Love and Loss (The Fun Gilber...

By Jbic02

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Jessica Gilbert has finally graduated high school and has decided to attend the University of New Orleans wit... More

Chapter 1- End Of Summer
Chapter 2- True Lies/House of the Rising Sun
Chapter 3- Tangled Up in Blue
Chapter 4- Girl In New Orleans
Chapter 5- Playing My Own Side
Chapter 6- Revenge
Chapter 7- Bloodletting
Chapter 8- The River in Reverse
Chapter 9- Ever The Savior
Chapter 10- Runaway Witch
Chapter 11- Après Moi, Le Déluge
Chapter 12- Transitions and Choices
Chapter 13- Le Grand Guignol/ Farewell to Storyville
Chapter 14- The Devil Inside
Chapter 15-Guilt & Anger Make Bad Bedfellows
Chapter 16- An Unblinking Death
Chapter 17- A Closer Walk With Thee
Chapter 18- The Battle of New Orleans
Chapter 19- From a Cradle to a Grave
Cast Part 2
Chapter 20- I'll Remember/Rebirth
Chapter 21- Yellow Ledbetter/ Alive and Kicking
Chapter 22- Prison World Blues (Part 1)
Chapter 23-Prison World Blues (Part 2)
Chapter 24- Back From the Dead
Chapter 25- Why, Kai, Why?
Chapter 26- Merging
Chapter 27- Clifford the Big Red Door
Chapter 28- Links and Bonds
Chapter 29- Friends-giving
Chapter 30- Weddings and Hexes
Chapter 31- Long Lost Sisters
Chapter 32- Taking Chances
Chapter 33- Hateful Reunions
Chapter 34- Plots and Tricks
Chapter 35- Staying One Step Ahead
Chapter 36- Different Sides
Chapter 37- Friend or Foe?
Chapter 38- Everyone's Favorite Brother
Chapter 39- The Final Battle
Beacon Falls

Chapter 40- The Aftermath

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By Jbic02

3rd Person P.O.V.

The day after the big battle with Dahlia, everyone is going back to their normal lives. Rebekah asked Jessica to find a way to allow her to be a witch like Kol before leaving with Marcel after the two decided to give each other another chance. Marcel was upfront with her and told her that he had been sleeping with Cami but it had stopped a while ago as well as indulging in the fact that he had slept with Jessica a couple of times to which Rebekah smiled and revealed that she had as well.

They went back to Marcel's loft for him to try and convince her to help him in his quest to rebuild the vampire population in New Orleans. After a talk with Caroline, she agreed, wanting to spend more time with her blonde best friend as well as her new/old boyfriend.

Elijah and Meredith got to talking and after seeing her lying dead in front of him, Elijah didn't want to live a second longer without her in his life. When he begged her to take him back, saying that he felt nothing for Hayley, Meredith couldn't help but agree, she loved him after all. Jessica, however, wasn't very happy and made it a point to tell Elijah that if he didn't tell Meredith about his cheating then she would. Elijah, knowing when a battle is lost, agreed to her terms and began to contemplate how best to tell her without losing the woman he loved more than anything.

Meanwhile, without the adrenaline from the battle flowing through her bones any longer, Jessica's jealousy got the best of her and the morning after the battle she confronted Klaus. "Look, I know that this is petty and jealous but I just, I need to know why you told Cami but you didn't tell me. I was there at the end, attacking me would've convinced Dahlia far more than attacking Cami, so why her and not me?"

Klaus studies his girlfriend with intrigue. He had never truly seen Jessica be jealous before. Even when her sister was stealing Damon right from under her nose, she didn't show an ounce of jealousy or when she caught him in bed with Hayley. She was angry, but she was never jealous and he had to admit, he kind of enjoyed the look on her because he felt the same emotion every time she was with Damon. He knows that she still loves Damon, she will probably never stop, just like she will never stop loving him but he also knows that that means that as soon as something goes wrong between himself and Jessica, Damon will be there to scoop her up, especially now that he is no longer with Elena.

He shakes off his thoughts and smiles at the beautiful brunette looking at him with eyes filled with love and slight worry. "You have no cause for concern, love. I only love you. Cami is nothing more than a therapist that helps me figure out how to fix things when I mess up with you. I value her opinion only because she tends to lead me back to you and I attacked her and not you because I knew that if Dahlia saw me get anywhere near you, she would know that I still loved you with everything in me. You never lost faith in me and I could see it in your eyes as soon as you looked at me and I couldn't allow her to see it as well. Cami was easier, she believed that I killed Aiden so my anger against her would be believable."

Jessica thinks his words over before grinning brightly. "I almost lost faith when I saw Meredith dead and Elijah said you had done it, but once I got back into my right mind I realized that you would never hurt me like that." She kisses him deeply and Klaus places his hand on her lower back pulling her closer. Just as the kiss begins to become heated and head in a direction Klaus desperately wants it to go, Jessica pulls back. "As much as I would love to continue this, I have plans."

"What plans?" He asks before kissing down her jaw to her neck, hoping that she'll cancel the aforementioned plans. Instead, she pulls away again and takes a couple of paces back to allow space between them.

"Caroline wants to go get coffee and then I need to talk to Kai while I check up on Jo. Oh and tonight I want to head out to the bayou to make sure that the Crescents stay human after the moon passes its apex."

"I thought they had to wait until the full moon," Klaus states in confusion, and Jessica smiles.

"I'm actually more powerful than Dahlia when I know what spells she's using. I countered it to change it to a crescent moon instead. Hope will have her mother by the end of the night."

"Have I ever told you how much I love your adoration for my child?"

"Nope, but I do see it in your eyes when I talk about her." She gives him a final kiss before walking out of the room, happy she had cleared things up with him about Camille.


After her coffee date with Caroline, who told her that she and Stefan were officially together and that Rebekah and Marcel seem to be cute together, Jessica heads to see Ric, Jo, and Kai. As soon as she walks in, she's glad that she showed up. Jo seems to have a terrible case of morning sickness that has affected both Kai and Ric. Damon, who had come to visit Ric, however, was fine but had no idea how to handle the situation. Jessica had to hold back a laugh as every time Jo heaved, Ric and Kai would follow simultaneously.

"This is pathetic," she says as she walks to the kitchen and begins pulling out herbs. She pours a glass of warm water and mixes some herbs in it before walking to the bathroom and handing it to Jo as she pulls her hair, that was miraculously vomit free, back into a bun. "It's an herbal mixture that helps with morning sickness. They used to use it back in the old days when they didn't have doctors that could prescribe stuff to help with it," she points out and Jo takes the glass, drinking it slowly until it's gone.

"Thanks and the morning sickness hasn't been that bad until today."

Jessica giggles. "I think that might have more to do with dumb and dumber," she stage-whispers and both men grunt, making her giggle louder. "Well, I hope you all feel better. I'll text you the recipe for the mixture if it gets bad again," she tells Jo before turning to Kai. "As for you, Malachai, I wanted to thank you for using the Gemini's to keep Daliah inside the city. I would kiss your cheek but you reek, so that's not gonna happen. Ric, try and put your fiancée's hair up the next time she is vomiting uncontrollably because it's very hard to get vomit out of your hair as it tends to induce more vomit," Ric nods and holds up a thumb to acknowledge the advice.

Jessica laughs and walks out only to have Damon catch her wrist. "Can I talk to you real quick or are you busy?"

Jessica smiles at him. "I was just going to go home and see if Nik wanted to do something before I go make sure Hayley and her pack turn back."

Damon looks at her sadly. "So you're back with him then?"

Jessica's smile turns sad. "Yeah, I'm sorry Damon. I don't want to hurt you, either of you. I love you both so much-"

"But you've made your choice?" He cuts her off and she nods. He smiles at her. "Next time you break off your fling with some guy that means nothing to you, I'll be there to ask you out, mark my words. We have eternity, Jessica Gilbert, and I will never stop loving you, but I'll try to move on," he promises and she kisses his cheek.

"I hope that you find a way to be happy. How are things with your mom?" She questions and he ends up spending the rest of the day confiding in her about how he hates his mom for leaving them alone with Guisseppe but also how he can't help but love her, she's his mom. He tells her about how she started a new family that she's hellbent on getting back, even if it means losing him and Stefan. Jessica tells him that Enzo is in love with Lily and that she saw it in his memories and apologizes for not telling him that she was alive. He forgives her and before she knows it, the moon is almost at its apex and she excuses herself.

While Jessica helps the wolves in the bayou, after picking up Hope so Hayley and Jackson can see her, Klaus is sitting in his studio painting. He takes a step back and notices the painting is of Jessica, but not Jessica now, Jessica back when he was human. It was a moment when they were in her magic hut, as he called it, much to her dismay.

She had just taught him to close everything out of his mind a few days prior with compartmentalization. She had told him to make a flower grow from the table and he had said that he couldn't for there was no soil and she said that all he needed was nature. He didn't want to question her so he did what she said and when he opened his eyes, he hadn't grown just one flower, but dozens of them.

The painting depicts Jessica the moment he turned to her. She looked at him with so much pride, something no one had ever looked at him with before, but also so much love that at that moment, he realized that he wanted to marry her. She was perfect and he knew that no matter how willing Tatia was, she would never be Jessica. Klaus was about to relive the moments that followed after the one from the painting, the very moment that he gave her his virginity, when he hears someone approaching the room. He quickly hides the painting, not wanting to relive the memory with his siblings.

With his luck, it would be Kol and he would never hear the end of his teasing. Or maybe Rebekah who would scold him for sleeping with Tatia after Jessica had given herself to him completely. She would claim that fear was no excuse but luckily for him, Jessica had never told Rebekah that the reason she almost killed Tatia was that she caught us together just a week after our moment together.

He is brought out of his thoughts by the appearance of a blonde in his studio, although it isn't Rebekah. "Hey Klaus, can we talk?" Cami asks nervously as she thinks back to her conversation with Vincent. He had assured her that she needed to stay away from the Mikaelsons and she believed that he was right.

"Of course, you seem troubled so I'm assuming it's important."

"It is. When I was watching Hope, Vincent arrived and I'm sure that you know that he actually is a psychologist and that's one of the reasons Finn took his body. We were talking and he told me to stay away from all of you guys, that you would be the death of me."

"And you are convinced that he is right," Klaus says, knowing it is true. He is sad, he trusts Cami, and that isn't something that comes easily to him, but he knows that she is probably right. Cami sees the hurt look on his face and rushes to him.

"I'm sorry, Klaus. When we talked, I realized that I have feelings for you, as confusing as they are, but those feelings are dangerous. I don't want to hurt you but I have to think about my safety."

Klaus nods, trying to ignore their close proximity and find a way to let her down easily when, before he can process what is happening, Cami smashes her lips to his. Klaus' body seems to have a mind of its own as his lips begin to move against hers and his hand finds her face. It isn't until he hears a gasp from the doorway that he comes back to reality and pulls away. "I'm sorry, Camille, I shouldn't have done that. I love Jessica and I apologize," he states before rushing after the angry brunette that will probably hate him.

He catches her just outside the compound and speeds in front of her, blocking her path. "Move," she commands in barely kept rage. Klaus knows that pushing Jessica when she is angry is a bad move, anger is her most prominent emotion and bad things happen when he presses it, but he needs to apologize.

"I'm sorry, love. I didn't mean-"

"Didn't mean what, Klaus? Didn't mean to kiss the same woman you told me mere hours ago that I had nothing to worry about? Didn't mean for me to catch you? The kiss didn't mean anything?" With every question, both parties can feel the energy and magic gathering to her in her anger. Jessica can hear a faint voice telling her to calm down, that they warned her that he would be her destruction but she can't tamper her anger. Klaus notices this and tries to get through to her.

"Jessica, she means nothing to me. She kissed me and I don't know why I kissed back. I would never hurt you like that." At that, Jessica scoffs and pushes past him, trying to get as far from him as possible to try and control her rage, but he grabs her wrist.

"Let. Go," she grits out.

"No!" He challenges, and she snaps, spinning on him.

"You expect me to believe that you wouldn't cheat on me, but you already have, with Hayley! You know, the woman I was out in the bayou helping so she doesn't hate you and try to take your daughter away again, because you're a dick, while you sat in there kissing your precious Camille!" She shouts, not realizing that Elijah, Meredith, Hayley, and Cami are now watching her meltdown but Meredith is more concerned by the growing energy attaching to her as well as the increase in the wind.

"Jess, you need to calm down," she pleads, but Jessica doesn't hear her.

"I trust you, time and time again, I was the only one who believed in you the whole time you were with Dahlia. I believed that you didn't kill Aiden. I believed that you didn't kill Meredith. I believed in you. I know you so well that I knew exactly what you would do before you did it, yet you chose Cami, who thought that you would kill Aiden for no reason. Cami, who would abandon you as soon as she got scared that someone would come after her instead of you. Mikael was right, no one can ever love you but not because of who you are but because you push them away so LET ME GO!" With that final scream, all the energy she had been gathering releases, throwing them apart from each other.

When they finally get their bearings back and stand up, they notice that the compound is gone and they are definitely not in New Orleans. Klaus tries to check his phone, only to find it in shatters. Jessica takes out her phone, which is fine, only to find that it says they are in California. Klaus is quick to snatch it and snarl. "How the hell did we get to California?" Jessica is about to retort when a voice answers him.

"Jessica did it," Nature answers, taking on Sean's form. "She has far too much power when her anger is channeled at you. She cares for you too much and you don't even see it. The power that still remains is the only reason you can see me as well." He turns to Jessica with a frown. "I warned you that this would happen. I told you once that either Damon or Klaus would be the end of you, and you didn't listen."

"Where are we?" Jessica asks and he frowns.

"In a different dimension. You sent yourself here to try to escape Klaus, unknowingly of course, but he followed thanks to his grip on your arm." He looks at her sadly. "You were my chosen one, the one that was meant to unite the species, but you are too powerful and until you can show me that they deserve you completely, I can't allow you to keep the power you possess." Klaus and Jessica share a confused look.

"What do you-" Her question is cut off when a horrible pain overtakes her and causes her to fall to her knees, releasing a scream. Klaus looks at her in concern and when he goes to ask what Nature did, he sees that it's gone but Jessica can still see it. "You took my powers." She states as he smiles sadly.

"Yes, you are human now, Jessica, and will remain so until I know that you are worthy." With that, it disappears, leaving a broken looking Jessica behind. Klaus tries to comfort her but she shrugs him off as she stands and begins to walk. Klaus follows her until they come across a sign. 'Welcome to Beacon Hills,' it proclaims and Jessica shakes her head.

"Let's hope our money followed us so we can find a place to stay," she says before walking further into the town, looking for anyone, while Klaus watches her, knowing that Jessica is human and it's all his fault.

A/N: So this was a longer chapter and it obviously set up for my crossover story. I really hope you guys read it because I think that it will be interesting and I really like Teen Wolf and have an idea how Jessica will fit in. Just because they are in a different dimension doesn't mean they will be alone, other characters will come into the dimension as the story progresses so rest assured, it will be just as much TVD universe as Teen Wolf.

I have a few questions I hope you guys answer because it would mean a lot.

Q1: Do you think Jessica should end up Nik, Damon, or both?

Q2: What other ships do you want?

Q3: When they inevitably make their return to their own dimension, should any of the Teen Wolf cast follow?

Q4: How many seasons of Teen Wolf do you want to see because I will for sure go into Season 3 to meet my chapter limit for a book that I know varies between books?

Q5: Do you want to see the Heretic storyline?

I just want to let you guys know that I already have an idea of how the books are going to play out even now and I will take your considerations to heart but I already have answers that I hope you choose but who knows, the comments might make me change my mind. Thanks. Love you guys!!!~J😘😍

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