Levi x Reader One-shots

By MBDanchou

957K 19.6K 9.4K

This is a collection of Levi x Reader one-shots from Attack on Titan DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything from A... More

Jealous!LevixReader ~ Only one
LevixInjured!Reader ~ Failed experiment
LevixNervous!Reader ~ I'll be there
LevixNyctophobic!Reader ~ Breathe
LevixReaderxCheater!Erwin ~ All along
LevixShy!Reader ~ Another friend
Stressed!LevixReader ~ Paperwork
Popular!LevixEx-bestfriend!Reader ~ Got your back
Worried!LevixReader ~ Best life
LevixDaughter!ReaderxEren ~ My two guys
Possessive!LevixReader ~ Mine
LevixRunaway!Reader ~ Come back
LevixMute!Reader ~ New squad member
LevixCommander!Reader ~ Break
LeviXSuper hot!Reader ~ Only you
LevixPanicky!Reader ~ Panic attacks
LevixHero!Reader ~ My hero
Yandere!LevixReaderxYandere!Petra ~ Safe
LevixSuperhero!Reader ~ Strength
LevixPetite!Reader ~ Hoodie
Missing!LevixPregnant!Reader ~ One small happy family
LevixTitanShifter!Reader ~ Supervision
Rich!LevixHomeless!Reader ~ Please Stay (Part 1)
Rich!LevixHomeless!Reader ~ Please Stay (Part 2)
LevixFairy!Reader ~ See you soon (Part 1)
LevixFairy!Reader ~ See you soon (Part 2)
Hopeless!LevixCrush!Reader ~ Rain
Husband!LevixWife!Reader ~ Never be alone
Thug!LevixRunaway Bride!Reader ~ New life
Cheater!LevixReaderxEren ~ Stay with me
Child!LevixReader ~ Chibi
Popular!LevixNerd!Reader ~ One week
Ignored!LevixReader ~ Notice me
LevixIllegal Immigrant!Depressed! Albino!Reader ~ Protect
King!LevixMaid!Reader ~ My king
LevixSister!Cheated!ReaderxCheater!Eren ~ Here for you
LevixReaderxYandere!Eren ~ Crazy
LevixCheated!Best friend!Reader ~ A little better
LevixHomeless!Paranoid!Mime!Reader ~ Trust me
LevixCuddly!Reader ~ Pillow fight
Stressed!LevixAnxious!Reader ~ Loved and Cared For
LevixPretty!Reader ~ Beauty (Part 1)
Yandere!LevixStubborn!Reader ~ Forever (Part 1)
LevixEmotionless!Reader ~ Awakening
Angry!LevixIgnored!Reader ~ Work
LevixPretty!Reader ~ Beauty (Part 2)
Bad boy!LevixKind!Reader ~ Believe in me (Part 1)
LevixPanicky!Emetophobic!Reader ~ Help me
Bad boy!LevixKind!Reader ~ Believe in me (Part 2)
Yandere!LevixStubborn!Reader ~ Forever (Part 2)
LevixReader ~ Soft
LevixKuudere!ReaderxYandere!Petra ~ Feelings
Professional Pianist!LevixProfessional Violnist!Reader ~ Harmony
LevixBanished!Titan Shifter!Reader ~ I will find you (Part 1)
LevixBanished!Titan Shifter!Reader ~ I will find you (Part 2)
LevixBanished!Titan Shifter!Reader ~ I will find you (Part 3)
LevixViolinist!Reader ~ Play for me
LevixReaderxYandere!Erwin ~ Poison
LevixNurse!Reader ~ I love you
LevixErwin's Sister!Reader ~ Transfer
LevixReader ~ Pocky
LevixSick!Reader ~ Take care of you
LevixInsecure!Reader ~ Perfect
LevixThalassophobic!Reader ~ Seashells
LevixReader ~ Cuddles
LevixMute!Adopted!Reader ~ I love you
LevixSick!Reader ~ Stronger
LevixMaid!Reader ~ For you
LevixFictional Character!Reader ~ My Favorite Character
Fictional Character!LevixReader ~ See You Soon
LevixReader ~ Little Talks
LevixFlute-playing!Reader ~ The Forest
LevixSinger!Reader ~ Surprise
LevixPro-Equestrian!Reader ~ At Sunset
Punk!LevixShy!Scared!Trapped!Mermaid!Reader ~ Shells
LevixReader ~ Stars

King!LevixShy!Anxious!Depressed!Clumsy!Maid!Reader ~ My Queen

7.3K 186 39
By MBDanchou



(F/C) : Favorite Color

(Y/N)'s POV

One, two, three. I counted the sugar cubes that I put on the platter for Levi. Well, King Levi. I was his main maid and it was time for his afternoon tea.

"Your Highness." I greeted the king as I pushed open the heavy door to his office.

"Thank you." He nodded his head at me. "Oh, where's my stirring spoon?"

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I'll go get it!" I freaked out. How could I be so forgetful?!

"No, it's okay." He put up his hand to stop me. I slightly relaxed but was still a little anxious.

You see, my parents never wanted me as a child, so they just threw me out on the streets. There, I was taken in to be a servant and a maid for various people. All my masters were extremely harsh and strict, causing me to develop severe anxiety and I started being a really quiet and reserved person. They would call me worthless and useless, and I eventually believed them.

One day King Levi visited the prince I was working for and saw how abusive he was towards me, so he literally bought me to work for himself. Despite our king-maid relationship, we were actually fairly close. I guess we just understood each other.

He told me about how his father died when he was really young and his mother passed away suddenly a few years ago, causing him to immediately have to pick up the throne. Obviously that was a lot of stress. There's been multiple nights where we've stayed up talking about our lives and helping each other.

"Thank you." I smiled at him before turning to walk out of his office.

"Oh, wait." He stopped me. "There's going to be a banquet next week. I'm putting you in charge of the other servants for the catering and such."

"M-Me?! But-!" I tried to object.

"You'll be fine, (Y/N)." He slightly smiled at me. It always relaxes me whenever he says my name. But it also makes my heart flutter a little bit, which I know is inappropriate considering my low position.

"Yes, sir." I sighed and walked out.

What is he thinking?! Me, in charge?! I don't have to confidence to order people around! Not to mention how much I dislike banquets. There's so many people and snobby royals.

Time skip

I quietly sighed as I sat the glass refreshment on a table for our hundreds of guests. Sure, the music was nice and everyone was dressed so nicely, but I still didn't enjoy being here. Maybe it would be different if I was a guest.

"(Y/N), where do these go?" Petra, a fellow maid, asked me with a tray of finger-foods.

"Um, over on that table." I pointed out.

"Thank you." She smiled and walked away. I nodded and collected the empty cups that the snobby royalty sat down everywhere instead of just throwing them away.

I stacked the cups and made my way through the many guests. Eventually I think I tripped over someone's dress and dropped a few of the cups. "How clumsy! You could have ripped my dress!" A beautiful royal glared down at me.

"I-I'm so sorry!" I quickly apologized, gathering my cups.

"How did someone like you get a job for King Levi?" She scoffed at me.

"Because King Levi hand-picked her himself." Levi suddenly appeared behind the royals and glared at the woman. "And if you have a problem with that, my guards can show you the exit." She rolled her eyes and stomped off.

"Are you okay?" Levi asked more gently, reaching his hand down to me.

"Y-Yes, sir. I'm so sorry!" I apologized again, taking his hand. So soft.

"Don't worry about it." He said reassuringly. "Go to your room for a second."

"Am I in trouble?!" I exclaimed.

"No, just trust me." He smiled and took the cups from my hand. I nodded and nervously hurried to my room. There I found a beautiful (F/C) ballgown hanging up and matching shoes.

This can't be from Levi, can it?! How did he know? Nevertheless, I changed into the dress and shoes and admired myself in the mirror. They were gorgeous. I would have never imagined myself wearing such clothing. Wait... he can't expect me to come down to the ball in this, right?! I'm a servant!

My heart jumped as there was a knock on my door. I nervously opened it and peaked out, seeing no one other than Levi. "Just as I thought. Beautiful." He looked up and down at me.

"I really appreciate it, your highness, but you can't be serious-"

"Levi." He cut me off. "Call me Levi, and let's go." He linked his arm with mine and led me back down to the ballroom. My heart was racing a million miles a second the whole way.

Al eyes were on us as the guards opened the doors for us. I blushed and looked to the floor. Levi, however, gently tipped my chin back up. "Levi, I can't dance." I whispered as he led me to the middle of the room.

"Just follow me." He smirked and wrapped one hand around my waist while his other held my hand.

There we slowly danced to the calm music as everyone continued to stare at us. "Why are you doing this?" I whispered to him.

"I think you know why." He smirked and twirled me around. I just blushed and buried my head in his chest. "How would you like a promotion?" He asked.

"To what?" I questioned.

"A queen?" He smirked.

"A WHAT?!" I exclaimed loudly before realizing what I had just done. "A what?!" I exclaimed much quietly.

"A queen." He repeated. "My queen."

I stared at him in shock for what seemed like forever as I could feel all my anxiety and pain from the past go away. Tears brimmed the corners of my eyes as I smiled the most genuine smile I've probably ever smiled.

"I would love that."

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