Falling in love with//Jabezvi...

By Vallykforlife

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I don't want to spill tea so just read it More

chapter 1 the day we move
chapter 2 The fight
chapter 4 the accident
chapter 5//The hangout
give me Ideas
chapter 6 The sleep over
chapter 7 The break up
chapter 8 The day he moved in
chapter 9// random
Chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13/I don't know
chapter 14/I don't know
chapter 15//uhh the new boy
chapter 16 The date
chapter 17 the kiss
chapter 18/the new girl
chapter 19/random random
Chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24 the double date
what should I do

chapter 3

155 7 1
By Vallykforlife

I woke up from text messages from Jabez
But I ignored them since I got suspended I went to the bathroom and did my routine and put this on

And grab my ball and walked outside and saw Jabez looking at me so I turn my face to him and gave him a gare
then I got on my motor bike and drove off

*Skips to the court*

I got off my bike and walk into the court then I got a text message from my Mom

Text messages

Mom:were are you

Chaz:at the court

Mom:why your not at school


Mom:just wait into you get home

End of text messages

I started to do tricks with my ball and throwing it into the hoop

When 7 hours pass I was ready to go home so I got into my motor bike and drove off

*Skips to Chaz house*

I walked inside and my mom was really upset at me

Mom:YOu ARE grounded!!!!!


I said crying then I walked upstairs and went into my room and locked my door then My Mom walked to the door and started to beat on it


Chaz: Leave ME AlONE

I said crying even harder

Then I look out the window I saw Jabez looking at me so I quickly close the window

Then I started to get text messages from him

Text messages

Crush:come on answer the phone you can't keep blocking me out like that

Crush:come on Chaz answer the phone

Ma💙:what do you want you don't care about me because if you did- you know what don't worry about me worry about your little girlfriend ok

Crush:Chaz it's not like that

Crush:come on answer

Crush:Chaz plz

End of text messages

Then I cry myself to sleep when I woke up I went downstairs and saw my mom crying

Mom:I'm sorry for everything I said I know I'm rough on you but it's hard being a single mom

Chaz: it's ok Mom

Then I hug her and she hug me back

Mom: the neighbors are coming over for dinner tomorrow

Chaz: wait what Noooooooooooo

Mom:come on we need to start something new

Chaz:ok fine

I walked upstairs and went to my bed  layed face forward onto my bed

Chaz pov
I really don't want to see Jabez right now it's just to much going on right now
End of pov

I layed on my bed and fell asleep
Then I woke up and went to my bathroom and took a shower and put this on

And when I looked in the mirror I had bags and my eyes was still blood shot red then I heard a nock on the door so I went downstairs and saw Mya

Mya:you ok

Chaz:yea I'm fine come in

She walked in then I closed the door and we walked upstairs to my room and sat down on my bed

Chaz:so did you go to the party

Mya:No I Stayed home


Mya:you look really tired

Chaz:it's just from crying

Mya:o what happened

Chaz:I really don't want to talk about
But I have to have dinner with Jabez
Who I really don't want to see

Mya:och well you will get though it

Chaz:I don't think I'm gonna go downstairs

Mya:you know you can't keep blocking him out some day your going to have to talk to him

Chaz:why are you so right

Mya:I don't know

Chaz:yea but I'll think about it

Mya:yea you should well I got to go my mom needs me to help her repaint the house I just came to check up on you

Chaz:ok well see you later

She walked out the room and then I got on Instagram and post something like this

That baddie 1:hard times
Like by Mya, saniya,Tommy,jiggy and thousands of others

Then I went downstairs and sat down on the couch and watch some Netflix when the movie was over I went upstairs and layed on my bed My eyes started to grow heavy so I fell asleep

*Skips to the next day*

I woke up and went to the bathroom and took a shower and did my routine when I was done I put this on and did my hair

(Without the earrings and without eyelashes and my phone was red)

Then I sat on my bed and played on my phone


But I didn't hear my mom
Then Someone walked into my room

Chaz:who is it

Jabez:it's Jabez

Chaz:why are you in my room

Jabez:look Chaz I kept saying sorry so many times

Chaz:I don't even think you meet it


Chaz:cause I can't trust people

Jabez:why you can't trust people huh so if they sorry you won't believe

Chaz:Yea!!! I won't believe them okay

Jabez:tell me why why won't you believe them Chaz

Chaz: BECAUSE IT'S HARD FOR ME to trust okay

Jabez: WHY


Jabez:but maybe this time somebody meet it

He walked out the room looking so upset

Chaz:wait Jabe-

Before I could say sorry he was already gone

Chaz pov
Damnit I mess up
End of pov

I put my face in the pillow and cry and scream

Chaz: ahhhhhhh

I said crying and mumbling into the pillow

Then my mom came into the room

Mom:are you ok

Chaz:No I'm not

She came by me and hug me

Mom:it's going to be ok

Then I started crying

Chaz:can we plz cancel the dinner


She call Jabez parents and told them that we couldn't have the dinner anymore then she walked out the room

Then I changed my clothes into this

Then I layed on my bed and fell asleep

*Skips to next morning*

I woke up with red eyes

Chaz:I really don't want to go to school uhhhhhhh

I got up and change into this my hair was in a messy bun

(I put on some white air Force one)

I went downstairs and ate some cereal when I was done eating I walked outside and got onto my motorbike and drove off

*Skips to the school*

I got off my motor bike and walk into the school then Jass bump into me again

Jass:o your back

Chaz:get away from me or we will have problems ok

Jass:ok I won't get you this time but you better be ready Next time

Chaz:ok whatever

Then I walked off I walked into class and sat down then Mya walked in
And sat down by me
Then I lay my head on the desk

Mya: you good

Chaz:No cuz guess what I fuck up

Mya:what happened

Chaz:just come to my house after school and I'll tell you

Then Lift my head up

Mya:damn your eyes blood shot red

Then Jabez walked in with his friends and sat down so I put my head back on the desk with shame

*Skips to the end of school*

I walked out of the school and got on to my motorbike and drove off

*Skips to Chaz house*

I got off my motor bike and walked inside
And walked upstairs to my room then I sat down on my bed into I heard a nock on my door so I went downstairs and open the door and saw Mya

Mya:I'm here for the story

Chaz:ok close the door when you come in

She came in and close the door and follow me to my room then we sat down and I told her the hole stoy

Mya:you really need to talk to him

Chaz:yea...I know

Mya:well I'm going to go and let you fix your problem

Chaz:wait right now

Mya:yes right now

Chaz:uhhh fine

She got and left when she made it back to her house I got up and walked downstairs and walked out the door and went to Jabez house and nock on the door and his mom answered

Chaz:hey is Jabez here

J,m:yea he's in he's room

Chaz:can I talk to him

J,m:yea go upstairs and take a left

Chaz:ok thx

I walked upstairs and walk into Jabez room


Jabez:I thought you didn't trust me

Chaz:Jabez I'm sorry

Jabez: ight I forgive you

Chaz:you do


Chaz:ok then I'm going to go

Jabez:nope you got to chill with

Chaz: fine

Then I sat on his bed

Jabez:let's watch a scary movie

Chaz: Nooooo that's not happening

Jabez:yea it's happening

Chaz:uh no

Jabez:uh yes

Chaz: Nooooo

Jabez: Yesssss


Then I layed back on the bed

Then he turn this movie on

The movie started to play then A few minutes later I got jumped scared so I Jumped on Jabez

Jabez:you so scary ma

Chaz:shut up
Then I playfully hit him

Then another Jump scare came so I grab Jabez hand
Then me and Jabez Lock eyes into another Jump scare came

Chaz:fuck no  I'm done

Jabez:you so scary

Then a few minutes later the movie was over so I got on my phone then Jabez started to tickle me

Chaz:sto-p hahahahaha


Chaz:pl-zzz hehe


Then I got up and jump on Jabez

Jabez:o shit

Then I started to laugh why I was laying on his lap

Then I stop laughing when I got a text message from my mom

Text messages

Mom:come home dinner is ready

Chaz:ok on my way

End of text messages

Chaz:I got to go

Jabez:ight ma

Then I got up and walked out the room and walked out the door

*Skips to my house*

I walked inside and washed my hands and sat at the table and ate my food when I was done I went upstairs and took a shower and put this on

The I went to sleep

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I'm not good at descriptions so just read the book I promise it's good😌
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WARNING SMUT MAYBE INCLUDED. If you do not like boyxboy relationships dont read this.