Doomwatch - Tracer X Reader

By cheesEPIC

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The events of doom eternal happen in the overwatch universe, however, you as the doom slayer are there to fig... More

Chapter 1 - Hell on Earth
Chapter 2 - An Introduction.
Chapter 3 - Recruitment.
Chapter 4 - The Tour
Chapter 5 - New Friends.
Chapter 6 - Lena
Chapter 7 - Assault
Chapter 8 - Aftermath
Chapter 9 - Training
Chapter 10 - The Gore Nest
Chapter 11 - New mission.
Chapter 12 - Talon base
Chapter 13 - Preparations
Chapter 14 - Cultist base (part 1)
Chapter 15 - Cultist base (part 2)
Chapter 16 - Love
Chapter 17 - Trauma
Chapter 18 - Super Gore Nest.
Chapter 19 - Protection
Chapter 20 - ARC Complex
Chapter 21 - Mars Core.
Chapter 22 - Rescue
Chapter 23 - The Reveal
Chapter 24 - Kings Row
Chapter 25 - Recovery
Chapter 26 - Captured
Chapter 27 - Return
Chapter 28 - Exultia
Chapter 29 - Taras Nabad
Chapter 30 - Nekravol
Chapter 31 - Urdak
Chapter 32 - Hive Mind
Chapter 33 - Iconoclast
Chapter 34 - Crucible
Chapter 35 - New House
Chapter 36 - A Day Out - Shopping
Chapter 37 - A Day Out - Shopping (cont)
Chapter 38 - A day off
Chapter 39 - Fortress of Doom
Chapter 40 - Plutonium
Chapter 41 - Truth Serum
Chapter 42 - Well Cure
Chapter 43 - UN
Chapter 44 - Deja vu
Chapter 45 - Check Up
Chapter 47 - Court
Chapter 48 - Los Muertos
Chapter 49 - Back on Earth
Chapter 50 - Ill Advent
Chapter 51 - Christmas
Chapter 52 - New Year
Chapter 53 - Losses
Chapter 54 - Proving
Chapter 55 - Visions
Chapter 56 - Allies
Chapter 57 - The Battle
Chapter 58 - The End

Chapter 46 - Slayer

289 3 2
By cheesEPIC

I'd just left the overwatch base. I wouldn't be able to go back there unless something really dire happened and they needed me or if Lena needed help. No matter what the world governments would do to me, if Lena needed my help, there would be nothing they could do to stop me.

I went to my demon prison and went into the training ground to pass some time. Several demons spawned, the biggest threats being a doom hunter and a baron. Instead of going straight for them though, I went for the easier to kill demons, my first target being the revenant.

He fired some rockets at me and started flying. I dashed past the rockets and grappled up behind him. I blasted a shotgun round into him, destroying both of his rocket launchers. We hit the ground together and he turned around to wack me. I caught his arm and ripped it off with ease before ramming it through his skull.

Using mainly my super shotgun and rocket launcher, I took out the remaining threat level 3s and below like they were fodder. I then turned my attention towards the baron. He threw a fireball at me and it hit. It left a big graze in my arm and kinda hurt, although I didn't have time to stop. I ran at him and started blasting shotgun and ballista rounds into him while dodging all of his attacks. Eventually, his armour broke. I grappled and punched his face in as hard as I could. He fell to the floor with me on top of him. I got my blade out and cut his throat in 2. He tried to cover the wound but died seconds later.

I'd actually gotten quite lucky against the doom hunter so far. He hadn't actually hit any rockets on me yet which was cool. Unlike him however, I did hit rockets. I spammed rocket bursts at him until his chassis broke. When it did, I pulled my chaingun out and started ripping through his body. In a matter of seconds, his body turned into a fine red vapour.

The exit portal opened and I walked through it. As I landed on the exit platform, I saw Hayden standing there.

"Oh, hello Hayden." I said.

"The crucible is complete." Hayden said as he held out the crucible. "Have you told her yet?"

"No I haven't. She got captured and Talon injected something into her causing her to go through immense pain and see things sporadically. Once she's been cured, I'm gonna tell her."

"Very well. Also, why are you up here at this point in time?"

"Overwatch were going to go to prison since they were illegal and they had no proof that I worked with them. The UN guards refused to let me go to the UN meeting so I had to kill them to get to overwatch. The UN council decided that overwatch were to be made legal again but I should be punished for what I did. They allowed me 24 hours to do what I needed to do before making me the most wanted man on earth."

"Well then. It appears that saving billions of lives isn't enough to make you above the law."

"Apparently not."

"I'll see what I can do." Hayden said as he started walking off.


"I'm still head of the ARC and UAC. They know that I tried to stop the demonic invasion and did everything I could. The ARC did the 3rd most to stop the demons, after the rest of overwatch and then you. I'll try to abuse my power once again to make you less wanted."

"Thanks Hayden."

We walked off. I went down to my room and turned my computer on. I opened everything up since my computer was way more than capable of doing so. After about 30 seconds, I got a video call from Lena on Instagram. I immediately picked up.

"Hiya luv." Lena said through the mic, being cheery and happy.

"Hello Lena." I replied, giving her my attempt at her 2 finger salute. Lena giggled at that. "How's it going down there?"

"Oh it's fine luv. Angela and Winston have identified the thing which Talon injected into me and are working on a cure. It's not too different to the one they injected into you so it shouldn't take too long."

"Ok that's good. Once you've been cured and if it's not too late, could you come up here in all your combat gear, I need to show you something."

"Sure luv." She said with a giggle. "Are we gonna do some more training?" She said as she did speech marks with her fingers around the word 'Training.'

"Well, it's a bit more serious."

"Ooh, I'm already excited."

"Anyway, you look cute asleep so go get some rest."

"Rest? It's only half 12."

"Well, I'm currently over India so it's a little later."

Lena giggled before blowing a kiss to me. "See ya soon luv."

"Goodbye Lena." I said as I smiled at her.

She hung up. I put my phone down and sighed. Yes, the fact that video calls exist and I can still see her cute little face is amazing, but I would still much rather be there in person.

"Vega, wake me up if I get any urgent notifications, or anything from or about Lena."



I closed my eyes and started going to sleep since I'd been awake since about midnight with Lena.

I woke up to hear my phone ringing. It was Lena again. I picked up my phone and answered.

"Morning luv, how are you this morning?"

"Morning Lena. I'm fine this morning. How about you love?"

"Oh luv I'm fine, I mean, as fine as I can be without you."

"Ha. So, what's been happening in the past, 22 hours since I've been asleep?"

"22 hours? Did I tire you out that much?"

"Na, I just couldn't be arsed to do anything else."

"Oh, hahaha. Well, I'm cured!"

"Wow, already? That's brilliant."

"I know, I'm ready to do that 'training' you were talking about."

"Ok then. Tell your Vega to open a portal to my room."

"Right away luv."

Just as she said that, she hung up. A blue portal started opening behind me. I turned around to face it as Lena walked through.

"Hiya luv." She said as she blinked over to me and kissed me.

"Hello Lena." I replied.

"So, what's this 'training' you wanted to talk about luv?"

"Well, when I said it's a bit more serious, I mean, probably the most important decision you'll ever make. If you want to, take a seat."

Lena looked a little concerned and took a seat. "What is it luv?"

"Remember when I gave you the tour of my base?"


"Well, remember when I said the only thing which doesn't fear me is time and that I'd have to see you die and live forever without you?"

"Uh, yes luv?"

I looked down and took a deep breath.

"It doesn't have to be without you."

Lena looked at me confused for a second.

"Luv, what do you mean?"

I took another deep breath and looked up at Lena.

"The divinity machine, the source of all of my demigod status and power, it can be used once again."

"Um, what?"

I didn't want to be subtle about it anymore so I just spilled it all.

"You can become an immortal slayer like myself. Hayden has repaired the divinity machine and it is ready for use if you want to."

"Wait, so I could become an immortal slayer like you?"

"Yes you will. If you do it, you'll live forever and never age, but you'll never be able to die to anything which doesn't use argent energy, and the only way that your soul could be freed would be by my hand."

"So I'd live forever with you, fighting evil across realms and keeping eternal peace?"

"Yes, if you choose to do so."

"Then absolutely I want to do it."

"Ok. We've got to tell Hayden first since there might be something I missed."

"Ok luv." Lena was full of excitement. She was bouncing around, asking me questions, just like she was when I first met her in the overwatch base.

Hayden was up at the unmaykr, so we went there.

"Hayden." I said as we walked up to him.

"Ah, Lena Oxton. Has (y/n) told you about becoming a slayer?"

"Yes he has."

"Ok. I'll tell you everything you need to know about it, just to make sure."

"Go on luv."

"The procedure itself will be more than excruciatingly painful. Once complete though, you'll become a slayer, gaining immortality, demigod status and power and your own crucible. I can also make you a specific praetor suit if you'd like."

Lena's eyes beamed with excitement.

"I want to do it." She said.

"Remember though, once it has been done, you'll be forced to spend eternity fighting evil. Because of immortality as well, you will never have to eat, drink or do anything which a normal human has to do, although you'll still gain the positive benefits of doing so. That does mean that you can be imprisoned forever, although with the strength you'll gain and the rage you'll be able to control, nothing will be able to cage you for long. Do you still want to do it?"

"Yes I do!"

"Good. One final thing. You're heart will always try to do the right thing, even if it means sacrificing yourself. As a slayer and as (y/n) has done many a time, you'll often find yourself unwillingly sacrificing yourself and putting yourself through immense pain just to keep others safe. This is negated a bit by your pain threshold being increased ten fold. Do you still want to do it?"

Lena looked at me and smiled.

"Yes I do."

Lena walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek. I could tell she was so excited.

"Very well." Hayden said. "We should head right away to Taras Nabad, where the divinity machine is located."

As he said that, Vega opened a portal for us to Taras Nabad. We all stepped through.

"Lena, you are the first human from this dimension to step through into Argent D'Nur for a good reason. Others have been through to make deals with the dark lords, but none have ever lived. You however, you are different. You can not be corrupted by their promises of power and wealth. Your heart will not let you be controlled into harming the innocent. You, are the first person worthy of becoming a slayer, since (y/n)."

Lena looked at me and couldn't smile enough. She was bursting with excitement and could barely contain it.

We walked through the empty streets of Taras Nabad together, towards the divinity machine.

"Wow." Lena said as she looked around at everything. "This place is so cool!"

"Yes it is. This was once my home, and it is where my legend began. I tried to warn them of what was coming, try to prepare them for the demons, but they wouldn't listen, until they attacked. Their first attack was immense, thousands of demons and an enslaved titan put the city under siege. The nights Sentinels fought as hard as they could to defend, but they would have lost if it weren't for me."

"The Corrax tablet says that the city and all of its inhabitants would have been lost to hell if it weren't for the arrival of the slayer." Hayden said.

We kept walking through the city until eventually we got to what we were coming to, the divinity machine.

"Woah, what's this?" Lena said as she rushed up to look at it.

"That, Lena, is the divinity machine." Hayden said. "The most powerful machine in the any dimension. After I granted (y/n) his powers, I disabled it. It was only when (y/n) realised how much torment he would have to suffer after you'd die did I even consider rebuilding it. I told him about the possibility that it could be done and you could become a slayer. (Y/n) accepted and started to prepare you for it."

"Oh my, so, we're here?" Lena said.

"Yes we are." Hayden said "I will ask you one final time. Are you ready to become immortal and swear to fight off all evil through the dimensions for the rest of eternity with (y/n) by your side throughout?"

Lena looked at me and smiled.

"Yes, yes I am."

Hayden walked over to the terminal and inserted the argent accumulator I got for him. He then took a chip out of his head and inserted it into the console as well.

"Lena, please step into the chamber."

Lena looked at the now opening chamber and walked over to it. She stepped inside and smiled.

"This will hurt too much for words to describe. This is your final chance to say no. Are you ready for the procedure?"

"Yes I am." She said as she looked at me, smiling.

"Very well." Hayden said. He pushed a few buttons on the terminal before pushing the centre one down. The chamber started closing around Lena and we could hear the whirr of argent energy. I got my last glimpse of Lena before the chamber fully closed. She was already screaming from the pain, but we told her it would happen and she wanted to do so. The machine whirred even more before eventually, it died down. The chamber lowered itself and the door opened. Lena was standing up straight in the middle of it.

"It is done." Hayden said.

Lena ran straight out of the chamber at right at me. She swung her arms around me and hugged me as tightly as she could, which was a lot tighter now. I hugged her back.

"I'm a slayer now, (y/n). You'll never be alone again." She said. Tears started forming in my eyes as it hit me. The one and only person who meant anything to me, the one person who I'd want to spend my life with fighting evil was now real. Lena could forever be with me and me forever with her. We would keep balance in the realms and keep chaos under control.

"Lena." Hayden said. "I've been watching your fighting style and Vega has seen what you wanted to be, so I changed the aspects of your blessing accordingly. With (y/n), I made him an unstoppable brute force and strength titan of rage who fights and wins with sheer strength alone. You, however, I have given you more precise tuning. You used to rely on speed to fight, so I gave you more. Your reactions are nigh instant, your precision is to the millimetre and your strategy is unmatched. In a fight, before you would have to blink and run around and shoot your enemies, not really having much of a plan, but now, in a matter of milliseconds, your brain will be able to devise a battle plan and predict every outcome of it and you'll be able to execute it to pinpoint precision. Don't worry, your strength still surpasses any human's and most demons' and your resilience is now on par with most tanks and bunkers, but your main strengths are to do with speed and precision. This has worked out to be an incredible outcome. Lena goes in and makes the plans and takes out the smaller, faster, more annoying units to (y/n) while (y/n) heads to the star of the show and has a war of attrition with that. Alone, you have weaknesses but together, you are an unstoppable force of nature. Peace and order will now be forever kept in the realms, thanks to a Hell walking Titan and his time jumping wonder gal."

Me and Lena looked from Hayden to each other. We looked into each others eyes before she pulled me close and kissed me. We made out there for a while, Hayden didn't mind. He knew how much I'd gone through and knew that I'd finally found someone who appreciated what I did and who I was.

After a while, me and Lena broke up the kiss. We looked into each others eyes before turning to Hayden.

"There's one last thing before you become a slayer." Hayden said. Lena's eyes lit up and she smiled so much. "Follow me, we need to head to the vault."

Me and Lena followed Hayden out of the building and onto the street. Lena started trying all of her new powers out, punching holes in walls, running at speeds which would make cars feel slow, having insane accuracy even when moving at breakneck speeds and predicting every outcome to a certain action and successfully countering with her own depending on which one seemed most probably due to certain circumstances. She also tried dodging bullets, and at ranges of less than 5 metres, she was still able to dodge the bullets I fired at her from her now redundant pulse pistols.

We walked past the titan at one point.

"Oh my god, what is that thing?" Lena said as she pointed at the dead titan.

"Oh, that's the titan I killed."

"You killed that thing?" She said sounding very surprised.

"Yes I did. Remember when I came back with my crucible, this is where I went to get it from."

Lena seemed to intrigued by all of it.

"I want a crucible." Lena said, purposefully sounding like a spoilt kid.

"Come on Lena." I said, trying to not tell her that she'd be getting one since I wanted it to be a suprise.

After a little while longer walking, we got to the vault.

"This is the vault." Hayden said. "Inside lies the final piece to becoming a slayer. Follow me."

We followed Hayden closely, Lena admiring all of the Argenta artwork around the place. Eventually, we go to the infinite vat of lava.

"What's that?" Lena said as she pointing at the vat of lava. "It looks like a big bucket of lava."

"You'll see now." Hayden said. He walked over to it and signalled Lena to do so as well. Lena walked next to the lava and started admiring it.

"What is this?" Lena asked Hayden.

"There is one final part to becoming a slayer." Hayden said. He pulled out Lena's crucible. It was smaller than mine so it was easier to carry around and less likely to get in the way of Lena when she does her stuff in fights.

"What's this?" Lena asked as Hayden handed her the crucible. Hayden also gave Lena a glowing blue coin. Lena took it from as well.

"Hold the coin over the hieroglyph." Hayden said. Lena did so. The coin started to shake and dissolve into the air. After a second, the coin completely disappeared and the crucible hilt opened up as the hieroglyph went blue. "Now, stick the handle into the lava upside down. Do not let go of it."

Lena obliged, seemingly not knowing what she was holding yet. The handle started shaking and blue sparks started coming off of it.

"Slowly pull the handle out." Hayden said in a slow voice. Lena did just that and slowly pulled the handle out. Her face lit up so much as she saw the blue argent energy crucible blade Infront of her. Lena held the crucible out in a warrior salute, just like I did when I first got mine. "You are now a slayer."

Lena looked at Hayden and me and smiled so much. She instantly knew how to retract the crucible blade and did so. She ran up to me and hugged me so tightly. I hugged her back and smiled. Lena had joined me in my quest to keep peace in the realms, and I didn't want to do it with anybody else.

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