of love, do you want to try them? - Ange approaches Ayla's lips. He kisses her and begins to brush his tongue with Ayla's, she lets go. Ayla begins to feel the taste of her tears on Ange's tongue. The flavor was something very delicious and nostalgic for Ayla. When she feels this, she sheds more tears. Ange caresses her head tenderly, Ayla's breathing begins to accelerate, when Ange feels this, she separates from Ayla, then crosses her eyes again, Ange notices that Ayla's eyes have more tears of love, but this time she takes them with the fingertips gently and brings it to Ayla's lips, moistening with her finger, turning around the fleshy skin of the same. Ayla runs her tongue over her lips, as if her tears are honey.

-Ayla you are very hurt for your loss. Please speak as much as you want, I will listen to you. - Ange begins to unbutton Ayla's uniform. She looks at a beautiful black bra, is surprised to see that the brooch is in front of her. Unzipping releases Ayla's firm, but medium-sized breasts. Ange begins to gently massage her right nipple while tasting the other nipple like a baby. This begins to relax Ayla, and she is clearing her mind, she stops crying and begins to indulge in the pleasure that her boss is giving her. Ayla begins to express her feelings with Ange.

- Ange, if I felt bad these days, I cannot overcome that Leonido is not by my side, I feel empty, and alone. - Ange interrupts her dry lactation to talk to Ayla. - I understand you, but you have to understand that he is not going to come back to you, you have to continue with your life. Find another source of love elsewhere. - Another source of love? - Yes, I thought that what you needed was sex. That's why I told Will to invite you to have sex with the 3 of you, that other night, where you rejected us, and then tell you that we lived together for the 3 of us. - Then Ange runs her tongue over the nipple she was eating. To then go slowly to the other nipple and start sucking on it. "Do you want me to be Will's concubine?" Ange continues to love Ayla's nipple. It seems as if she doesn't want to answer that question. then with his right hand he begins to brush against Ayla's right leg slowly. Ayla begins to feel chills all over her body. The soft hand reaches Ayla's intimate area and caresses her panties slowly. the feeling makes Ayla arch her entire back. Ange stops sucking just to see Ayla arching and she puts on a satisfied smile as if she's accomplished her task. And you can taste it more with Ayla's face when you see her with your eyes closed, with a grimace of wanting to stop a moan. Then he answers the question.

- I wanted you to be my concubine. Will gives me the love I need, but I always miss lesbian sex. It is something that no man can fill. - I think you're right, sex between women is not the same as having sex with a man. But you wouldn't give me love. - Friends love can be. - Ange uses her fingers again in Ayla's intimate area, and with the other hand begins to play with her right chest. While still talking to you. - If only the love of good friends, but love of couple we could not give you. So I already discard the idea. It would be very horrible if you lived like this. It would be like being close, and living with a partner is the worst, I tell you because I lived with a lesbian couple, it was the time that I did not differentiate sex with love, they only had sex with me when they were bored, they neglected me, and Many times they did not get me into their plans, I was left over and I left. - Ayla continues cutting her moans, she puts her hands to her mouth and eyes. Ange stops to remove her pantyhose, she begins to remove them slowly when she has them in her hand, she looks at her and begins to taste the scent of them- Ayla your smell of woman is the best- Well, thanks, I guess. - I'm glad you already cleared your mind, you're not crying anymore. I liked your tears. Now I am going to taste your intimate nectar- Ange puts her hands on Ayla's right hip, she unbuttons her skirt and lowers the zipper, Ayla raises her hips, to facilitate the removal of her skirt. Ange looks at Ayla's golden mount of venus, and her black garter belt that holds her black stockings. - Ayla, you haven't shaved. - No Ange. Sorry. - Ange approaches Ayla's right ear and whispers. - You know something ?, I like it better like that. I love your mount of venus, but what I love most about your white skin, I adore it, as I want to put it on.- Ange gets down on Ayla's legs, she puts her hands on Ayla's knees, and opens them. Ange looks at the opening of Ayla spilling juices, Ange makes her mouth water and runs her tongue over her lips as if she were going to eat a delicacy. She slowly begins to run her tongue through those juices, Ayla feeling this tightens her muscles and begins to moan. Ange with her hands opens the lips of Ayla's vagina and looks for the clitoris. He starts sucking it like he did with Ayla's nipples. This makes her arch again with moans. Ange begins to caress her vagina, hearing those moans.

- Tell me something, are you enjoying it? Ayla. - Ange yes, I had a long time without doing a lesbian. - Me too, and I wanted you for a long time, your white skin makes me a hundred, do I confess something to you? In the office when I'm alone I masturbate thinking of you.- Ange starts to put two of her fingers inside Ayla's vagina while she continues to taste the clitoris. Then she stops to remove all of the top of her uniform, which she throws to the floor, and repeats playing with her fingers and tasting the clitoris. Ange manages to make Ayla cum and part of Ayla's flows permeate Ange's face and chest. - Look how you left me? - I'm going to fire you for this. - Ayla gets up and says. - say goodbye? I should sue you for workplace abuse. - They both laugh.

Ayla tell me something, haven't you tried to find another relationship? You are still young and beautiful. - No, but I am attracted to someone.- Ange takes off her skirt and pantyhose leaving only her garters, Ayla notices that her boss does not have a single hair on her jewel. Then he climbs onto the desk, looking to cross Ayla's legs with hers. Ayla already knew what she wants, and both put their vaginas together to make a scissor.- Tell me while we get to the end.- Both begin to brush each other, but Ayla between moans says what she wants to say.

- I am attracted to a girl, but I don't know if she likes women.? - We better finish what we're doing. I'll tell you later. -Both continues to seek to satisfy the other until they can no longer, and both reach orgasm with a long moan. They lie down with their clams together. After the orgasm has passed, they both sit at the desk and start talking about Ayla's emotional problems.

Ayla, I'm sorry I interrupted your question. But he didn't want to lose his taste. - Don't worry, I think I needed it too, my mind is relaxed. - Ange Hugs Ayla and gives her a tender kiss on the forehead. - Well, I was not mistaken in thinking that you needed sex. But you also need couple love. And I can't give you that. You told me that you are interested in a woman. Tell me.- Ayla runs her fingers through her hair, and looks to make up for what is left of her uniform.

- Well, I see a girl every morning when I come to work. It is strange, but it seems that she waits for me every morning to see me, she is always there. Today I took it on my motorcycle.

- AHHH! A casual fan. It looks like something out of a romance novel. Is the girl pretty? TELL ME TELL ME. - If she's cute, shorter than me. She even has bigger breasts than mine.- Hey Ayla but only the time in the street when you come to work. Have you not entered into dialogues with her? - No Except that time I met her, when I broke her sweater with my motorcycle. - Wait. You are telling me that you met her the day you came without a coat. - Yes, she is a student, I do not know the age but I calculate that it is between 14 or 16 years old, and I know that it is illegal, but I cannot control my feelings. - I understand you, I less, sometimes I'm at a party with Will, and I see some girls who put me on a hundred. I am grateful that my marriage with him is open, I can be with other women and he does not bother, and I let him go with other women. But if I am frank with you, I don't understand why it is illegal for an adult to have no relationship with a teenager. - That comment unpleasantly surprises Ayla and throws an awkward question. - Have you had sex with children? - No, but as a child I had sex with adults. And all agreed. - Seriously? - Yes Ayla. I was very promiscuous, I was looking for sex with adults, I even had friends as promiscuous as me. - But have you ever been abused? - I suppose that in a way yes, I did not understand then that sex and love were not the same. Many left me soon, and others followed longer. but then they got bored with me. There I understood that this was not love. Until I met Will in college. He not only gave me sex, but also love, he was there when I needed it. and that did not happen with others. - But that doesn't tell me anything. Why do you not understand the illegality of relationships between adolescents and adults? -

- Because I don't see the difference with legal relationships. All relationships have risks. Whether they look for you only for sex, or for your economy, or for the same thing that always happens in all the media. And remember that there are many adults who do not choose their partners well, and everything goes wrong. - I guess you're right,

- Well now I'm going to ask you a question Ayla. Do you want to try your luck with that girl? Don't cut yourself, I'm not going to judge you if you say yes. - If I want, I want to try my luck. - Say no more, first you have to know something. Do not expect that your love with Leonido will be the same with her. The teenagers are not clear about anything, and above all they are used to being given everything, and they only think about how cool the moment is. - And what if she is not a girl to be with women. - Nothing happens. He just won't be interested in you. But there is only one way to know. When you see her again invite her out, you know the classic to eat ice cream or something, if you're lucky give her a nice experience, maybe she will give you the love you need. And since they are both women they will not have much problem. From experience I know that people see badly that the men go out with adolescents, but nobody says anything if it is a woman. - Well I'll try. - Remember to tell me how it went. By the way, when Will finds out that I had sex with you, he will scold me for not calling him. But when I feel your essence in my body it will go to a hundred tonight. - Ange laughs mischievously.

Both women decide to leave the site. Ange gets dressed Ayla while she is almost naked. He leaves it as if he were going to present it. It tells you to get out first. Which she does and returns to her Cubicle, with her relaxed mind concentrating better, and returns to her work. Before long she sees a message on her monitor.

<Ayla bad news, we have to work at Christmas.>

<There are still overdue documents>

Ayla opens the chat window she answers.

<I was thinking of going to my father's house, I will tell him that I won't be able to go.>

<But let's try not to do today because we are more late>

<Don't worry. You left me satisfied. ^ _ ^ but if you want another round call me on vacation.>

-I'm going to have to find another source of love. What if I can't get love? Did I become addicted to love? -

Lys is walking down the street, carrying the coat Ayla gave her, despite that the cold of the night is felt on her body. She is entering the patio where her house is located. The houses around the patio have their Christmas lights on, but hers had no Christmas lights, nor were the lights inside on, as if no one was inside. Lys upon seeing this she is relieved.

- It seems that my Mom will not be home. She arrives at her house and enters, it is all dark and she turns on the light. As the darkness passes, he hears a voice. "You finally got here." Lys feels a chill down her spine. And all fearfully responds. - Hi Mom. - The mother was sitting at the table and looked up and down at her daughter and began to ask angrily. - Can you tell where you were? - Mom left you a note on the table that I would be late for group work. - To this note- She had it in her right hand, and shows it to her daughter - And how do I know if this is true? Well look at you, with the money I left you to pay for the electricity you bought that coat. - Lys begins to feel fear. - No Mom, this coat was given to me. - The mother lifts a bottle that was on the table and takes a drink. - It seems you think I'm an idiot. But I am not, that coat is expensive, nobody is going to give something like that. Now get rid of that crap. - Lys tries to explain to her mother- MOM, BUT LET ME EXPLAIN- the mother gets up and screams saying -SHUT UP BITCH.- Lys is silent in her tracks. "Take off that crap, right now." Lys takes off her coat and throws it at her mother, as if fearing for her life. The mother takes it with one hand, and begins to check it. - Thanks, do you know something? I'm going to keep it, you bought it, but I'm the one who paid for it. - Lys tries to explain the matter of the coat, but the mother slaps him. Lys screams in pain and puts a hand on her cheek. - Now answer Lys, where were you? - Mom, why don't you believe me? I had to do group work. - The mother takes Lys by the hair and throws her on the ground. - Get on all fours, like the bitch you are.- Lys fulfills the order without saying anything. The mother takes from the bottle again, - You know Lys ?, the next time you come back late you better not come back. - The mother removes the belt from her pants, Lys knows what awaits her and she becomes more tense. The mother raises her skirt and lowers her panties, exposing her bottom.

-DON'T STICK ME MOM- Lys says with tears welling up in her eyes. - SHUT UP- She begins to mistreat her daughter. - This is for being late. - He hits her three times with the belt and on her buttocks. - You ruined my life, I tried to give you away, but NOBODY WANTED YOU. - He punches him twice, Lys screams in pain. - You think this hurts, MORE PAIN I FEELED WHEN YOU WERE BORN. The mother hits him with more force. - You only give me problems, I wanted to be a model, but you WERE BORN AND YOU RUINED MY FIGURE. - hit her 5 times. Lys's screams increase as her crying, she doesn't understand why her mother hates her. -Was my mistake born? I did not ask to be your daughter. They are words that she thinks to herself. She knows that if she gives him an answer, the harder she will hit him. - You do not know daughter how much I love you, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. IF I KNEW WHO YOUR FATHER IS, I WOULD TAKE YOU WITH HIM. - He hits her 6 times, Lys screams each time, the pain in her buttocks cannot bear it, the mother looks at the red marks she made on her daughter, and speaks in a mocking tone. - Look, my poor daughter, do your buttocks hurt? Take your ointment. - The mother kicks him in the butt. Making it fall to the floor. The mother takes the coat and retires. - If you are going to eat you have food in the fridge. There is no gas, so eat it cold. - Lys stays on the ground while waiting for her mother to leave, when she sees that she is not close, she gets up despite the pain in her butt. He adjusts his clothes and looks in the fridge for the food his mother left him, it was just leftovers from Chinese food. She takes it and goes to her room crying.

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