Switch (Twisted)

By anshackleford

602K 6.6K 853

He pushes his full length into me and I scream, trying to pull my body away from his. He holds me in place, s... More

Switch (Twisted)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (Extended Fix)
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Question For The Readers
Chapter 9
Authors Note
The Author Blabbing Again: Your Opinion
Chapter 11

Chapter 10 (Noah, Gabrielle, Colby P.O.V)

33.2K 454 49
By anshackleford

•Warning• This chapter contains explicit boyxboy content. If you are uncomfortable reading such material, skip the section labeled •Warning boyxboy straight ahead•

I hold her naked body in my arms, having been this way most of the morning. I enjoy holding her in my arms. I enjoy this more than work, dominating, and sex all together. Just being close to her helps me to forget all of my problems.

I'm falling in love with her and I know it. When she said what she said last night, it hit me hard. I know I scared the shit out of her but I was silently praying that when I asked her if she loved me, she would have said yes.

Dont get me wrong, I still dont think I deserve to love anything, much less her. She's just so different, I cant help but feel the things I feel for her. How can I be in love with someone I barely know? I know her body more than I know her soul. It bothers me that she refuses to talk about her past. I want to know a number of things that I know she wont tell me.

I want to know who used to cut her hair off, I want to know what happened to her mother, I want to know what broke her so badly to make her this person. I've told her my reason for being the way I am but all I can sum up with her is that she had a bad childhood. I want to know who and why.

She still cries in her sleep on occasion. Since the whole Derek thing, its gotten a little worse. Her words have changed from her usual "no" and "please" to "No, please dont hurt him." I dont know who "him" is but its obvious he's important to her.

I'm honestly afraid to tell her what I've heard her say in fear that she'll shut me out, or worse, leave me. I ask myself sometimes which would hurt most, the pain I felt when my fiance died or the pain I'll feel when... if she leaves me. I honestly think losing Gabrielle would kill me.

This is how I know I love her. I break my back everyday to make sure she's happy. I found her family. I know deep down thats what she needed. It was bad timing having them come here but the weather in France is bad so this was the most convenient time for them.

Gabrielle groans and rubs her eyes. Her long eyelashes rise and reveal those stunningly beautiful green eyes. She smiles up at me. "Hello handsome," She mutters.

"Hello beautiful," I say as I kiss her lips. She sits up in bed, stretching her body out, her bones popping as she repositions them.

"Did I sleep long?" She asks. I shrug a bit.

"Just a few hours. You needed the rest after last night." Her cheeks turn a rosy shade. I decide to tease her a little. "So, how do you like being my girlfriend?" She blushes.

"Its different," She says finally. I cock my head slightly to the side.

"How so?" I question.

"I told you I didnt date. Youre my first boyfriend." She says almost shyly. When she said she didnt date, I thought she meant it like a "I've dated but I dont anymore" type of way.

"Not even as a kid?" I ask completely astonished. She shakes her head.

"I wasnt the prettiest or the nicest girl on the playground." I frown. I'm nearly positive she was the most gorgeous thing on the monkey bars.

"Youre probably just saying that because you think so low of yourself." I state.

"Well you havent seen my school pictures." She mutters lowly. No, but I'm pretty sure I can get a hold of a yearbook or two. From what the background check says, she graduated from Oceanview High School in New Jersey. I may drop by while she's working tomorrow.

"How about we get dressed and I take your family shopping?" I suggest. She frowns.

"What about all of those jackasses with camera's?" I think for a few moments. How can I get her out of this house without her being bombarded by paparazzi? A light goes off in my head.

"We'll just make sure you dont look like you." She looks at me with confusion.

"How are we going to do that?" She asks. I smirk at her, she is not going to like this.


"Noah, I am not going anywhere looking like this!" She screeches. "Veronique looks older than me!" She tugs at the pink sweater she's wearing. Her face is clean of any make up and she does look much younger.

"You look fine, Gabrielle." I say as I attempt to kiss her. She pushes away.

"I do not look fine! I look like an eleven year old!" I roll my eyes at her.

"You do not," I mutter. She stomps her feet like a child throwing a tantrum. I rub my chin while I watch. "Maybe you do." She stops stomping and glares at me.

"I hate you." I chuckle. "Its not funny Noah. This is embarrassing." I stop laughing and look into her exotic, green, eyes. I grab her hand and she falls into me.

"Its just for today," I say promisingly. She groans. "Baby, it shouldnt take makeup and the clothes you wear to give you confidence. Are you telling me that behind all of that youre just a weak little girl?"

"Yes," She mutters quietly as she breathes against my chest. I sigh heavily.

"Why?" She shrugs. "I wish you were willing to just open up to me a little." She pushes me away, suddenly enraged.

"Dont you think I've been open e-fucking-nough?" She snaps, her eyes darkening quickly. I glare at her.

"No, I dont actually. I know nothing about you Gabrielle, only that your parents are dead, youre a dominatrix, your favorite wine is Petrus, and before me, you were really shitty at picking men." I snap back at her. Thats not all I know but it about sums it up. She lets out a loud angry scream and punches me in the chest. I barely feel it.

"Mind your business asshole!" I feel the veins in my neck bulge from my anger. I refrain from grabbing her. Usually girls with attitudes like her get punished or dumped and I cant do either. If Gabrielle wants me out of her life, she'll have to make me leave or shoot me one. But if she shoots me she better hope she does it right.

I'm not saying I would hurt her, I'm saying I'm a pussy when it comes to guns and I couldnt take the pain. I grit my teeth. "As of this last night, you are my business, remember?" She rolls her eyes. I decide to cut to the chase and asked the question I've wanted to know since I met her. "What are you hiding, Gabrielle?" She gives me a weak, sarcastic, laugh. I can see straight through her.

"I'm not hiding anything." She says as she turns around and begins brushing her hair vigorously, nervously.

"What happened to your mother then?" I ask. She stiffens momentarily before continuing.

"She died, Noah. You know this."

"How did she die, Gabrielle?" I snap with aggitation. She spins around and throws her brush at my head, missing me by half an inch.

"Stupidity!" She screams, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. She grabs my watch off the dresser, throwing it in my direction also. I duck and hear the metal hit the wall behind me. "Anything else you want to know, Noah?!" She picks up the jewelry box and flings it at me also.

I dodge it and it crashes into the wall also, sending diamonds, ruby's, pearls, a pair of orange Clinohumite earrings, about 300 thousand dollars worth of jewelry, flying everywhere.

"Calm down!" I demand. She grabs a chunk of decorative glass and throws it.

"Dont tell me to calm down!" The dresser is nearly empty. There are no heavy objects left, only paperwork that has to be filed tomorrow. She searches the area for more weapons. When she cant find one, she decides to throw her shoe... this time I'm not so lucky. Her size five, hightop, Gucci shoe hits me in my left eye.

I hear her gasp as I groan as I clutch my face. She rushes over to me. "Oh god, Noah!" She attempts to grab my hand but I brush her off.

"I'm fine," I mutter, my voice pitchy. I told you I'm not good with pain. This hurts like a bitch, probably worse than my nipple piercing. I wouldnt know, I passed out before the needle could get half way through.

"Youre bleeding! Let me check on you!" Bleeding? Fuck... I think as I look at my palm which is covered in my sticky, red, blood. Gabrielle grabs my cheeks and inspects my eye. I cant open it at the moment, the swelling has already started.

"How bad is it?" I grumble. Women and their tantrums, someone is bound to get hurt.

"Bad enough for me to call Dr. Braxton." She admits with adorable "I'm sorry" face. I'm not giving in to that this time. I mumble under my breath as I make my way to the bathroom for a towel. She follows behind me, talking to Dr. Braxton and apologizing heavily at the same time.

I ignore her as I look in the mirror. There is a gash across my eyebrow and blood running rapidly down my face. It drips in the sink leaving another mess to be cleaned up later. I look like a bad bar fight, I think silently. I obviously didnt win. I need stitches and thats going to be a problem.

Gabrielle just made everything Derek said look true. If anyone see's me like this, there'll be another story for them to go on. I hold a white towel to my face,soaking up the blood. "She'll be here in five." Gabrielle says quietly. I ignore her once again. "Do you forgive me?"

"No," I hiss at her.

"I didnt mean to," Her voice is small, almost childlike. I nearly give in to her but I dont. I know she's sorry but it still doesnt change anything.

"Yes you did, Gabrielle. This is what you wanted, to hurt me." She frowns sadly.

"I didnt want to hurt you."

"So is throwing things at me your new way of showing affection?" I ask, my voice still icy with anger. She flinches and shakes her head slightly.

"No," I scoff as I push past her. I dont understand this woman. She throws various objects at my head, then says she wasnt trying to hurt me after she's blinded me. "Noah, I was upset!" She says defensively as she follows me again.

I turn around glaring at her. She shrinks back and I advance, my eyes and body language showing how I'm feeling right now. "I get upset too but have I ever once caused you harm?" She shakes her head. "Have I ever hit you?" Again, she shakes her head, her eyes fearful, as they should be. "Youre so childish, Gabrielle. You act like youre the only person who had a rough life. Do you think that makes it ok for you to hurt people." She starts to cry as she runs from the bedroom.

Half a second later, Dr. Braxton taps on the door. "Come in!" My voice booms, who ever is on the outside is positively shaking and probably wants to run. She slowly pushes the door open, her face showing utter concern. I dont know if its concern for me or concern for Gabrielle. She gives me an unsure smile as she walked in.

"Umm, Gabrielle said she did something bad and you needed me." I nod and invite her in. Last nights mess has been cleaned up so she wont see anything odd laying around. We sit on the bed and I remove the towel from my face. The blood keeps coming. Dr. Braxton's eyes widen.

"Dont ask," I mutter. She opens up her bag and pulls on a pair of latex gloves. She takes out the wound cleaning solution and begins cleaning the oozing gash. Afterwards she takes out a vial of anesthetic and a hypodermic needle. She fill it, does the flick and squirt.

"Are you ready?" She asks. I give a small nod. "Big stick," She mutters. She sticks the needle into the swollen skin of my face. I jump fractionally as my eye throbs with pain momentarily. She discards the needle and by the time she sits back down, the left side of my face is completely numb.

"So how are thing with you and our little rebel?" Dr. Braxton asks casually as she strings her needle. I roll my eyes.

"Dont you mean Devil?" She chuckles lightly but stops abruptly before clearing her throat when she realized I wasnt laughing.

"So she can be a little bossy, it cant be that bad." She ties off the first stitch that I hadnt even realized she'd done.

"She's bossy, violent, arrogant, and naive all at the same time." She looks at me nervously.

"Is she frequently violent with you Mr. Williams." She gives me that look one might recieve if they've been a victim of abuse.

"What are you asking me, Dr. Braxton?"

"Does Gabrielle abuse you?" She whispers quietly as she leans in. I begin laughing uncontrollably, did she just ask what I think she did?

"Gabrielle? Abuse me?" I question humorously. She maintains a serious face and I stop. "Youre kidding right?"

"Mr. Williams, Gabrielle is a ticking time bomb. I'm not even a psychiatrist and I could tell you that. One day she's bound to explode and someones liable to get hurt. I just dont want you to be her victim." I'm suddenly offended.

"There is nothing wrong with Gabrielle," I say, my voice venomous and my one good eye watching Dr. Braxton. She flinches. "I'm in love with her." I mutter.

Her eyes widen and her mouth drops open. "She doesnt abuse me, beat me, or force me to do any of that shit you've read in the papers. We're acceptably happy together and I wouldnt choose any woman over her. "

"Does she know?" I scold her.

"Hell no, if she did, she would have hightailed it a long time ago. I'm just going to wait." She gives me a curious look.

"Wait for what?" She asks, her confusion obvious. I look her in the eye.

"I'm going to wait for her to fall in love with me." Dr. Braxton purses her lips as she inserts another stitch.

"Do you think it will work?" I sigh heavily.

"Nope, but its worth a shot. It may sound corny, but I can feel our hearts getting closer together. Like they have arms and their reaching as far as they can but they come up an inch short." She gives a weak smile.

"I think its sweet." She pauses. "I remember when I first met Gabrielle. She was a furious, demanding, dirty mouthed little fourteen year old. She had a bad attitude and a broken collarbone." I perk up a little. Maybe I'll get some information accidentally.

"I bet that was a sight." I mutter nonchalantly.

"She had a rough upbringing. I remember looking over her medical records thinking, "How does a kid break 9 bones in seven years." And the funny thing is, her stories never matched up." I'm silently wondering why she's telling me this. What happened to patient confidentiality? I dont stop her though.

"Did you meet her mom also?" She sighs.

"No, she was already dead when they brought her in. It was a tragic thing, being murdered." Her mother was murdered? By who? Why? I want to ask so many questions but I know I cant. Was she killed in front of Gabrielle? God, I hope not.

"Where are you from, Dr. Braxton? You dont sound like the average New Yorker." She grins at me.

"Nashville, Tennessee. Thats where I met Gabrielle. I moved here so I could be her doctor."

"Do you miss it?" I ask. She shrugs as she inserts the last stitch and puts a glob of ointment on and a white, gauze, bandage.

"I miss it but until Gabrielle doesnt want me as a doctor, I'm not going back."

"You really care about her, dont you?" She smiles and nods.

"If I didnt, I wouldnt have written a prescription for you." She laughs. I chuckle also. "She's a good person, Mr. Williams. I'm just afraid that if she doesnt let go, she'll hurt someone." I nod in agreement. I know its possible as of today but I have a feeling she wouldnt hurt me or anyone close to her.

"I've been trying to get her to see my psychiatrist." I mutter. Dr. Braxton begins to laugh.

"Whats so funny?" I question, raising and deepining my voice.

"I apologize, but getting Gabrielle to see a psychiatrist is like trying to get her to admit she wants kids."

"Gabrielle wants kids?" I gasp. She shakes her hand in my face as if to silence me.

"You didnt hear this from me, ok? And if you repeat this or give her any indication that you know, I'll have your nuts." My eyes widen.

"I'm extremely good with a scalpel." She gives me the look of a mad, ball removing, scientist. I nod my head rapidly. That might be more scary than the penis plug thing back at Gabrielle's place.

"A few years ago, Gabrielle suffered from an ovarian cyst the size of a small apple on her right ovary. It ruptured and she was hospitalized. When I told her about the chances of infertility, she broke down. She talked about how bad that would be. It surprised me too.

She decided for another method of birth control so she wouldnt have to deal with the chances of not getting pregnant. She doesnt even want to try because she thinks it will end in bad. Then she said she couldnt love it properly even if she did get pregnant. She was very confused then, any woman would be actually."

"She didnt choose sterilization did she?" I ask as I swallow the large lump in my throat. She shakes her head and looks at me curiously.

"No, she got the implant. It works for three years before you have to change it. Speaking of birth control, her three years are up next month. If you'll excuse me, Mr. Williams." She packs up her medical bag and excuses herself from the room. I fall back on the bed. She told me a lot today.

Maybe I'm just too hard on her. Now that I know what happened to her mother, I wont ask so many questions. Of course I'll want to but I'll refrain. If my mother were murdered and some woman came asking questions, I'd be pissed too.

Then its what she said about children. I would like to have children someday but with what I've heard today, Gabrielle wouldnt even try.

I just wish I knew her whole story, I wonder if anyone knows. Deep down I know that the only person who knows the full story is Gabrielle and she wont tell it. I sigh and run my hands through my hair. I should apologize. 'Pussy whipped!' my subconscience screams. I shrug, I am a little pussy whipped but I can deal with it. I stand up to go find my girlfriend.


(Gabrielle's P.O.V.)

Noah comes out of the back a few minutes after I set up an appointment for next week to have my birth control implant taken out and replaced.

Dr. Braxton says that my left ovary is in perfect condition and I have a high chance of getting pregnant if I would lay off the birth control. I dont want to admit that I've thought about children.

I'm the type of girl who would get that would get those "who got that crazy bitch pregnant?" looks. I would be, what society today calls, an unfit mother so I'd rather not try.

I've seen how women act when they think theyre expecting. High hopes, early planning, smiling all the time, then that smile turns into a frown when their period hits them 36 days later because of a large amount of stress.

Then you become depressed and you feel punished. You wonder why it cant be you and if God has some kind of unspoken grudge against you. There are just so many questions that will be asked and 50% of them wont be answered. I would rather not know than run myself crazy trying.

I sigh as Noah approaches me, holding my head low. "Come to yell at me some more?" I mutter quietly.

"Actually I came to apologize." He says with a sigh. I glance up at him.

"Youre the one who looks like you got into a scuffle with Kimbo Slice. Why are you apologizing?" He chuckles lightly.

"I shouldnt have treated you like that." He says, his voice soft and apologetic. I roll my eyes.

"I broke your face," I utter. He grins that heart melting grin and even past the bruising and swelling, he's my beautiful, handsome, Noah.

"You didnt break it. Just... mangled it a bit." I frown. Thats not much better. I've ruined his perfect face and it only makes me look worse... To the public, and worse to him. "Look, Gabrielle, I crossed the line. I never should have tried to force information out of you."

"Youre supposed to be curious, Noah. There are just some things I'm not willing to talk about. I just hope you can accept that." I mutter quietly. He sits next to me on the couch.

"I cant accept that, but I'm willing to live with it." He leans down and kisses my forehead.

"Are you still mad at me?" I ask.

"Furious, but I'll let you make it up to me." He says grinning at me. I frown. He looks around curiously. "Where is everyone?" He asks. I sigh heavily.

"The apartment, getting settled in."

"How's Abelle?" He asks with concern.

"She's fine. She isnt very fond of Colby at the moment but she's ok." Every time Colby passes, she begins muttering insults in French. Its quite the site actually.

"Should we head over?" He asks. I shake my head.

"I'm not really in the mood to be around happy people." I mutter a bit sullenly. He frowns. I try to change the subject. "How's your eye?"

"Nothing a little time wont heal."

"How can you be so... forgiving?" I question. I swear he forgives me for everything I do.

"I'm not forgiving, Gabrielle. I never have been." I raise my voice a little.

"Then why havent you gotten rid of me then? Why do you keep apologizing for shit I do? Why havent you moved on to someone more... obediant?" He's quiet for a few moments and I panic a little.

"Gabrielle, I-" He pauses and rubs his face as if he's trying to unscramble his brain. "I care about you too much to just leave you. I've wanted you for two, ver long, years and now that I have you, I'm not letting you go.

I dont care that you never listen, I dont care that you always do the opposite of what I tell you, the only thing I care about is you. I dont want you to be obediant because then you wouldnt be the woman I want, the woman I-" He stops and takes a deep breath. "You wouldnt the woman I met a month ago."

I silently wonder if thats what he really wanted to say. The way he's acting tells me that he isnt saying what he's thinking. I just dont understand Noah Williams and I doubt I ever will. Before I can say anything, my cell rings. I hesitantly answer it, fearing that it might be Derek, or worse.

"Hello?" I mutter into the mouth piece.

"Gabrielle Bonnet?" A deep male voice says.

"This is she," I reply.

"My name is Officer Randy Denver, we've recovered your stolen firearm." I perk up, finally!

"Can I come pick it up?" I ask urgently. Officer Denver sighs.

"Unfortunately not, Ma'am. Your gun was used in a home ivasion last night where one victim was shot and killed." My heart stops and I cant breath.

"My gun killed someone?" Noah sits up on the couch, suddenly interested.

"Yes, Ma'am. Our suspect, Derek Wilson fled the scene so we're on the hunt for him now. Until we can apprehend Mr. Wilson, I ask that you keep security tight and dont go anywhere alone. He may be watching you."

"Ok," Its the only thing I can think to say. The crazy fucker killed someone... with my gun. God, I never thought he had the balls to take someones life. If he'll kill a stranger, he'll definately kill me. "Do you have any leads?"

"We have a few but I was hoping you could help us out. Did Mr. Wilson ever mention a place he visits often?" I try to think. Most of the time when Derek was talking, I ignored him or told him to shut up. A light goes off in my head.

"He has a boat house near the coast." I say rapidly. I hear a pen moving across paper.

"Do you know which boat yard?" I know he told me but at the time, I didnt give two shits. I think harder but I cant come up with anything.

"I'm sorry, officer. I cant remember." My spirits drop. I want to help them catch that murderer. If there's anything I hate, its murderers.

"No worries Ma'am, we'll find him. If he makes any contact with you or anyone you know, be sure to call me."

"Of course," I say quietly.

"Thank you for your time, Ms. Bonnet. We'll be in touch." I hang up the phone and stare off into space. My life just got that much more fucked up. Derek has really lost it. Noah was right, I am shitty at picking men.

"Baby!" Noah shouts. I look at him, my eyes full of sorrow. "Whats going on?"

"Derek broke into a house last night and killed someone with my gun." I mutter, my voice broken and weak. "The police dont want me out and alone because he may be watching me." Noah's face turns red and his eyes darken with anger.

"He's really starting to piss me off." You? He ruined my life and turned into a blood thirsty murderer! I think I have enough murderers to deal with already. I dont need his shit too.

What if he tries to hurt Noah or our families? I really couldnt deal with that. I make the ultimate decision.

"Noah, I think its best if we keep our distance for a while. I dont want you or your family getting hurt. I'm going to send my family back to where they were so the only target is me. Just go back to your life before you met me." My voice becomes weak as I watch Noah's face turn angry.

"Are you fucking crazy?" He asks through clenched teeth. I swallow as he gets up and hovers over me. "Go back to my regular life? Gabrielle, before I met you, I didnt have a regular life. Before I met you, I was fucking miserable!" He nearly shouts.

"Youre what makes me happy and I'll die before I let anyone take you from me. I've lost too much in my damn life to lose the only thing that puts a smile on my face, the only person who sends a shiver through my spine, the only person I'm not afraid to be with." He's kneeling on the floor in front of me. "I cant lose you too." His voice is small but deathly serious.

I look into his I look into his eyes and I see something momentarily. Something that would have usually had me running and screaming. I see a tiny flash of love cross his amber eyes. I close my eyes, not wanting to see the affection pointed at me.

I feel his hands on my cheeks. "If this is your way of breaking up with me, just say it. Though I thought it would have lasted a bit longer than 16 hours."

"I want to be with you, Noah. I could never break up with you. Whats left of the thing I call my heart wouldnt be able take it." I whisper quietly. I would probably give up men all together.

I cant picture myself in the arms of anyone but Noah Williams. I cant even picture it ten years from now. But what does that mean? Am I falling for him in ways I never thought possible?

I cant fall in love! I dont have the right to love anyone and I definately dont have the right to love him. God, I'm so confused. Can a man like him, dominant and broken, possibly love someone fucked up like me back? We both made it clear that we didnt do the whole "love" thing in the beginning.

But what we did last night wants our normal vanilla. He made love to me for hours. Not once did he get rough

I mean, I dont really know if I'm falling for him. I havent felt love in so long I've forgotten how to give it. I push the thought out of my head. You cant love, Gabrielle, I chant to myself. I chant it until I once again, almost fully believe it.

Noah kisses me passionately. "We can get through this, ok?" I open my eyes and look at him. His expression is sure, like he know's for sure everything will be ok. I nod slightly. I hope we can and I hope I can keep my feelings at bay.

"I think I'll take a nap," I mumble. A nap sounds really good right now. I can relax and dream away everything thats happened today. Noah nods and kisses me again, his lips lingering against mine.

I dont know what to do so I just go to bed. I wrap myself in Noah's blanket, breathing in his scent. Its the only thing thats keeping me from screaming.

I try to fall asleep but it just wont come. I just.cant stop thinking. I lay there for about 45 minutes before there is a knock at the door. "Its open!" I mutter loudly. The door eases open and its Colby standing on the outside.

"Could I have a word with you?" He asks, I can sense his nervousness. "Its umm- personal." I sit up in bed, nodding. Usually security dont share their personal lives with their employers. Colby is more of a friend so I dont mind.

(Colby's P.O.V.)

After speaking with Ms. Bonnet, I finally know what I want to do. Its going to be tough getting it out, but I know I can do it, I just hope it doesnt end badly. I dont know how Curtis is going to take the news. He may like it and he may not, either way it has to be done.

Upon meeting Curtis, I knew I wanted him from the moment he stepped foot in Ms. Bonnet's living room. I know this is over used by gay men but my gay-dar's arrow was lit up, and pointed in his direction. I waited until the day after Ms. Bonnet ran off to make my move.

We had boarded the elevator to go grocery shopping when I decided to just kiss him. In my mind I was thinking, "Whats the worst that could happen?" When I slammed him into the back of the elevator and pressed my body firmly to his, he had tried to fight back.

He didnt submit until I had his arms held tightly above his head. When our lips met, he tried to turn his head but when I pressed the front of my erection to his thigh, he kissed me back, moaning at the same time.

God, his mouth was sweet. Now that I know what he can do with that mouth, I feel like the luckiest gay man on earth.

We kissed until we heard the elevator dinged. We spit apart just before the elderly couple on the fifth floor boarded.

They looked at us accusingly, as if they knew what was going on in that elevator seconds before they entered, but I didnt care. I had had a taste who I had known I wanted.

When we made it Ms. Bonnet's Audi and climbed in. He got buckled in, asked him why I kissed him. So I told I was claiming what is mine. He copped a feminine attitude and asked me what gave me the assumption that he was mine. The second I pulled his hair and he moaned, we both knew.

Since then we've been openly dating. It hasnt been but a little over a month but I can honestly say, Curtis James Stihl has stolen my heart. I am in love with him and I'm ready to show my love in the deepest, truest, way possible. I'm going to ask Curt to marry me. I'm going to do it tonight at dinner.

I know its soon but I want him forever. I want him to be my partner in life to grow old with. I dont want to see him with another man. If I do, I'm liable to kill the person he's with. He's the only thing I really have. My family disowned me, my friends stopped calling. I didnt have anyone except Ms. Bonnet.

I love working for her. Its not that she pays me a large amout of cash or that she's famous. I love being her security because she's a good person and she has a good heart. She just has a boat load of secrets she's not willing to tell.

I know every single one of them. I have to know things like that so I can do my job and be sucessful. I know so I know what to look for, who to look at, what to expect. She trusts me and I wont let one secret slip. I pray she does some day.

She just needs to let go and talk to Mr. Williams. I know his story and its a very unfortunate one but they need each other. They need each other like I need Curt, theyre just too afraid to admit it. Theyre in love but they are too bold to admit it.

Anyone within a fifty mile radius can see how their eyes shine for each other. I can see how Mr. Williams is willing to go to severe distances to make her smile. He'd give her a kidney if need be. Ms. Bonnet would do the same for him also. Yes, they have their problems but what couple doesnt?

I pour the pasta into the strainer as I prepare a simple, four cheese, spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. I steal glances at Colby who is seated on Ms. Bonnet's leather couch in our home. I notice how gorgeoud he is tall, toned build, my heart flutters as I think about my fingers in his blond hair while I stare into his sky blue hair. He notices me watching and he grins.

We try to keep our PDA at a minimum around Mr. Williams. Ms. Bonnet doesnt seem to mind, if she did, we'd now. As I set the table, I debate on how I should propose. Should I do it before dinner or after? Even if he says no, I want him to have a full stomach either way.


I pick at my food, ignoring the small talk going around the table. Its just Mr. Williams, Ms. Bonnet, Curtis and me. Since the gun incident, Mrs. Abelle hasnt been within ten feet of me. I hear her little French comments but I know she doesnt mean any harm.

"Is everything ok, Colby?" Mr. Williams asks. "You've barely touched your food."

"Umm- yea. I'm just not that hungry." Curt puts his hand on my leg underneath the table, I grab it and hold it tightly. Ms. Bonnet nods slightly in his direction. "Now?" I mouth. She smiles and nods. My hands begin to shake as I stand up from my chair.

I keep Curtis's hand in mine as I speak. I'm not good at the mushy stuff so I hope this isnt a total failure. Curt looks up at me with confusion. "Curt, you know I've loved you from the moment we met. Even before we actually became a couple, I knew what I wanted for our future." His eyes widen as I drop down on one knee, fishing the ring box out of my jacket pocket.

I open it up and reveal a solid gold ring. "Curtis Lee Stihl, will you marry me? I want you to be my partner in life. Will you be my wife?" Is that the right word to use? Before I can think to hard on it, I hear him.

"Yes, Devin. I'll be your wife." His eyes are frosty with tears but there is a large smile on his face. I slide the ring on his finger and give him a small peck on the lips, not wanting to ruin Mr. Williams's appetite.

"Come on, Colby. You can do better than that." Mr. Williams says. "Kiss him like you mean it." I'm stunned by his words but I do as I'm told and I kiss my fiance passionately. Ms. Bonnet and Mr. Williams both clap for us.

When I retake my seat, I wear a cheshire smile. I'm getting married to the man I love. "I love you, Dev." He whispers to me, his smile as big as mine.

"I love you, Curt. More than youll ever know." I hear sniffling from across the table. I look over to see Ms. Bonnet crying silently. She draws everyones attention and I cant help wonder why she's upset. Noah and Curt are concerned also.

I've come to look at Ms. Bonnet as a younger sister. I dont like seeing her upset, or in danger. I have a sister but she disagree's with my sexual preference. I havent talked to her in 11 years.

"Are you ok, baby?" Noah asks, his voice full of concern. She nods as she cleans her face.

"I'm fine. Theyre just so cute, they hit a soft spot." We all chuckle. We begin discussing the wedding, drinking wine, and joking on whether or not Curt wear a dress. He blushes but laughs with us.

I find his feminine side extremely sexy. I dont want him to dress like a woman or anthing but I love how when we're in the moment, he makes his voice all soft, sexy and erotic.

I try to swallow my thought but Curt's hand snakes up my leg and he grips my crotch, squeezing and pulling until my erection strains against my pants.

I bite my tongue to keep from groaning. Mr. Williams and Ms. Bonnet are in their own little world, looking at each other the way I look at Curtis. Speaking of Curt, he's in for a night of punishment for sneaking a feel in the presence of our employers.

I give him a stern look and he bows his head in submission. "We're going to go to bed." Ms. Bonnet mutters as she swoons over something Mr. Williams had whispered in her ear.

"So are we, we'll clean this up in the morning." Ms. Bonnet winks at me as she pulls Mr. Williams by his shirt upstairs to her bedroom. As soon as her door closes, I have Curt stand up from the table.

•Warning! Boyxboy straight ahead•

•Warning #2! I've never written a homosexual sex scene so... If there's any gay guys out there.. Tell me if did it wrong.!•

"Strip." I order. His eyes widen.

"Right here?" He gasps. I narrow my piercing gray eyes at him. He jumps a little and quickly undresses. I admire his toned body, his arms, legs, and abs.

"Turn around," I order. He turns around slowly. He's feeling slightly humiliated as he stands naked in the dining room. We.all know that once Ms. Bonnet's or Mr. Williams's bedroom door closes, we wont see them again till morning. I admire perfect ass that I'm going to be in tonight.

I run my hands slowly over over his plump ass, squeezing and occasionally scratching my nails across his tan flesh. He shivers under my touch and a second later I give him a hard smack across the ass. He throws his head back and moans.

I grab his finger length hair and pull his head back. "I want you in the bed, bent over, with your pretty little ass in the air."

"Yes, Daddy." He moans quietly. Fuck, I love it when he calls me that. Usually I'm Sir or Master but he calls me that when he's really aroused. I kiss him longingly, my tongue dominating his while I still tug at his hair.

When I release him he wobbles on his feet but then rushes to my room. I give him a ten second head start, knowing he was probably ready five seconds ago. I walk into the room and there he is, bent over and panting. I walk behind him, he knows not to turn around.

"You know your behavior at dinner was unacceptable?" I ask, my tone stern and comanding.

"Yes, Daddy." He says, his voice soft and sexy. He's bad on purpose. He loves being dominated but only by me. I grab a tube of lube out of my special chest and a medium sized buttplug. My member isnt small and he's still adjusting.

As I stand behind him, I see his erection twitch with anticipation. Slowly, I admister the lube to my fingers and gently rub it across his tight hold, dipping my finger in ever so often just to hear his husky moan. I know I may end up gagging him before the end of this.

I lube up the plug and slowly push it into him. Before its completely in, I stop. "Safe word me if its too much. I dont want to hurt you." Curtis moans and begins pushing himself further onto the toy, filling himself completely. I dont know why it turned me on so much but my dick is rock hard in my pants.

Curtis pants heavily as he lets out small moans of pleasure. "Do I need to handcuff you?" I ask, my dominant voice coming back.

"No, Daddy." He groans as he rolls his ass in the air, pleasuring himself with the to lodged. I walk around and pull him up by his hair and turn his face toward mine. I stare at him with a dangerous look but my eyes still showed my love for him.

"I'm the only one who is to pleasure you. I dont want you touching yourself or pleasuring yourself with toys unless I say so." I growl in his ear. I reach back and find the plug, I grab it and slowly twist it around, sending pleasure surging through his body.

"Yes, Daddy." He moans loudly. My dick is straining against my pants so hard it hurts. I unzip them and let my member swing free.

"Dont move unless you ask permission." I pull his hair a bit harder. "And dont you dare come until I say you can." He groans, the sound is extemely seductive. He eyes my erection, licking his lips. Pre-come drips from the tip. "Would you like a taste?" He nods. I pull his face to me and plunge myself deep into his wet, warm, mouth.

My knees nearly give out as he sucks me hard. I feel his tongue making a trail up the base. He moans around me as I push his head further down.

He swallows my entire length and I nearly burst. I pull his head away, my breathing ragged. "Enough, now its time for your punishment." Curtis moans with delight and pushes his ass further in the air.

I go back to my special chest and take out my black paddle. Curtis is completely still. "Can you be quiet or do you prefer I gag you?" I ask him. He's quiet for a moment.

"Gag me, I wont be able to contain myself tonight." Out of curiousity I wonder why.

"Why is that?"

"The excitement of our engagement and the extreme pleasure I know your about to give me." He says, his voice light but still husky. I smile and grab his favorite, pink, gag from from the chest. I'm not sure why this is his favorite, his favorite color is green. I have a green one but he always wants pink.

After strapping the gag in his mouth, I go back and stand behind him. When we use gags, he uses hand signals for his safe word. If he holds up 2 fingers its yellow, and 3 is red. Thats when I stop. "Curtis, Curtis, Curtis, you've been a very bad boy." He moans and nods his head since he cant speak. He shivers at the sound of my voice.

Before paddling him, I pull the plug out and push it back in slowly, listening to and enjoying his muffled cries. I repeat process until he shaking uncontrollably. I know he's about to come, which I wont allow. I back up a little, giving myself room to swing.

This is going to be intense for him, the feeling of the paddle against his skin, and the plug being pushed further. I gently pat his left cheek with the paddle, then the right. With each hit, I swing a little harder. Curtis jolts forward but he really likes this. I can see his erection growing and throbbing beneath him and even past the gag, his moans echo off the walls of my bedroom.

After ten hits, his ass is a beautiful shade of red. I drop the paddle to the floor and begin rubbing his red bottom gently. He pushes himself back further as if he wants me closer. I ungag him and pull him by his hair. I keep my face stern and stoic as I gaze into his heavenly blue eyes.

"Did you like that?" He smiles.

"I loved it Daddy." I kiss him deeply, losing myself in the kiss. I feel his strong hand grip my erection. He squeezes and tugs at it slowly. I pull away from him and he begins to undress me. First my pants and boxers, then my shirt. I work out four times a week so my body is in great shape.

Curtis admires my body, his hands roam over my skin, sending tingling waves through me. His tongue travels down the middle of my abs as his head gets lower and lower. I tug on his hair just before he can take me into his mouth. "I'm not done with you yet." I mutter. "Stand up, hands behind your head."

He's extremely obediant. He stumbles off the bed, groaning because the plug is still lodged deep inside him. Curtis's favorite activity it flogging. He's been a very good boy so far so he deserves a reward. I get my flogger out a watch him wiggle with anticipation.

"You dont know how happy you've made me tonight." I say as I walk around his shivering body. I run the tails of the flogger over his skin and his breathing increases. "Have I pleased you thus far?" I ask as I strike him across the ass with the flogger. He moans.

"Yes, very much, Daddy." He pants. I lean in whisper in his ear.

"Do you want more?" I question.

"Yes, please." I strike him with the flogger again. This time on his other cheek. I work my way around his body giving him lash after lash, listening to his husky moans and loving the sound of the flogger connecting with his delicate skin.

"I'm going to come!" He shouts. I throw flogger to and push him down onto the bed on his hands and knees. I pull the plugh out if him, squeeze a little lube onto the tip of my rock hard erection and plunge myself deep inside his tight, warm, hole.

"Dont come until I say so!" I groan as I thrust into him full speed. His moans fill the room and right now I dont give a fuck if the whole world hears. I grip his shoulders as I pound into him.

He screams my name and I know he's close. I fuck him harder, reaching around to grab his length in my hand. I squeeze tight and stroke him with extreme force. My balls clench and I know I cant hold out any longer. "Come!" I shout as I blast my load deep into him. He cries out as he reaches his peak. He collapses on the bed in a puddle of his own juices.

After cleaning up our mess and having a shower, I cuddle up in bed with the love of my life, my future wife, my heart and soul. "I love you Curtis. You own every single part of me. You are my world and I would do anything to make sure this lasts. You may be my submissive but really I submit to you."

"I love you too, Devin." He rolls over and kisses me passionately, his eyes frosty with tears. "Now stop talking before you make me cry." I kiss his eyelids and hold him close to me. We both drifts off to sleep and I dream of the day I marry him.

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